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What do Indians (Hindu) think about Muslims?

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Indian Muslim's had a choice in 1947 given to them by the Lord through an old lawyer named Jinnah. Those who took the leap are today free as a nation, growing in strength against heavy odds by the passing day.

Those who didn't, therefore became a needle in the sand, despite their demographic strength. Today Hindus will come up with 'demographic figures' of Muslims in India to show that they are equal.

In reality however, they won't tell you that despite being the ~ 15% of the population their representation in the both houses of the Indian 'democratic parliament' is just 3%.

There are less than 25000 Muslims in the Indian military out of an Army of 2 million including the paramilitary....with no Muslim making it past a Lt.General in almost 70 years.

Now their places of worship are demolished, there have been multiple mass killings of Muslims by the Hindus since 1947, there is no major unified political force for their representation, they form the poorest, most under developed religious group to a level where after 70 years of 'uninterupted democracy' they are still on 'quotas' for jobs, food stamps and education.

Richest Muslims can't buy homes in the posh areas of Mumbai, educated Muslims are forced to adopt fake hindu names for getting jobs.

Indian Muslims chose slavery and they've got it, therefore they are now India's 'problem'. Its amusing how Indian Muslims on PDF spend most of their time 'reaffirming their loyalty' to their masters.

Kashmir is colonised by India, sooner or later it will be a free land as their quest is right and God has a soundless whip to punish the mass murderers. All Muslims in the world must never forget that our people in Kashmir are being supressed, and their God given right to determine their own fate is being violated by India.

Kashmiri blood would have to be repaid in the lndian blood, we the people 'don't turn the cheek', we take eye for an eye, throat for a throat, limb for a limb. The fair natural law...which will apply when the God wills it.

@Noxchi l i hope you got your answer.

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