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What area of the country pays what percentage of total tax?

Let's put that in numbers. The tax generated by "the people having domicile of Karachi" is 37 billion according to that tweet. This, btw, includes the tax paid to the province of Sindh. For arguments sake let's assume that it is all being paid to the Fed gov. The Fed gov's 2020 budget is 7.14 trillion. So "the people having domicile of Karachi" contributed exactly 37 billion/7.14 Trillion*100 = 0.51820728291% towards the budget. Where is the rest of the money coming from?

The income tax Pakistan collects is peanuts. It generates most of its revenue through other means. If you only compare Karachi's income tax with the income tax from other cities you will indeed think that you are paying for everything, while in reality you are paying peanuts (in terms of income tax).

That 37 billion figure is non sensical. Actual figure is somewhere around 425 billion. If we really want to dwell into the figures and Karachi contributions to the economy of Pakistan, then this conversation will not look good on you.

Look, the bottom line is, no one in Karachi , Pakistan or even world at large like to pay taxes. It's taken from you by the state. You receive your pay slip, you curse the taxman and move on, till next month, rinse and repeat.

Now, here is the question for you and your kind. What machinsim is working in Karachi, where income tax is taken away from it people, which is failing in the rest of the Pakistan so much so that 2nd biggest city is no where in the picture!

All comapnies are registered in karachi as its a port city

However karachi population is under counted

If NADRA has 2 crore 40 lac address at karachi how is the population counted as under 1 crore 70 lac
Couting in pakistan is USELESS EXCERCISE WHY???

Because we only count legal people(other countries like USA count EVERYONE)

So why count legal people why not just look at legal documents you have with NADRA???
As per your logic, the Karachi population will be 6 crores.ID cards are issued to adults. If there are two adults in a family with 3-4 kids then the population will cross even 6 crores.
Hardly so. A person who is deliberately unwilling to see simple facts dictated to him cannot explain anything. Doesn't matter if he lives in Karachi or Timbuktu.

What you repeatedly are pretending to not get is that tax paid by Karachi is still nothing. While it is far more than what, say, Lahore pays, it forms a small sliver of Pakistan's revenue and its expenditures. And a small sliver of what Karachi would actually owe. Tax revenue is not what builds the projects in Lahore, it will not build them in Karachi. Why? Because it is peanuts. Add to that the fact that Lahore is built on Punjab's own revenue that it generated by itself and it becomes clear that you should stop whining about Lahore and ask your city/regional/provincial government to do what Lahore's has done for it.

Firstly, Karachites are not paying anywhere near the amounts that they owe. Just because they are the lesser of all the thieves does not mean that they can come trancing in all high and mighty. This is exactly why the rest of Pakistan is not willing to lend you their ear. Stop fooling yourself. Secondly, the state is defunct, it has no system whatsoever. Whatever Karachi pays in fed taxes it pays through the exact same system that Lahore does. Thirdly, the state is not responsible for building neighborhoods, it did not do it in Lahore, it will not do it in Karachi. Again, go complain to your city and then provincial government, to whom you do pay a significant chunk of those 37 billion in taxes. Lahore and Punjab have nothing to do with it.

That is not at all how fed revenue spending works, not in the UK and not in Pakistan. Another example of how you are concocting "facts" out of thin air in matters you have no idea to further your own agenda. "London generates 18% of the UK's output and a similar proportion of tax revenues for the UK. But it only receives some 14% of government spending." London is run and developed by it's own local city government. Heck, it doesn't even spend all of its own money on itself. "The London fiscal surplus, £32.5 billion in 2016–17, mostly goes towards funding services in other parts of the UK". I don't see any Pakistani city ever doing that.

The federal government's job is to cater to the macro interests of the country. If it deems that building of a dam in KPK serves the country better, it can and will build it there. Exactly the same way it built a 2nd port in Karachi when it already had one and not in Ormara instead. Notice how no one cries about it and or plays it as a conspiracy against Balochistan. It is not the fed gov's job to go around placating every infantile tantrum of its people, people who have no clue how things work.

When there is no other consideration then the fed gov will allocate the resources to the provinces, as per Pakistani law and common sense, by dividing them per capita because they belong to every single one of us equally. Otherwise, taxes will not only be spent on the richest cities but on the richest neighborhoods of the richest cities. The poor will die of hunger. The entire notion is moronic.

Look at that, living in Karachi did not afford you any more knowledge or sense.

The issue is that it is not the fed gov's job to start dancing to every idiotic whim of its grossly uneducated citizens. It's job is to instead look after efficiency of its processes, not that it's doing anywhere near a good job at that. If the gov did care about it then all it needs to do is conduct a nationwide audit and publish the findings. I assure you even that will not make the nefarious accept the truth, they are not out for it. It has happened before and I can give specific examples.

Anyone who does want to learn the truth can simply read government records.
As per your logic, the Karachi population will be 6 crores.ID cards are issued to adults. If there are two adults in a family with 3-4 kids then the population will cross even 6 crores.
Meant B forms as well
And the claim is from some karachi memebers and a report only NADRA knows reality

But point is NADRA should have that INFO!!
i.e B FROMS & id Cards
Hardly so. A person who is deliberately unwilling to see simple facts dictated to him cannot explain anything. Doesn't matter if he lives in Karachi or Timbuktu.

Your buffonry on display is highly entertaining, irrespective where you live, thats what I can tell you.

What you repeatedly are pretending to not get is that tax paid by Karachi is still nothing. While it is far more than what, say, Lahore pays, it forms a small sliver of Pakistan's revenue and its expenditures. And a small sliver of what Karachi would actually owe. Tax revenue is not what builds the projects in Lahore, it will not build them in Karachi. Why? Because it is peanuts. Add to that the fact that Lahore is built on Punjab's own revenue that it generated by itself and it becomes clear that you should stop whining about Lahore and ask your city/regional/provincial government to do what Lahore's has done for it.

425 billion in just income tax is nothing? You are not getting it at all. Fraction of this sum reinvested in Karachi will go a long way in sorting the mess the city is in right now. Basic civic amenities. Like paved roads, severage (Karachi not becoming venice every monsoon), running water, decent public transport system, which will all eventually go in better running of city which mean better efficiency and better rutrns. Regardless of how much the sum is in greater scheme of things (which btw if you dwell down will make Karachi look like it's running Pakistan).

At grassroots levels, in any viable state, not banana republic, an average joe, you call the citizen, his contribution to state is through income tax. So when he dwell in his neighbourhood knowing that others are doing fk all towards state, in their individual capacities, and enjoying better civic amenities then you are, then it becomes natural to question the sanity of those who are at the bigger picture, the state.

As for Lahore, leave us karachites out, ask southern Punjab what they think about the "Lahore development model". I feel like I am engaging a grunt.

Firstly, Karachites are not paying anywhere near the amounts that they owe. Just because they are the lesser of all the thieves does not mean that they can come trancing in all high and mighty. This is exactly why the rest of Pakistan is not willing to lend you their ear. Stop fooling yourself. Secondly, the state is defunct, it has no system whatsoever. Whatever Karachi pays in fed taxes it pays through the exact same system that Lahore does. Thirdly, the state is not responsible for building neighborhoods, it did not do it in Lahore, it will not do it in Karachi. Again, go complain to your city and then provincial government, to whom you do pay a significant chunk of those 37 billion in taxes. Lahore and Punjab have nothing to do with it.

So tell me Enistine, how much more tax karachites should be paying while rest of the countrymen are doing f all? Why dont you northerners stop bitching about Karachi and do your duty as citizens of Pakistan and pay bloody taxes, whatever is due, small or big. The audacity!

You see my keyboard warrior, you rants have no value when your ex FBR cheif is giving example of on how few areas in Karachi are generating more tax then second biggest city in Pakistan, and then he went on to say that this model is unsustainable. You really need to listen to him.

Rest assured, Karachi do not need certificate of approval from peasants, it's the only maga city in Pakistan and it look at the bigger picture. If karachi is allowed to decay at the rate it is, in greater scheme of things, state of Pakistan will suffer. In words of ex ISI cheif, Karachi on it's own is equal to three CPECs. And that's where the frustration comes that state while knowing the importance of Karachi is deliberately allowing the city to go down further in drain. No one is saying to transform Karachi into next Shanghai, just make the city livable with basic civic amenities.

And rubbish, no one gives a flying fk to sindh government, karachi did not vote for these corrupt pets of establishment, they voted for the party of federation. As they say, that for every failure, buck stops at the top. It's the state which is answerable to the miserable situation Karachi is in.

That is not at all how fed revenue spending works, not in the UK and not in Pakistan. Another example of how you are concocting "facts" out of thin air in matters you have no idea to further your own agenda. "London generates 18% of the UK's output and a similar proportion of tax revenues for the UK. But it only receives some 14% of government spending." London is run and developed by it's own local city government. Heck, it doesn't even spend all of its own money on itself. "The London fiscal surplus, £32.5 billion in 2016–17, mostly goes towards funding services in other parts of the UK". I don't see any Pakistani city ever doing that.

The federal government's job is to cater to the macro interests of the country. If it deems that building of a dam in KPK serves the country better, it can and will build it there. Exactly the same way it built a 2nd port in Karachi when it already had one and not in Ormara instead. Notice how no one cries about it and or plays it as a conspiracy against Balochistan. It is not the fed gov's job to go around placating every infantile tantrum of its people, people who have no clue how things work.

When there is no other consideration then the fed gov will allocate the resources to the provinces, as per Pakistani law and common sense, by dividing them per capita because they belong to every single one of us equally. Otherwise, taxes will not only be spent on the richest cities but on the richest neighborhoods of the richest cities. The poor will die of hunger. The entire notion is moronic.

Look at that, living in Karachi did not afford you any more knowledge or sense.

Right, did you actually read your own dribbles before copy pasting it ? Its more then decade old data. Here is relatively newer information, admittedly not recent.

London generating 30% of UK ‘economy taxes’ – with serious implications for post-Brexit Britain

The report, ‘10 years of tax: how cities contribute to the national exchequer’ (published today), shows for the first time how levels of tax generation across Britain’s 62 cities have changed over a ten-year period (2004/5 – 2014/15).

It reveals that despite numerous policy initiatives from all major political parties aimed at rebalancing the economy, London still accounts for the lion’s share of the UK’s tax revenue. The capital generated just under 30% of the national ‘economy taxes’(1) in 2014/15 – an increase of 5 percentage points on its share of the national ‘economy tax’ intake in 2004/5. Over the entire ten year period, London accounted for 43% of the ‘economy tax’ generated in UK cities.


Considering London is pitted against the regions, it is still pretty decent spending.

Put it this way, economic hub of UK is not allowed to rot in extreme.

Coming to karachi.

The city accounts about half of the total collections of the Federal Board of Revenue (Karachi contributes 55 percent, Islamabad 16 percent, and Lahore 15 percent), around
2875 billions.

Karachi produces about 30 percent of value added in large-scale manufacturing

25% of the GDP

AND what it receive in return:

125 billion in last year budget. (4.35% of what it contributes to national revenue).

Is it enough for basic sustenance of the only mega city of Pakistan? The state it is in reveal the ugly reality.

Understand first what is the issue before having an urge to going in a debate.

Karachi in abysmal state it is , is neither in the interest of state nor those who live north of Karachi. It is what is, no silly rants or diatribes would change this stark reality.
Very true. Hence the higher per capita tax collection from Islamabad. However, the head quarters of large companies are overwhelmingly based in Karachi.

There's another caveat. The data is skewed more from a company being based in Karachi than one based in say Lahore. Let's take Honda and Toyota as examples. Not a stretch to assume that the sales would be loosely proportional to the province's respective populations. So, while Honda's collected tax would have 23% share from Sindh being shown as collected from Punjab, Toyota's collected tax would have a 53% share from Punjab being shown as collected from Sindh. Add to that the fact that Toyota sells more cars than Honda and it becomes even more obvious.

If Karachi based company conducts business in Punjab, lets say rahim yar khan, it generates profits. A certain amount it pays to the province in the form of provincial tax, now it depends, what kind of taxes Punjab province demands. Deduct that provincial tax and the company still retains profit which it deposits in its account from where FBR deducts federal taxes.

The tax now paid by the company is a federal tax and that would count as tax paid by the company based in its city of origin and, not Punjab which is a provincial tax. i hope this clears the issue.

That 37 billion figure is non sensical. Actual figure is somewhere around 425 billion.

So now that it doesn't fit your agenda it doesn't make any sense? I mean it's a random tweet of figures without any context whatsoever.....as credible as it gets in these "Karachi runs Pakistan" threads.

If we really want to dwell into the figures and Karachi contributions to the economy of Pakistan, then this conversation will not look good on you.

Empty childish threats don't look good on anyone.

Look, the bottom line is, no one in Karachi , Pakistan or even world at large like to pay taxes. It's taken from you by the state. You receive your pay slip, you curse the taxman and move on, till next month, rinse and repeat.

Now, here is the question for you and your kind. What machinsim is working in Karachi, where income tax is taken away from it people, which is failing in the rest of the Pakistan so much so that 2nd biggest city is no where in the picture!

Ah, so now we are open to looking at the mechanisms of the issue? Good, let's begin.

Let's assume that the 425 billion figure for Karachi that you gave is correct. If it is, then according to the same article Islamabad paid 204 billion and Lahore paid 180 billion.

Islamabad's population is 1 million Vs 15 million of Karachi's (I have taken 15 million as the most conservative estimate. Most of the Karachiites here claim that it's twice that). This means that Islamabad pays 204,000 per capita income tax while Karachi only pays 28,333 per capita income tax. So, Islamabadis pay 7.2 times more income tax than Karachiites. If we accept the population claims of our Karachiite members then the figure could be as high as 14.4 times. Just to make it clearer, had Islamabad been the size of Karachi it would have been paying over 3 trillion in income tax Vs Karachi's 425 billion. However, this comparison is as dishonest as comparing Karachi Vs Lahore based on their populations. Below is why.

Let's move on to Lahore. Lahore's estimated GDP in 2019 stood at 84 billion. Karachi's estimated GDP stood at 184 billion in 2019. Which means that Karachi's economy is approx. 2.2 times larger than Lahore's. 425 Vs 180 means that Karachi pays 2.36 times as much income tax as Lahore, which is completely inline with the sizes of the two economies. And I don't know if you've noticed or not but you pay more tax when you make more money.

So according to your reasoning, it's pretty clear that the tax system is failing in Karachi and your claims that Karachi is somehow being squeezed for more tax is hogwash.

It's easy to manipulate "figures" into supporting one's agenda but if you belong to my kind then it's not hard to dig through to the truth. The reason behind both of the above differences is the relative sizes of the cities' economies.

If Karachi based company conducts business in Punjab, lets say rahim yar khan, it generates profits. A certain amount it pays to the province in the form of provincial tax, now it depends, what kind of taxes Punjab province demands. Deduct that provincial tax and the company still retains profit which it deposits in its account from where FBR deducts federal taxes.

The tax now paid by the company is a federal tax and that would count as tax paid by the company based in its city of origin and, not Punjab which is a provincial tax. i hope this clears the issue.


The argument is primarily about indirect taxes and fees paid by the end user. For example, this is how sales tax works. If I buy a car from a Toyota dealership in Wah Cantt. that dealership collects the sales tax from me on behalf of the fed gov. The dealership then forwards that collected tax to their HO in Karachi. The government then collects it from them on my behalf. These are not the taxes levied on the company or it's profits, these are taxes levied on me and paid by me. The company is only a middle man used by the gov to make the collection of my tax easier for them.

Furthermore, it would be equally as silly to sing songs about the tax paid to the fed gov by an international company on income it has generated from the entire country. Which it would still generate roughly in the same amounts if it moved its head office to Turbat from Karachi.
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Karachi needs development, roads maintenance and infra structure which is destroying since 2007. Let's leave taxes and percentages of gdp. Since 2007 we have 5 prime ministers and all are from Punjab fortunately for punjab and unfortunately for others. It is good to see militarily bearucracy agencies likes punjab and supporting its progress but please look at other provinces and specially at karachi because this is our financial hub. Dont repeat what you did with Bengalis. Look at them now they are spitting and pissing on you.
Your buffonry on display is highly entertaining, irrespective where you live, thats what I can tell you.

Ah yes, good old ad hominem. The crutch of the incompetent and the dishonest.

425 billion in just income tax is nothing? You are not getting it at all.

Yes it's not. It translates to less than 6% of our budget. Especially when you consider that most of it is Corporate income tax. Hardly an amount keeping the country afloat. Refer to my post above.

Fraction of this sum reinvested in Karachi will go a long way in sorting the mess the city is in right now. Basic civic amenities. Like paved roads, severage (Karachi not becoming venice every monsoon), running water, decent public transport system, which will all eventually go in better running of city which mean better efficiency and better rutrns.

Why would it be reinvested in Karachi just like that when it belongs to the federal gov and in turn the entirety of Pakistan equally? You are somehow under the impression that the fed tax you pay belongs to you. It belongs to the State, i.e. every single Pakistani out there. There is a reason it is collected by the fed gov and not the provincial or city gov. Furthermore, as I have stated multiple times, local public transport, intracity roads, and basic amenities are not the fed gov's responsibility.

Sewage and local water supply are also not the fed gov's responsibility, however, given the sheer hazard they pose to the people of Karachi the fed gov absolutely needs to step in and allocate emergency funds to fix the issues.

Regardless of how much the sum is in greater scheme of things (which btw if you dwell down will make Karachi look like it's running Pakistan).

No. Not even close. Only in the infantile fantasies of a propagandist.

At grassroots levels, in any viable state, not banana republic, an average joe, you call the citizen, his contribution to state is through income tax.

The majority of the contributions to the state's revenue in Pakistan are through indirect taxes, tariffs, duties, and fees. Not from the measly amount paid as personal income tax by less than 1% of Pakistan's population.

So when he dwell in his neighbourhood knowing that others are doing fk all towards state, in their individual capacities, and enjoying better civic amenities then you are, then it becomes natural to question the sanity of those who are at the bigger picture, the state.

Again with the idiotic reasoning and self aggrandization. As is evident from my above post, that "dweller" is also "doing fk all" towards the state. More of it than others. He is just shouting his lungs out that he is not. On top of it, he is stupid enough to blame others for doing better for themselves through their own legitimate means by using whatever idiotic conspiracy theories he can conjure. Instead of holding his own elected officials responsible for his region's state of affairs he is blaming the state. The state allocates the provinces their share for a reason.

As for Lahore, leave us karachites out, ask southern Punjab what they think about the "Lahore development model". I feel like I am engaging a grunt.

Yeah says the guy whose first post in this thread openly implied that Lahore was stealing Karachi's funds. You are dishonest and disingenuous.

Your entire propaganda is based on moronic victimhood.

1) I will blame you for my state by using lies, twisted facts, and idiotic arguments
2) I will present false claims of superiority because that is all I have going for myself
3) I will reject all the facts you present because I don't want to admit them
4) When you call me out on them I will attack you by using 5th grade insults.
5) When they don't work I will claim you are biased and racist
6) When you refuse to entertain my garbage I will start crying and demand you leave me alone

So tell me Enistine, how much more tax karachites should be paying while rest of the countrymen are doing f all?

As has been abundantly showcased, Karachi is not paying anything above and beyond what it owes. In fact, it's paying less than that.

Why dont you northerners stop bitching about Karachi

..........are you soft in the head, bud? The northerners don't give two bits about your hissy fits. You and your city-mates have been whining and wailing about northern cities for pages now. Do you need professional help?

and do your duty as citizens of Pakistan and pay bloody taxes, whatever is due, small or big. The audacity!

You know you're not on stage, right? This is not a third rate soap?

I am talking to an infant.....

Rest assured, Karachi do not need certificate of approval from peasants,

"Peasants"......Wasn't your entire hissy fit about the fact that northern cities are cleaner and more developed than Karachi in pretty much every respect?

Anyway, the fact that you keep trying to convince us on your garbage claims determined that you are indeed desperate for our approval.

it's the only maga city in Pakistan and it look at the bigger picture.

Hate to break it to you, bub, but generally speaking a mega city is considered to be one with more than 10 million in population. Guess Lahore just couldn't let you have that meaningless title either. Oh the audacity! I'm sorry, I couldn't resist.

If karachi is allowed to decay at the rate it is, in greater scheme of things, state of Pakistan will suffer. In words of ex ISI cheif, Karachi on it's own is equal to three CPECs.


And that's where the frustration comes that state while knowing the importance of Karachi is deliberately allowing the city to go down further in drain. No one is saying to transform Karachi into next Shanghai, just make the city livable with basic civic amenities.

The issue is that you blame that "going down the drain" on other Pakistanis, while still somehow claiming superiority. Your situation is of that man who gets angry every time he sees someone else with a thing he wants.

And rubbish, no one gives a flying fk to sindh government, karachi did not vote for these corrupt pets of establishment, they voted for the party of federation.

That is exactly how a democracy works. Doesn't matter if you don't like the results.

Right, did you actually read your own dribbles before copy pasting it ? Its more then decade old data. Here is relatively newer information, admittedly not recent.

London generating 30% of UK ‘economy taxes’ – with serious implications for post-Brexit Britain

The report, ‘10 years of tax: how cities contribute to the national exchequer’ (published today), shows for the first time how levels of tax generation across Britain’s 62 cities have changed over a ten-year period (2004/5 – 2014/15).

It reveals that despite numerous policy initiatives from all major political parties aimed at rebalancing the economy, London still accounts for the lion’s share of the UK’s tax revenue. The capital generated just under 30% of the national ‘economy taxes’(1) in 2014/15 – an increase of 5 percentage points on its share of the national ‘economy tax’ intake in 2004/5. Over the entire ten year period, London accounted for 43% of the ‘economy tax’ generated in UK cities.

Does the age of the data in any way, shape, or form deny the fact that your claim that "the UK spends, compared to its other areas, more on London because of it's economic importance" is absolutely garbage? I gave that source because it was the only one explicitly comparing London's shares in the economy and funds.

View attachment 710780

Considering London is pitted against the regions, it is still pretty decent spending.

Put it this way, economic hub of UK is not allowed to rot in extreme.

You do realize that public spending = Central Gov spending + Local Gov spending, right? Also that your source shows spending per capita? Do you know what that means? Your own article states that the average spending per person in London is in fact below the average in UK. You deliberately left that part out, didn't you?

"In 2019-20, public spending per person in the UK as a whole was £9,895" Vs London's £9,350. In fact, public spending is the highest in Northern Ireland which has the smallest economy of the regions in the UK.

The city accounts about half of the total collections of the Federal Board of Revenue (Karachi contributes 55 percent, Islamabad 16 percent, and Lahore 15 percent), around
2875 billions.

Collections? Sure. Generation? Not at all.

Karachi produces about 30 percent of value added in large-scale manufacturing

25% of the GDP

Do you know what "value added" and "GDP" mean?

Also you can't pick and choose figures according to your liking. The same article which states the 30 percent value addition puts the GDP at 20%. Just trying to make your dishonesty obvious.

AND what it receive in return:

125 billion in last year budget. (4.35% of what it contributes to national revenue).

Lol. Karachi does not contribute 2.876 Trillion to the national revenue, as has been already clarified at least half a dozen times by various members. You're a blind broken record.

Also, national budget allocation does not care who contributes what. They contribute the amounts that they owe the federation. It is divided, largely, on a per capita bases.

Is it enough for basic sustenance of the only mega city of Pakistan?

Seems like it,

Mayor presents surplus budget.

Since 2007 we have 5 prime ministers and all are from Punjab fortunately for punjab and unfortunately for others. It is good to see militarily bearucracy agencies likes punjab and supporting its progress but please look at other provinces and specially at karachi because this is our financial hub.

Another dishonest argument.

Firstly, Raja Pervaiz Ashraf is from Sanghar, Sindh. Secondly, two out of those 5 prime ministers were puppets and direct appointees of the actual head of state, President Asif Ali Zardari, who himself was born in Karachi.

Interestingly, every single one of the Presidents since 1999 have been from Karachi. 2 of them were the actual heads of the state, i.e. Musharraf and Zardari with a non-stop cumulative time of 14 years ruling the country.

Dont repeat what you did with Bengalis. Look at them now they are spitting and pissing on you.

..............You don't wanna go there, bud.
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So now that it doesn't fit your agenda it doesn't make any sense? I mean it's a random tweet of figures without any context whatsoever.....as credible as it gets in these "Karachi runs Pakistan" threads.

Where did I made any reference to that tweet? I am quoting an ex FBR chief. Indeed Karachi runs Pakistan, koi shak?

Empty childish threats don't look good on anyone.

Why would I even threat you, you are no threat me, insignificant. just trying to educate you.

Ah, so now we are open to looking at the mechanisms of the issue? Good, let's begin.

Let's assume that the 425 billion figure for Karachi that you gave is correct. If it is, then according to the same article Islamabad paid 204 billion and Lahore paid 180 billion.

Islamabad's population is 1 million Vs 15 million of Karachi's (I have taken 15 million as the most conservative estimate. Most of the Karachiites here claim that it's half of the actual figure). This means that Islamabad pays 204,000 per capita income tax while Karachi only pays 28,333 per capita income tax. So, Islamabadis pay 7.2 times more income tax than Karachiites. If we accept the claims of our Karachiite members then the figure would be as high as 14.2 times. Just to make it clearer, had Islamabad been the size of Karachi it would have been paying over 3 trillion in income tax Vs Karachi's 425 billion.

Let's move on to Lahore. Lahore's estimated GDP in 2019 stood at 84 billion. Karachi's estimated GDP stood at 184 billion in 2019. Which means that Karachi's economy is approx. 2.2 times larger than Lahore's. 425 Vs 180 means that Karachi pays 2.36 times as much income tax as Lahore, which is completely inline with the two economies. You pay more tax when you make more money.

So according to your own reasoning, it's pretty clear that the tax system is failing in Karachi and your claims that Karachi is somehow being squeezed for more tax is hogwash.

It's easy to manipulate "figures" into supporting one's agenda but if you belong to my kind then it's not hard to dig through to the truth. The reason behind both of the above differences is the size of the cities' economies.

425 billion or 572.59 billion. You can pick your source.

Lets keep Islamabad out of this debate, its a settlement of elites from all over Pakistan. Its debatable if city got it own indigenous economy to begin with. There household income would be easily higher then neighbourhoods in Karachi and Lahore. Hell, city used to become ghost town during Eid festivals, at least when I was living there, this is how indigenous the population was.

Now coming Lahore and Karachi, which is the actual relevant comparison. Lahore is estimated to be around 11 million population, which comes to 16363 per captia income tax. And as you rightly mentioned, Karachite pays 28,333, which is 57.7% more that what a resident of Lahore is paying.

BUT, this is not it. So when you are talking about population, and start dwelling into nitty gritty, things becomes a lot more interesting. I would argue that population of Lahore, over the period of time has remain indigenous. Karachi on the other hand, according to official estimates by Nadra, 75% of the illegal immigrants in Pakistan are living in Karachi. 2.5 million to be precise. Thats one and half time more then whole population of Islamabad alone. Not resident of Karachi, neither its domicile holders, outside tax net, consuming city wealth and resources. Top that with around 45000 workers coming on monthly basis on average in the city from different parts of the Pakistan, its anybody guess on how many of those are on karachi city tax books!

What I would say, that your kind, as good as they are on being motor mouth, intellectual bankruptcy is another trait which stands out. No, there is no hogwash, plain simple facts.
425 billion or 572.59 billion. You can pick your source.

So now it's not 425 billion. Apparently you don't trust your own sources.

Lets keep Islamabad out of this debate, its a settlement of elites from all over Pakistan. Its debatable if city got it own indigenous economy to begin with. There household income would be easily higher then neighbourhoods in Karachi and Lahore. Hell, city used to become ghost town during Eid festivals, at least when I was living there, this is how indigenous the population was.

Now coming Lahore and Karachi, which is the actual relevant comparison. Lahore is estimated to be around 11 million population, which comes to 16363 per captia income tax. And as you rightly mentioned, Karachite pays 28,333, which is 57.7% more that what a resident of Lahore is paying.

See, these two paragraphs are exactly why no one trusts what you say, nor should they.

The exact reasons by which you conveniently brushed Islamabad aside are also the exact reasons why you cannot compare Karachi with Lahore either. You brushed Islamabad aside because it belies every single claim that you have made. You are idiotically comparing taxes on the basis of population instead of on the basis of the economy and where you can't compare them on the bases of the population you disregard them on the basis of the economy. It's laughable how shamelessly dishonest you will become just to keep peddling your garbage agenda.

BUT, this is not it. So when you are talking about population, and start dwelling into nitty gritty, things becomes a lot more interesting. I would argue that population of Lahore, over the period of time has remain indigenous. Karachi on the other hand, according to official estimates by Nadra, 75% of the illegal immigrants in Pakistan are living in Karachi. 2.5 million to be precise. Thats one and half time more then whole population of Islamabad alone. Not resident of Karachi, neither its domicile holders, outside tax net, consuming city wealth and resources.

More nonsense. Pray do tell exactly what "city wealth and resources" are those illegal immigrants "consuming"? What public education, universal healthcare, public housing, and handouts is the city of Karachi providing them? After that please also tell how many of them are earning enough to qualify for paying personal income tax?

Undocumented immigrants have been shown to result in a net positive for local economies. They work for less, do not qualify for any gov handouts (as if there are any in Pakistan), and still pay indirect taxes to the state.

Top that with around 45000 workers coming on monthly basis on average in the city from different parts of the Pakistan, its anybody guess on how many of those are on karachi city tax books!

45,000? That's it?

Do you know how personal income tax is collected? Have you ever paid it? Would be ironic if all this time with your rabid accusations and uneducated claims you were a non-payer yourself. You think these guys make their money in Karachi, go back to their homes, and then pay taxes at a local tax booth? That's not how it works. They come to Karachi, provide their services and labor contributing directly to that GDP and value addition you were waiving around, spend their money on rent, food, and services in Karachi, and then pay their personal income taxes in the city through their employer as well.

What I would say, that your kind, as good as they are on being motor mouth, intellectual bankruptcy is another trait which stands out. No, there is no hogwash, plain simple facts.

............You know it doesn't make it so just because you said it, right? It's genuinely funny how you think that your lies will be considered facts just because you said they were.
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