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What happened to this forum???

Did this forum got hacked and is run by Indians now?
You sound like an Indian - anyone having an opinion which deviates from the state approved opinion is "anti national." Now you're labelling anyone who dares criticise the army as "Indian."

While the army has done a lot of good, they've done just as much, if not more bad. There is no point in whitewashing your country's history and refusing to learn from past mistakes.

To answer your question about why the forum has turned anti-army, it can be summarised that a few officers have destroyed the country for their own personal benefit, ruined the armed force's reputation, and have shown no shame in doing so.
I think another patwari landed on PDF right from Mars, he somehow doesn't know (or pretends) what happened recently in the country.
Mir Bajwa has sold Pakistan for peanuts and patriotic Pakistanis such as the ones on this forum are in pain from it. Any patriotic Pakistani will be in pain when their country is being wrecked by thieves brought in by the men paid and fattened by our tax money to protect it. He's a wreched man who will not be able to show his face among the people of Pakistan. There hasn't been an army chief who had to suffer this ignominy in their own country. He's about as popular all over Pakistan as Bipin Rawat was in the Kashmir Valley. If he thinks he will retire in peace in Belgium or the US, he will be spat on by the diaspora when he goes out to get groceries, forget dinner parties. Maybe that will be good for him, because if he stays, treason charges will be filed against him. And he isn't Musharraf who stayed in Kargil as COAS, beloved as a commando and doer by the rank and file and protected by the army. Once the uniform comes off, he can no longer rely on and cash the excellent discipline in our beloved army.
I came back after a few months time and the content of this forum is shocking

There are threads openly attacking our DGISPR and army and intelligence agencies

Manzoor Pashteen/PTM is praised and considered right as well as many left wing anti-army parties.

Did this forum got hacked and is run by Indians now? The language and content against our army is worse than most Indians use.

It’s like being on Indian defence forum and BJP bakhts attacking our army

Did I miss something? What is going on

Did the policy of the forum change? I used to think this forum was run by the military and had professional military guys from Pakistan, the language against our army is shocking.

PS: I don’t have any opinion on army except we should love Pak army. Don’t drag me into any such debate, just inquiring about the change in attitude of forum
A lot of people took Imran's ouster to heart and are blaming Bajwa for it, that's what happened.
I came back after a few months time and the content of this forum is shocking

There are threads openly attacking our DGISPR and army and intelligence agencies

Manzoor Pashteen/PTM is praised and considered right as well as many left wing anti-army parties.

Did this forum got hacked and is run by Indians now? The language and content against our army is worse than most Indians use.

It’s like being on Indian defence forum and BJP bakhts attacking our army

Did I miss something? What is going on

Did the policy of the forum change? I used to think this forum was run by the military and had professional military guys from Pakistan, the language against our army is shocking.

PS: I don’t have any opinion on army except we should love Pak army. Don’t drag me into any such debate, just inquiring about the change in attitude of forum
Btw love the picture you put of IK as your profile pic. You know its from April/May 2020 when it looked like millions of Pakistanis would die and maybe the country would tear apart. He was in pain for his people. Not his seat or power. Not money. His people and his country. Its why patriotic Pakistanis love him and ex military and even current military but not allowed to say. Its why the US hates him and won't deal with him. Its why Modi/Doval hates him. Its why the muslim ummah loves him. He's a sincere leader. He's not perfect but his comparison is Zardari and Nawaz Sharif the thieves and absconders.
not AWOL just snowed under with RL challenges .
Glad to see you haven't disappeared.

Another member i miss is chakbamu. I guess the relentless backlash by pro PTI members has made him withdraw. Which is sad. He was a sensible, experienced and balanced poster. Pushing people like him out of the forum risks reducing this to a an unhealthy echo chamber.
Did the policy of the forum change? I used to think this forum was run by the military and had professional military guys from Pakistan, the language against our army is shocking.
It has always been an anti-army, anti-Pakistan, pro-Persia and pro India forum. it was done with a subtle finesse, it is now done crudely.
Short version: Imran Khan managed to convince most of this population that Army leadership is anti Pakistan. No one's word expect that of Imran can be true 🤠
Short version: Imran Khan managed to convince most of this population that Army leadership is anti Pakistan. No one's word expect that of Imran can be true 🤠
I agree. While I am myself against dynastic politics, i think Pakistanis are becoming their own equivalents of Modi Bhakts by constantly refusing to entertain even the mildest criticism of IK
I agree. While I am myself against dynastic politics, i think Pakistanis are becoming their own equivalents of Modi Bhakts by constantly refusing to entertain even the mildest criticism of IK
I've maintained this from day 1. PTI followers are no different from BJP followers. The embryonic mental connect between Indian and Pakistani population is very evident :laugh:
Another boot polish spotted
How many more times would we close our eyes?
How many more years can we tolerate this corruption?
How many more years can we let traitors drag us down just so they can have a luxurious life
Enough is enough
There are threads openly attacking our DGISPR and army and intelligence agencies

You want to keep army and intelligence agencies above criticism or accountability? You want urdi Walla as pious as saint that nobody can criticize them ?
As they are public servant getting paid from public taxes they must be accountable to public same as politicians who get elected by public vote.
It’s laughable when supporters of “Mujhe kyun nikala” start supporting the establishment in an attempt to seem “nicer”.

I'm a little confused.

Actually, quite confused. Perhaps best to watch in silence. Perhaps that reference to Indians was a Pavlovian one, and it may be best, in the interest of sanity, to ignore it.
The best approach these days
Well, after thinking about this. I don’t think it’s wise for me to be associated with this forum lest I am included in the people who are attacking our army

I am too much of a cockroach inconsequential person in the scheme of the country/politics to get dragged into this insanity lol.

I will stop using this account and please ban me as well so there’s no doubt that I am not included in this insanity.

I just want to say that please look into the condition of neighbouring Muslim countries and you will be grateful for Pakistan. Because our army is stronger, we fended off Indian attack in 2019 when we as civilians were scared, our army fought the enemy head on. Alhamdulillah, we can pray in peace and practice Islam, we don’t have to be scared of Hindus killing us by making us shout their idols praises. Did everyone forget who captured Kalbushan Yadev the nasty terrorist responsible for bomb blasts? Our intelligence agencies.

Anyway, I will take my leave, no interest in becoming a pawn in campaigning of some group against our beloved army and intelligence agencies that I love ❤️ I was raised in army schools and they’re some other level of awesome 👏

Oh also my big 🖕 to PMLN, PPP, PTI and every political party for ruining my country and sucking our blood dry. Even army had to intervene to defend us from these internal threats.

Pakistan zindabad, Pakistan army and intelligence agencies zindabad. May Allah help them against both internal and external enemies and bring peace and prosperity to our beautiful Muslim land.
Take care, you will not be missed.

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