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What hunting App are you using?

Why should anyone hunt unless it is for undesirables like wolves, bears and stray dogs ?

Edit : Add hyenas too.
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Why ?

Also, wolves are just jungle and mountain dogs.

No predators lead to increase in herbivores. In Australia due to drought and wildfires lead to fall in population of snakes, now after heavy rain mice population has exploded. Nature needs a balance. Dogs are descendents of wolves, but wolves are much more intelligent because dogs were breed to be docile and obedient. Hopefully reintroduced to UK.
No predators lead to increase in herbivores. In Australia due to drought and wildfires lead to fall in population of snakes, now after heavy rain mice population has exploded. Nature needs a balance.

Sure, Nature needs balance so introduce small and big cats to take care of the mice and the over-grazing deer.

No need for wolves and bears.

Dogs are descendents of wolves, but wolves are much more intelligent because dogs were breed to be docile and obedient.

Wolves are a type of dog. Adapted to mountain and forest.

You should watch the Liam Neeson film The Grey to see the real nature of wolf / dog.

And watch vids and read reports about how "intelligent and docile" dogs attack and kill people and in India are very openly known, especially now along the Ganga river, to eat human corpses that come up to the riverside or dig up to eat shallow-buried COVID-dead human bodies on the sandy beaches of the Ganga river.

Hopefully reintroduced to UK.

Heavens forbid !
Wolves are important part of the ecosystem, in yellow stone park re introduction of wolves positively changed the whole park. many aspecies came back to the park

Man, this tech kak is beyond stupid. I saw one american come over to the kalahari with a huge scope and the idiot sits with his pot belly in a hilux seat on the back and takes a shot. Really. He could not even get out of the car.

No thank you. Go to the site first, set up camp and be part of it; then set out for the hunt. Leave this tech shit in the useless store where it belongs. A good knife, 303/308 is all you need; unless you are a friend of mine that still hunts with a cross bow (he graduated from 0.44 magnum).

You want to hunt? Come here. I will take you to the Kalahari for a 3 day stay; i promise you a life time of experience. Especially with hyenas in the night near the camp - yes - you need to take turns sleeping and keeping watch; the first time you hear a kalahari lion roar - i have seen people piss in their pants.
Sure, Nature needs balance so introduce small and big cats to take care of the mice and the over-grazing deer.

No need for wolves and bears.

Wolves are a type of dog. Adapted to mountain and forest.

You should watch the Liam Neeson film The Grey to see the real nature of wolf / dog.

And watch vids and read reports about how "intelligent and docile" dogs attack and kill people and in India are very openly known, especially now along the Ganga river, to eat human corpses that come up to the riverside or dig up to eat shallow-buried COVID-dead human bodies on the sandy beaches of the Ganga river.

Heavens forbid !

Lol. Your seem unhinged, have you had a bad experience from these wild animals? I have had bad experience from a dog, but not scared of all dogs.

Wolves are way different to feral dogs. Grey is just a movie, plenty of movies out there of humans killing other humans. You changed my quote.

Inregards to mice in Australia, feral cats kill more native animals then any other predator. The local species are unprepared for invasive species like cats.

Man, this tech kak is beyond stupid. I saw one american come over to the kalahari with a huge scope and the idiot sits with his pot belly in a hilux seat on the back and takes a shot. Really. He could not even get out of the car.

No thank you. Go to the site first, set up camp and be part of it; then set out for the hunt. Leave this tech shit in the useless store where it belongs. A good knife, 303/308 is all you need; unless you are a friend of mine that still hunts with a cross bow (he graduated from 0.44 magnum).

You want to hunt? Come here. I will take you to the Kalahari for a 3 day stay; i promise you a life time of experience. Especially with hyenas in the night near the camp - yes - you need to take turns sleeping and keeping watch; the first time you hear a kalahari lion roar - i have seen people piss in their pants.

Big game hunting is tolerable, if have a Conservation value that also benefits local community. Hunting an animal seems relatively easy because animals have set behaviour and patterns. Humans are unpredictable thats what makes them more dangerous.
These two criminals hunted this caracal cat somewhere in Africa. There are more such photos on Google. What should be done to them ? They pose as if they are brave. They should then go to Syria and assist the Syrian forces in ridding the country of Al CIA-da criminals :


Lol. Your seem unhinged, have you had a bad experience from these wild animals?

That is incorrect logic. I personally haven't encountered other too many bad experiences by other humans yet but I know that they are bad and should be seen as a problem. Does that make me unhinged ?

Wolves are way different to feral dogs. Grey is just a movie, plenty of movies out there of humans killing other humans.

Yet, PETA and its type of idiotic organizations spread a boycott campaign against that film because it apparently made the wolf to appear "bad". Certain films depict reality.

About films of humans unnecessarily killings other humans, I agree most of these "action" films should be banned. Like Rambo in Afghanistan and Vietnam.

And I don't know what "feral dogs" are. I just know "dogs".

You changed my quote.

Which one ?

Inregards to mice in Australia, feral cats kill more native animals then any other predator. The local species are unprepared for invasive species like cats.

You seem to echo the words of that idiotic Australian politician who wanted to do mass murder of cats in Australia.
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