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What is PDF really for, Defence, politics or for (post ur type of girl)

This is a request to mods to kindly issue some kind of posting rules, people are uploading pics of po*nstars and lord knows what kinda of sh*t here. This is a defence related forum and it should remain that way.
if our army can break laws and constitutions
if army work on regime change operation
if they can kidnap people
if they can engineering politics
if the can record sex tapes
if air force can give gulf stream jet to diesel
if army cheif can slap PM
if ISI chief can press conference
if they can do extra judicial killings
if the can harassment ex service men
the why the hell we cant post such threads ? what remains to talk about defense after-all ???? its social forum now defence gya bhaar main
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if our arm can break laws and constitutions
if army work on regime change operation
if they can kidnap people
if they can engineering politics
if the can record sex tapes
if air force can give gulf stream jet to diesel
if army cheif can slap PM
if ISI chief can press conference
the why the hell we cant post such threads ? what remains to talk about defense after-all ????
Dont forget assassinations
PDF is for a certain salesman to spam posts,bragging about the superiority of a certain country


What,no? 🤔😂😂😂
This is what I was explaining to @SecularNationalist

Mutt marna decreases your life force. That’s why when you look at these call center nerd bhartis, they look like they are on the verge of death.

Even in combat sports, athletes abstain from sex/masturbation.

Dear boy-toy of the local madarsa chief, I would have shared their pictures if they consented but like I said in the 'Post your type of girls' thread your priest types would have made their life hell offline and online.

So many actresses, models and politicians pose for photos which appear on the internet, papers and magazines. Many of them are wives of someone, sisters and mothers. When they don't have problem why are you outraging on their behalf ? :lol:

My chandu lal, I live in the Deccan where lived and administrated Tipu Sultan. And like I said I am a Communist which means Nature has gifted me more sensitivity, subtlety, thoughtfulness, far-sightedness, broad-picture-sense, empathy etc than you so I under history and current better.

I am Muslim, an old-style Muslim, one of the types who 102 years ago participated in the establishment of the Communist Party of India in Tashkent in the Uzbek SSR in the USSR. I am one of the types who with other Muslim and Sikh Communists in pre-Partition Kashmir renamed a prominent landmark as Lal Chowk in inspiration from Red Square in Communist Moscow in our agitation against the raja Hari Singh whose dynasty had been imposed on Kashmir in the 1800s. Knew these, my dear student of history ?

A drop of sweat on my forehead is more Islamic than you and your family have been till now and I tell you again that burqa is a pre-Islamic Jewish garment and is anti-Islamic because it hides away the female human from participating in society as is her due human right. Do not take her rights away. Hazrat Muhammad was the world's first feminist. Below are some Jews in burqas :


Do not associate Islam with this filthy garment.

An Egyptian female academic and politician Amna Nosseir has researched on this now in the modern times and called for ban on the burqa :

I have posted about her research earlier on PDF too :

When I was in school and two years of college here in India no girl Muslim wore a burqa, hijab whatever nor did anyone among my relatives in my childhood but in the mid-2000s the filthy Tableegh Jamaatis originating in India many years ago but not getting a foothold here because of progressives like me, brainwashed Indian Muslims or coerced them other than having spread their poison in other parts of the world earlier. Burqa and beardoness spread and my neighborhood looks like Talib land except that in Afghanistan the women don't want to wear burqa but are being forced to by the Taliban.

Many Muslims will grandly shake their heads in agreement that in pre-Islamic Makkah the jaahil misogynists there used to bury newly born females alive in sand because they didn't want females. Anyone who promotes the burqa in the modern world is doing the same - burying alive the female in the burqa, denying her the right to be free and interacting in the world, among humanity.

As for the hadiths, I reject most of them but there are good things one gets to know from them like the love that Hazrat Muhammad had for cats including his cat Muezza which saved him from a snake once and for whom when he had to go to the mosque and the cat was sleeping on his robe he tore away the part where the cat was sleeping to not disturb her and only then he left for the mosque. Very unlike the white above-ankle kurta pyjama'ed, bearded, white topi'ed fools who hurry along in my neighborhood for the 5th prayer of the day even though it is not Friday, hurrying along with their brainwashed sons or riding triple on noisy motorcycles at 40 kmph on the narrow road not carrying if kill someone or there is a cat screaming because he or she is being attacked by five dogs from the 60+ million street dogs of India. So accept words from the hadiths as long as they stand to the test of natural reason and sensibility else reject. Don't listen to your family or teachers if they impose nonsense on you.

The women of Afghanistan and Iran reject the burqa and burn it and in Iran the women and their assisting real men agitate against the mullahs, the anti-Islamic priests who impose the hijab on them. They knock off the turbans of mullahs walking in the street, set fire to the terrorist police cars and to the madarsas and chant "Death to dictator Khamenei".

Muammar Gaddafi was one of the founders of the Communist-Socialist Libyan Jamahiriya and was the last imam of all Muslims if there should be such a title and here is a girl supporting him in 2011 during NATO's bombing, the same NATO which had begun to invade her country after having gotten the murtad burqa-imposing Al Qaeda and so-called Muslim Brotherhood to do bombings and shootings. Watch and listen to the girl, she doesn't wear burqa and listen to her message :

Here are Muammar's female bodyguards. Do they wear burqa ? Did Muammar impose burqa on them ? This is among why NATO hated Muammar to the core and instituted the largest military invasion in history aided by thousands of Al Qaeda and "Muslim" Brotherhood :


If you think burqa is Islamic then you should also take the Western Crusader governments and their leaders Obomba, B'liar and Sarkozy as your imams. So you now agree that burqa is anti-Islamic ?

India is no different from Pakistan. Didn't @SQ8 write this in this post on page 2 ?

And on Indian situation in detail is in this post from yesterday.

Just read the article please. It is written by a Pakistani. The boy-loving mullahs destroyed the Islamic Golden Age. They will rather look for Allahu Akbar written on brinjals than work on establishing research stations on Mars. Here are some mullahs in Karachi from a few months ago trying to put out a fire in a mall by chanting azaan. No surprise they did not succeed. They should have next day tried to stand in the afternoon Sun and tried to chant azaan and put out the fires in the Sun burning for billions of years and see for themselves if Nature cares for their irrationality.

And what is this defense, defense, defense again ? Read my first post to you again.

Yes, Mr. @-=virus=- thinks he is an acclaimed Casanova who can charm every woman on Earth and insults me with "You virgin" at every opportunity. But if you look at the photos of his conquests ( done via Tinder and nightclubs ) the girls are all flat and silly-looking. I have long asked him to charm the lovely, intelligent, brave, former leftist activist, student leader and relevant-to-politics Shehla Rashid but he declined because he knew she would never come near him :



So Virus mian aka @Sharma Ji is left with his dog-loving silly female conquests.

Combat sports ? Those barbaric activities like wrestling, boxing, MMA-shem-mem-a that unmanly males indulge in to make up for their cowardlyness in not being philosophers, rebels and revolutionaries ? These "combat sports" which are the modern variations of the Roman gladiatorial arenas should be abolished and will be.

Now here is a real man, Carlos the Jackal, a transnational Communist revolutionary from earlier decades who was supported by USSR, East Germany and Libyan Jamahiriya. He worked for various revolutionary causes including Palestine. He was kidnapped by French government from Sudan in 1994 and since then is illegally in French jail :


Look at Carlos' intelligent, charming manliness and then look at the ugliness of the MMA-doing Tableeghi thug filth from London, Mohammed "Hijab". He is a creation of NATO :


Jamahir, you have obviously never partaken in any sort of combat sport before.

I partake in MMA county U-18s, and have been doing combat sports since day dot.

I cannot stress enough how character building and physically and mentally strengthening, combat sports are.

You’re Pitting your entire physical ability, skill, stamina and speed against another man who is doing exactly the same. In short, it is a war.
And boys become men through different types of wars that they fight.

And as for what lastofThePatriots has said. Masturbation definitely decreases your ability in combat sports. You feel a lot more sluggish, have duller wits and are less aggressive.

I’d liken masturbation to “wilfully castrating yourself”, having known the effects of it on your body
While it's primarily a defense-related forum, it doesn't mean one can't post anything else unrelated.

While I myself am not a huge fan of getting enticed by fake beauty (makeup, perfect camera lens/ angles, professional photoshoots), there are people who would almost worship these women, the same women who would feel repulsed to see their admirers. But hey, to each their own.

I am not a religious nut nor in favor of deleting threads just because it causes discomfort to our cursed Mullas, however, implore the youngsters to utilize their time for more productive things.

Your ideal woman is out of your reach and the woman you will end up with will probably lord over your or leave you at some point. It's a weird evolution given these modern days of feminist ideologies but is what it is.
as usual, you have no idea what you're talking about and contradict yourself again..


looks flatter than a runway, skinny as a skeleton to me.. is say itna pyar kaisay ho gya tujhe ?

Skinny ? Look at the round arms and the chubby face.

man, you really are some creep.. even your random postings here have this perv vibe to it, no wonder you're still a virgin so damn late into your adulthood.

What are these modern cringe words "Perv" and "Creepy" ?

so full of hate for people, hate for religion.. leave your dirty living quarter and go out and see and explore the world, meet real people.. kya ye gaddafi ki fotu dekh ke daily hilata rehta hai ? tsk

Like I told Areesh, a girl crosses the road just to pass by me, even when I wear a mask, and then crosses to the original side. If you don't believe that then among other things there is nothing to say more.

Jamahir, you have obviously never partaken in any sort of combat sport before.

I partake in MMA county U-18s, and have been doing combat sports since day dot.

I cannot stress enough how character building and physically and mentally strengthening, combat sports are.

You’re Pitting your entire physical ability, skill, stamina and speed against another man who is doing exactly the same. In short, it is a war.
And boys become men through different types of wars that they fight.

And as for what lastofThePatriots has said. Masturbation definitely decreases your ability in combat sports. You feel a lot more sluggish, have duller wits and are less aggressive.

I’d liken masturbation to “wilfully castrating yourself”, having known the effects of it on your body

No, sir, not impressed. If you want boys to turn into men then make them join progressive movements, reform their own families especially in desi land, contribute to the path to abolish the non-natural money and priesthood at human-wide scale. You will face severe opposition and difficulties from your family to the government. It will sap your energy because of talking, suffering and thinking at great personal risks. You find ways to meet the right people who are like-minded and you will entail severe risks. Some progressive leaders in India were arrested in 2019 after the Bhima-Koregaon Dalit gathering called Elgar Parishad. One of them, Gautam Navlakha, was reluctantly released from jail a few days ago only to be sent to house arrest but just for a month and there too he won't be able to use the internet, computer or even phone. One of his comrades died in the same jail because of dengue that was deliberately left untreated by jail authority on probable order by the government.

Further about Gautam when in jail :
MUMBAI: Activist Gautam Navlakha, arrested in the Elgar Parishad-Maoist links case, has been shifted to the 'Anda Circle' (high-security barracks) in the Taloja jail in Navi Mumbai, his partner Sahba Husain said on Sunday and claimed the 70-year-old's already fragile health has deteriorated further due to shifting.

In a statement, Husain claimed the activist was shifted to the Anda circle from the regular barracks on October 12 and questioned as to how long will Navlakha be "persecuted for his views and to what extent will the authorities go to break his spirit".

The statement further said the accused in the Elgar Parishad case have had to face indignities and humiliation for the smallest and basic needs in prison.
"In the Anda circle, he is deprived of daily walks in the jail's non-concreted greener areas and fresh air and his health has deteriorated further, making specialised medical care an absolute necessity, if he is to live to fight this unjust and false case hoisted on him," Husain said.

"These are prisoners of conscience, who have had to face indignities and humiliation for the smallest needs, and wage court battles for basic dignities in prison," Husain said referring to the recent incident wherein Navlakha's spectacles went missing and it was difficult to send him a replacement in time.

"Gautam has faced his unjustified incarceration with courage and spirit. How much longer is he going to be persecuted for his views, and to what extent will the authorities go to break his spirit," Husain asked.

This are manly things, humanly things actually, not the silly MMA thing. Are you willing to undergo jail, torture and possible death in the service of progressive development of humanity, in the service of the oppressed ? Your present life is nothing compared to greats like Carlos the Jackal or even me. :)

I don't want to participate in any combat sport because it is a thing to be abolished and will be. Here is what Muammar Gaddafi said about some "combat sports" :
Boxing and wrestling are evidence that mankind has not rid itself of all savage behaviour. Inevitably it will come to an end when humanity ascends the ladder of civilization. Human sacrifice and pistol duels were familiar practices in previous stages of human evolution. However, those savage practices came to an end years ago. People now laugh at themselves and regret such acts. This will be the fate of boxing and wrestling after tens or hundreds of years. The more the people become civilized and sophisticated, the more they are able to ward off both the performance and the encouragement of these practices.
I only present the realities of the world which you escape from using jobs, college degrees, family, mosque, kirket, phutball etc. I am as much a boundary pusher as has been every philosopher in history including the man whose religion you claim to follow. If boundaries were not pushed then wrongs will not be righted, technologies will not be created, progressive systems not set up and humanity not advanced. Am I being wrong ?

Most Jewish women have given up the burqa, as don't any Christian women so why are you carrying it still ?
Challenging and being insulting are not the same thing. Ask the questions by all means. You may not agree with things. That's fine but you are very rude insulting and ignorant as far as religion is concerned. Therefore until u have knowledge its best that you refrain from considering yourself an expert of hot air. Get some basic knowledge and then talk.

Regarding Jewish women. They have always been strange and pushed the limits and that's why Jewish women shave their heads and put wigs on. They have always tried to be smarter than God. That's why God reinforced the message of moses pbuh with Jesus and ultimately Muhammed. THE MESSAGE IS THE SAME.

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Skinny ? Look at the round arms and the chubby face.

bro we all know you have zero experience with women apart from looking at them on your dirty broken laptop (and maybe just perving on some street)

Our girl Shehla here is about as flat and skinny as it gets, trust me.. I have real world experience with women.. I could even tell you a lot more about her but don't want to earn the ire of the moderation team here by breaking rules.. samajh jao (waisey kaafi bevakoof ho, but try kro samajhnay ki)

What are these modern cringe words "Perv" and "Creepy" ?



Like I told Areesh, a girl crosses the road just to pass by me, even when I wear a mask, and then crosses to the original side. If you don't believe that then among other things there is nothing to say more.
where, in your virgin dreams ?

Jamahir, you have obviously never partaken in any sort of combat sport before.
combat sports to duur ki baat hai

he's never even partaken in holding hands with a lady and going for a walk, much less anything else :P
While it's primarily a defense-related forum, it doesn't mean one can't post anything else unrelated.

While I myself am not a huge fan of getting enticed by fake beauty (makeup, perfect camera lens/ angles, professional photoshoots), there are people who would almost worship these women, the same women who would feel repulsed to see their admirers. But hey, to each their own.

I am not a religious nut nor in favor of deleting threads just because it causes discomfort to our cursed Mullas, however, implore the youngsters to utilize their time for more productive things.

Your ideal woman is out of your reach and the woman you will end up with will probably lord over your or leave you at some point. It's a weird evolution given these modern days of feminist ideologies but is what it is.

It’s threads like these why girls/females have stopped participating in and joining the forum.

It’s a public place and there should be some level of decency. I think that is the point people are trying to make.
Oops wrong thread, no problem I will go there and post to stop that thread.
wow, what a mug on that one., gorgeous. shame about the ripped muscular bits but.. too much for me.. fitness and femininity can go together without skewing too heavily on either side.

Maria Sharapova would be a good example of the perfect balance.

fitness and femininity can go together without skewing too heavily on either side.

I haven't posted the images where they show how much feminine they are.

At least they spend their time healthy. Check this one, it is like an addiction .... once you get addicted you don't care what others think then

I haven't posted the images where they show how much feminine they are.

At least they spend their time healthy. Check this one, it is like an addiction .... once you get addicted you don't care what others think then

Interestingly, last year there was this bodybuilding competition right next to a bar I visit. Some of the female participants walked in after, all ripped and sporting zero fat + 6/8 pack abs.. some of them were real pretty.

Gun to my head, I'd dive straight into a fitness freak woman rather than a food aficionado chubber. Don't get me wrong but, chubbers are great too, but up to a limit.. a little meat on bones is nice, but not these sumo type ones.. that shite is just gross.

our starving commie jamahir here only likes them because he can kill 2 birds with one stone.. dreaming away about what food they might be eating too, because he barely gets to eat, apart from never having been with a woman.
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