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What kind of Resistance are we talking about?


Dec 12, 2008
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What kind of Resistance are we talking about?
Carlos Edde, October 29, 2012 share


Hezbollah calls itself a resistance movement, so why can’t other militias? (AFP photo)

...Hezbollah anoints itself as “the Resistance” and unilaterally grants itself the right to be armed on the pretext that Israel is still occupying parts of Lebanon’s territory and is violating Lebanon’s airspace.

Therefore, if foreign occupation and violation of border integrity justify the right to bear arms, to be organized in an armed resistance movement and to be entitled to decide without consideration for anyone how, when and where to make use of these weapons, by the same logic, other groups may or should organize themselves into “resistances” to defend Lebanon from the attacks by the regime of Bashar al-Assad. Furthermore, maybe resistance organizations should be necessary to liberate Lebanon from Iranian occupation.

For indeed, Lebanon is under Iranian occupation...Hezbollah does not hide the fact that it is an integral part of Iran’s Revolutionary Guards....

...When it comes to the occupation of one’s country and facing military aggression, there can be no double standard -

Carlos Eddé is the head of the Lebanese National Bloc.

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