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‘What if India finds itself involved in two front war with China, Pakistan?’


Sep 20, 2014
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‘Let alone China, India cannot even win a war against Pakistan,” says a book.If one summarises India’s military capability in this self defeatist one liner assessment, it is bound to evoke a sharp debate and that is what precisely “Dragon on our doorstep” did, when the book was launched.

The book talks of a hypothetical situation, where India may find itself involved in a two front war and the repercussion of it.’Dragon on our Doorstep: Managing China Through Military Power’ insists that should India find itself involved in a border war with China, it will lose.

”And this has nothing do with the possession of nuclear weaponsthe roles of nuclear and conventional weapons are separate in the war planning of India, China and Pakistan,” the book says, adding that the reason India would be at a disadvantage in a war with Pakistan is because while Pakistan has built military power, India focused on building military force.

In the book, Pravin Sawheny and Ghazala Wahab, well-known names in the Defence fraternity, analyse the geopolitics of the region and strategies of the three Asian countries to elaborate why India in the precarious position and how it can transform itself through deft strategy into a leading power.

Despite disagreeing with the conclusion of the book, it was well received in the military domain, where thinkers and former top officers agreed that it provides extensive research, first hand reporting and deep analysis.

”This is a clear-eyed and welcome analysis of how India can marshal all elements of its national powerespecially military capabilitiesto protect its interests and preserve the peace in the face of growing Chinese assertiveness.

”All those concerned about Indian national security should read this book carefully,” said Senior Associate with US-based Carnegie Endowment for International Peace Ashley J Tellis, who is tipped to become the next US Ambassador to India.


India launched the MMRCA in 2001 because the Indian Airforce was at HALF of the sanctioned squadron strength. Which was a completely unacceptable state of affairs.

Now in 2017? Exact same squadron situation, except now they are thinking about ordering 36 Rafale instead of 126. Seriously?

Indians keep saying: "We are prepared now!" but WTF is going on with your squadron numbers?

And let's not even start talking about basic military equipment, basic ammunition, or the most vital thing of all... border infrastructure.

When it takes your soldiers half a day to trek on foot, over mountainous terrain in order to reach the border, how on Earth can you achieve a superior force concentration on the border? Everything will be long over before those soldiers even reach the conflict zone.

Obviously China and India are not friends, but it is shocking to see India letting their defence preparations collapse like this. This isn't the Commonwealth Games, where poor organizational skills have limited damage, this is life or death.

Forget this 36 Rafale nonsense. Order 126 right now, or more even. India can find money in the Government budget if they cut all this socialist nonsense like the MNEGRA etc.
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Already the confrontation has began.

It's just that it will be fought on Pakistani soil. As India and China don't want to hurt eachother and lose their economy and infrastructure. Pakistan has nothing to lose so it is the best place to fight.

It's like Bhagwan Krishn was requested to find a place to fight a war to avoid collateral damage to cities.
What a shameless jealous argument you have? You ever visited Pakistan just comparing economy figures on wikipedia and thinks India is far developed no Sir check Per Capita income and human development Index if not better but not too low from India.

Pakistan has no scope of economy development. And whatever is happening now is Chinese asset not Pakistani.
So China can hit Indian assets in Pak and India can hit Chinese assets in Pak.

This is the way India and China two growing economies can avoid infrastructural loss inside their mainland. And this is how big powers confront eachother.
What a shameless jealous argument you have? You ever visited Pakistan just comparing economy figures on wikipedia and thinks India is far developed no Sir check Per Capita income and human development Index if not better but not too low from India.
Pakistan has always been the center of all havoc that went in this region..Every time Pakistan is used by some outsiders.

Country's future is measured by GDP,growth rate & opportunities.All those will increase in future in India.Don't worry
Already the confrontation has began.

It's just that it will be fought on Pakistani soil. As India and China don't want to hurt eachother and lose their economy and infrastructure. Pakistan has nothing to lose so it is the best place to fight.

It's like Bhagwan Krishn was requested to find a place to fight a war to avoid collateral damage to cities.

Pakistan has everything to lose...Its economy, its people, its nice and lush green valleys, its animals and birds, Its masterpiece architecture, its pride, its honor, its love for his fatherland and its stature in community of nations...

Damn, everything is on stake here...

I know you did this comment to satisfy your wrong placed ego and provoke Pakistanis but you know what...

If Pakistanis will be facing threat of extinction (God Forbid), Indians won't be able to enjoy those scenes too...

U may be bigger and probably way stronger than us but after all it is the will power that counts...

Pakistan proved you and whole world that we are not to be easily messed around...

Anyone, who will come at Pakistani border with gun hanging in hands, he will die...
trump will come to help
I doubt if it will make any difference. Perhaps China is too powerful.


Moreover CIA is trying to forge an alliance with China due to below cited reasons:

Chinese billionaire Jack Ma says the US wasted trillions on warfare instead of investing in infrastructure

Alibaba founder Jack Ma fired a shot at the United States in an interview at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland.

Ma was asked by CNBC's Andrew Ross Sorkin about the U.S. economy in relation to China, since President-elect Donald Trump has been talking about imposing new tariffs on Chinese imports.

Ma says blaming China for any economic issues in the U.S. is misguided. If America is looking to blame anyone, Ma said, it should blame itself.

"It's not that other countries steal jobs from you guys," Ma said. "It's your strategy. Distribute the money and things in a proper way."

He said the U.S. has wasted over $14 trillion in fighting wars over the past 30 years rather than investing in infrastructure at home.

To be sure, Ma is not the only critic of the costly U.S. policies of waging war against terrorism and other enemies outside the homeland. Still, Ma said this was the reason America's economic growth had weakened, not China's supposed theft of jobs.

In fact, Ma called outsourcing a "wonderful" and "perfect" strategy.

"The American multinational companies made millions and millions of dollars from globalization," Ma said. "The past 30 years, IBM, Cisco, Microsoft, they've made tens of millions — the profits they've made are much more than the four Chinese banks put together. ... But where did the money go?"

He said the U.S. is not distributing, or investing, its money properly, and that's why many people in the country feel wracked with economic anxiety. He said too much money flows to Wall Street and Silicon Valley. Instead, the country should be helping the Midwest, and Americans "not good in schooling," too.

"You're supposed to spend money on your own people," Ma said. "Not everybody can pass Harvard, like me." In a previous interview, Ma said he had been rejected by Harvard 10 times.

Along those lines, Ma stressed that globalization is a good thing, but it, too, "should be inclusive," with the spoils not just going to the wealthy few.

"The world needs new leadership, but the new leadership is about working together," Ma said. "As a business person, I want the world to share the prosperity together."

— CNBC's Anita Balakrishnan contributed to this report.
Already the confrontation has began.

It's just that it will be fought on Pakistani soil. As India and China don't want to hurt eachother and lose their economy and infrastructure. Pakistan has nothing to lose so it is the best place to fight.

It's like Bhagwan Krishn was requested to find a place to fight a war to avoid collateral damage to cities.

Fight Hunger and poverty before war.. Delusional indian :lol:
One in three of the world's malnourished children is in India, more even than in sub-Saharan Africa, according to a United Nations study.
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