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‘What if India finds itself involved in two front war with China, Pakistan?’

PLA is still a communist army and people know how communists fight. As for training, refer to national day marching and see how disciplined this army is. Beside, you don't call a border shootout a war, Indian soldiers are no more experienced than Chinese counterparts.

So you think China is Bangledash.
@Syama Ayas inhales and exhales oxygen. :laugh:
Yes, in fact China's submarine fleet alone, outnumbers all of India's destroyers+frigates+submarines combined.

Any idea how the chinese submarine fleet is going to breach Indian navy defenses ?


On 29th June Defence Minister, Manohar Parrikar, formally handed over the indigenously developed electrically-powered Varunastra with a range of around 20nm which has a capacity of 250 kgs of explosive and a strike range of 20 km to Varunastra heavyweight anti-submarine torpedo to CNS Admiral Sunil Lanba for the Indian Navy (IN). Navy has ordered 73 of these 1,500 kg wire-guided torpedoes for INR87.6 billion (USD132 million), to be manufactured by Bharat Dynamics Limited (BDL) in Hyderabad and fitted onto the Navy’s front line ships and then converted for submarine deployment.
Pak & India would be destroyed but China would be alive but mangled
@Syama Ayas inhales and exhales oxygen. :laugh:
You obsession over me is unsettling given the fact I am not a women.

So chinese navy will listen to you and send all of its submarine fleet to Indian ocean so that they get easily detected as huge in numbers and exposed to ASW of Indian navy.

well done you are blessed again.

Don't you know, CCP is a submarine powa which will blockade India with just 10 submarine.

Forget Indian navy's ASW capability.

Forget Indian surface fleet

Forget Indian tri-service command in Andaman Nicobar Island.

Forget India being a peninsular nation

Forget Malacca strait and Sundra straight being choke points

Forget PLA's limited or non-existent naval tradition.

Infact Ignore all facts and realities because what Chinese claims are immutable truth.


China audacious claims of imposing a naval blockade with just ten Submarines

A leading Taiwanese based newspaper has published a report in which the Chinese PLAN officials have made audacious claims of imposing a complete naval blockade on India with just ten submarines. The very same paper had reported a PLAN source claiming a single PLAN nuclear attack submarine could sink India’s CBG headed by INS Vikramaditya.

A blockade can be a game changer in war, during the 1971 Bangladesh liberation war India had imposed a naval blockade on West Pakistan which proved a major breakthrough in the war. A blockade would simply mean blocking all the shipping lanes to a country which will eventually choke the country with it lacking any reinforcements. India has a very long coast which stretches almost 7500 km, a blockade to be enforced on India is extremely demanding. Do completely block the Indian shores will have to field more than ten of its modern nuclear submarines. Let alone Indian navy operates more than 80 major ships along the Western and Eastern sea boards.

A blockade is something that can be achieved on a specified port or area but blocking the whole coast is something next to impossible. Indian navy operates harbours along the sea boards. Chinese dreams of Indian naval ships always in ports making it easy to blocked is something far from reality and also India is develoing Andaman port if these then 10 submarines passed from Suez canal and enter the Indian Ocean this Port will help us to detect submarines and act as early warning system for Indian Navy.China think Indian Navy don’t have equipment to detect submarines India has p8i a long-range anti-submarine warfare will help not only in detecting submarines but also has capabilities to destroy the submarines

Also China at the same time do not have enough number of nuclear attack submarines unlike the Americans and Russians. China is believed to be operating around five nuclear attack submarines, which can be instrumental in putting a blockade on the Vietnam or Taiwan Navy.

Unlike Nuclear attack Boats, the Diesel electrics has many limits, like diesel shortage, oxygen shortage which forces the Sub should surface once in some 500km Travels. also it’s endurance limit the Boat by some thousand Kilometers. makes them only good for securing and patrolling Chinese Economic zone only. Not for operating beyond some 1000 kilometers. Even Chinese too knows that.

The Nuclear attack boats can sail faster upto thirty knots in submerged mode, can travel some 5000 kilometers without surfacing, travel deep in the water, lets say some 400meters or 1200 feet, allows them to come nearby Indian Shores, But India have less submarines, which can even not worth of securing our Economic zones. But currently India have Projects going on to beef up the Maritime Patrol and combat duties using underwater platforms.

SSN Akula Class Submarine Leased From Russia

India have a Nuclear Attack Submarine Akula Leased from Russia, which is More modern than the existing Chinese Nuclear attack submarine, more Silent when Running deep under water compared to other Chinese SSN. China Claimed it’s modern Type 093 SSN is less sound than the Russian Akula class, and American Los Angeles Class Attack Submarine, But US Navy claimed it is not a Quite submarine but makes more noise than the First Generation Russian Attack submarine which was entered in 1980’s. Also the Chinese claimed the New Type 093 can dive upto the depth of 400meters, but no confirmations on this, where newest Russian Submarines can dive upto some 500 meters.

The Chinese have only two active Type 093 class Submarines, where three more will be inducted soon, but they have some three Type 091 Han Class Attack submarines which was entered service in early 1990’s. The Indian Navy successfully snooped the Han class submarine many times outside Indian Shores, also watches it;’s movement, Earlier Navy alerted the Indian Government even before the Han Class Submarine docked in the Sri Lankan Port
Also earlier once in 2009 near Yemeni coast a Indian Kilo class Submarines successfully snooped the Han Class SSN who is in anti piracy mission, but Two other Chinese Destroyers nearby the area found the Indian Sub, which forced the Indian Submarine to Surface, but no other incidents happens, Chinese warned the Submarine to Surface and readying their ASW Helicopters to drop Torpedo’s to destroy the Unknown Submarine, the Chinese Identified it’s a Indian Boat only after it was surfaced.

So almost India have each and every available informations to trace the Chinese Submarines, India lacks in Submarines but not in anti submarine utility’s. where china lacks so. India operates less to Long Range ASW aircrafts to, finest Anti Submarine Ships like Kamorta, where Navy plans to build eight new Komarta Class ASW ships, where one in Operational other three in Sea Trails.

Kamorta class anti submarine ship

The Indian Navy’s ASW Air asserts or the second biggest in the world, after America Indian operates good number of asw aircrafts, all of them can fire Torpedos’ and drop sonoubouys to detect submarines deep in the water, Platforms like P 8i and Tu 142 MKE can travel upto some 6000 kilometers and do missions. even the P8 can launch four Harpoon Anti Shipping Missiles too, and both of them can launch Torpedo’s and Depth Charges.

P8i anti submarine warfare

The IL 38 SD and Do 228 also act as a Medium to short range ASW. both can able to drop Torpedo’s and Depth Charges. makes very tough to enemy Sub merged asserts who tries enter Indian waters.

The China has only one option, It can blockade the Indian Naval bases, for that they need to be submerged more than 500 meters, never ever sub surface to breath, It can give easy chances to Indian ASW asserts to Kill you. and comes to Eastern Naval Command and Kill some Tug Boats. It’s clear China would not find any other Ships in the Base, all other ships maybe in Patrol.

and within a moments a large column of Indian ASW planes comes for Hunt missions, and they even won’t warn you, but they drop all available Torpedo’s and Depth Charges against the Chinese SSN’s. that’s why it’s clear China won’t like to do some Suicidal mission like this

Good for you! keep living with that fact. You are just proving yourself to be another joker who knows sh*t about naval warfare. Have a nice day!
He probably is not aware google satellite image are not real time ;)
thats why india need to increase her nuclear arsenal to 2000-3000 to have enaugh to destroy anithing around
So Pakistan will become Syria and India is having borders locked. And China can clean the residue.
dude u are much dumber than i thought, u can't grasp a point..2 countries are fighting against 1 country n u are insisting that country being attacked will face not damage. rather 1 of the attacking country will suffer..hats off to your logic.

In syria many countries are fighting for their interests and no one is clearly fighting in favour of syria...but in this case pak n china will fight for common interests against india
What's the difference?
This means in a war pakistan will cover the area with fire power and india will cover the area with manpower.

the world is already at war and has fought 2 world wars and one cold war. China was subjected to territory loss due to Japnese invasion. Now it hurt you bad!

Secondly it was India's fault that India has remained quiet for some time now had we had used some air power in 50's and 60's you wouldn't be able to encircle us.

Any how the nature of war has changed and now two powers fight war on third country to avoid collateral damage to infrastructure.

I am sure this time India China would confront eachother in Pakistan as they have nothing much to lose and always ready for nuclear war. Thus we can avoid collateral damage on our borders.

All this talk of war between india and china in pakistan........what i see is ...it is going to be china vs USA in India.
Any idea how the chinese submarine fleet is going to breach Indian navy defenses ?


On 29th June Defence Minister, Manohar Parrikar, formally handed over the indigenously developed electrically-powered Varunastra with a range of around 20nm which has a capacity of 250 kgs of explosive and a strike range of 20 km to Varunastra heavyweight anti-submarine torpedo to CNS Admiral Sunil Lanba for the Indian Navy (IN). Navy has ordered 73 of these 1,500 kg wire-guided torpedoes for INR87.6 billion (USD132 million), to be manufactured by Bharat Dynamics Limited (BDL) in Hyderabad and fitted onto the Navy’s front line ships and then converted for submarine deployment.
Any idea how the Chinese submarine fleet is not going to breach Indian navy defenses?



‘Let alone China, India cannot even win a war against Pakistan,” says a book.If one summarises India’s military capability in this self defeatist one liner assessment, it is bound to evoke a sharp debate and that is what precisely “Dragon on our doorstep” did, when the book was launched.

The book talks of a hypothetical situation, where India may find itself involved in a two front war and the repercussion of it.’Dragon on our Doorstep: Managing China Through Military Power’ insists that should India find itself involved in a border war with China, it will lose.

”And this has nothing do with the possession of nuclear weaponsthe roles of nuclear and conventional weapons are separate in the war planning of India, China and Pakistan,” the book says, adding that the reason India would be at a disadvantage in a war with Pakistan is because while Pakistan has built military power, India focused on building military force.

In the book, Pravin Sawheny and Ghazala Wahab, well-known names in the Defence fraternity, analyse the geopolitics of the region and strategies of the three Asian countries to elaborate why India in the precarious position and how it can transform itself through deft strategy into a leading power.

Despite disagreeing with the conclusion of the book, it was well received in the military domain, where thinkers and former top officers agreed that it provides extensive research, first hand reporting and deep analysis.

”This is a clear-eyed and welcome analysis of how India can marshal all elements of its national powerespecially military capabilitiesto protect its interests and preserve the peace in the face of growing Chinese assertiveness.

”All those concerned about Indian national security should read this book carefully,” said Senior Associate with US-based Carnegie Endowment for International Peace Ashley J Tellis, who is tipped to become the next US Ambassador to India.


Sorry but India probably cannot even win a one-front war with Pakistan let alone a much more powerful China. A two front war is basically going to be an even more disastrous 1962 for the Indians. India would probably lose all of Kashmir in a joint Chinese-Pakistan assault ... not to mention Ladakh, Arunachal Pradesh, and essentially all other disputed territories.
Sorry but India probably cannot even win a one-front war with Pakistan let alone a much more powerful China. A two front war is basically going to be an even more disastrous 1962 for the Indians. India would probably lose Kashmir, Ladakh, and Arunachal Pradesh.

If Pakistan could, it wouldn't keep asking the rest of the world to help save Kashmir.

I know that would do nothing to even engage a debate in the fantasy land existing here but I had to put it out there. Take it a small break in play before the echo chamber continues on its baseless stories and agenda.
If Pakistan could, it wouldn't keep asking the rest of the world to help save Kashmir.

I know that would do nothing to even engage a debate in the fantasy land existing here but I had to put it out there. Take it a small break in play before the echo chamber continues on its baseless stories and agenda.
Because there is no way to retake Kashmir in peacetime (at least not in a full state of war)? And I said India would lose Kashmir only if it was a joint China-Pakistan assault?
Any idea how the Chinese submarine fleet is not going to breach Indian navy defenses?

Many Incidents have took place in the High Oceans and Chinese Navy is aware about the Professionalism of Indian Navy.
Any idea how the Chinese submarine fleet is not going to breach Indian navy defenses?

Sorry but India probably cannot even win a one-front war with Pakistan let alone a much more powerful China. A two front war is basically going to be an even more disastrous 1962 for the Indians. India would probably lose all of Kashmir in a joint Chinese-Pakistan assault ... not to mention Ladakh, Arunachal Pradesh, and essentially all other disputed territories.

No one will win the war if it will happen. Even China and Pakistan together will fight against the India
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