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What is the biggest problem facing China according to you people?

Because China is not a country that plays second tier to another country they will always be demonize by them. I have to admit that Chinese leaders are not as good in propaganda as the west. Even Russia has RT News. China has CCTV, a pro-Western news source that glorifies the west.

Hey, CCTV is the source for me to see China from here :D They help me a lot to see the today China from Indonesia. I think they do a very good job for that :D
Hey, CCTV is the source for me to see China from here :D They help me a lot to see the today China from Indonesia. I think they do a very good job for that :D
CCTV English is purely pro-west.
CCTV Chinese seldom talk shits about west.
Chinese think walking at night in the west is as safe as in China.
I want to recommend you that culture inflence need the material base.Without it ,the so-called soft power cant be build any way.The HongKong is not satisfate with mainland ,cause the mainland develop so fast than their image.Thier Psychology cant accept it.When HongKong under the Britsh control,why did the HongKong try to resist the British for thr right of electing the HongKong governor?Only reason is that the propaganda for CCP is negtive and the western is positive.

I agree, and building that is very difficult. It need a very talented expert to change their view. radically.

CCTV English is purely pro-west.
CCTV Chinese seldom talk shits about west.
Chinese think walking at night in the west is as safe as in China.

Well, I watch CCTV English, and also CCTV 1 and CCTV 7. :) Specially CCTV 7 when they show the military things :D
Hey, CCTV is the source for me to see China from here :D They help me a lot to see the today China from Indonesia. I think they do a very good job for that :D
CCTV is good objective overall but the English CCTV is too pro West. My local Chinese radio is even worse.
Don't underestimated the power of soft power. Even our ancestor understand this wisdom. And yes, right now PRC is lack of soft power compared to the western country.

Now, if you read some of ancient strategy that written by one of our great strategist in the past (I forget who), there was a wisdom that said like this " To win the war, one must fight with the righteous cause." I forget who. Maybe Huang Shi Gong, or Sun Tzu.

That wisdom said that "If you fight with righteous cause, the people will side with you, but if you fight to oppose it, the people will become your enemy.

It is not about light and darkness and good or evi like in the fantasy novell. But more about the power who have more soft power in the conflict compared to the other. Yes, without the hard power, soft power will be insignificant. but think about this. With hard power, you can make the other people see you seriously. Maybe even fear to you. But if added with soft power, they will see you in an awe. Even without hard power, soft power make people smile to your country, and not vice versa.

CPC won against KMT because of the soft power. They got the support of the peasants. Just compare the two of them. Who got more hard power? CPC or KMT? But at the end CPC won because they had more support from the people compared to KMT.

And guess what is the most powerful soft power in this world? Religion. Just try to bomb the mosque Al Haram in Mecca. And you'll become the enemy of all muslim in this world. All Jew think about Israel very positively, and christian people see the western countries in an awe.

Japan anime is also a sort of soft power, although not that powerful. But with that, people think about Japan differently now compared to the past.

So what about PRC soft power now? The Mao era propaganda is already out of date now. They could strike the heart of the simple peasant of their era, but can't do anything to people from the foreign country. The current CPC propaganda maybe can strike a lot of Chinese, but they lack the power to influence the people who is not Chinese or Hua ren.

What happen to Hongkong is because you lack of the soft power that can influence those ignorant kids. And the appearance of those people who adore liberalism / democracy in your country is also the proof that you need to boost your Soft Power further.

So basically, I agree that China need to seriously upgrade their soft power further. If they have an ambitious to become the world power. Well, unless you want to be branded as the evil empire by those victims of the western soft power, then improve your soft power is the answer of that.

Soft power without hard power is meaningless.

Do you know about China's "Century of Humiliation"? What happens when we have soft power, but no hard power? I'm sure you know.

Israel and Jews have a dominant position in the global media, Hollywood, etc. They have huge amounts of soft power. But without the Israeli military, how long do you think Israel will exist? Maybe 1 week?

I am a Hong Konger by the way. And for me, China has plenty of soft power. I watch Mainland movies and TV series most of the time.

What you are talking about is soft power in a foreign perspective. Now tell me, if Imperial Japan had respect for Chinese culture (they did) would that have stopped them from trying to destroy China? What about if China had a huge military and nuclear weapons, would that have stopped them?
Soft power without hard power is meaningless.

Do you know about China's "Century of Humiliation"? What happens when we have soft power, but no hard power? I'm sure you know.

Israel and Jews have a dominant position in the global media, Hollywood, etc. They have huge amounts of soft power. But without the Israeli military, how long do you think Israel will exist? Maybe 1 week?

I am a Hong Konger by the way. And for me, China has plenty of soft power. I watch Mainland movies and TV series most of the time.

What you are talking about is soft power in a foreign perspective. Now tell me, if Imperial Japan had respect for Chinese culture (they did) would that have stopped them from trying to destroy China? What about if China had a huge military and nuclear weapons, would that have stopped them?

Chinese Dragon, I agree with you that soft power without hard power is meaningless. But hard power without soft power will also fail. We need both of them. Just like what I said in my post that you quote, without hard power, soft power will be insignificant. But without soft power, people will see you as the bad thing. The demon that they should hate.
Chinese Dragon, I agree with you that soft power without hard power is meaningless. But hard power without soft power will also fail. We need both of them. Just like what I said in my post that you quote, without hard power, soft power will be insignificant. But without soft power, people will see you as the bad thing. The demon that they should hate.

I think we should seek hard power first. Then soft power will follow.

The problem with soft power, is that it can just be ignored. I mean Japan adopted Chinese culture, Chinese writing, Chinese philosophies, etc. but that did not stop Imperial Japan from killing tens of millions of Chinese?

I mean, what DID it achieve? Did it stop them for even 5 minutes?

Now imagine China in WW2 had the same military power as the current PLA. Then do you think they would have dared to do that?
China has become too big. 10 $ trillion and still maintaining a growth rate of more than 7% is really tough.
worship western culture,forget what ourselves r.
per capita consumption is not good.
Christian.(the biggest problem I think)
Naive and easy to be cheated.
Leaders almost only care about economic.
Top ten problems --Chinese concern about in 2014:

from the left to right: Education issues 22.5 percent, 22.2 percent anti-corruption issues, 17.0% room Rate issues, environmental issues 16.5%, 16.1% of medical issues, ethnic issues 13.3%, 12.6% food security, income distribution issues 12.3%, 10.0%, pension issues, employment issues 8.0% , household issues 7.4 percent, 6.5 percent of religious issues
worship western culture,forget what ourselves r.
per capita consumption is not good.
Christian.(the biggest problem I think)-------->agree
Naive and easy to be cheated.
Leaders almost only care about economic.
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