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What Are You Listening to Right Now - Round 2

Yeah ngl, they have some fire chicks

Tara Sutaria and Jacqueline Fernández (is she even Indian?)

Edit: She's Sri Lankan, surprisingly
Yeah I don't know about them, stopped watching Bollywood after 2000s- for all my nationalism I enjoyed those movies

But after little research both aren't exactly ethnic Indians or Sri Lankans
Yeah I don't know about them, stopped watching Bollywood after 2000s- for all my nationalism I enjoyed those movies

But after little research both aren't exactly ethnic Indians or Sri Lankans
So they are not even Indian?

Where are they from??

Edit: Tara Sutaria is actually Persian and Jacqueline is Canadian, Malaysian, Sri Lankan mix
yeh suno bhai... choro ganay :P

Thanks for posting this wonderful interview with Kanhaiya clear, well-spoken, good examples and charismatic as always and the interviewer, Nimrat, was very good too - well-placed questions, good interjections after actually listening and giving time to the interviewee unlike Godi Media.

Other than his native intelligence Kanhaiya was also influenced by the Communist movement in his native area Begusarai - the Leningrad of Bihar ( my thread on this from 2015 ) and then his later student activism in JNU. I liked his statement that we are surrounded by politics and we cannot avoid that and no one really is apolitical ( @Ashesh, please note ). Then his explanation that in India problems are secular but the Modi government makes the solutions communal. There were many other nice things in the talk. But one thing I found missing was Nimrat not asking Kanhaiya was his betrayal of his JNU comrade Umar Khalid which really was a sad thing and Kanhaiya was roundly criticized for it.

Also missing in the interview was Kanhaiya not talking about the futility of the Indian political system despite being from a Communist background. This must be his compulsion from now being in the Congress party. Also seemed his compulsion to tread along the Congress socio-economic outlook by not critiquing the legitimization in India of pseudo-welfare things like monetary compensation for the needless deaths of 700 farmers in the Delhi farmers protests in their 1.4 year duration until mid-December 2021 whereas the entire socio-economic system itself should have been one that didn't give daily or otherwise trouble to the citizen and this trouble won't go away even given the official, promised compensation in the farmers protest death context being four lakh rupees ( and the central government of Modi of course hasn't even acknowledged that there have been 700+ deaths much less give full compensation to the families of even part of them. This, Kanhaiya said too ).

And one of the marvelous statements of his was "Education is a process of learning and unlearning".

Overall, nice interview except for the non-asking about Umar though in this another vid of the same interview session a gentleman in the audience mentions Umar - and journalist Siddique Kappan jailed by Yogi for just covering the gangrape and murder of a Dalit girl in Hathras, UP - but sadly Kanhaiya didn't acknowledge their unjust jailing.

@fitpOsitive, please bear with me for the long post. :P

@Joe Shearer, you don't like the Congress but please do watch this interview.

@vishwambhar @KedarT @Bilal9 @Vapnope @N.Siddiqui

@Sudarshan, you think Modi can debate Kanhaiya ? :D

I don't care for Kumari guy but host is way too cute to be an Indian

Yes the host is quite cute but you should listen to Kanhaiya. Not many prominent leaders in South Asia who have such clarity of analogy and general sensibility.

She looks old asf

You into MILFs?

She's lovely and I dislike the term MILF. Age shouldn't have anything to be mentioned if a female is attractive.
Loved it. I've always admired Kanhaiya. But there's a woman of great worth who rates higher than he does.

Nice that you admire him. He is a great hope though with some unevenness. :) And who is this woman ?
Nice that you admire him. He is a great hope though with some unevenness. :) And who is this woman ?

She is a communist, and I don't like her politics, but she is such a strong self-confident woman that she is worthy of respect and admiration.
during these troublesome times for our nation, I think this song (recorded during the 1965 war facing a brutal assault from a force multiple times larger than our men to the point where victory for the other side seemed inevitable) and the emotions it evokes of solidarity, resistance, toughness in the face of foreign powers hell-bent on controlling our fate, imperialism
This is no war but it's much worse than war if you think about it- they want to control our nations, our future without shedding blood and they expect us to take it as our fate without a fight back
for how long can the powerful imperial forces hell-bent on keeping us down - keep us down?
there's a limit and I hope this is it - we will not suffer another foreign-backed regime change (with the help of our own Mir Sadiq's)
THIS IS NOT OUR FATE!, we are a nation meant for grand achievements and for those dreams and aspirations we must fight back in whichever way possible- big or small
@Great Janjua ,@jus_chillin ,@ghazi52 @fitpOsitive ,@peagle,@Pak Nationalist ,@PakSarZameen47, @Imad.Khan
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