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What is the biggest problem facing China according to you people?

At least we see some money! People from the largest democracy even don't know what money is.

Horseshit. India's per capita Income today = China's per capita income in 2005. We started reforming 20 years after you started and lag by 10 years in per capita now. You're well within striking range. But there is no reason why you should not bray like a donkey and declare India will 'never catch up'.
Horseshit. India's per capita Income today = China's per capita income in 2005. We started reforming 20 years after you started and lag by 10 years in per capita now. You're well within striking range. But there is no reason why you should not bray like a donkey and declare India will 'never catch up'.

If you believe that the common Indian people today could reach the living conditions of the Chinese people achieved ten years before, that is up to you. Totally fine to me. I don't want to wake you up. In fact, the best situation to us is that Indian people could always stay in the fantasy that India is only ten years lagging behind China.

Indian people are so pround of your democracy. But I just could not understand why the invincible system even failed to help India to do an earlier reform?

You mentioned the darkest history of China, especiall the period before 1949. That is true, but with lots of reasons: the opium war Britain brought us in 1840s', the warlords across the country after the Qing Dynasty collapsed in 1911, Japan's >50years invasion to China. The Chinese people tried lots of ways to save China, incl. democracy, but failed. May be you could not believe it, but the first country-wide election in China happend in 1912/13. However, the voting just could not help China to get rid of the desparate time! The warlords in China were not satisfied with the voting results, so the civial war happened again. Killing, blood, famine, almost all the worst things happened in China in the 1st half of the 20th century. That is the darkest time to us. But thanks god, it came to an end after CPC gets the war victory against KMT in 1949.

CPC is not a perfect party! The Chinese socialism system is also not perfect. But if you compared it with the chaos before 1949, you will find the time under CPC's ruling is almost like a paradise. The party, or Mao, they all made mistakes, and some mistakes they made resulted to very bad consequeses. But if you do a fair comparison, without any prejudice, you will find the living conditions of the Chinese people improved constantly and significantly, after CPC rules China. You can use lots of indicator for comparison, life expectancy,nutrition conditions, education levels, electricity consumptions per capita, medical services, females's social positions, etc. The fact was, when CPC gets the power in 1949, Indian people actually had better performances on almost all indicators mentioined. But the Chinese people, under CPC and Mao's leadership, soon cathches up.

I don't have any intension to offend the Indian people here, as long as they don't post any prejudice against my country. But if some one, who even knows nothing about my country, while still insists to post "stupid" comments, I'll fight back.
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Why didn't anyone mention the Rule of Law, and Judicial Independence?

The rule of law would be nice, but its not essential. Afterall, China never had the rule of law for thousands of years, and its not just the government, but rather the public as well who has little understanding in the rule of law. What China needs the most is confidence, especially in the intellectual community, of its own heritage, of its own system, and of its own ways. For too long these people are taught of the western superiority, that any small event would see them pointing their finger at the system and comparing it to the west, even though their knowledge of the west is only skin deep.
If you believe that the common Indian people today could reach the living conditions of the Chinese people achieved ten years before, that is up to you. It is totally fine to me. I don't want to wake you up. In fact, the best situation to us is that Indian people could always stay in the fantasy that India is only ten years lagging behind China.

Indian people are so pround of your democrazy. But I just could not understand why the invincible system even failed to help India to do an earlier reform?

You mentioned the darkest history of China, especiall the period before 1949. That is true, but with lots of reasons: the opium war with Britain in 1840s', the warlords across the country after the Qing Dynasty collapsed in 1911, Japan's >50years invasion to China. The Chinese people tried lots of ways to save China, incl. democracy, but failed. May be you could not believe it, but the first country-wide election in China happend in 1912/13. However, the voting just could not help China to get rid of the desparate time! The warlords in China were not satisfied with the voting results, so the civial war happened again. Killing, blood, famine, almost all the worst things happened in China in the 1st half of the 20th century. But it came to an end after CPC gets the war victory against in KMT in 1949.

CPC is not a perfect party! The Chinese socialism system is also not perfect. But if you compared it with the chaos before 1949, you will find the time under CPC's ruling is almost like paradise. The party, or Mao, they all made mistakes, and some mistakes they made resulted to very bad consequeses. But if you do a fair comparison, with no prejudice, you will find the living conditions of the Chinese people improved constantly and significantly, after CPC gets the power to rule China. You can use lots of indicator for comparison, life expectancy,nutrition conditions, education levels, electricity consumptions per capita, medical services, etc. Actually, when CPC gets the power in 1949, Indian people actually had better performances on almost all indicators mentioined. But the Chinese people, under CPC and Mao's leadership, soon cathches up.

I don't have any intension to offend the Indian people here, as long as they don't post any prejudice against my country. But if some one, who even knows nothing about my country, while still insists to post "stupid" comments, I'll fight back.

oh STFU. Fact is that India's economy today at 2.5 Trillion is equal to that of China 10 years ago. Your growth is therefore no magic sauce. You copied the approach from Japan and Korea and we're doing the same, Just because it doesn't fit your pet theories about having something special is really none of our problems. ANd yes, India will give the kinds of standards of living you have. It is clear that India will have an economy of the same size that China has with a lag that will keep decreasing in time. The question of how India will solve the challenge of income inequality is easier and needs to be seen. Get off your high horse.

And in every way the trend is parallel. You guys kept braying about how India is 'technologically incapable'. It was in 2004 that you carried out the unmanned test of your space capsule. 10 years later India does the same, at about the same per capita level that you had then. Industrially and economically there are similar parallels.

Chinese SOcialism etc. is propaganda you can keep talking to yourself, don't try selling it to me. Economics is science and people who execute it will see results, Mother China has no magic sauce that other's can't copy.
oh STFU. Fact is that India's economy today at 2.5 Trillion is equal to that of China 10 years ago. Your growth is therefore no magic sauce. You copied the approach from Japan and Korea and we're doing the same, Just because it doesn't fit your pet theories about having something special is really none of our problems. ANd yes, India will give the kinds of standards of living you have. It is clear that India will have an economy of the same size that China has with a lag that will keep decreasing in time. The question of how India will solve the challenge of income inequality is easier and needs to be seen. Get off your high horse.

And in every way the trend is parallel. You guys kept braying about how India is 'technologically incapable'. It was in 2004 that you carried out the unmanned test of your space capsule. 10 years later India does the same, at about the same per capita level that you had then. Industrially and economically there are similar parallels.

Chinese SOcialism etc. is propaganda you can keep talking to yourself, don't try selling it to me. Economics is science and people who execute it will see results, Mother China has no magic sauce that other's can't copy.

If a patient history course that tells you the past of China is propaganda to you, if you insist, then I could almost think of no reason why you stay at a Chinese forum for joining a Chinese topic discussion.

As I just said, the best situatioin for us is that all Indian people stay in the illussion that Indian is lagging behind China for only 10 years. Why we should wake your up?

BTW, maybe even just five or six years back, there were still lots of Indian people believed that “we need to work harder, otherwise Shanghai will soon catch up with Mumbai”. I feel so sad that you no longer believe in it.
If a patient history course that tells you the past of China is propaganda to you, if you insist, then I could almost think of no reason why you stay at a Chinese forum for joining a Chinese topic discussion.

As I just said, the best situatioin for us is that all Indian people stay in the illussion that Indian is lagging behind China for only 10 years. Why we should wake your up?

BTW, maybe even just five or six years back, there were still lots of Indian people believed that “we need to work harder, otherwise Shanghai will soon catch up with Mumbai”. I feel so sad that you no longer believe in it.

Don't wake us up. If you want to live under the illusion that you've achieved something special then no need to wake you up too. Economics is science . From Vietnam to India to new entrants like Cambodia are reaping the benefits of using free market capitalsm and pushing up the standards of living of their people. The question of 'if you think India can do it' is stupid and nonsense at its core. Of course India will match it the way every country that's following it will match it. No one 6 years ago said 'Shanghai will reach up to Mumbai'. And we're not so stupid that we need a lecture from you on hard work.
Don't wake us up. If you want to live under the illusion that you've achieved something special then no need to wake you up too. Economics is science . From Vietnam to India to new entrants like Cambodia are reaping the benefits of using free market capitalsm and pushing up the standards of living of their people. The question of 'if you think India can do it' is stupid and nonsense at its core. Of course India will match it the way every country that's following it will match it. No one 6 years ago said 'Shanghai will reach up to Mumbai'. And we're not so stupid that we need a lecture from you on hard work.

Ecnomic is science, is hard work, is not something as easy as posting "21st centry is an Indian century" propaganda advertisements. We developed our country from almost scratch, therefore we know how difficult it is.

Anyway, why not come to China for a vacation? Maybe the best way for you to judge the difference between China and India is that you come here to see the country, touch the country, experience the country on your own.
Yeah well, didn‘t get the answer you like and now answering your own question which was meant for chinese members...

Dude have you even paid a visit to China ???
What's this democracy sh!t storm again?My opinion is that this Indian democracy obsession in fact is just a western master obsession after all.They forget that democracy is just a method,development is the final goal.Why should we change things that could bring China into chaos when everything is just fine?
What's this democracy sh!t storm again?My opinion is that this Indian democracy obsession in fact is just a western master obsession after all.They forget that democracy is just a method,development is the final goal.Why should we change things that could bring China into chaos when everything is just fine?
Because that's what they want. They are envious of China's success and want to drag China down by playing the democracy card. They want China to "grow" and "develop" like India meaning no infrastructure to be built and no toilets.
Ecnomic is science, is hard work, is not something as easy as posting "21st centry is an Indian century" propaganda advertisements. We developed our country from almost scratch, therefore we know how difficult it is.

Anyway, why not come to China for a vacation? Maybe the best way for you to judge the difference between China and India is that you come here to see the country, touch the country, experience the country on your own.
Yeaah I forgot.

Oh yeah Indians are lazy and don't work hard so won't do it. ANd because Indians don'r work hard we depend on 'propoganda'. And this is the reason why Chinese posters get bashed so much. Ask 'Why does India not de-regulate to fix it's crappy infrastcruture more' is a valid question. If India has a 2.5 Trillion economy like China did then how come income distribution is not as even?' is a valid queston.
But instead you bray about how Indians are 'Lazy' and 'not hard working' and your super mother china is only country working hard. Others are just lazing off. Guess what einstien? In the 21st century, every country other than Chinese (and probably europeans) seem to be courteous enough to recognize that all people work hard. Americans consider Indians extremely hard working. Have you ever heard an Indian call a Pakistani lazy? We always say that their rulers and generals are crazy, but not that Pakistanis are 'lazy'. Your racism and stereotyping is just pathetic. And you have not achieved anything close to the levels needed to believe you have the ability to say those things.

Why don't you go to Vietnam for a vacation and see how they're shaping up? A small country that courts the best companies in the world. Maybe the best way for you to judge the understand there is nothing special about China and here to see the country, touch the country, experience the country on your own. And then you will understand that all countries adopting free-market capitalism are shaping up rather well.
China's biggest Challenge is itself.

Consequently it's the same for the US.
Yeaah I forgot.

Oh yeah Indians are lazy and don't work hard so won't do it. ANd because Indians don'r work hard we depend on 'propoganda'. And this is the reason why Chinese posters get bashed so much. Ask 'Why does India not de-regulate to fix it's crappy infrastcruture more' is a valid question. If India has a 2.5 Trillion economy like China did then how come income distribution is not as even?' is a valid queston.
But instead you bray about how Indians are 'Lazy' and 'not hard working' and your super mother china is only country working hard. Others are just lazing off. Guess what einstien? In the 21st century, every country other than Chinese (and probably europeans) seem to be courteous enough to recognize that all people work hard. Americans consider Indians extremely hard working. Have you ever heard an Indian call a Pakistani lazy? We always say that their rulers and generals are crazy, but not that Pakistanis are 'lazy'. Your racism and stereotyping is just pathetic. And you have not achieved anything close to the levels needed to believe you have the ability to say those things.

Why don't you go to Vietnam for a vacation and see how they're shaping up? A small country that courts the best companies in the world. Maybe the best way for you to judge the understand there is nothing special about China and here to see the country, touch the country, experience the country on your own. And then you will understand that all countries adopting free-market capitalism are shaping up rather well.
What I said is economic needs hard work, and I never linked lazy to india. It is you that posted it here, not me. Good job, boy!

Vietnam is completely irrelevant to this thread. You make me confused again that why you always bring unnecessary point here?

BTW, a Vietnam visit sounds like a good idea. It's such a small but lovely country, also close to China. Definitely deserves a visit. Why not?

How about your China visit? I've been in India twice and visited chennai, Mumbai and Delhi. The 1st visit in 2011, 2nd visit in jan this year. Therefore I got the chance to see, feel, and touch India on my own. And I know how the China-2005 alike India looks like. So, before you make any comments on China, why don't you look it with your own eyes?

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