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What is your most favorite ancient empire / civilization? Give 5 reasons why

@AUSTERLITZ It is said sometimes that my ethnic group (Jats) is decended from Indo Scythians. Probably a myth
Or may not be a myth after all. Many people over the centuries have come to India and got assimilated into Indian population. Like some Rajputs are believed to have Hephthalite ancestry.
Well war is part of human nature , if you don't prepare for war then you must meet your demise , scythians btw weren't all savage people , some sources claim that bhudda himself was a scythian , at the time of mongol gloden age bhudda chose to live a peaceful and non-warrior like life ...

I will have to disagree with you on the Buddha being a Scythian. He was a Nepali. His appearance would more akin to North East Indians such as those form Sikkim, Nagaland, or Nepal.
Rome's wasn't the superpower at the time , it was just a rising power. It was after the Punic wars that Rome became a dominant force in the area!
Hmm yeah maybe, but it was definitely more powerful than Carthage. I am just amazed how a 30k strong army managed to trek all the way from Iberia, combat hostile Gauls and Spanish tribes, cross the Alps with frikkin elephants (the attrition and exhaustion would have been staggering), then go on to fight and defeat a numerically superior enemy 3 times, and mind you each time the numerical advantage of the Romans increased.

I am trying to repeat the same thing in Rome-2 TW these days and failing miserably each time :(
All of you guys are lame. As a guy that dabble in history I can tell you which Ancient Civilization is superior to everything you guys just listed:


  1. Their civilization started not by the mercy of a river like most civilizations.
  2. Slavery are forbidden.
  3. Their rules are mostly just & their vassals were given autonomy over their rules.
  4. Their government is the basis for every land based Empires on the planet.
  5. Beside everything I just said to you their civilizations are just better than anything on history.
Hmm yeah maybe, but it was definitely more powerful than Carthage. I am just amazed how a 30k strong army managed to trek all the way from Iberia, combat hostile Gauls and Spanish tribes, cross the Alps with frikkin elephants (the attrition and exhaustion would have been staggering), then go on to fight and defeat a numerically superior enemy 3 times, and mind you each time the numerical advantage of the Romans increased.

I am trying to repeat the same thing in Rome-2 TW these days and failing miserably each time :(
That's Hannibal for you ;)
Btw one other cause was Rome's lack of political will at the time ! (their continuous changing of leaders especially)
Hmm yeah maybe, but it was definitely more powerful than Carthage. I am just amazed how a 30k strong army managed to trek all the way from Iberia, combat hostile Gauls and Spanish tribes, cross the Alps with frikkin elephants (the attrition and exhaustion would have been staggering), then go on to fight and defeat a numerically superior enemy 3 times, and mind you each time the numerical advantage of the Romans increased.

I am trying to repeat the same thing in Rome-2 TW these days and failing miserably each time :(

One word.Hannibal.
I thought about it now but I guess I don't have a favourite civilization , I approach them all equally :D











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Thats a HUGE empire! Thats actually bigger than todays Russia! The Mongols ruled Europe too? Where was the capital?

Its Huns, map is wrong though, its show Xiongnu and European Huns as same.


Just because its my history doesn't means its have to be my favourite :D
Thats a HUGE empire! Thats actually bigger than todays Russia! The Mongols ruled Europe too? Where was the capital?
Capital of Mongol Empire changed as they expanded. Same counts for Hun Empire. Just look it up..
Hmm yeah maybe, but it was definitely more powerful than Carthage. I am just amazed how a 30k strong army managed to trek all the way from Iberia, combat hostile Gauls and Spanish tribes, cross the Alps with frikkin elephants (the attrition and exhaustion would have been staggering), then go on to fight and defeat a numerically superior enemy 3 times, and mind you each time the numerical advantage of the Romans increased.

I am trying to repeat the same thing in Rome-2 TW these days and failing miserably each time :(
My PC can't pull Rome 2, :( , what kind of config do you have?
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