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What Has NOT Changed in China? An Analysis of the Chinese One-Party Dictatorship


At that time the United States Monthly Recommended books for the understanding of that era in China

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well, as I have said in my previous post...
Chinese heritage ==.==" corrupted officials.....
anyways, I really have no idea how much chinese people make daily... but USD$2 a day? are you sure about that?

I have friends working in China... they are make around USD$800 a month...

Anyways, if the person lives with his/her family... even USD$2 a day certain will not starve.

(Although I also finds it unimaginable to only make $2 a day...) but its depends where the person lives... I believe there are places that you can live with only USD$2 a day.

He has no authoritative source, the usual Bharat Propaganda. You should really visit India, you'll really understand their brainwashed racist mindset. :) China-pakistan goes 3 times a year, and I've lived there. It's really shocking, it's like Nazi Germany, BJP, RSS, Shiv Sena, et al. Crazy stuff goes there, protests, communal riots, mass killings, ethnic cleansing, dead corpses lying in public areas! I kid you not. Go and see for yourself (but come with protection, and at least a bodyguard if you'll be going on the beaten path).
He has no authoritative source, the usual Bharat Propaganda. You should really visit India, you'll really understand their brainwashed racist mindset. :) China-pakistan goes 3 times a year, and I've lived there. It's really shocking, it's like Nazi Germany, BJP, RSS, Shiv Sena, et al. Crazy stuff goes there, protests, communal riots, mass killings, ethnic cleansing, dead corpses lying in public areas! I kid you not. Go and see for yourself (but come with protection, and at least a bodyguard if you'll be going on the beaten path).

I request to dccafe to visit India once to see whether SinoIndusFriendship's comment are true or not. Thanks.
President Roosevelt's captain Evans Fordyce Carlson


[edit] Second and third China tours
After his Warm Springs tour Carlson was posted to the 4th Marines in Shanghai. Shortly afterward he was transferred to the Marine Detachment, American Legation, Peiping, China, where he served as Adjutant and studied the Chinese language. In 1936, he returned to the United States via Japan. At home he served at Quantico while attending Marine Corps Schools, and studying International Law and Politics at George Washington University in Washington, D.C.

He went back to China for the third time in 1937 as an official student of the Chinese language and as a military observer with Chinese forces. There he was afforded the opportunity to learn the tactics of the Japanese soldier.

He met Edgar Snow in China and read Snow's Red Star Over China. This encounter led him to visit the Chinese communist troop headquarters in northern China, where he met Chinese Communist leaders such as Mao Zedong, Zhou Enlai and Deng Xiaoping. Traveling thousands of miles through the interior of China with the communist guerrillas, often on foot and horseback over the most hazardous terrain, he lived under the same primitive conditions. He was impressed by the tactics used by Chinese Communist guerrillas to fight Japanese troops.

When he left China in 1938, he was commended by the Commander in Chief of the Asiatic Fleet for his services. He was so impressed with the danger of Japanese aggression in the Far East that in 1939 he resigned his commission as a captain in order to be free to write and lecture on that subject. When the danger he foresaw neared reality in 1941, he applied to be recommissioned in the Marine Corps and was accepted with the rank of major.

Carlson wrote books about his third tour in China when he was attached to the Chinese 8th Route Army:

Twin Stars of China, Dodd, Mead & Company, 1940.
The Chinese army its organization and military efficiency, International Secretariat, Institute of Pacific Relations, 1939. (ASIN B00089LO5S)
Evans F. Carlson on China at War, 1937–1941, China and U.S. Publication. (ASIN B0006F13D2)
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At that time the United States Monthly Recommended books for the understanding of that era in China

Internet Archive: Free Download: Thunder Out Of China

Internet Archive www.archive.org

if you search the old US gov sponsored/produced videos... about China...
you will find things that contradict... or simply lying within some truth...

I have seen them putting scene from Japanese invasion videos into Chinese civil war videos(they were supporting ROC those days...and both videos are by the US Gov/Navy).

You find a lot of old propaganda by the US... in there...
Watching it nowadays, you would think how the hell those people manage to believe in the stories their government is telling...
but then, so is now.
China knows that the world is far more than the world know that China, because for some reason.
Internet Archive www.archive.org

if you search of old US gov videos... about China...
you will find things that contradict... or simply lying within some truth...

I have seen them putting scene from Japanese invasion videos into Chinese civil war videos(they were supporting ROC those days...and both videos are by the US Gov/Navy).

You find a lot of old propaganda by the US... in there...
Watching it nowadays, you would think how the hell those people manage to believe in the stories their government is telling...
but then, so as now.

At that time China needs is peace and tranquility after the extremely tired, and then build up our broken home, but the U.S. Government's support for France's KMT government, provide a lot of weapons to fight the civil war, and we finally realized that the colonists would not be willing to take the initiative to leave the stage , No matter how friendly the Chinese people towards the Americans, the Chinese Communist Party and the democratic parties to unite themselves to pursue their country's true independence, and the victory, it was a starting point for the development we have today.
Absolute Control Through Armed Forces

The source of the CCP power ultimately lies in its absolute control of China’s huge armed forces. In accordance with Mao’s famous adage “Political power grows out of the barrel of a gun” and the CCP principle of “the Party commands the gun,” the CCP does everything possible to ensure that the Chinese People’s Liberation Army (PLA) is truly a “Party army.”

It is written in the Chinese Constitution that the PLA must at all times be under the direct command of the CCP. As we know, the Party boss, called the General Secretary, Hu Jintao, is Chairman of the CCP Military Commission and is automatically Commander-in-Chief of all the Chinese armed forces. As such, he personally appoints every general or admiral of the PLA. It is also ominously declared time and again that the PLA has the dual function of national defense and keeping domestic order. Any talk of nationalizing the armed forces is heresy, and punishable by imprisonment.

Since the CCP won power through a violent civil war, the PLA always enjoys a special and privileged position in the CCP organization. It is the real power base of the CCP, and as such the citadel of political conservatism. Personnel-wise, high-ranking military positions are the reserve of adult children of CCP leaders and top officials, who are either deceased or living. They are ready at all times to spring to action to “maintain law and order.” The army is the ultimate deterrent to challenge the CCP monopoly of power, and an extremely effective one.

While the PLA is a deterrent force, the well-equipped People’s Armed Police (PAP) and regular police force are there to maintain everyday order.
Absolute Control Through Armed Forces

The source of the CCP power ultimately lies in its absolute control of China’s huge armed forces. In accordance with Mao’s famous adage “Political power grows out of the barrel of a gun” and the CCP principle of “the Party commands the gun,” the CCP does everything possible to ensure that the Chinese People’s Liberation Army (PLA) is truly a “Party army.”

It is written in the Chinese Constitution that the PLA must at all times be under the direct command of the CCP. As we know, the Party boss, called the General Secretary, Hu Jintao, is Chairman of the CCP Military Commission and is automatically Commander-in-Chief of all the Chinese armed forces. As such, he personally appoints every general or admiral of the PLA. It is also ominously declared time and again that the PLA has the dual function of national defense and keeping domestic order. Any talk of nationalizing the armed forces is heresy, and punishable by imprisonment.

Since the CCP won power through a violent civil war, the PLA always enjoys a special and privileged position in the CCP organization. It is the real power base of the CCP, and as such the citadel of political conservatism. Personnel-wise, high-ranking military positions are the reserve of adult children of CCP leaders and top officials, who are either deceased or living. They are ready at all times to spring to action to “maintain law and order.” The army is the ultimate deterrent to challenge the CCP monopoly of power, and an extremely effective one.

While the PLA is a deterrent force, the well-equipped People’s Armed Police (PAP) and regular police force are there to maintain everyday order.

You really want to know before China?
I wish there is a thumbs down plugin
i would love to give it all to this "ssheppard"
what the heck you think you doing?
Other than those ignorance people, who the hell is gonna believe you.
I don't even bother reading the stuff you had posted...:smokin:
I wish there is a thumbs down plugin
i would love to give it all to this "ssheppard"
what the heck you think you doing?
Other than those ignorance people, who the hell is gonna believe you.
I don't even bother reading the stuff you had posted...:smokin:

Please don't waste your valuable time on this thread.....please go and read something posted somewhere that suits your taste.....there are people making efforts to make sure that you have enough comfortable stuff to read.

Thanks for your kind words.:smitten:
I just hope that this forum will have more exchanges, China and India have a long history of contacts, experience a variety of modern history, with a different system, it can learn from each other, and really need to attack each other under the control of the.

China and Pakistan also need to know more about, we are close friends but still not very familiar with
I just hope that this forum will have more exchanges, China and India have a long history of exchanges, are now more modern history and the different systems can learn from each other, and really want to attack each other under the control of the.

China and Pakistan also need to know more about, we are close friends but still not very familiar with

Buddy... there are enough people on this forum who have made efforts to make sure the situation is the way its is right now....you can not blame only one side.... as I said ....Its a fair Exchange...Give and Take..... its mutual...if people want to know ...and learn....everyone is willing to contribute...but some people love to take cheap shots.....and they only get frustrated when someone retaliates....

We can have some good exchange ..and learning..depending upon what the intentions are........but if its about attacking...and attacking...be ready for some one to respond.

Thanks for your patience.:smitten:
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