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What is the opinion of the Pakistani people about the Ahmadiyya?

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Lockheed F-16

Dec 16, 2008
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What do you guys in Pakistan think about the Ahmadis? They aren't muslims so I think they don't have that good reputation. I also don't like them when they claim to be a muslim.

And is there someone here on the forum who is Ahmadi?
I dont think they are Muslims either, but they should not be persecuted also because Islam teaches Restraint.
yeah, Certainly the Ahmadis are not Muslims.
Here in germany there are many Pakistani Ahmadis who claim to be muslim and that makes me angry. There should be more steps against them apart from laws.
Here in germany there are many Pakistani Ahmadis who claim to be muslim and that makes me angry. There should be more steps against them apart from laws.

Why u worried about them so much btw?
Why u worried about them so much btw?

I'm worried about Muslims who were forced to convert to Ahmadiyya because of blackmailing. It happens often here in Germany.
It's a sect, no doubt, and they aren't the members of Islam.

It is astonishing for me to see, that a town like Chenab Nagar consists of only AHamdis and nothing is done aginst them.
I'm worried about Muslims who were forced to convert to Ahmadiyya because of blackmailing. It happens often here in Germany.
It's a sect, no doubt, and they aren't the members of Islam.

It is astonishing for me to see, that a town like Chenab Nagar consists of only AHamdis and nothing is done aginst them.
explain to me how Muslims are being forced to become Ahmedis?

Personally I believe they can call themselves anything. We have the choice to agree or disagree with their beliefs, but they can call themselves Muslims, Chimpanzees, anything. its their choice.
Look, they give some credit to normal Pakistanis, when they can't pay it back, they force them to convert.
What do you guys in Pakistan think about the Ahmadis? They aren't muslims so I think they don't have that good reputation. I also don't like them when they claim to be a muslim.

And is there someone here on the forum who is Ahmadi?

Why would you guys take the bait on this thread topic? Lockheed F-16 is just trying to foment some kind of useless demonstration of religious intolerance to sully the reputation of Muslims, and of Pakistanis in particular.
Why don't we discuss the following topics also:

What is the opinion of the Pakistani people about the Jews?
What is the opinion of the Pakistani people about the Shia?
What is the opinion of the Pakistani people about the Alawites?
What is the opinion of the Pakistani people about the Christians?
What is the opinion of the Pakistani people about the Hindus?
What is the opinion of the Pakistani people about the Buddists?
What is the opinion of the Pakistani people about the Mormons?
What is the opinion of the Pakistani people about the Shintos?
What is the opinion of the Pakistani people about the Parsis?
I respect all religions and you don't have any right to call Ahmedis kaafir they can call you kaafir too.I being Muslim have no issue with people having other religions or no religions at all. I can live happily with them.Why do extremist muslims spend millions of dollars every year on "dawa" and criticize (even demonize) other religions. Also, why do they hold large conferences and debates with other religions to prove them wrong.If the extremist muslims can walk around criticizing (and oppressing) other people, they should have balls enough to endure some criticism in return instead of doing violent protest rallies..
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Why don't we discuss the following topics also:

What is the opinion of the Pakistani people about the Jews?
What is the opinion of the Pakistani people about the Shia?
What is the opinion of the Pakistani people about the Alawites?
What is the opinion of the Pakistani people about the Christians?
What is the opinion of the Pakistani people about the Hindus?
What is the opinion of the Pakistani people about the Buddists?
What is the opinion of the Pakistani people about the Mormons?
What is the opinion of the Pakistani people about the Shintos?
What is the opinion of the Pakistani people about the Parsis?

pak people think abut power shortige influation and patrol prises

they don't have time for all this.:D
I'm worried about Muslims who were forced to convert to Ahmadiyya because of blackmailing. It happens often here in Germany.
It's a sect, no doubt, and they aren't the members of Islam.

It is astonishing for me to see, that a town like Chenab Nagar consists of only AHamdis and nothing is done aginst them.

People who live in glass houses should_____________ UNDRESS IN THE DARK!!!!!:lol::D.we have this habit of looking over te wall towards our neighbour before we sortour own house out. My only qualm about it is it makes a mockery of the whole agrument.
1. Have you ever listened to their leader? I have!! interestingly at least in Public they claim Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani to be a Musleh!!!!!. this throws a totally different light on the whole argument. However, if they claim that he was a Nabi, then they are not muslims. they should be asked to clarify this openly before you condwemn them.
2> there are so many distorted sects of islam. Why this special emphasis on Ahmadis? For instance , Alawis(Syria) believe hazrat ali to be God incaarnate(na uzo Billah). nobody really knows what the druze really beleive, yet they are a sect in Islam. There are others which are equally distorted versions which i dont want to mention, so why Ahmadis. Especially in light of their public claim of Ghulam Ahmad being a Musleh!!
i think we should all try and read the quran and understand it ourselves before wego out on the holier than thou wagon. Hate is a strong word. we try and make friends with the jews and Christians, why doi we have to hate any body?
My 2 paisas worth.
Here in germany there are many Pakistani Ahmadis who claim to be muslim and that makes me angry. There should be more steps against them apart from laws.

Taliban claim to be Muslim, yet the do bombings in Pak & burn shops.

you cannot control what people say.
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