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What Are You Listening to Right Now - Round 2

How helpless r u ? Tell us more plzz
Romantic but in a non morbid way (unlike desi movies en dramas)
I'm afraid I'll die virgin :undecided:

I like the women in the video!

The music isnt half bad either!

Yes she's lovely isn't she.
I'm learning French so I listen to these old melodious songs as the lyrics make sense and they're easy to follow with lyrics :enjoy:
Got a song for hopeless romantic like you @Zee-shaun :

Many dreams come true
And some have silver linings
I live for my dream
And a pocketful of gold.

Mellow is a man
Who knows what he's been missing
Many many men
Can't see the open road.

You got to keep that dream alive friend, and the road will open up for you somewhere. Don't lose hope...but also don't settle into being too mellow.
Some day...

Sous le ciel de Paris (Under the Parisienne sky...)

Orginal song is by Edit Piaff but I like the male version better;

@Well.wisher @Avicenna

My dear I feel for u cuz i know the pain of finding the good spouse . Do u have any female frnds in the uni , tell them to take u with them in the girls canteen and sit along with them and start finding nd trying . That is how i helped my male friends and today those loners are leaving us alone nd sitting on a bench with their lovers .
Lmao u must be thinking y am i saying this much .. cuz i care for u . Bcuz i feel the pain .. lmao
My dear I feel for u cuz i know the pain of finding the good spouse . Do u have any female frnds in the uni , tell them to take u with them in the girls canteen and sit along with them and start finding nd trying . That is how i helped my male friends and today those loners are leaving us alone nd sitting on a bench with their lovers .
Lmao u must be thinking y am i saying this much .. cuz i care for u . Bcuz i feel the pain .. lmao
Thanks for the lovely post. I do have a few very close female friends and an active social life. I go out every weekend, love dining and dancing and I get enough attention from pretty galls. But I donot believe in one night stands. One should save him/herself for the true one and expect the same.
I live in Amsterdam and it's as easy to get a date as a cup of coffee. So in that area there's no problem. But I have made a promise to my parents to stay away from smoking, drinking, drugs and sex.
In my case it will still take 6-8 years before I get married. And that scares me sometimes.
But as the wise friend @Nilgiri advised, I should stay away from being too mellow.
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