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What do you think of the UN?

What do you think of the UN?

  • The UN was a bad idea and should be disbanded.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • The UN was a good idea but needs to be reformed.

    Votes: 8 57.1%
  • A relevant organization led by corrupted ppl and countries.

    Votes: 5 35.7%
  • There is nothing wrong with the UN as it is today.

    Votes: 1 7.1%
  • What is the UN??? For those who do not know about UN .

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Aug 31, 2007
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think that the UN was a good idea to start with, but that it has run out of date and needs to be reformed immediately.
Maybe disband this UN and start over with a new reformed one. It was created in a time when the world was completely different than today's and it needs to be updated to reflect this.
I also feel that the UN as it is now...has no real power at all...the powerfull countries are doing whatever they want without paying any regards to the UN...(example: Iraq war, Israel and Palestinian territory dispute etc...)

I am interested in hearing what others think of this.
The UN is an idiotic organization incapable of doing anything useful! They have never managed to stop a war or take action against an agressive nation! Instead they are bullying smaller nations such as Iran and Syria! The UN is a crappy organization that deserves to die as it does not fulfill any purpose. A better organization must take its place!

Also 7 permanent members should be there instead of 5 and Saudi Arabia should be one as there are no representatives of the Islamic world! Saudi can represent Islam in the U.N. I think India should be a permanent member too along with China and Russia and the other permanent members should not be from Europe only! The UN should not be a tool of the west and other members should have a say and all actions should be based on vote!
Remove the security council from the UN and it would start making sense.
UN was formed with good intentions and it has done its shares in some conflicts. Eg in the Korean War UN helped SK to be liberated.

The problem is that UN is backed by the west and does not have the capability to take action against them. USA invaded iraq and UN couldnt do a thing about it. but when NK invaded SK, UN took action by sending troops. So if UN was to do the right thing, they should have send troops to help push out the invaders (USA), just like it did in the Korean War. But UN was helpless. It just goes to show that UN is merely a proxy to safeguard western interests.

UN needs a serious reform. The only way UN can be effective is when the UN has power to stop any country from doing what is wrong.
US should have security council, to help enforce its diktats. But it should have equal representation from all continents. Saudia Arabia and some major African country should be given permanent seats to balance out.
UN is nothing but a piece of trash used and abused by nations like US. Its completely of no use and should therefore be dissolved. Might is right is whats going on so let the countries settle their score themselves.
UN is nothing but a piece of trash used and abused by nations like US. Its completely of no use and should therefore be dissolved. Might is right is whats going on so let the countries settle their score themselves.

Wow man i dont know about countries settle their score themselves But it seems as thought you have some serious beef with the UN ... ::guns: :guns: :guns:

:yahoo: :cheers: :yahoo:
What i think UNO means.....U for United States and NO for rest of the world...lolzz
Outdated because is misused. It is indeed used by certain power(s) to intimidate others. The moment that Powell talked about WMD in the UN it should have been ended...

On the other hand the number of points against Israel are either ignored or vetoed.. They call that "democracy" ... I call it absurd and waste of time.
Wow man i dont know about countries settle their score themselves But it seems as thought you have some serious beef with the UN ... ::guns: :guns: :guns:

:yahoo: :cheers: :yahoo:

Lets take the example of iraq. What weapons of mass destruction were found there till date, yet US decided to attack because they think it was the right thing to do. Where was UN then? Its simple nations like US uses UN as a tool to intimate smaller nations but themselves disobey all what they want others to follow. Take the example of israel, how many UN resolutions have been passed and how many have been vetoed by US alone so whats the point.
@Munir that was the most shocking silliest presentation from such a decent man in UN, about WMD.
Lets take the example of iraq. What weapons of mass destruction were found there till date, yet US decided to attack because they think it was the right thing to do. Where was UN then? Its simple nations like US uses UN as a tool to intimate smaller nations but themselves disobey all what they want others to follow. Take the example of israel, how many UN resolutions have been passed and how many have been vetoed by US alone so whats the point.

Its in human nature that Might is Right ... Had this have been Pakistan in the US's Place of Super Power than no one would had a problem ... It just shows that if you what to get something done in the world you have to come on par with the Super Powers and force then to Listen to what you have to say ... Thats all i am say brother ... :toast_sign:
What i think UNO means.....U for United States and NO for rest of the world...lolzz

Man i totally agree with you ... I didnt think of this before or i would have put in the option in
the poll ...:yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo:
Depends on ones location and perspective IMHO. UN seems useless with regards to any major Geo-political activity, but it has its uses. First of all it atleast gives minor nations a voice. There voice might not be heeded to by major powers, but atleast its heard. Counts for a lot. If i were a citizen of one of these tiny nations, id consider the UN necessary.

Secondly, UN humanitarian and peacekeeping activity is a real boon to many suffering populations around the world. If i were one of them, i would consider the UN a god send.

Now if i was a citizen of the US or rich European nations, or of some country thats in the UN crosshairs, id consider the UN an absolute waste and irrelevant.

So IMO the bottomline is that the UN matters, maybe not to me, but to a lot of other people, and hence it matters to the world.
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