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What is the most blatant lie taught through Pakistani Text books ?

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Countless exemples, how do you think Indians think we are all same and mahabharat crap? There is a reason behind it.
Mahabharat??? Are you serious there's no mention of mahabharat in test books in India, i have neva come across anything as such in my high school graduation ,you will read history dating bac to 320 BCE to 1947 untill independence ,i would suggest you to read an Indian text book first and then comment....mahabharat :lol:
What they teach in India: Blame all your ills, from rape to lack of toilets on the ISI.
You are so wrong Mr.think tank.. Here no one teaches ISI is behind rapes and lack of toilets.. Why opening mouth to say such stupidity.
India textbook says meat-eaters lie and commit sex crimes
It is not known which schools have bought the book for their students
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Meat-eaters "easily cheat, lie, forget promises and commit sex crimes", according to a controversial school textbook available in India.

New Healthway, a book on hygiene and health aimed at 11 and 12 year-olds, is printed by one of India's leading publishers.

Academics have urged the government to exercise greater control.

But the authorities say schools should monitor content as they are responsible for the choice of textbooks.

"This is poisonous for children," Janaki Rajan of the Faculty of Education at Jamia Millia University in Delhi told the BBC.

"The government has the power to take action, but they are washing their hands of it," she said.

It is not known which Indian schools have bought the book for their students, but correspondents say what is worrying is that such a book is available to students.

"The strongest argument that meat is not essential food is the fact that the Creator of this Universe did not include meat in the original diet for Adam and Eve. He gave them fruits, nuts and vegetables," reads a chapter entitled Do We Need Flesh Food?

The chapter details the "benefits" of a vegetarian diet and goes on to list "some of the characteristics" found among non-vegetarians.

"They easily cheat, tell lies, forget promises, they are dishonest and tell bad words, steal, fight and turn to violence and commit sex crimes," it says.

The chapter, full of factual inaccuracies, refers to Eskimos (Inuit) as "lazy, sluggish and short-lived", because they live on "a diet largely of meat".

It adds: "The Arabs who helped in constructing the Suez Canal lived on wheat and dates and were superior to the beef-fed Englishmen engaged in the same work."

The publishers, S Chand, did not respond to the BBC's requests for a comment.

BBC News - India textbook says meat-eaters lie and commit sex crimes
India textbook says meat-eaters lie and commit sex crimes
It is not known which schools have bought the book for their students
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Meat-eaters "easily cheat, lie, forget promises and commit sex crimes", according to a controversial school textbook available in India.

New Healthway, a book on hygiene and health aimed at 11 and 12 year-olds, is printed by one of India's leading publishers.

Academics have urged the government to exercise greater control.

But the authorities say schools should monitor content as they are responsible for the choice of textbooks.

"This is poisonous for children," Janaki Rajan of the Faculty of Education at Jamia Millia University in Delhi told the BBC.

"The government has the power to take action, but they are washing their hands of it," she said.

It is not known which Indian schools have bought the book for their students, but correspondents say what is worrying is that such a book is available to students.

"The strongest argument that meat is not essential food is the fact that the Creator of this Universe did not include meat in the original diet for Adam and Eve. He gave them fruits, nuts and vegetables," reads a chapter entitled Do We Need Flesh Food?

The chapter details the "benefits" of a vegetarian diet and goes on to list "some of the characteristics" found among non-vegetarians.

"They easily cheat, tell lies, forget promises, they are dishonest and tell bad words, steal, fight and turn to violence and commit sex crimes," it says.

The chapter, full of factual inaccuracies, refers to Eskimos (Inuit) as "lazy, sluggish and short-lived", because they live on "a diet largely of meat".

It adds: "The Arabs who helped in constructing the Suez Canal lived on wheat and dates and were superior to the beef-fed Englishmen engaged in the same work."

The publishers, S Chand, did not respond to the BBC's requests for a comment.

BBC News - India textbook says meat-eaters lie and commit sex crimes

Is there sex education in India? any way it is off topic,and can be discussed in a different thread....
India: School textbooks say 'Japan nuked US'

The textbook makes statements such as: "Japan dropped a nuclear bomb on the US during World War II," and "Proportion of poisonous gas CO3 has increased due to cutting of trees," as well as "Mahatma Gandhi was assassinated on October 30, 1948."

BBC News - India: School textbooks say 'Japan nuked US'
Countless exemples, how do you think Indians think we are all same and mahabharat crap? There is a reason behind it.
Mahabharat is a Mythology,even the greeks,romans had their own mythology
India textbook says meat-eaters lie and commit sex crimes
It is not known which schools have bought the book for their students
Continue reading the main story
Related Stories
Meat-eaters "easily cheat, lie, forget promises and commit sex crimes", according to a controversial school textbook available in India.

New Healthway, a book on hygiene and health aimed at 11 and 12 year-olds, is printed by one of India's leading publishers.

Academics have urged the government to exercise greater control.

But the authorities say schools should monitor content as they are responsible for the choice of textbooks.

"This is poisonous for children," Janaki Rajan of the Faculty of Education at Jamia Millia University in Delhi told the BBC.

"The government has the power to take action, but they are washing their hands of it," she said.

It is not known which Indian schools have bought the book for their students, but correspondents say what is worrying is that such a book is available to students.

"The strongest argument that meat is not essential food is the fact that the Creator of this Universe did not include meat in the original diet for Adam and Eve. He gave them fruits, nuts and vegetables," reads a chapter entitled Do We Need Flesh Food?

The chapter details the "benefits" of a vegetarian diet and goes on to list "some of the characteristics" found among non-vegetarians.

"They easily cheat, tell lies, forget promises, they are dishonest and tell bad words, steal, fight and turn to violence and commit sex crimes," it says.

The chapter, full of factual inaccuracies, refers to Eskimos (Inuit) as "lazy, sluggish and short-lived", because they live on "a diet largely of meat".

It adds: "The Arabs who helped in constructing the Suez Canal lived on wheat and dates and were superior to the beef-fed Englishmen engaged in the same work."

The publishers, S Chand, did not respond to the BBC's requests for a comment.

BBC News - India textbook says meat-eaters lie and commit sex crimes

This is not government prescribed textbook but some book by a random author. ;)
Here is what 70% of student population in Pakistan study

Original Report at CRSS Pakistan

Look What We Are Teaching At Public Schools

Pakistan’s public schools, which educate some 70 percent of the student population….
Prescribed textbooks for
Classes 4 and 5, attended by children aged 8 to 10, are bursting with anti-Hindu and anti-Sikh
themes. By Class 6, when students are typically 10 to 12 years old, anti-Christian, anti-British and anti-European indoctrination begins. Children are taught that the “Christians and Europeans were not happy to see the Muslims flourishing in life.”31 Anti-Jewish postulations are introduced in Class 7. In Classes 9-10, when students are typically 13 to 16 years old, the ‘importance of Jihad’ is cultivated.
Here are excerpts from textbooks:
Text No. 1
Class: 4
Subject: Social Studies
Pages: 80-81
“Sikhs destroyed the Muslim towns from the river Sutlej to the river Jamna. A
number of times the Sikhs crossed the river Jamna and looted and destroyed the
settlements of the Muslims. They truned the mosques into their ‘Gurdawaras’,
demolished the shrines of the Muslim saints and burnt religious schools and
Authors: Dr Miss Ferozah Yasmeen, Dr Azhar Hamid, Mian Muhammad Javed
Akhtar, Nasir-ur-Din Ghaznavi, Muhammad Zubair Hashmi, Bashir-ud-Din Malik
and Qazi Ajjad Ahmed.
Comment (inside backcover): “The Punjab Texbook Board is your own
organization. It produces quality and cost effective textbooks for you.”
Text No. 2
Class: 4
Subject: Social Studies
Pages: 83
“The Muslims of Pakistan provided all the facilities to the Hindus and Sikhs who
left for India. But the Hindus and Sikhs looted the Muslims in India with both
hands and they attacked their caravans, busses and railway trains. Therefore
about 1 million Muslims were martyred on their way to Pakistan.”
Authors: Dr Miss Ferozah Yasmeen, Dr Azhar Hamid, Mian Muhammad Javed
Akhtar, Nasir-ur-Din Ghaznavi, Muhammad Zubair Hashmi, Bashir-ud-Din Malik
and Qazi Ajjad Ahmed.
Comment (inside backcover): “Approved by Federal Ministry of Education,
Government of Pakistan, Islamabad.”
Text No. 3
Class: 4
Subject: Social Studies
Pages: 84
“India invaded Lahore on the 6th of September, 1965 without any ultimatum. After
17 days, the Indian authorities laid down arms acknowledging the bravery and
gallantry of the Pak Army and civilians.”
Authors: Dr Miss Ferozah Yasmeen, Dr Azhar Hamid, Mian Muhammad Javed
Akhtar, Nasir-ur-Din Ghaznavi, Muhammad Zubair Hashmi, Bashir-ud-Din Malik
and Qazi Ajjad Ahmed.
Comment (inside backcover): “Approved by Federal Ministry of Education,
Government of Pakistan, Islamabad.”
Text No. 4
Class: 5
Subject: Social Studies
Pages: 123
“When India was defeated in the war of 1965, she excited the Muslims of East
Pakistan against the Muslims of West Pakistan. For this prupose, Inida sought
the help of those Hindus who lived in East Pakistan. Ultimately, India attacked
East Pakistan in December 1971 and helped the East Pakistanis to sever their
relations with West Pakistan. Thus East Pakistan was separated from West
Pakistan. The East Pakistanis renamed their country Bangladesh. India
immediately recognized Bangladesh as an independent soverign state.”
Authors: Dr Ferozah Yasmeen, Mrs Zarina Asharf, Bashir-ud-din Malik, Prof
Mirza Munawwar and Mian Mohammed Javed.
Comment (inside frontcover): “To achieve a better standard of life, quality
education playes a pivotal role. My Government is trying hard to provide this
base (Ch Pervez Elahi, Chief Minister, Punjab.”
Text No. 5
Class: 5
Subject: Social Studies
Pages: 123
“India is our traditional enemy and we should always keep ourselves ready to
defend out beloved country from Indian aggression.”
Authors: Dr Ferozah Yasmeen, Mrs Zarina Asharf, Bashir-ud-din Malik, Prof
Mirza Munawwar and Mian Mohammed Javed.
Comment (inside frontcover): “As for curriculum development, a team of
professional experts was assem,bled for writing of textbooks, which will prove
helpful in achieving the quality of education (Ch Pervez Elahi, Chief Minister,
Text No. 6
Class: 6
Subject: Social Studies
Pages: 100
“The foundation of Hindu set up was based on injustice and cruelty”
Scripted & Translated by: Prof. Mian Muhammed Aslam, Prof. Muhammed
Farooq Malik and Qazi Sajjad Ahmed.
Comment (inside frontcover): “Our curriculum in the past was not in concert with
the requirements of modern times. I am pleased to note that the government has
not only given importance to the sovereignty and security of the country, but also
taken steps for the improvement of the quality of education and curriculum to
bring it in tune with the latest standards (Message from General Pervez
Text No. 7
Class: 6
Subject: Social Studies
Pages: 63
“The religion has deep impact on the children in Bharat. The Hindu, Muslim, Sikh
and Christian children have their own separate identiy.”
Scripted & Translated by: Prof. Mian Muhammed Aslam, Prof. Muhammed
Farooq Malik and Qazi Sajjad Ahmed.
Comment (insdie frontcover): “It is a historical fact that the Muslims ruled the
world for hundreds of years on the basis of the knowledge acquired by their
intellectuals, philosophers and scientitsts (Message from General Pervez
Text No. 8
Class: 6
Subject: Social Studies
Pages: 54-55
“The Hindus claim Harijans as their integrated part but deal with them in the
same manner as they behave with Muslims and other communities.”
Scripted & Translated by: Prof. Mian Muhammed Aslam, Prof. Muhammed
Farooq Malik and Qazi Sajjad Ahmed.
Comment: “In the light of Islamic teachins and to meet the challenges of lifek, it
is incumbent upon all Pakistanis to devote their energies for acquiring knowledge
with special emphasis on computer and IT education ((Message from General
Pervez Musharraf).”
Text No. 9
Class: 6
Subject: Social Studies
Pages: 95
“Conquest of Debul: A furious battle was fought between the two forces…..The
Muslims changed the slogan of Allah-o-Akbar and Catapult was operated and
started throwing heavy stones…….The Hindus lost all hopes. The enemy was
defeated and the fort was conquered.”
Scripted & Translated by: Prof. Mian Muhammed Aslam, Prof. Muhammed
Farooq Malik and Qazi Sajjad Ahmed.
Text No. 10
Class: 6
Subject: Social Studies
Pages: 95
“The Hindus began to embrace Islam in great nuimber due to the good and kind
treatment of Mulims.”
Scripted & Translated by: Prof. Mian Muhammed Aslam, Prof. Muhammed
Farooq Malik and Qazi Sajjad Ahmed.
Text No. 11
Class: 6
Subject: Social Studies
Pages: 96
“An Arab soldier cut the neck of Raja Dahir with sword who was riding an
elephant in a Howdaha. The sun of life of Raja Dahir set forever from the
universe on 10th of Ramdan 93 H.”
Scripted & Translated by: Prof. Mian Muhammed Aslam, Prof. Muhammed
Farooq Malik and Qazi Sajjad Ahmed.
Text No. 12
Class: 6
Subject: Social Studies
Pages: 99
“Before the Arab conquest the people were fed up with the teachings of
Buddhists and Hindus. The main cause was the benign treatment of Muslims
with the Hindus. Due to this attitude Hindus began to love Muslims and they
became nearer and nearer to the Muslims.”
Scripted & Translated by: Prof. Mian Muhammed Aslam, Prof. Muhammed
Farooq Malik and Qazi Sajjad Ahmed.
Text No. 13
Class: 6
Subject: Social Studies
Pages: 99
“The Biritish sent rare books from these libraries to England. Thus the British
ruined the Muslim schools. They did not want that Islam should spread.”
Scripted & Translated by: Prof. Mian Muhammed Aslam, Prof. Muhammed
Farooq Malik and Qazi Sajjad Ahmed.
Text No. 14
Class: 6
Subject: Social Studies
Pages: 121
“Islam preached equality, brotherhood, and fraternity and respect for all people.
The caste system of the Hindus had made life of common man as miserable and
as such they were fed up with this system.”
Scripted & Translated by: Prof. Mian Muhammed Aslam, Prof. Muhammed
Farooq Malik and Qazi Sajjad Ahmed.
Text No. 15
Class: 6
Subject: Social Studies
Pages: 123
“The British changed the curriculum of Madrasas and they had their full say in
Education also they could change the syllabi according to their minds. The
teaching of Hadith and Fiqa was stopped all together. The British freely
distributed the literature of Christianity.”
Scripted & Translated by: Prof. Mian Muhammed Aslam, Prof. Muhammed
Farooq Malik and Qazi Sajjad Ahmed.
Text No. 16
Class: 7
Subject: Social Studies
Pages: 12
“Before Islam, people lived in untold misery all over the world.”
Writen by: Prof Dr M.H. Bokhari and Syed Hassan Tahir.
Text No. 17
Class: 7
Subject: Social Studies
Pages: 13
“Some Jewish tribes also lived in Arabia. They lent money to workers and
peasants on high rates of interest and usurped their earnings. They held the
whole society in their tight grip because of the ever increasing compound
Writen by: Prof Dr M.H. Bokhari and Syed Hassan Tahir.
Text No. 18
Class: 7
Subject: Social Studies
Pages: 25
“History has no parallel to the extremely kind treatment of the Christians by the
Muslims. Still the Christian kingdoms of Europe were constantly trying to gain
control of Jerusalem. This was the cause of the crusades.”
Writen by: Prof Dr M.H. Bokhari and Syed Hassan Tahir.
Text No. 19
Class: 7
Subject: Social Studies
Pages: 13
“All the Christian countries united against the Muslims and sent large armies to
attack the holy city of Jerusalem. These wars are called crusades because the
Pope, a head of the Christians, called a council of war. In this meeting he
declared that Jesus Christ sanctioned war against Muslims.”
Writen by: Prof Dr M.H. Bokhari and Syed Hassan Tahir.
Text No. 20
Class: 7
Subject: Social Studies
Pages: 28
“During the Crusades, the Christians came in contact with the Muslims and
learnt that the Muslim culture was far superior to their lown.”
Writen by: Prof Dr M.H. Bokhari and Syed Hassan Tahir.
Text No. 21
Class: 7
Subject: Social Studies
Pages: 43
“European nations have been working during the past three centuries, through
conspiracies on naked aggression to subjugate the countries of the Muslim
Writen by: Prof Dr M.H. Bokhari and Syed Hassan Tahir.
Text No. 22
Class: 9-10
Subject: Pakistan Studies
Pages: 3
“The economic system of West was creating unsolvable problems and had failed
to do justice with the people.”
Authors: Muhammad Hussain Ch, Ali Iqtadar Mirza, Sheikh Anees, Rai Faiz
Ahmad Kharal, Syed Abbas Haidar and Dr Qais.
Comment: This text appears in the textbook being used in the current academic
year and was not part of the previous textbook.
Text No. 23
Class: 9-10
Subject: Pakistan Studies
Pages: 6
“Islamic society was devoid of every kind of evil….”
Authors: Muhammad Hussain Ch, Ali Iqtadar Mirza, Sheikh anees, Cai Faiz
Ahmad Kharal, Syed abbas Haidar and Dr Qais.
Comment: This text appears in the textbook being used in the current academic
year and was not part of the previous textbook.
Text No. 24
Class: 9-10
Subject: Pakistan Studies
Pages: 7
“One of the reasons of the downfall of the Muslims in the Sub-continent was the
lack of the spirit of Jihad.”
Text No. 25
Class: 9-10
Subject: Pakistan Studies
Pages: 10
“In Islam Jihad is very important…..The person who offers his life never
dies…..All the prayers nurture one’s passion for Jihad.”
Text No. 26
Class: 9-10
Subject: Pakistan Studies
Pages: 17
“Shah Wali Ullah (RA) was a mujadid of the 18th century….He knew that the
Sikhs, Marhattas were the enemies of Muslims.”
Text No. 27
Class: 9-10
Subject: Pakistan Studies
Pages: 20
“……according to Islamic point of view there were only two nations on eath, one
the Muslims and the other the non-Muslim.”
Text No. 28
Class: 9-10
Subject: Pakistan Studies
Pages: 53
“Education sector in East Pakistan was totally under the control of Hindus.
Under the guidance of India they fully poisoned the minds of Bangalis against
Pakistan and aroused their sentiments.”
Text No. 29
Class: 12
Subject: Pakistan Studies
Pages: 4
“Great importance is given to Jihad (struggle) in Islam…….And always keep one
self ready to sacrifice one’s life and property is jihad…..The basic purpose of all
submissions and jihad is to keep oneself follower of the good will of Allah
Authors: Muhammad Farooq Malik, Rai Faiz Ahmad Kharal, Muhammad
Hussain Ch., Dr Sultan Khan and Khadim Ali Khan.

Here is what 70% of student population in Pakistan study | AA@Counter Terrorism, Imperialism, Extremism and Bigotry

wtf :lol:
Pakistani education is a total joke. But this is the state of most islamic nations with exception of Turkey . Though Erdogan might destroy it.
You can safely consider having got a positive rating. But you need to be more specific - history/social studies education is unfair. The rest is most probably not.
Oh now that clears many mysteries
If govt school books spill this much venom in to childs mind then what are they teaching in madrasa ?
And they wonder why citizens are becoming extremists ?.only allah can save you people from yourself.
Oh now that clears many mysteries
If govt school books spill this much venom in to childs mind then what are they teaching in madrasa ?
And they wonder why citizens are becoming extremists ?.only allah can save you people from yourself.
Go to the nearest madrasa. Chances are the same thing is being taught there. And then we wonder - Why are Indian Muslims joining ISIS? :)
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