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What is your opinion on ex-president Yahya Khan?

Why was Zia murdered? Did he also want to become permanent president?

@ I feel irrited once I saw the weak arguments of @IamBengali !

@ Zia was killed by the RAW as he became the national hero not only in Bangladesh but in the 3rd World Countries which was threat to India.

@ People says he re-habiliated the Islamic Forces of Bangladesh most of them were anti-liberation forces and pro-Chinese.
Yahya khan was a drunkard, pork eating general and he was marked to be sidelined in army (not to be given promotion due to his ineptness) but cruel twist of faith led him to rule Pakistan

Qudrutullah Shahab, "Shahab Nama" writes his encounter with Yahya khan several times where Yahyaa khan met Shahab Shahab sahab first time in Kashmir 1948, during ramzaan, He was drinking beer and eating pork sandwiches, and later when he was ruling Pakistan and Shahab sahab was a bureaucrat and he writes, he was womanizer and drunkard who never cared for the affairs of government
He drink, he no good.
If he smoke, he very very good.
Yahya khan was a drunkard, pork eating general and he was marked to be sidelined in army (not to be given promotion due to his ineptness) but cruel twist of faith led him to rule Pakistan

Qudrutullah Shahab, "Shahab Nama" writes his encounter with Yahya khan several times where Yahyaa khan met Shahab Shahab sahab first time in Kashmir 1948, during ramzaan, He was drinking beer and eating pork sandwiches, and later when he was ruling Pakistan and Shahab sahab was a bureaucrat and he writes, he was womanizer and drunkard who never cared for the affairs of government
Above was the character of most if not all the British-trained civil and military bureaucrats of the sub-continent, and other British colonies. In-fact, liquor was provided as part of the ration to the military until it was banned in Army mess halls in 1974 by PM Bhutto. Because of my father, I have had chance of moving into the elite circles, and I can tell you (others can verify) that liquor consumption and not fasting during Ramadhan month is very very common among the officers of Pakistan's civil and military bureaucracy. I am not defending Yahya, but just trying to imply that liquor consumption and other moral ills were not unique to him.

The man was a heavy drunkard, what more could anyone expect of him?
Those who did not drink, what good came out of them? Pious Zia did more damage to this country than Bhutto, Mujeeb, and Yahya combined together.
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Above was the character of most if not all the British-trained civil and military bureaucrats of the sub-continent, and other British colonies. In-fact, liquor was provided as part of the ration to the military until it was banned in Army mess halls in 1974 by PM Bhutto. Because of my father, I have had chance of moving into the elite circles, and I can tell you (others can verify) that liquor consumption and not fasting during Ramadhan month is very very common among the officers of Pakistan's civil and military bureaucracy. I am not defending Yahya, but just trying to imply that liquor consumption and other moral ills were not unique to him.

Those who did not drink, what good came out of them? Pious Zia did more damage to this country than Bhutto, Mujeeb, and Yahya combined together.

Didn't yahya moral ills led to the disastrous decision making during 1971 war? as he was spending every other night with new mistresses and didn't want to be disturbed by whatever happening in E.Pakistan at that time ?
Didn't yahya moral ills led to the disastrous decision making during 1971 war? as he was spending every other night with new mistresses and didn't want to be disturbed by whatever happening in E.Pakistan at that time ?
No. Creation of Bangladesh was an inevitability and it had become clear from the day when Bengalis disproved Urdu as the common national language. Creation of Bangladesh could have been delayed but not stopped.
Pakistan-Bangladesh was a tip of the iceberg. That gave hope to enemies that Pakistan can be broken easily, and hence, Pakistan is facing enemy everywhere in Pakistan. Those leaders didn't help enough to deter Bangladesh to separate from Pakistan. I hold them responsible for what happened to Bangladesh, formerly East Pakistan. What can we learn from history? Not to repeat 1971 instead of making excuses for their beloved leaders [Bhutto, Yahya, Ayub]. Because we are at this point for possible repeat of 1971; Balochistan. When will people wake up?

No. Creation of Bangladesh was an inevitability and it had become clear from the day when Bengalis disproved Urdu as the common national language. Creation of Bangladesh could have been delayed but not stopped.

That doesn't change the fact that they could have worked harder to build unity between Pakistan and Bangladesh, instead of riling through provocative measures, suppressing people in to hunger to death. If America can unite 50 states in one, then why not us? This is not ideal excuse. What is next? Let Balochistan go because they no longer accept the constitution of Pakistan due to similar treatment they have received in the past, and currently facing as we speak?

If we don't own those mistakes and learn from those mistakes, then we might be making repeat mistakes; 1971 of Balochistan.
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i guss, you are getting close to SALMAN RUSHDIE or what was that TASLIMA NASSREEN?
soon you will, be escorted down from bangladesh too?
i mean , if you hve any sexual problems, then plz get rid of them, but coming into that geo-political mess of 1971 , sorry each & every one charctor involved in!
you can blame them all, despite of bieng sex slaves or not?
but you cant just single out, one guy, because he was pakistani genrl?
if that was the case, then i guss india has full rights to invade bangladesh agian for the crimes commited by a civillian govt, on hard core mullhas of JI ?right
why then MUJEEB ur REHMAAN been killed, i mean father of bengali nation?
he wasnt was of any sex slaves? right?

ok but then , clinton was too?
then what?
are we living in the age, of sultan salah uddin ayubi, or what?

Read Shahab nama and main na Pakistan tut tay dekhaa for your answers. Is Clinton claim that he is Muslim? in Pakistan constitution it is written that head of state must be Muslim with good reputation please read that as well
Read Shahab nama and main na Pakistan tut tay dekhaa for your answers. Is Clinton claim that he is Muslim? in Pakistan constitution it is written that head of state must be Muslim with good reputation please read that as well
so you means that only muslims were bounded by the god , to not to do the sins?
other religions are free for that?
those books arent are anything, but just some best sellers?
i hve served my army, i hve seen proves not openned in the public?
bhuttonhad the good reputation as a head of state?
zardari was a noble man?lolzz
& nawaz ganja is just a angel sent by god?lolzzz
No. Creation of Bangladesh was an inevitability and it had become clear from the day when Bengalis disproved Urdu as the common national language. Creation of Bangladesh could have been delayed but not stopped.

We people still not given right to the people of Pakistan and claim that because Bengal want Bengali was a cause of Partition. Did Baluchi want Bauchi in Baluchistan?. Fact is elite class hijack Pakistan since 1954 and in 1960 they sweep the remaining resistance. I am telling you that because i am also belong from the family who try to stop hijacking and fail.

so you means that only muslims were bounded by the god , to not to do the sins?
other religions are free for that?
those books arent are anything, but just some best sellers?
i hve served my army, i hve seen proves not openned in the public?
bhuttonhad the good reputation as a head of state?
zardari was a noble man?lolzz
& nawaz ganja is just a angel sent by god?lolzzz

I am not here to support anyone but to inform you guys that if person is not honest with Allah then how can you think that he will be honest with people. If people doing wrong will not make that thing right, it will always wrong and if you didn't say that then may be after hundred year or years people will say that i was wrong (this is the bottom line)
We people still not given right to the people of Pakistan and claim that because Bengal want Bengali was a cause of Partition. Did Baluchi want Bauchi in Baluchistan?. Fact is elite class hijack Pakistan since 1954 and in 1960 they sweep the remaining resistance. I am telling you that because i am also belong from the family who try to stop hijacking and fail.

I am not here to support anyone but to inform you guys that if person is not honest with Allah then how can you think that he will be honest with people. If people doing wrong will not make that thing right, it will always wrong and if you didn't say that then may be after hundred year or years people will say that i was wrong (this is the bottom line)
& who will decide who is or not honest with his or her allha you or me?
& does other religions doesnt hve thier god?
other religions gives freedom to a head of state doing sins?
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