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What Are You Listening to Right Now - Round 2

I remember you've guessed quite a few words.

Marathi has some similarity with Hindi and Farsi so it is sometimes easy for Hindi and Urdu speakers to understand Marathi here and there.

Nope, you have to be firm in such situations. But I still don't understand why drinkers love to force their habit on others.


I also want to stop eating meat one day and become fully vegetarian. But that's going to be infinitely more difficult with the variety of dishes that I will miss out on if I give it up. It's easier to stay away from alcohol since I have never tasted it before nor became high on it, but not so with meat. I wish I had never eaten meat...😞

I hope it is for a moral reason and not for a religious reason you would be doing this. :) I too am fond of meat but I feel guilty that a living animal had to be killed to provide that curry or kabab or biryani to me. Only cats should be allowed to hunt for meat, whether a fish or a mouse or a deer. Humans should stay clear of slaughtering animals even if there are historic religious reasons for the slaughter. Now there are two developments, both in opposite directions, that provide alternatives to live animal slaughter :

1. Lab-grown meat :

2. Plant-based meat. This is also getting popular but I think requires some tinkering to let the plants absorb the nutrients that humans and our cat companions require.

What is the ring ?
Marathi has some similarity with Hindi and Farsi so it is sometimes easy for Hindi and Urdu speakers to understand Marathi here and there.


I hope it is for a moral reason and not for a religious reason you would be doing this. :) I too am fond of meat but I feel guilty that a living animal had to be killed to provide that curry or kabab or biryani to me. Only cats should be allowed to hunt for meat, whether a fish or a mouse or a deer. Humans should stay clear of slaughtering animals even if there are historic religious reasons for the slaughter. Now there are two developments, both in opposite directions, that provide alternatives to live animal slaughter :

1. Lab-grown meat :

2. Plant-based meat. This is also getting popular but I think requires some tinkering to let the plants absorb the nutrients that humans and our cat companions require.

What is the ring ?
The ring that the feudal type wears in the beginning of the song and for which the boy comes into the house later and finds it and wears it for a while until he is defeated.
More of an Urban elitist industrialist or something - fuedals have different clothing and also women, men do not represent rural society, nor do fuedals drink (probably untrue but in popular imagination)

Ring represents his power, wealth, stature , prestige
This is probably the symbolism

I did not receive alert to your tagging me.

Beautiful song. I have never listened to a Punjabi song which has this kind of music. The lyrics were good. Some of the guitar reminded me of 'Subah subah'.

Also watch 'Ik kahani', a fun but philosophical and wonderfully sung song which has my favorite Indian TV actress, the lovely Helly.

@KedarT @Sainthood 101 @Great Janjua @Valiant

@Indos, watch the second song, it has English subtitles and you may like Helly too.

Don't know why but i laughed hard at this. Song is fine but video looks funny.

@jamahir If you have some taste for hip-hop/rap.

Well, not my type of song. :)
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Don't know why but i laughed hard at this. Song is fine but video looks funny.

@jamahir If you have some taste for hip-hop/rap.
Nice but what does the singer want to say? That he's fed up of the conflicts everywhere?
Also watch 'Ik kahani', a fun but philosophical and wonderfully sung song which has my favorite Indian TV actress, the lovely Helly.
Didn't expect you to listen to this type of song😂. But you've also mentioned why you listened to it😆
@Valiant @Great Janjua @Goenitz @-blitzkrieg- @jamahir @Naofumi
@jus_chillin @KedarT
I started listening to this channel about a year ago and it's absolutely beautiful

It's like a lofi/chill music from mostly 2000s, 2010s pakistani songs
Remixed it, slowed it down and added old school videos of Pak cities

Video unavailable :(
Ah, listed to Jhula Jhulaye after such a long time! But this is the one I prefer listening to

Also guys, listen to this, came up in my recommendation, I had almost forgotten about this one.

@jamahir @vishwambhar @Naofumi @Indos @Goenitz
Nice but what does the singer want to say? That he's fed up of the conflicts everywhere?

Didn't expect you to listen to this type of song😂. But you've also mentioned why you listened to it😆

Ah, listed to Jhula Jhulaye after such a long time! But this is the one I prefer listening to

Also guys, listen to this, came up in my recommendation, I had almost forgotten about this one.

@jamahir @vishwambhar @Naofumi @Indos @Goenitz
@jamahir @Naofumi


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Nice but what does the singer want to say? That he's fed up of the conflicts everywhere?

By you writing that I got the idea of watching the song ( I had unwisely not watched it because of @Naofumi introducing it as hip-hop. Sorry, Naofumi ). I think the singer wants to point at the fakeness ( jali / jaali attitude ) of many things in society including the political leaderships or the male-female love.

Didn't expect you to listen to this type of song😂. But you've also mentioned why you listened to it😆

Ha ha, true, but I enjoyed the other part of the song nonetheless.

Ah, listed to Jhula Jhulaye after such a long time! But this is the one I prefer listening to

How many of us actually had a childhood worth remembering ? :)

Also guys, listen to this, came up in my recommendation, I had almost forgotten about this one.

@jamahir @vishwambhar @Naofumi @Indos @Goenitz

I think this song is like many of Emran Hashmi's songs - the song itself being good but having a silly visual story, LOL.

Also, sad what happened with Shiney Ahuja.

Liked the first song. Nice guitar accompaniment and the singer was happy singing. It is really the type of song that has to be listened live. :)
I think this song is like many of Emran Hashmi's songs - the song itself being good but having a silly visual story, LOL.
Apparently, the movie is based on the tragic demise of Parveen Babi.
Also, sad what happened with Shiney Ahuja.
Yeah, he was accused in a rape case. Ruined his own career.

By you writing that I got the idea of watching the song ( I had unwisely not watched it because of @Naofumi introducing it as hip-hop. Sorry, Naofumi ). I think the singer wants to point at the fakeness ( jali / jaali attitude ) of many things in society including the political leaderships or the male-female love.
Sounds plausible.
Apparently, the movie is based on the tragic demise of Parveen Babi.

Yes I remember now.

Yeah, he was accused in a rape case. Ruined his own career.

Well, his domestic help filed the complaint. I think she was spurned by Shiney and she made the allegation in anger. Many celebrities are easy targets, unless they follow what the establishment says.
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