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What do you guys think ?

Its Muharram and the Molvi Sahiban on my right have spent the last 1-2 nights nights blazing away on the speakers and like last year I'm sure another week's worth of such nights are in store.

The Molvi Sahiban on my back do the same on Eid-Milad-un-Nabwi or any other such occasion and stays the night before and the night after glued to the loudspeaker.

Whereas the Molvi Sahiban on my right end up blocking the entire road when they have a Naat-khawani on one of these days in addition to competing with each other on who could deliver the naats better "read" louder !

And this by-the-way is happening while all of these Molvi Sahiban are almost half a km from my place...I can't imagine what the people right on their door-step would have to go through !

My question is - Do you guys see a way out of this ? Do you think that, barring the conservative faction in our society, there would be enough mainstream support to help regulate such Religious Occasions where the loudspeaker is gripped a bit gently and roads aren't blocked or do you think that even the Majority of us are alright with this ?

I ask this because whenever I talk about this (to all kinds of people) all of them are unanimous that something needs to be done and yet nothing gets done !

Why do you think that is so and what do you guys think as Pakistanis and as Muslims is the way out for us ?

P.S This isn't a Religious Thread (at least not in my mind's eye) because I have no interest whatsoever on debating the merits or demerits of whatever different people do or believe in Pakistan and I don't really care what Religious Justification they ground their actions in.

I'm simply interested in looking at this from an Administrative Angle while being mindful of religious sensibilities of others which as Muslims we'd probably be anyhow !

There are multiple dimensions to this. Socio-economic and religious. Let's leave out the religious angle from this discussion.

This probably is one of the times, where, people come together, meet and 'party'. It provides an opportunity for people for lower economic levels to have a good time. It provides for individuals to be reminded also, of living a good life and being away from things which can be considered harmful towards other humans. Again, I am not getting into the content of what is spoken at these events since, it could be a colourful discussion. So, in my books events like these should be allowed to exist.

Now for the administrative perspective what needs to be done to ensure a peaceful existence for individuals?

1. Sound pollution control : Impose strict fines on speakers above a particular decibel level.
2. Cut-off time : Ensure strict adherence to a cut off time at night and a start time in the morning.
3. Licenses : Ensure licensing of the area which needs to be used for these events. Which means, they need permission to hold events.
4. Safety : Ensure the organisers have taken and follow strict safety procedures. Co-ordinate with fire service personnel for a short talk and how to respond to emergency.
5. Security : All events will need police clearance. Every event should have a video feed which is being sent to the nearest police station or to the police control room. Regular patrolling by the cops will be necessary throughout the day.
7. Weapons : No weapons policy to be enforced.
8. Processions : All processions are allowed to take pre-determined routes. No deviation allowed.

Not everybody implements these immediately. But, if the bigger chaps start doing this, the smaller chaps over a period of time adopt the same.
There is an ISKCON temple being built near my area. Day before maybe something made those guys excited and they started busting crackers from 3 AM in the morning, I myself am a deep sleeper and it was not before 6 that I realized the nuisance. My mother was up and angry, my pet dog went into the most deepest corner of the house, scared! And people in my society kept up with it, what BS.

I was so pissed that I called the Police on those morons and thank god within 15 minutes that madness was put to rest.

What gives such nutjobs rights to disturb the peace all around? According to me the best way would be to ban all loud speakers and any form of loud noise for religious purposes, except maybe on major festivals and should only be conducted from say 5PM to 8PM only and fixed number of festivals for each religion recognized.

We are not living in those ages when people would not realize the time of the day, let them set reminders and all if they want to go to prayers and sermons blaring from temples and mosques can be put on radio or internet.
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There are multiple dimensions to this. Socio-economic and religious. Let's leave out the religious angle from this discussion.

This probably is one of the times, where, people come together, meet and 'party'. It provides an opportunity for people for lower economic levels to have a good time. It provides for individuals to be reminded also, of living a good life and being away from things which can be considered harmful towards other humans. Again, I am not getting into the content of what is spoken at these events since, it could be a colourful discussion. So, in my books events like these should be allowed to exist.

Now for the administrative perspective what needs to be done to ensure a peaceful existence for individuals?

1. Sound pollution control : Impose strict fines on speakers above a particular decibel level.
2. Cut-off time : Ensure strict adherence to a cut off time at night and a start time in the morning.
3. Licenses : Ensure licensing of the area which needs to be used for these events. Which means, they need permission to hold events.
4. Safety : Ensure the organisers have taken and follow strict safety procedures. Co-ordinate with fire service personnel for a short talk and how to respond to emergency.
5. Security : All events will need police clearance. Every event should have a video feed which is being sent to the nearest police station or to the police control room. Regular patrolling by the cops will be necessary throughout the day.
7. Weapons : No weapons policy to be enforced.
8. Processions : All processions are allowed to take pre-determined routes. No deviation allowed.

Not everybody implements these immediately. But, if the bigger chaps start doing this, the smaller chaps over a period of time adopt the same.

There is an ISKCON temple being built near my area. Day before maybe something made those guys excited and they started busting crackers from 3 AM in the morning, I myself am a deep sleeper and it was not before 6 that I realized the nuisance. My mother was up and angry, my pet dog went into the most deepest corner of the house, scared! And people in my society kept up with it, what BS.

I was so pissed that I called the Police on those morons and thank god within 15 minutes that madness was put to rest.

What gives such nutjobs rights to disturb the peace all around? According to me the best way would be to ban all loud speakers and any form of loud noise for religious purposes, except maybe on major festivals and should only be conducted from say 5PM to 8PM only and fixed number of festivals for each religion recognized.

We are not living in those ages when people would not realize the time of the day, let them set reminders and all if they want to go to prayers and sermons blaring from temples and mosques can be put on radio or internet.

do you guys really think all of these are possible in INDO-PAK religious, social and cultural environment .... :lol:
do you guys really think all of these are possible in INDO-PAK religious, social and cultural environment .... :lol:
To certain extent this is being followed in India, no loud speakers beyond 10 PM.

Many people generally would not mind unless the disturbance is too much but some take it for granted and those people should be adequately threatened.
Noise pollution is a big issue but what about those honking horns? for no reason! that causes considerable distress and gives people headaches.
Mullah and speakers from all sects should be Banned from using Loudspeakers, other then for "AZZAN".

Require mullahs and yes i do mean all to apply for permits for any activity requiring the use of public places or loudspeakers. Automatic fines should be set at 4 to 500 Million rupees plus jail term for not applying for permit.

Politicians blocking roads for any reason should be banned from political office For Good plus fined and jail no judge no jury automatic.

Dates when the fine was paid and who collected on behalf of the effected city should be mandatory to be published in media.making back door deals between police and thieves, oh my bad i meant politicians and mullah useless.

Is any of this going to happen any time soon Not likely.
@Armstrong I have a solution but you wont like it. Tear down unnecessary mosques as they encourage further segmentation, reserve one mosque per the unit population you are planning for and appoint a government approved, non-sectarian cleric for that mosque. Everyone, regardless of sectarian or political affiliation prays in that mosque or prays at home. That's how the military does it, one mosque and everyone is welcomed to it.
@Armstrong I have a solution but you wont like it. Tear down unnecessary mosques as they encourage further segmentation, reserve one mosque per the unit population you are planning for and appoint a government approved, non-sectarian cleric for that mosque. Everyone, regardless of sectarian or political affiliation prays in that mosque or prays at home. That's how the military does it, one mosque and everyone is welcomed to it.

That plan is unimplementable in the civilian sector, Sir.
@Armstrong I have a solution but you wont like it. Tear down unnecessary mosques as they encourage further segmentation, reserve one mosque per the unit population you are planning for and appoint a government approved, non-sectarian cleric for that mosque. Everyone, regardless of sectarian or political affiliation prays in that mosque or prays at home. That's how the military does it, one mosque and everyone is welcomed to it.

I love it; because thats something that I've been thinking of wanting in Pakistan for a while now.

I admire the Military in many ways; its non-sectarian, its non-ethnic, non-linguistic and non-discriminatory. I love the fact that in the Military you've got a beautiful co-existence of religion, ethnicity, language and sect but by and large the love for Pakistan pervades everything. Thats precisely how you can have a Christian Major-General (Noel Israel Khokhar) being the second-in-command of one of the most important corps in the Pakistan Army (X Corp). An Army that prides herself in her Muslim credentials and finds no contradiction in being commanded by Non-Muslims in the defense of the Motherland.

I love that and I want more of that in the Pakistani Society - a perfect union of Islam, Nationalism and Equality !

What do you say @Xeric ? :azn:
Nice Thread.....and i Admire that BEAUTIFUL TRY.....bcoz that is very SACRILIGIOUS stuff (for most naive stupids among us).....we can best vent our point here...to Estb Opinion building

There was a time....when people wants to listen GOOD PROFOUND SCHOLARS........they travel long distances to meet them .... Scholars were given warmth welcome in Cities and people gets around them to witness their sermons..........Now the Part-timers deteriorated worth of our well respected RELIGIOUS SCHOLARS
I advocate Saudi / Turkey model in our Country........but frankaly speaking....i wont see its happening....bcoz we're under develop Partial society ........... remember what our Policemen done to Governer of Punjab in Day light
competing with each other on who could deliver the naats better "read" louder !

happens to my area too.

there are a lot of arabs and africans near where I stay. I believe there are diff sects and mosques.

every morning at 5, they try to outdo each other. one will try to do it in a singing arabic style, one will be the old school way...pain in the @ss at 5 am. :pissed: it's quite clear they are trying to be louder and competitive with each other if you hear them.
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