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What I saw in New-Delhi

This point is stuck with me.

Can you tell this to the majority of Indians on this PDF, their policy makers, their govt officials from peon to PM? To stop bothering about Pakistan? Because that would be a real great service for both the countries.

Because all I see is an absolute astounding obsession with Pakistan at every level.

BTW Delhi is also a part of Khalistan and most of Khalistanis are nice people. Go visit some Southern Indian parts to get an idea about real fanatic India.

And Europeans being fascinated by India, c'mon dude, I don't know which Europeans you have been talking to.

Thailand, Phillipines Australia, Egypt etc yes, but not many are comfortable of visiting India, telling from own experience!
huh? are you high on something?
What is Khalistan? Where is Khalistan, can you show me on the map where is your Khalistan?:blah::blah:
Not comfortable visiting India?

Tourism in India - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Last year 22.57M tourists arrived in India and India ranks 38th in foreign tourist arrivals. Worldwide Delhi is ranked 52 in terms of foreign tourists.
What is the point in spewing venom everywhere? :nono:
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That is selective thinking from you..... If i want to be selective, I can look at Pakistan, as a country of Hafeez Saeed and zakeur rehman lakhvi, and a country which hosted world's most wanted terrorist, and a country which almost got declared as a terrorist nation..... How does that make you feel??? But i do not think that way even though what i stated is right............. So I leave it to you to make your own take on India, and i am not going to tell you the other side of India....

We see a very carefully constructed narrative being propagated by Indians around the world to somehow declare Pakistan a terrorist state. Indian govt policy and all her machinery including all of their media work like a symphony in portraying us some how as fanatics, barbarians etc.

And if we counter this with few facts about India, we have selective thinking? Pakistan has fanatics and India has her own fanatics, which outnumber Pakistanis. This is reality!

But my friend, it is perception that matters more than reality. You and me do not matter.

And we Pakistanis have every right to fight Indian dirty propaganda with their own tactics.
This is quite non-sense.

The fact that an Indian spends almost all day on PDF posting on every Pakistani thread to claim that he is not obsessed with Pakistan is a pure comedy in itself. :lol:

Now how would I know the true reason of Indians obsession with Pakistan? Perhaps insecurity, inferiority complex? I don't know, not an expert in psychology.

And by basing your arguments on some Indian songs being played on a Pakistani network, you are making a fool out of yourself.

Have you ever checked how many hundreds if not thousands of Pakistani songs are being copied in Bollywood? Or how many of our dramas, songs etc are being daily played on your networks?

Go figure!

We are obsessed with you, oh come on, this is the platform we can communicate with you people and that is not obsession.We know who is insecure by posting nude pictures out of frustration.If indians songs are copied from pakistan then why can't you make super duper songs and later export to india or Why your own people sing or dance your own original song instead of copied song by india as per ur claim !

Forget films and songs, now this is your media discussion about indian mars mission, they are telling when indian send mars probe, we have tested hatf 9 missile and telling 'Hum be kissi se kum nahim'

When india tested nulcear weapon, you also start testing your own, So who is obsessed ! you are we?
i didn't mean fearful place for muslims... what my friend said was the culture is generally unpleasant and tends towards semi-violent confrontations ( he meant mostly verbal i suppose ).

well, rudeness is rudeness, from the perception of any background.

You are right, being well traveled across India and having resided in Delhi frequently for periods spanning years - my observations of Delhi are

- People are more aggressive and arrogant . Quite a few of them are ready to take offense at the drop of a hat.
- Road Rage is real issue, i have stopped driving in Delhi due to this and when convenient take a cab.
- Not safe for lone females at night unlike someother larger cities.
- if not straight out cheating then less than honorable intentions among shop-keepers and Auto - Wallahs

However don't see any anti-muslim under-currents atleast not at significant variance from other cities.

Please note though I have listed out few negatives, however there are hundreds of positives too numerous to elucidate out here which has made me fall in love with Delhi and prefer it in comparison to Mumbai.

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huh? are you high on something?
What is Khalistan? Where is Khalistan, can you show me on the map where is your Khalistan?:blah::blah:
Not comfortable visiting India?

Tourism in India - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Last year 22.57M tourists arrived in India and India ranks 38th in foreign tourist arrivals. Worldwide Delhi is ranked 52 in terms of foreign tourists.
What is the point in spewing venom everywhere? :nono:
Khalisthaan to Kanedde main ban raha hai na bhi...
Good luck with that....

Sure. At least we'll do our bit.

Till now India has managed to get away with all the cross-border terrorism support in the neighborhood, which she provided for more than last 5 decades.

Lets see how long India can play this game i.e. showing herself as a victim and at the same time sponsoring proxy wars in the neighborhood!
Sure. At least we'll do our bit.

Till now India has managed to get away with all the cross-border terrorism support in the neighborhood, which she provided for more than last 5 decades.

Lets see how long India can play this game i.e. showing herself as a victim and at the same time sponsoring proxy wars in the neighborhood!

Please apply Occam's Razor to your arguments and you would find world a lot better place.
We see a very carefully constructed narrative being propagated by Indians around the world to somehow declare Pakistan a terrorist state. Indian govt policy and all her machinery including all of their media work like a symphony in portraying us some how as fanatics, barbarians etc.

And if we counter this with few facts about India, we have selective thinking? Pakistan has fanatics and India has her own fanatics, which outnumber Pakistanis. This is reality!

But my friend, it is perception that matters more than reality. You and me do not matter.

And we Pakistanis have every right to fight Indian dirty propaganda with their own tactics.

You're completely right here. Its just these current times don't favor you hence you need to live with such tags and then there's this Islamphobia on the rise which makes our job easier.

But don't you think this kind of bitch fighting is better than actual fighting?
i didn't mean fearful place for muslims... what my friend said was the culture is generally unpleasant and tends towards semi-violent confrontations ( he meant mostly verbal i suppose ).

well, rudeness is rudeness, from the perception of any background.

ok, then you may want to edit your post because the way it reads, that's the impression one gets. As to rideness, ofcourse, it'd be nice if everyone in Delhi and elsewhere in the world takes a deep breadth and talks softly but at the same time one should not become super sensitive ourselves. As you know in any grouping of people, we will find all kinds won't we? why generalize that much!
- Are the minorities such as Christians, Muslims, Dalits, Sikhs not being intimidated and terrorized with all sort of methods by hindu fanatics?

You forgot Parsis.

Terrible oppression. :pop:

Ok lets start with Maharastra, shall we?

Have they stopped the hate campaign against other Indians such as Biharis, Muslims etc? I guess a Bihari finding a job in Mumbai or a Muslim to find an apartment there should be no problem at all then.


I am a Bihari.

Working in Pune.

Which happens to be the most hardcore Hindu bastion of Maharashtra. :coffee:

And when I went to marry a dye-in-the-wool born and brought up Maharashtrian girl, blood mobs were not unleashed on me either.
You're completely right here. Its just these current times don't favor you hence you need to live with such tags and then there's this Islamphobia on the rise which makes our job easier.

But don't you think this kind of bitch fighting is better than actual fighting?

No problem with that at all, at least no body gets killed, :lol:

As long as Islamphobia is concerned, the WEST always needs an enemy. Unfortunately their whole economical model is based on having some sort of war with some existing or non-existing enemy.

- It were communists before and Muslims were "Mujahideen", the equivalent of American fathers of the nation.
- Now it is Muslims
- After Muslims are dealt with, it will be China + Russia
- And after they are dealt with.... guess who will be the next one? :lol:

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