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What can India Do About Pakistan?

Completely ignoring the power that hindu extremists enjoy in India and have been doing all they can to destablize not only Pakistan but also other neighboring countries in the region,
Look who's talking???
Just FYI-Hindu extremists dont blow themselves up.

shows the non-seriousness of your post.
My being serious is not going to help. Ask your policy makers and army to pull up their socks and get going.
The biggest problem as I see is exactly those extremist hindus who have never accepted Pakistan in the first place and still dreaming of some mythical country Maha Baharat.
Mahabharat is an epic. Did you mean Akhand bharat???
Let me tell you very frankly that I had not even heard of that term till i stumbled upon it on PDF. Nobody in India imagines an akhand bharat.
As long as this mentality is there, and they continue exporting terrorism in the region as means of pressure, I see no hope for peace in the region.
The problem lies within yourself...yes, you!!!
The problem is you turn a blind eye towards your issues and are quick to raise a finger at others.
Yes, we have an issue of hindu extremists in India. But that problem is very small compared to the gargantuan issue of terrorism in your country. You need to sanitize your country.
I don't see any benefit from these talks and Stephen Tankel is wrong. LeT is still very much a part of Pakistan's state policy. That is not going to change in the near future. Talks on terror is just a chai-biscuit photo-op.
That what other plans you have WAR well pretty much your analysts know what it means and what massive damage it would cause to India. Although I agree with this option but your own people know what will happen in return.

Look who's talking???
Just FYI-Hindu extremists dont blow themselves up.

My being serious is not going to help. Ask your policy makers and army to pull up their socks and get going.

Mahabharat is an epic. Did you mean Akhand bharat???
Let me tell you very frankly that I had not even heard of that term till i stumbled upon it on PDF. Nobody in India imagines an akhand bharat.

The problem lies within yourself...yes, you!!!
The problem is you turn a blind eye towards your issues and are quick to raise a finger at others.
Yes, we have an issue of hindu extremists in India. But that problem is very small compared to the gargantuan issue of terrorism in your country. You need to sanitize your country.
Yes Hindu terrorists mass murder Muslims like they did in Gujarat and every other right they do
Both our nations are fine examples of the old adage .. "The only thing harder than getting a new idea into the military mind is to get an old one out."

Both are fixated in their own thoughts with no room for anothers.

The rest of the world meanwhile continues to rotate and move forward.
They need a nuclear holocaust to come out of it- 5-20 million dead each side . I see no other way. (selfish considering that I have managed to remove myself from that mix entirely)
First off, India can't do " SQUAT " about Pakistan. To think India can some how punish Pakistan to get from Pakistan what India wants is a farce.

The real question is what can India do about Itself.

Here are some suggestions from across the border :

1. First of all , India and its leaders need to drop this attitude of " ARROGANCE " in its dealings with Pakistan. Unfortunately, the whole World is tired of Indian arrogance. This attitude is somehow part of Indian DNA. The problem is you cannot have fruitful talks with an adversary if you approach everything with this annoying arrogance and air of superiority.

2. Don't begin talks with Preconditions. Obviously, there are issues that separate India and Pakistan and it is best to address all those issues and find some resolution. It is counter-productive for either of the two parties to dictate the agenda of talks and declare what will and what cannot be discussed.

3. India needs to shed this attitude that talks are a favour to Pakistan. The fact is both sides need talks to take place in an environment of mutual respect and harmony. They need to cool down the temperature and find solutions to festering problems and issues, so they can move on to the real issues of Poverty, illiteracy, malnourishment and health-care. To that end both countries need the dialogue to move forward so resolve pending issues may be resolved.

Hopefully , both sides will see the light and come to Table for meaningful dialogue.
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. .
Godhra happened a decade back!!!
Are you stuck in time???
Every day riots take place in India and pretty much in most of these riots Muslims are killed. In small small and low level riots to major ones in most Muslims are targeted and killed
So gist of all that rubbish is that India has to submit to its knees. Or else face consequences.
. . . .
Hopefully , both sides will see the light and come to Table for meaningful dialogue.

Some of the points raised appear to be valid.

The theme of your post indicates to me that you would like India to respect the Pak POV and factor it in during talks.

Pak too in turn needs to understand & respect the change in New Delhi to work with it not against it. Hurriyat is no earth shaking orgnisation & neither is it necessary to meet them each time. After all they are conversing on the phone & through other mediums with the ISI and ' other' agencies - no secrets there. Why the symbolic meet ??

This has been the stumbling block for the last two instances.

To say that they have been met in the past would then invite a remark that if elected reps of J&K visited Pak in 2007 what has changed in 2015 when they were not invited for the Commonwealth meet.
The real question is what can India do about Itself.

Here are some suggestions from across the border :

1. First of all , India and its leaders need to drop this attitude of " ARROGANCE " in its dealings with Pakistan. Unfortunately, the whole World is tired of Indian arrogance. This attitude is somehow part of Indian DNA. The problem is you cannot have fruitful talks with an adversary if you approach everything with this annoying arrogance and air of superiority.

You talk about arrogance & then seek to speak for the "whole world"....:lol:

2. Don't begin talks with Preconditions. Obviously, there are issues that separate India and Pakistan and it is best to address all those issues and find some resolution. It is moronic for either of the two parties to dictate the agenda of talks declare what will and what cannot be discussed.

Preconditions? The talks were about terror, that much was clear from the UFA declaration. Your NSA may be NSA cum Foreign Minister cum....our NSA has no remit outside of that topic. As for Hurriyat, India was well within its rights to prevent the Hurriyat from meeting anyone from Pakistan. Just as the insistence to meet whoever is Pakistan's decision, it is India's decision whether or not it wants to block. As for what is moronic, you may be surprised to know that an agenda is usually a prerequisite for a meeting. You don't expect sports minister to decide Kashmir, do you? The Indian NSA has no powers to discuss the political problem of Kashmir, only the terror component. If Pakistan wanted wider talks, should have asked to speak to the Indian FM. That would have removed any doubts on the topic being discussed & a decision in UFA may or may not have followed based on that insistence.

. India needs to shed this attitude that talks are a favour to Pakistan. The fact is both sides need talks to take place in an environment of mutual respect and harmony. They need to cool down the temperature and find solutions to festering problems and issues, so they can move on to the real issues of Poverty, illiteracy, malnourishment and health-care. To that end both countries need the dialogue to move forward so resolve pending issues may be resolved.

Hopefully , both sides will see the light and come to Table for meaningful dialogue.

Don't disagree. Except that such conversations must happen at lower levels, not at a high level.
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First off, India can't do " SQUAT " about Pakistan. To think India can some how punish Pakistan to get from Pakistan what India wants is a farce.

The real question is what can India do about Itself.

Here are some suggestions from across the border :

1. First of all , India and its leaders need to drop this attitude of " ARROGANCE " in its dealings with Pakistan. Unfortunately, the whole World is tired of Indian arrogance. This attitude is somehow part of Indian DNA. The problem is you cannot have fruitful talks with an adversary if you approach everything with this annoying arrogance and air of superiority.

2. Don't begin talks with Preconditions. Obviously, there are issues that separate India and Pakistan and it is best to address all those issues and find some resolution. It is moronic for either of the two parties to dictate the agenda of talks declare what will and what cannot be discussed.

3. India needs to shed this attitude that talks are a favour to Pakistan. The fact is both sides need talks to take place in an environment of mutual respect and harmony. They need to cool down the temperature and find solutions to festering problems and issues, so they can move on to the real issues of Poverty, illiteracy, malnourishment and health-care. To that end both countries need the dialogue to move forward so resolve pending issues may be resolved.

Hopefully , both sides will see the light and come to Table for meaningful dialogue.
Their problem is they are in delusion that they can carry out similar operation like Abottabad so until their bubble is blasted and they try this and fail and humiliated they won't properly talk so let them try this first.
The article is not half bad as it seems to represent positivity. However, the repeating sanctimonious tone is one of the reasons that talks and/or relations from either side will never go anywhere. Both sides think of themselves on some high horse and so do their countrymen. There is no progress where there is no humility.

Humility (or a coming down from our respective high horses) is not going to change the ground reality in Kashmir.

Only war is.

Everything else frankly is round and round the mulberry bush.

We will be certain to remember the lessons from '65. When and where and how the cookie crumbles.

They need a nuclear holocaust to come out of it- 5-20 million dead each side . I see no other way. (selfish considering that I have managed to remove myself from that mix entirely)

I see we agree.
India should try and force a military coup in Pakistan which will shame them further in the eyes of the global community.

think about it, their public is primed, ready and almost begging for their military to take over anyway.

if not that, then at least we should not even think about talking to them, make no statements about them in the international media, no photo ops, no nothing at the government level.

their foreign policy is 100% India centric, we can fail it by denying them any chance to engage us diplomatically, only track 2 where their elites will clearly see the advantages of a LOC>IB solution and that doing business is better than fighting a religious war over some land with an enemy many times as powerful.

but if they fallback to their old jihad game, not only will that further shame them internationally, it will be repaid, in kind, with interest.

dear pakis, nobody cares about the Kashmir issue.. not the US, not China, not Russia, not the EU, not the UN, not even your ummah bros :lol:

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