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what is the problem for pakistan?>??


Sep 12, 2010
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some might say that the problem is terrorism....and to a certain extent it is.....some might say it is america....some might say india....to a certain extent they are....but i think the main problem for pakistan is the politics and especially the kind of politics that are in place in pakistan....and the problem for our government in particular is bhutto....how long have we been hearing bhutto bhutto bhutto....let me ask you.....how many people or percentage of people get justice in pakistan....and still the PPP is asking for justice about bhutto about benazir .....it doesnt matter to the common man that the judiciary is free and has solved the cases of benazir and brought him to justice.they want their own cases to be listened instead of benazir or zaradri or ZAB.what does it matter anyway now that ZAB was wrongly hanged or not??.....it doesnt mean anything to a large percxentage of people now....so the question is....is the problem for pakistan the way we rule the country itself??
Title doesn't go with the questions :)

Its not a Pakistan's problem its people problem which only people should solve in the light of Islam.....
Nah the problem is everything that makes the problems happen.

Zardari and his party
The Muslim League and there politicians
CIA and RAW conducting operations
Taliban and thier bombings
I can go on all day. Do the Pakistani people deserve this? No they haven't done anything to contribute in this problem yet they are the ones who are suffering. You know things are bleak when the electricity cuts off for more than 8 hours a day.
by pakistan i mean the nation itself....not the state
in my opinion the following are main source of problems in pakistan:

1. Inter mixing of state and religion. it is a sure shot recipe for disaster in democracy. a autocratic country can afford to mix these thngs and get away with it but certainly not democratic.
2. Too much room given to mullahs to propogate hate among common people.
3. lack of unison among political parties.
4. people dont trust leaders as much as they should.
i think the problem is economy ever heard? Hungry man is angry man?
some might say that the problem is terrorism....and to a certain extent it is.....some might say it is america....some might say india....to a certain extent they are....but i think the main problem for pakistan is the politics and especially the kind of politics that are in place in pakistan....and the problem for our government in particular is bhutto....how long have we been hearing bhutto bhutto bhutto....let me ask you.....how many people or percentage of people get justice in pakistan....and still the PPP is asking for justice about bhutto about benazir .....it doesnt matter to the common man that the judiciary is free and has solved the cases of benazir and brought him to justice.they want their own cases to be listened instead of benazir or zaradri or ZAB.what does it matter anyway now that ZAB was wrongly hanged or not??.....it doesnt mean anything to a large percxentage of people now....so the question is....is the problem for pakistan the way we rule the country itself??

The main problem of pakistan is our currupt government system.our government is failed to solve our load shedding problem from years
we are living in the past as of now....what is the ned to reopen bhutto case while your nation is dying ???......i think that monarchy is a very good system.....in a democracy like ours.....the rulers try to eat all they can in their five year term and then the next one does it and then the next one and so on.....while in a monarchy.....the ruler knows that if he establishes his state as a good and civilized country and then he can improve the conditions of his people....the people will work .....that will generate money and hence the ruler will get money...in monarchy the money is at the disposal of his or her will and the ruler has to have a prosper country to get money.I hope you people get my point.
i am living in oman and the ministers and other officials are rich.but the common man is also living in a good state...so they have no qualms about what their rulers do....but in pakistan the rulers are getting the money adn coming rich like the arabs monarchs but unlike them...not developing the nation.
illiteracy is a problem but who is supposed to make it right....the rulers....i think its either imran khan or we are going towards civil war!

This is root cause of all crimes.
Nobody going to make it right, step toward literacy, knowledge, awareness, tolerance, progressive thinking will be taken by people itself. No need to wait for a miracle or prophet.
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