@TNT @RealNapster
I am officially obbssesed!!! with this song, I can't understand shit but I am randomly singing da stargi Jaadugari de da, meena lewanye da
jaanan , jaanan under my breath everywhere I go
but do y'all find her accent or lack their off annoying?
I feel like a lot of time non native speakers can't get that accent right and because of that the whole thing falls apart
it's low key annoying for native speakers to listen to and genuinely enjoy the song/movie
I felt like that when listening to Mominas coke studio punjabi song and Mahiras dialogue in Maulla Jutt movie, My heart was saying B-word
just stop, for god sake just stop this torture, it's especially bad for Punjabi as it's a tonal language so accent means a lot (I don't know if Pashto is tonal language or not)
Do y'all felt the same with this song or you think she did a good job?