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what is your Dream Country to visit and why ?

So u are marco polo . :enjoy:
China is next place to visit.
Good people rich culture.
Italy is good as well.very beautiful country,delicious pastas.

Hardly. Marco Polo is far better than traveled than me. I've only visited a few generic first world countries + India.
Mine is USA.. Reasons

Smithsonian Institution's National Museum of Natural History
Smithsonian's National Air and Space Museum
Museum of Science-Boston
U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum
Wall Street.
Harvard Law College
Great Grand Canyons
Niagara Falls
New York City
San Francisco

You will enjoy your stay.. I promise :)
. .
I have been to Turkey. That was my dream country to visit.

I want to go to Turkey again. Once you go there you will love to be back there again. Culture, people, hospitality, history.
Sometime either later this year, or early next, I will be taking my long awaited Asian trip and visiting:
and if time and finances permit, India

other countries I would like to visit:

Romania - would like to see Dracula's castle and if possible, find a vampire in one of the villages and have an interview.
Tanzania - it's my dream to climb Mount Kilimanjaro. Once at the top, I will begin singing the 80's song 'Africa' by Toto. I would also go on Safari.
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African Countries(Always wanted to go on a wildlife safari in Africa)
Safari? Which kind?




If the first one, you might want a gun anyway or this could happen...


Lion; "My, that photographer was delicious!"
US >>>>>>>> new york central park, niagra falls.
VENICE, ROME >>> architecture.
JAPAN >>>>>>tokyo,palace's
UK,SCOTLAND >>>>> castles, countryside
Mine is USA.. Reasons

Smithsonian Institution's National Museum of Natural History
Smithsonian's National Air and Space Museum
Museum of Science-Boston
U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum

Wall Street.
Harvard Law College
Great Grand Canyons
Niagara Falls
New York City
San Francisco

You would probably enjoy the Air Force Museum in Ohio.
They had B-70 Valkyrie on display when I visited a long time ago.
That was impressive.
For all the people who wants to go Greece to see their culture, if you're expecting something like Ancient Greece, hoplites, philosophers etc. you're going to have a bad time :D and they have poorer cuisine then us and Italians :D

I think my dream country to visit is Japan, other then it, I don't know , no spesific country, I would just like to visit every possible one.
russia! east europe ! so much history and natural beauty !!
I want to visit
want to see nature, people and their way of living
I would love to go to Australia. I want to snorkel/scuba in the Great Barrier Reef. There are stingrays, sharks and all kinds of fish. I want to see the coral too. :p:
. .
African Countries(Always wanted to go on a wildlife safari in Africa)

I want to go to african savana on Safari and want to observe lion hunting their prey in front of my eyes

I have heard that when you camp overnight on a safari, the lions come into the camp at night and prowl around the tents. They are mostly curious and are not looking to hunt (humans) but I wouldn't want to test it...

As for favorite country, there are so many, each with its own attractions. It's hard to narrow it down to a list, let alone one.
I want to go to Turkey and become a darvesh.

Than we'll call you sufi just like chaudhry shujjat calls pervaiz elahi...:D

Would like to explore entire Pakistan before anything else so should all Pakistanis do there is much more to learn and see.

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