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What Bangladeshi youth still thinks about

My heart is pleased and sad at the same time after listening to these comments from our brothers in Bangla Desh.

Bengalis are an ancient ethnic group, with its own unique culture and even unique callender. Pakistan Resolution called for one or more than one muslim states, Bengal was supposed to be separate, it was natural and that happened in 1971. Having two wings 2000km apart was madness in first place. PAKISTAN is an acronym for Punjab, Afghania (KPK's old name), Kashmir, Sindh, balochisTAN. There is no B in the acronym. What happened in 1971 happened for good. Bengali people can like us or hate us, but being so far away it doesn't impact us. Its like Jordan or Iraq which is 2000km away from Pakistan thinking good or bad for Pakistan, it doesn't matter. CPEC has economically linked us to China/Central Asia and beyond, our new focus in on regional cooperative frameworks such as CAREC, SCO, CSTO.
If Muslims of Pre Independent India had right to split then Bangladeshi too had that right... History knows how they were exploited when were part of East Pakistan
Bengalis are an ancient ethnic group, with its own unique culture and even unique callender. Pakistan Resolution called for one or more than one muslim states, Bengal was supposed to be separate, it was natural and that happened in 1971. Having two wings 2000km apart was madness in first place. PAKISTAN is an acronym for Punjab, Afghania (KPK's old name), Kashmir, Sindh, balochisTAN. There is no B in the acronym. What happened in 1971 happened for good. Bengali people can like us or hate us, but being so far away it doesn't impact us. Its like Jordan or Iraq which is 2000km away from Pakistan thinking good or bad for Pakistan, it doesn't matter. CPEC has economically linked us to China/Central Asia and beyond, our new focus in on regional cooperative frameworks such as CAREC, SCO, CSTO.
If Bengalis were supposed to be separate, Quaid-e-Azam would have done it with his own hands. Stop hiding a national tragedy and failure under the primary school hoax of acronyms.
In the 1940 resolution, two autonomous states have been mentioned. Had there been two states bangladesh would be an ally of Pakistan.
I dont like sentences which have, COULD, WOULD, SHOULD. Facts speak for themselves

If Muslims of Pre Independent India had right to split then Bangladeshi too had that right... History knows how they were exploited when were part of East Pakistan
o what they have earned now after Independence ? They are living off the crumbs India leaves them after consuming.
Bengalis are our brothers. I love every Bengali and every Muslim in the world. I love every human being created by Allah and who respect my beloved Prophet ﷺ

Bengalis were treated just like other deprived people of Pakistan. For me, ghareebs of Punjab, Sindh, KPK, Baluchistan are equal important. Everyone knows that ameer class lives with unity in Bahria Town, DHA and other housing societies. They live happily in their gymkhana clubs. Whereas ghareebs are divided on the name of ethnicity, caste, culture, province etc etc etc.
Munafiq,Thugs,HARAM Khore and HARAM kar Punjabis and Sindhis (vaderas)were responsible for the break up of this divine country of MUSLIMS.Alas! the same Sindhi and Punjabi feudals ,badmuaash, looters and Islam bezar MUNAFIQ families are still ruling the country.
created Pakistan in 1947 with the help of mullahs....
correction mullahs were against Pakistan in the first place, they even labelled the founding fathers ie Jinnah, Iqbal, Sir syed etc as traitors and renegades.
Get your facts straight.

Ignorance thy name is shameful
I would say rather say delusion, thy name is shameful.
People dont know shit about history yet claim to be some sort of historians etc.
The Ummah is long dead, our supposedly Muslims brothers have long pissed on us but not anymore. we need to stop cultivating this delusion and stand on our own.
I my opinion, even if the rights were not give, they made a totally wrong decision when they accepted India's help get separated.
Now India is a giant and they are so small they cannot stand against her at any forum.
if they were part of Pakistan then they would be in much better better position and feel secure under nuclear umbrella at least.

our "BROTHERS" celebranding victory Mukti Bahini in action against pro-Pakistanis at the execution ground in Dhaka – 18 December, 1971 – while their accomplices watch the butchery with sadist pleasure.
I think this is Unnecessary. Many Pakistanis were killed in Baluchistan and Karachi by seperatist and nationalistic groups.

Revenge blinds humanity.
.Hundrededs of thousands were killed by hindu mobs during partition but many in Pakistan watch Indian movies with religious zeal.
Dhakka Fall was biggest tragedy and we need to learn lessons from it.

@administratorrrection mullahs were against Pakistan in the first place, they even labelled the founding fathers ie Jinnah, Iqbal, Sir syed etc as traitors and renegades.
Get your facts straight.

I would say rather say delusion, thy name is shameful.
People dont know shit about history yet claim to be some sort of historians etc.
The Ummah is long dead, our supposedly Muslims brothers have long pissed on us but not anymore. we need to stop cultivating this delusion and stand on our own.
You are totally ignorant and use uncivil language.
@ADMINISTRATOR, @Oscar, moderators plz take notice
You are totally ignorant and use uncivil language.
@ADMINISTRATOR, @Oscar, moderators plz take notice
good move bringing the moderators into it, the least you can do is bring something substantive to your comments instead of using one liners and calling people ignorant.
Go back to the bubble you live in and stay there for all I care.
Cheers and good day.
correction mullahs were against Pakistan in the first place, they even labelled the founding fathers ie Jinnah, Iqbal, Sir syed etc as traitors and renegades.
Get your facts straight.

my facts are right brother...
yes initially few were at fault, but may joined when they saw the election of 1935, and congress discrimination towards Muslim.
don't forget the contribution of Maulvi Abdul Haq, Molana Syed Maududi and many others.
well we are going off topic.. :pakistan:
Pakistan and Bangladesh were Just Pakistan before Civil War, all the miss-information after the 71 war is the main reason we are not aware of the background of the split.

Long live Pakistan
Love Pakistan or Leave Pakistan
In the 1940 resolution, two autonomous states have been mentioned. Had there been two states bangladesh would be an ally of Pakistan.
With all respects proposing is one thing realizing is completely a different thing. If making states by mere proposals were that easy shouldn't Palestine or Kashmir or many many others wouldn't have been states by now? It required the genius, tenacity and acumen of Rahmetli Jinnah to make a Pak from the jaws of Ram Rajya. No Muslim leader in the subcontinent had that caliber in the last three hundred years. So, BD piggybacked Pak creation only to end up as a vassal state of India. This is called Ilahi Adalet...

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