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What I do about a terrorist who sends you death threats?

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Jul 30, 2007
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United Arab Emirates
The Issue

Allright this is very very serious.

I have been receiving death threats from a person on youtube whose channel is:
YouTube - islamkigandmaro's Channel

We found that islamkigandmaro allahofckbar islamkolund lundfaqir786 several posing accounts of dimension117vi and nationalists on youtube and some pakistani accounts belonged to this same person as the IP used was exactly the same. It does'nt look like they were not hinding behind the IP either or using some other method to cover their ips behind one source or IP.

I have never dealt with this sort of situation before and I just dont know what to say. According to my freinds he left a comment that he killed 27 muslim civilians in Gujrat and is going to kill me as well. The exact comment is this left on the old dimension117 account where a tribute video presenting a few people who had died because of hindu fanatics:

I wiped out 27 muslim faggots with my AK47 man. They started begging me they would conevrt to hinduism. I said no we dont want you scum to napak our hindu religion. I shot a ***** in the head. Men I lined them up and shot them. Children I shot them on their *** and old men I shot them as target practice. Great target practice I had. Allah o'fckbar

Now this guy actually confirmed this on 4 occassions taking responsibility for it with a certain amount of pride. A Canadian psychologist has confirmed that this person is led by a certain degree of hatred and my life may be in danger. Why is that? He managed to get some personal information about me. By tracking my IP he surely cud not get it cauz he'd get info about my ISP. However its likely sum1n informed him abt me... this could be someone I personally know who has betrayed my trust because he saw my damn name round there sumwhere...

Only thing is I am assuming he thought I was someone else who used the channel and threatened me instead because some guys did swear back to the Indians on our channel. However no swearing at religion was acceptable as the Quaid had made it clear that all religions are equal and the Pakistani identity matters most. Being Nationalists this vision is followed by everyone on dimension117 channel. Even my couzin who is the most troublesome of the entire team would stop people from swearing at hinduism.

Like dimension117 was our channel before and it was run by about 10-12 people. I visited every month or 2 or so and left few comments and 1n 2 messages. Most of the videos were by me however...

Solution kya hai?

Like what should I do? Tell the Canadian authorities (I am based in Canada and have been for a while) or what. Cauz I am really scared shitless. This guys logs and some posts I have been shown suggest he is seriously going to kill me. Everyone of my friends been saying the same things atleast all who saw his postings which went when somehow he got the account deleted.

There are google headquarters in mumbai too so I dont know maybe the Indians are playing some cheap game. But honestly the way my freinds are saying its like I am going to die tommarow or sumthing lol so I dont know what to do even if Indians in google are involved.

Like a few weeks back I saw "I hate smelly pakis" and "**** pakis" written round the busstop i used everyday... I dont know if its connected but is all this too serious? Should I just call the police? I have been trying to ignore it and live normally but...

Also this is my new channel on youtube:
YouTube - pakistanif4life's Channel

Please Help! :undecided:
Errr dude remember one thing.....90% of stuff said on the internet is crap. If it feels more serious then make a complaint to the police because this individual is being dumb enough to admit to murder.

But never take any of that nonsense seriously...it is probably some spotty 16 year old who would piss his pants in real life.
tell himdo what ever he can do its just a joke that some one kill huuuuuuuuunnn simply BS send him some good vairus.
tell himdo what ever he can do its just a joke that some one kill huuuuuuuuunnn simply BS send him some good vairus.

I am not great net person and stuff. I can track usually to ISP's but I cannot hack. I cannot send virus either nor do I have knowledge of how to. If I could hack I might be able to find exact information.

Several IP's have been used. If a person can use them and find out who this person is then I can give them all.

However it goes to server of google in mountainview california when i try to trace. Also i need a key to VIP f4 this task.
Errr dude remember one thing.....90% of stuff said on the internet is crap. If it feels more serious then make a complaint to the police because this individual is being dumb enough to admit to murder.

But never take any of that nonsense seriously...it is probably some spotty 16 year old who would piss his pants in real life.

Bro I dont think its really a joke anymore. Everyone saw those comments. The guy knows me personally and made a video about me in his confused drunken state. I dont know whats wrong. Hes talking about me being CEO of some organization or something. Hes got his information all wrong really...

And then u c my freinds have been eating my ears about it. Every person who calls he calls to find out about the death threat either out of curiosity or to see if i am ok... so they did c something the guys who ran the account and all.

Like ya i'd agree who cares whats it matter if he says it but then he now has personal information about me and he admitted to kill 27 civilians. HOW was that? How did he get personal information? Watch his video. pakistanif4life is me commenting. I just commented.

My name is Havi actually so... :undecided:
Bro I dont think its really a joke anymore. Everyone saw those comments. The guy knows me personally and made a video about me in his confused drunken state. I dont know whats wrong. Hes talking about me being CEO of some organization or something. Hes got his information all wrong really...

And then u c my freinds have been eating my ears about it. Every person who calls he calls to find out about the death threat either out of curiosity or to see if i am ok... so they did c something the guys who ran the account and all.

Like ya i'd agree who cares whats it matter if he says it but then he now has personal information about me and he admitted to kill 27 civilians. HOW was that? How did he get personal information? Watch his video. pakistanif4life is me commenting. I just commented.

My name is Havi actually so... :undecided:

Well in that case make some inquiries about it to the police. They will advise you.
Arm yourself and sleep in the closet for 2 weeks. If the madar ***** doesn't show up, means he never will and I seriously believe from what you have quoted that this is a highly delusional and powerless human being. If he had really been involved in whole scale slaughter the internet is the last place he would use to brag. As an extra precaution, print out everything that was said and turn it into the premier police force of Canada (RCMP). They deal with internet crime and will chase people down in other countries if their citizens are receiving death threats.

Good luck, safety off.
best of my advise will be, "Dont Stick To The Internet Any longer", the black imagination has overwhelmed ur mind and brains my friend!!!

and if u take it too serious any way then as my brother said earlier

print out everything that was said and turn it into the premier police force of Canada (RCMP). They deal with internet crime and will chase people down in other countries if their citizens are receiving death threats.

do it!!!, man u r living in canada, not pakistan, they r very sincere abt their nations security, i think they can go to extent to make u well secured and peaceful!!, may allah protect u, dont engage ur self with bad ppl in the net, always make good companies, and leave things which harm u in any way!!!
best of my advise will be, "Dont Stick To The Internet Any longer", the black imagination has overwhelmed ur mind and brains my friend!!!

and if u take it too serious any way then as my brother said earlier

do it!!!, man u r living in canada, not pakistan, they r very sincere abt their nations security, i think they can go to extent to make u well secured and peaceful!!, may allah protect u, dont engage ur self with bad ppl in the net, always make good companies, and leave things which harm u in any way!!!

Yep. May Allah protect me.

I'll have to do something now eh... something.
I'm wondering how he got info about you. From what I see, you freely give away your personal information. Your already telling us you live in Canada, your youtube page, and your real name. So obviously you gave away that information some other time too.
I'm wondering how he got info about you. From what I see, you freely give away your personal information. Your already telling us you live in Canada, your youtube page, and your real name. So obviously you gave away that information some other time too.

I did but then how he tracked me to my college found my girlfriends name etc etc?

Maybe it could be someone who knew me playing around. There are many fanatical hindu organizations in Canada.
I did but then how he tracked me to my college found my girlfriends name etc etc?

Maybe it could be someone who knew me playing around. There are many fanatical hindu organizations in Canada.

Its probably ur friend, or otherwise he probably got that info from face book or my space.

Dnt worry abt it too much, heres a solution, u live in canada right, call the police, tell them u have been getting death threats. U said they called u right, so they got the number and they can easily track him down. I can call the cops for u if u want i live in canada also.
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Its probably ur friend, or otherwise he probably got that info from face book or my space.

Dnt worry abt it too much, heres a solution, u live in canada right, call the police, tell them u have been getting death threats. U said they called u right, so they got the number and they can easily track him down. I can call the cops for u if u want i live in canada also.

Kisney bola they called me... Read the 1st post and my profile @t pakistanif4life...
Kisney bola they called me... Read the 1st post and my profile @t pakistanif4life...

k i thought i read sumthing abt sum1 calling you, but if they kno ur name and place u live, its really easy for them to get the info, if u have profile on a social network like facebook.
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