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What if the US captured our nukes?

Dear Members !! TTP is targeting Pakistani installations and military assets, Pakistan is blamed for cross-border terrorism, Usama is recovered from Abbotabad - near military academy. We are under US pressure, we are sometimes labelled under the head of ''State Terrorism" but never ever think that US will so easily destroy our nuclear program. Our nuclear program is the work of decades and it will not be deleted like a software from Windows.

PNS Mehran was in between civil population hence fool proof security was not possible. But you can't even imagine to pass through the visible nuclear sites without any clearance. We listen that there is plant in kahota etc but where are warheards? No one knows, I live in Quetta, no one can even imagine to enter the Quetta Cant: without through check posts. They have amazing security and there are sites which have their own security in the cantt: Security inside the security. Don't worry !! our nuclear arms are safe. TTP, NATO supply routes, suicide attacks are for the time being and they have nothing to do with nuclear arms.
We will condemn the US action. hold joint session of the parliament, pass a resolution and go to sleep. We are good at doing that.

and have a very long 3000 comment thread on this forum..
If the US even does attempt to take our nukes, which they won't. They will have to go through a series of hoops. Firstly, they will have to intrude deep into Pakistani airspace. I know they did it once before but these stealth helis only hold a small number of people and limited ammo. If you send a lot of these in, you will blow your radar cover. Then suppose they get into Pakistan and reach the nuclear facilities, they will have to fight against a significant number of Pakistani troops who are set to protect the nuke installations. Hypothetically speaking, let's say they manage to defeat the soldiers and take control of the installation. What must be kept in mind is that our nukes are not stored in only one facility, even if one facility is compromised, that just gives us time to scoot the other nukes before someone can get to them and declare a high alert situation along the western border.

1) Our nukes can't be taken from us in a surgical strike.
2) The only way to get to our nukes is through full invasion of Pakistan.
3) Invasion of Pakistan is impossible for America because American forces are stretched this as it is and attacking Pakistan will not mean going to war against the army, it is a nation of 180 million and every home is armed, most with automatic weapons and the fighting spirit has not died out in us yet. We are the nation that takes adverse circumstances and turns it in to something beautiful. God-willing by 2018(max) the Taliban will be finished and we will again be able sprint towards prosperity.

P.S: I would like to point out that America will not be attacking us, this scenario is just hypothetical.
If the US even does attempt to take our nukes, which they won't. They will have to go through a series of hoops. Firstly, they will have to intrude deep into Pakistani airspace. I know they did it once before but these stealth helis only hold a small number of people and limited ammo. If you send a lot of these in, you will blow your radar cover. Then suppose they get into Pakistan and reach the nuclear facilities, they will have to fight against a significant number of Pakistani troops who are set to protect the nuke installations. Hypothetically speaking, let's say they manage to defeat the soldiers and take control of the installation. What must be kept in mind is that our nukes are not stored in only one facility, even if one facility is compromised, that just gives us time to scoot the other nukes before someone can get to them and declare a high alert situation along the western border.

1) Our nukes can't be taken from us in a surgical strike.
2) The only way to get to our nukes is through full invasion of Pakistan.
3) Invasion of Pakistan is impossible for America because American forces are stretched this as it is and attacking Pakistan will not mean going to war against the army, it is a nation of 180 million and every home is armed, most with automatic weapons and the fighting spirit has not died out in us yet. We are the nation that takes adverse circumstances and turns it in to something beautiful. God-willing by 2018(max) the Taliban will be finished and we will again be able sprint towards prosperity.

P.S: I would like to point out that America will not be attacking us, this scenario is just hypothetical.

How about just say: no, you are not going to take it.
How will this situation play out in case of a preemptive Nuke strike by India on Pakistan. How will Pak react if all its weps are lying un assembled?? I dont think this would be the case. Given the size (small relative to other nuke countries like USA, Russia, China etc) I think both India and Pak will have all (or most) of their weps all assembled and ready to go..

There are redundancies for all components, it's not as if all triggers are stored at any 1 location and so on. Besides, the weapons are stored in underground bunkers that can, supposedly, withstand nuclear strikes.

And pretty soon Pakistan will Inshallah achieve second strike capability in Nuclear Armed submarines, once that objective is achieved I believe the whole world, including the US, will have to think twice about attacking Pakistan or attempts at an all out war.
it's not the question if , it the question of when america decide ... take out your nukes

The only real way they can take out our Nukes is by buying them :). Whatever USA has achieved so far in Pakistan, they have achieved through $$.
Your a comedian mate!!! hahahahah:rofl: :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

without pakistan they will progress, because they dont have to give out billions of dollars inAid... Pak needs China more... China doesnt need PAk

Source ? China may be a valuable friend but I never heard we were receiving "Billions" from them....
got to b h a r a t-r a k s h a k they have even compiled a list of possible nuke bunkers and military facilities using open source intelligence.Just imagine what nation states can do

God! You guys are so ignorant.......the list of all nuclear installations is officially exchanged by both countries (Pakistan & India) to ensure that these installations are not attacked by mistake.

ISLAMABAD: Pakistan and Indian on Saturday exchanged lists of their nuclear installations and facilities under an agreement to prohibit any attack, by either side.

The lists are exchanged every year on January 1, under the “Agreement on the Prohibition of Attack Against Nuclear Installations and Facilities”, inked by the two sides on December 31, 1988.

The agreement is known as one of the best Confidence Building Measures between the two sides that has continued to remain effective despite the status of their ties.

Pakistan and India first exchanged the lists on January 1, 1992. Under the agreement, both the parties to “refrain from undertaking, encouraging or participating in, directly or indirectly, any action aimed at causing the destruction of, or damage to, any nuclear installation or facility in the other country”.

The agreement defines “nuclear installation or facility” as a facility including nuclear power and research reactors, fuel fabrication, uranium enrichment, isotopes separation and reprocessing facilities.

According to a statement from the Foreign Office, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs handed over the list of Pakistan’s nuclear installations and facilities to an officer of the Indian High Commission in Islamabad at the Foreign Office at 1100 hrs (PST).

The Indian side handed over their list to an officer of the Pakistan High Commission at the Ministry of External Affairs in New Delhi at 1130 hrs (IST).

Source: Daily Dawn
Wait so how are they your friend? Is american your friend? cause they give billions...

O thats right, Chinese are cheaper than Indian when it comes to MONEY... Jews are not stringent with MONEY... These chinese ppl are

Sure, why not? The jews got who knows whatever percent of money guaranteed by their gojim's for each dollar is allowed in circulation, or even before circulation, the Jews just took that free interest.
I am not even not stringent, I wound't give a damn to print gozillions of them. The federal reserve of the Jew love americans must be destroyed and put their national political will behind their money. Not a freaking private company. If those freaks still want in inch, they will lose a mile.

All the freaking problems in the financial world and the world if you will, it all from their. Nobody is going to stop until the fat lady sings, and I am willing to throw in the british queen too.

Yeah, throw those fat ladies down the well, so the world can be free.
as long as they can keep them safe there is no need to attack the nuclear facilities.But taliban is still a danger to these installations
If the US even does attempt to take our nukes, which they won't. They will have to go through a series of hoops. Firstly, they will have to intrude deep into Pakistani airspace. I know they did it once before but these stealth helis only hold a small number of people and limited ammo. If you send a lot of these in, you will blow your radar cover. Then suppose they get into Pakistan and reach the nuclear facilities, they will have to fight against a significant number of Pakistani troops who are set to protect the nuke installations. Hypothetically speaking, let's say they manage to defeat the soldiers and take control of the installation. What must be kept in mind is that our nukes are not stored in only one facility, even if one facility is compromised, that just gives us time to scoot the other nukes before someone can get to them and declare a high alert situation along the western border.

1) Our nukes can't be taken from us in a surgical strike.
2) The only way to get to our nukes is through full invasion of Pakistan.
3) Invasion of Pakistan is impossible for America because American forces are stretched this as it is and attacking Pakistan will not mean going to war against the army, it is a nation of 180 million and every home is armed, most with automatic weapons and the fighting spirit has not died out in us yet. We are the nation that takes adverse circumstances and turns it in to something beauti
P.S: I would like to point out that America will not be attacking us, this scenario is just hypothetical.

If they want to take your nukes.. they will not attack my friend.. they'll just ASK Pakistan to give it to them. Your P.S. makes more sense than the actual subject matter.
It's a beggars belief thinking that US will be able to take Pakistan's Nuclear weapons conveniently.
Albeit, there are several discrepancies surrounding the Abbotabad raid, none the less, we are not talking about an individual item here.
It's a well known fact that the Pakistani weapons are so secure that they can even with stand a nuclear strike.
Thus an intruder penetrating and reaching them is a far fetched fantasy.

Far fetched fantasy hmmm, are you really sure you want to use those words after the OBL and Naval base incident. If the US wants something they will get it, nothing is fantasy to them.
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