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What is the fastest most effective way of solving the load shedding problem?

What is the fastest most effective way of solving the load shedding problem?

  • Solar Energy

    Votes: 5 15.2%
  • Utilize Coal Reserves

    Votes: 6 18.2%
  • Build more Dams

    Votes: 5 15.2%
  • Import Electricity from neighbouring countries like Iran

    Votes: 13 39.4%
  • Dig up Balochistan Province in search for Oil & Gas

    Votes: 4 12.1%

  • Total voters
very easy and very usefull....

Fire 1 Nuclear missile on Pakistan and finish all issues... I BET OUR BS BULLSHIT BASTARD GOVT (s) including previous not even INTERESTED TO SPEND MONEY ON ANY PROJECT.... My relatives working in such firms i know WHAT IS GOING ON!!

Largest users of energy :
Air conditioners, Fridge, Freezers, Ironing units, city lights

Duty Of Civilian

1. Every home instead of buying a new TV invest 3,000 USD into
solar panne 1500 Watts solar pannels (You can run 5-7 light bulbs, 2-3 fans easily)
May be use fill water reserviors up in homes by electrical units. 100% free electricty

This action alone can reduce 30% load on grid

Duty of City Mayors
2. Gov replaces all the lights in city with Solar enabled light poles, each city Nazim
(Mayor) organizes this individually. 6 month projects 12 major cities in Pakistan
Its a good way for idiot politicians to compete with each other to finish their own
cities but bigger picture is country will be benefiting

This can reduce 10%-20% reduction on load on energy grids

Duty of Companies in corporate sector
3. Airconditioning is turned off during the 1 hour lunch break and 1 hour before
end of business hour as the offices are already cold.

Duty of civilian
4. Ban on Ironing during energy crisis , if possible use coal based irons if its needed
urgently , just need coal and metal iron old fashioned way.

Civilian and Gov duty
Use pakistani coal, so alll coal purchase goes to gov directly
example: if Pakistani buy coal for 200 Million USD, put let those revenue
get collected by Pakistan Gov , and after year we can save 4 billion dollar
use that fund to expand Pakistani Coal Escavations in Sindh

Duty of Police
5. City wide operation on disconnecting all the electricity theft 30% increase in grid
energy levels

Duty of Gov - We could save 4-5 billion dollar worth of oil
6. Ban on Fuel Based electric generators (instructions
on petrol for electric generator) as it effects supply of petrol in country & also
results in loss of revenue to country.

a) Petrol Prices will go down
b) Food , Vegetable, fruit prices, and other items will also go down
as petrol prices are reduced.
c) Less oil is imported , surplus petrol can be used by gov to fuel power plants

The above can be implemented in 1-6 month range

Duty of Civilians
Usage of Electric Timers
Using the electric timers you can program the timers to run fridge & freezers 1 hour
and then shut down for 1 hour, and then start them up for 1 hour This way we can save 50% energy

I think we can conserve 40-50% energy if the above are implemented

Long Term Strategy :
Pakistan needs to move away from OLD infrastructure of 220 V to 110 V which allows us to use electric items tat use LESS energy as its common in US/Canada /Europe
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The plan has to be comprehensive.
All options are good but certainly not short term, also some options like Nuclear, electricity from industry and wind have not been mentioned.

The Coal, Hydroelectric and Nuclear options are going to take time so that is the long term plan.

Solar and Wind power should be introduced in many areas in short term to reduce load, this is a short to mid term plan.
The cost of Solar solution is roughly 5USD per watt, for a household needing 3000Watts, this means 15,000 USD as one time cost.
This is not something most of the people can afford and so government has to step in and establish solar and wind farms.

Payments should be made to IPPs so that they generate full capacity power.
This is the shortest term plan.

Energy can be imported from Iran, however this depends on the state (even existence) of our transmission lines from border to at least Karachi or Quetta, if it is only limited to Gwadar then it will not help much.
This can be anything from short to mid term plan.

Better than Iran is actually to turn to our industry which can run heavy duty generators to meet its own needs and those of the surrounding cities, this is also a short term plan and much better than going the Iranian way.
Why our pathetic water and power minister has stood in the way of this is beyond me, this is the most cost effective means.
The industrialists of Pakistan have persevered in face of tremendous odds, they can perform here and meet their needs and also help turn the tide, however i see no depth of vision and no sincerity from the minister in charge.

Digging for oil and gas will most certainly be a long term plan.

All in all, every option needs to be worked upon and a comprehensive plan should have been in action by now but alas our government has focused more on the legislative part instead which is not an excuse because it is their job as well, the sad thing is that the very few sessions in a month require so much time and energy from our battalion strength parliament that it fails to focus on the energy crisis and come up with a plan.
Unacceptable behavior.
Why bring India into all the thread.

Water is no issue, the wastage is. pakistan waste its 34 liter of water unutilized in its total 100 liter of water.

Dam should be build in Sindh etc. to stop the unused water flowing into the sea.

Dam is outdated concepts. Also as there is lack of water all over the world they are not sustainable. Pakistan has wasted golden years now its too late to build dam for electricity.

Nuclear energy + Gas from Coal + Solar energy + Wind energy + Bio Energy is the need of the hour.

exactly, stop bloody blaming india, it's our leaders who don't give a **** about us. the cancer is within us.

I simply hate this, in every talk show our bullshit leaders (Whom i wish i cud kill) come and whenever they are asked any questions, this is how they begin: "Well India this, India that". Just leave it for god's sake, India's govt isn't responsible for us, YOU Bas-tards, you're taking tax payer's money and living in Dubai Al Burj Hotel & buying palaces in London.

And what they do is only point out negative aspects, how about the positive aspects?? Nope, they will never bring those in. How about comparing positive points, like the increasing economy of India? Development? No, they will never bring those in. I am really furious at these politicians and that there's nothing I can do for our country. Politics is just a family business for them, they don't give a **** about the people that got them there. All they wanna do is bend the rules here & there to get their un-educated, un-qualified relatives into the system, or how to be elected for the third time,AARGH!!

I say they should all be hanged, yesterday i was watching Point Blank with luqman, and they showed that Karachi generates 70% of Pakistan's income and that drunk bas-tard is incharge of it now, he looks like a thug, and probably is one too. He replaced Mustafa Kamal, who actually did things for Karachi.

I know I'm saying it here, but we must act now! Dr. Danish said one thing spot on, that 63 years is a long time, you did nothing in that, and if you just sit here & do nothing, then another 63 years will pass & another and we'll be like this forever.

I'm not too informed about Pakistan Politics,(or any politics), but from what I see on TV, we need change, now. 18 hours load shedding, damn it, it's too much, why give 6 hours, just make it 24 you bas-tards. I feel guilty and ashamed that I'm living an almost luxury life here and that my country folk are stuck like that. I wana do something, but don't know what to do.

I never used to swear at anyone no matter what, but look what these politicians have done. I'm so pissed off while typing all this, it's a daily problem, all this is making me soo angry, I'm sure other members must be furious by the current conditions too. Innocent people dying only, why not these politicians? I hope a serial killer like Dexter (US tv show) gets all of these corrupt politicians and dump their bodies in the sea (dream that will probably never come true).

We don't have the right leadership, my dad says once that happens things will change, someone needs to rise and show these corrupt ones what the cost will be, only then it will stop from happening. Someone who will teach a lesson (or many lessons) to these corrupt people like zardari, nawaz & shahbaz sharif, {very long} etc.

We need more people like Mustafa Kamal, many many more people like that.

Btw, just a question, is there load shedding anywhere in the World except Pakistan; and that too for 18 hours, 75% of the day???
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duplicate post.....
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load shedding happen in india too...but 18 hrs. load shedding is unheard now a days...
import power from iran..thats the only solution for now..

under ground supply of electricity will result in less power theft and transmission loss..especially in mega city like karachi this is a must (assuming its not already there)..
1. Every home instead of buying a new TV invest 3,000 USD into
solar panne 1500 Watts solar pannels (You can run 5-7 light bulbs, 2-3 fans easily)

Man, you gotta think logically. Sure you can dream of all that. But practicality doesn't allow that. Also if you've ever studied solar panels you'd realize they are seriously inefficient today.

During a project for NASA, I had studied all sorts of energy producing methods, from solar, to hydel, to wind, to nuclear, to tidal, to geo, even matter-antimatter interaction. Whew!!! :cheesy:

Energy solutions for Pak need the following changes:

Invest in wind power projects near the shore. Coal fired power plants are cheap and easy to maintain. A little investment here would go a long way. Hydel projects in JV.

About your idea of solar panels, you not only need to invest in panels, but also huge number of batteries, inverting devices, wiring, relays, and regulation and monitoring devices.

The there is the uncertainty of a shiny sky. Clouds, rain and dust collection on panels decrease efficiency.

It is almost impossible for someone to invest so much and yet be unsure of its returns. And even then its not free after initial investment, as batteries run out after a period of 2 years due to frequent discharges at night. Replacing 6-10 batteries(costing Rs 42000-75000 in India, even more in Pak) would be a nightmare.

Total costs come out as follows:

Initial Investment - Rs 4,50,000
Per month cost (batteries) - Rs 2000

ISLAMABAD, April 18 (APP) - In pursuance of Prime Minister Syed Yusuf Raza Gilani’s directive a two-day Energy Summit (April 19-20) opens here on Monday to finalize a concrete roadmap to tide over existing energy crisis. The summit would be joined by all provincial Chief Ministers, Provincial Power Ministers, Minister for Petroleum, Advisor to Prime Minister on Finance and other relevant Cabinet members, say a press release.

The summit’s proposed framework is built around serious deliberations on need for power generation and capacity additions in thermal, hydro, renewable and solar sectors.

What Prime Minister asked on Friday is a diagnostic study of Pakistan’s power sector in terms of generation issues, distribution related impediments, upgrading management techniques, resolving circular debt, improving oil and gas provision which serves as vital factor to enhancing generation capacity.

Equal importance is being assigned to develop a consensus on a variety of conservation measures for which a rational plan shall be discussed.

The energy summit would equally focus optimizing existing power projects’ capacities, diversification of gas to power sector, resolution of debt, widening fuel base, better management focusing plant efficiency, minimizing transmission losses, expanding thermal, coal and hydel capacities in order to facilitate the domestic, commercial and industrial consumers.

It is understood that Prime Minister has taken the notice of mass public protests in various cities against load shedding by expressing concern and directing the energy sector stakeholders to maximize their efforts for resolution.

It may be added that Ministry of Water and Power has developed an institutional consensus to be part of the solution -instead of going back to the problem bequeathed by the previous non-democratic regime.

It is presumed that circular debt issue would also form a major part of energy summits’ diagnostic study in order to reach a stable financial solution.

The government has also planned fast tracking thermal and hydel energy projects by allocating necessary budgetary resources besides launching an energy conservation drive as part of all public and private sector stakeholders’ corporate social responsibility.

The energy summit would also take into account how best to avoid unannounced load shedding and follow a rational load management schedule to reduce public hardship.

What is likely to be considered for recommendations is the vital factor of Captive Power Plants and other sugar mill owners support for capacity additions that would also be taken into account to reach a policy decision in order to add more power to national grid.

The morning and evening sessions of energy summit are likely to receive detailed presentations and deliberations from WAPDA, PEPCO, AEDB, KESC and other provincial government stakeholders that are geared to move towards pre-final recommendations at the end of Monday session.

The second day session (Tuesday) has been dedicated to presentations by ADB, World Bank and others for a diagnostic analysis of what ails Pakistan’s power sector.

Way forward for a sustainable power sector in Pakistan is the actual goal of two day energy summit that shall be opened by Minister for Water and Power through a welcome address leading to final recommendations at the end of second day and most probably a press briefing for external sharing.

ISLAMABAD: Advisor to the Prime Minister on Finance, Dr Abdul Hafiz Sheikh here on Monday presented a six-point formula to mitigate the country's energy crisis on short-term basis while advising for adopting a comprehensive medium-term strategy to end power crisis.

Delivering a lecture after Inaugurating NUST Business School (NBS), at National University of Science and Technology, Dr. Hafiz Sheikh stressed the need for utilizing the existing energy capacity to generate more power saying that there was need to identify the capacity of generating energy through gas.

He said that there was capacity of generating additional 950 megawatt of electricity through gas, however, adding that the gas sector was also facing similar problems as the power sector.

Hafiz Sheikh said that the IPPs should be paid their dues to encourage them to continue operation for electricity generation, which he said would help mitigate power crisis in the country on short-term basis.

He also underlined the importance of energy conservation and an end to power wastages adding that the performance of electricity distribution companies also needed to be improved to save about 30 per cent electricity wasted due to transmission losses.

He said there was also need for developing a better and predictable load management system to save people from suffering.

He said that on medium-term basis there was need to shift towards alternate power generation by utilizing various resources.

Hafiz Sheikh told journalists that the International Monetary Fund (IMF) may allow Pakistan delay in raising power tariff from next month provided it ensures to get a $900 million loan from the Asian Development Bank and the World Bank.

He said that a discussion would be held with the IMF to delay the power tariff hike on the basis of the loan to be provided by the ADB and the WB.

Sheikh, who is leaving for Washington on Tuesday, said that the IMF would like Pakistan to raise the power tariff but there are other players like the ADB and the WB who have their role to play.

For the overall economic uplift, Hafiz sheikh stressed the need for human development to take the country forward saying that the countries that took care of people have gone ahead and the others were still lagging behind.

“You cannot have underdeveloped people and a developed country,” he remarked adding that human development and education were imperative to lead towards economic prosperity.

Besides, the advisor added that another factor that helped nations to go ahead was the capability to do business with others adding that countries that have succeeded in exporting their products have gone ahead.

He also highlighted the importance of striking a balance between role of government and private sector initiatives for economic development.

Citing the example of Communism in Russia, he hinted that neither the government nor the private sector could alone succeed to include the country into the list of developed nations.

To a question about Value Added Tax (VAT), Dr. Sheikh said that inability to mobilize the country's own resources was one of the historic failures. He said that the country's tax to GDP ratio was still in one digit which needed to be improved.

He said that VAT is being depicted as some dangerous object, and that there was need to communicate, talk and discuss this mode of taxation for better results.

He said that VAT would benefit the people who are already paying taxes and that it would ease the burden of those paying tax and bring into tax net those who do not pay taxes. – APP.

ISLAMABAD: Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani on Thursday reiterated the government's resolve to solve the prevailing energy issue in the country.

Gilani vowed to reduce scheduled load shedding by one-third or 33 per cent in the coming future.

He also revealed that the provincial chief ministers have proposed to set up a Public Sector Energy Fund which was designed to solve the ongoing energy crisis.

Briefing the media on the Energy Summit in Islamabad, the prime minister urged the nation to show patience and allow the government to deal with the lack of electricity in the country.

He added that the government will focus on supplying more power to the agricultural and industrial sectors.

Gilani also said that the recommendations that were put forward during the Energy Summit will be implemented and reviewed every 15 days.

He said that a number of foreign investors were putting their money into Pakistan's energy sector. He said the government has plans to produce about 30,000 megawatts of electricity through coal-based power projects.

He assured the people of Pakistan that the current regime is determined to eliminate the shortfall in electricity.

Gilani said the energy crisis was not a new phenomenon and the government had inherited the issue which had been around since 2006.

After Gilani, the Minister for Water and Power Raja Pervez Ashraf's briefed the media about the summit in Islamabad. The minister said that the government would lead by example and reduce the usage of electricity in its own offices.

Ashraf said that only government officials who occupy a rank higher than Grade 20 would be allowed to use air conditioners in their office, and that too, after 11 am.

Ashraf said that among the various measures to conserve power was the closure of all shops and other commercial entities by 8:00 pm. Only pharmacies and other medical stores would remain open after that time. He added that the use of decorative lights for commercial activities would be restricted as well.

However, power supply would be reduced by 300 megawatts in Karachi, in order to allow a fairer distribution of power to other parts of the country.
For 2 years straight these bastards two parties were enjoying feasting on National Treasury all you could see, hear or read was both parties discussion their terms and conditions and what one wants what other wants...Inshort Awam was out of picture..Now that all these serious street protests have erupted these cowards talking about load shedding and water problems when things have gone worst.

Importing electricity is not the solution, Pakistan has no cash this is vicious cycle you'll get loan and use it to pay for imported electricity where as Awam will waste electricity but resist in paying bill..(example of karachi the largest bijlee choor bazaar-please don't be offended this is official word of government not my words) Blame both govts and Awam. Another way to control kunda choree is to install transformers that regulate electricity in a way when people use kunda it fries everything all appliances thus people will stop doing theft of electricity is it feasible it is cash yes bad news we'll still be getting loans for it but great news in short time people will stop theft of electricity, this i watched in a program very informative "tonight with najam sethi".
Controversial or not Kala bagh dam is must now...
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Fastest way is to import electricity but to solve both water and energy crisis , another thing that can be done is to remove silt from Tarbela and Mangla dams. This will result in 25 % increase in capacity which will also solve our energy problem to some extent..
u know we cant do that "bhal safai" sort of thing in dams..never done in world before..thats why mangla dam raising project was done..

Lining of canals and water courses are needed urgently as 45% water losses occur through seepage
i doubt this figure!!
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