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What are US soldiers dying for?


Apr 24, 2007
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What are US soldiers dying for?

Americans deeply admire their troops, but interest in what they are
doing in Afghanistan is shallow.

Gary Younge

Most of the stories told about Benjamin Moore, 23, at his funeral started in a bar and ended in a laugh. Invited to testify about his life from the pews, friend, relative, colleague and neighbour alike described a boisterous, gregarious, energetic young man they had known in the small New Jersey town of Bordentown since he was born. "I'll love him 'til I go," his granny said. "If I could go today and bring him back, I would."
Shortly before Moore left for Afghanistan, he sent a message to his cousin that began: "I'm about to go into another country where they hate me for everything I stand for." Now he was back in a flag-draped box, killed by roadside bomb with two other soldiers in Ghazni province.
There is a reverence for the military in the US on a scale rarely seen anywhere else in the West that transcends political affiliation and pervades popular culture. On aeroplanes the flight attendant will announce if there are soldiers on board to great applause. When I attended a recording of The Daily Show, Jon Stewart made a special point before the show of thanking the servicemen in the audience.
But while the admiration may be deep and widespread, interest in what they are doing and why they are doing it is shallow and fleeting. During November's midterm elections it barely came up.
In September just 3 per cent thought Afghanistan was one of the most important problems facing the country. When Pew surveyed public interest in the war over an 18-week period last year, fewer than one in 10 said it was the top news story they were following in any given week, including the week Stanley McChrystal the four-star general commanding troops in Afghanistan, was fired.
The country, it seems has moved on. The trouble is the troops are still there.
"The burden for this war is being carried by such a small slither of society," explains Professor Christopher Gelpi, who specialises in public opinion and foreign policy at Duke University.
"Unless you know someone in this war, live near an army base or know of someone who has died, then it is possible for the public to ignore it. People are very disconnected from it."
And when they do pay attention, they do not like what they see. Polls in December reveal that 63 per cent oppose the war, 56 per cent think it is going badly (with 21 per cent believing it is going very badly), and 60 per cent believing it was not worth fighting. Indeed opposition to the war is now on par with Iraq.
This statistical data chimes with Gelpi's qualitative findings about people's attitudes towards the war. In a study he conducted in last spring, he found that people know very little about the war but "view it through the filter of Iraq".
"Those who have made up their minds about Iraq," he concludes in the paper, The Two-Front Homefront, "appear to extrapolate these views to Afghanistan and are reluctant to attend to new information on the conflict."
A different problem
But while that popular elision is understandable no sooner had the war in Afghanistan been launched than the war in Iraq was being touted it is problematic. Afghanistan is not Iraq. Indeed, in many ways, the lessons from Afghanistan are more profound, ingrained and urgent.
Globally speaking, opposing the war in Iraq was not even remotely contentious. Significant majorities in almost every country, with the exception of the US, were against it. Before it was inept it was already illegal, and before it was illegal it was already illogical. It was wrong on its own terms, and its own terms were rooted in a lie.
But there were relatively few lies told in the selling of the Afghanistan war.
When it was launched, many claimed parentage; in its failure, it is an orphan. "It's not become a political issue because the Republicans are more supportive of the war than Obama is," explains Gelpi. "So all he has to worry about is a rebellion from his left."
The potential for such a rebellion certainly exists. But its likely potency, at this stage, remains suspect.
As the principal retaliatory response to the terror attacks of 9/11, it has failed. It hasn't brought liberty, democracy or stability. It has killed untold thousands of civilians: untold because they are regarded as expendable. And not only has it not captured the perpetrators of the terror attack, there are far more acts of terrorism globally today than there were in 2001.
Elsewhere in the country, small communities weep every week without respite as bodies from a global conflict return to become a local tragedy without, apparently, altering the national mood.
Back in 1971, during the Vietnam war, John Kerry famously testified before the Senate foreign relations committee. He put the question: "How do you ask a man to be the last man to die for a mistake?" Forty years later, the answer appears to be that you simply stop paying attention to their deaths.It seems American soldiers are not so much dying for their country, but because of it.

Gary Younge is a feature writer and columnist for the Guardian
based in the US.
they are in afghaistan because of 9/11. He died for his country, which is what any person should think about First before you join a army in any country. Because that is what you agree too. "I will fight and if it comes down to it die for my country"
what a lie of utmost perfection..War in Afghanistan due to 9/11..wow..few cavemen were able to operate GPS devices, thanks to Saudi funding and crash into towers..so lets go to Riyadh and party!

They are not cavemen. They have highly intelligent operatives throughout the world.

And sorry, but 9/11 ain't no lie.
this is the sad part, their lives are being sacrificed for nothing, not in this world and certainly nothing in the heaven....
Well... I'm not sure what our U.S. soldiers are dying for... I mean... I have my suspicions, which would be considered a conspiracy theory. However, I am sure of one thing... our troops are dying so that a select few can make even more money. :frown:
They are not cavemen. They have highly intelligent operatives throughout the world.

And sorry, but 9/11 ain't no lie.

yes they couldn't find anything in that rubble except from magical passports from Afghanistan that cant b destroyed,

i seriously cant believe u ppl still dnt understand politics
yes they couldn't find anything in that rubble except from magical passports from Afghanistan that cant b destroyed,

i seriously cant believe u ppl still dnt understand politics
Yup...We could have put the man's orders from Saddam Hussein in as well...:rolleyes:
what a lie of utmost perfection..War in Afghanistan due to 9/11..wow..few cavemen were able to operate GPS devices, thanks to Saudi funding and crash into towers..so lets go to Riyadh and party!

The truth continues to unfold and verifiable information can easily be separated from misleading propaganda. Al Qaeda terrorists attacked and claimed thousands of innocent lives on 9/11 and soon after confessed to, and claimed responsibility for planning those attacks. Here is a video in which al-Qaeda along with Osama bin laden claim responsibility for planning those attacks:

YouTube - Bin Laden "Confession" Video

In addition to this video, which conspiracy theories at the time claimed was an actor instead of the real bin Laden, several other videos of the hijackers reading their wills before the attacks were released by the terrorist organization on subsequent anniversaries of the attacks:

YouTube - Videotape of 9-11 Hijacker Reveals al-Qaida Propaganda Efforts

YouTube - 9/11Osama Bin Laden 2007 - Part ONE

The US went to Afghanistan to eliminate the terror network responsible for 9/11, and to help bring peace and stability to all Afghans. Dear forum readers, the Taliban inflicted untold damage upon the nation of Afghanistan under their dark regime. The Taliban regime not only kept Afghans brutally repressed, but, with great force and purpose, they kept progress and prosperity at bay. Thousands were massacred, women were forced from the country's schools and jobs, and many were left to beg on the streets for food. Did not the Taliban rule by fear? The rebuilding of Afghanistan is a global commitment, and NATOs International Security Assistance Force coalition in Afghanistan continues to grow; now numbering 49 contributing nations. The people of Afghanistan have begun experiencing the kind of freedom simply unimaginable during Taliban rule, and that can be credited to the efforts of Afghan, US and NATO forces. This alignment of our international effort was on full display at the NATO summit in Lisbon where the coalition committed to a long-term partnership with Afghanistan while laying out a plan for the Afghan government to take responsibility for its own security,

U.S. Central Command | Gates: Afghanistan Progress Exceeds Expectations

Our staged drawdown from Iraq is a perfect example of how our future plans in Afghanistan will unfold. The national security continues to be the top priority and our troops are fulfilling the commitment of fighting the enemy that continues to threaten the safety of our citizens. The hard work of Afghan, US and NATO forces contributes mightily to the safety of our nation and the prevention of terrorist attacks since 9/11. The sacrifice of our soldiers ensures the freedom in which US citizens continue to strive and enjoy democracy. They will continue to serve in Afghanistan until the Afghan forces in accordance with Afghan government can assume security responsibility by the end of 2014.

CDR Speaks,

DET, United States Central Command

U.S. Central Command
this thing has been going for a while now lot of lifes have been lost of brave soldiers who would do any thing for there country i think so it is time to pull them out wot has cost more than many wars you keep them killing(us) they will keep coming back(afghans) fighting for religion gives a man strength to do any thing
they are dieing because they played to much games and watched to many movies about how "tough" and "hero" it is plus they are dieing for usa dirty double games.
they support mujaheedin and now they are aiganst it.
usa attacked almost every country on this world.
just to get the idea.
The truth continues to unfold and verifiable information can easily be separated from misleading propaganda. Al Qaeda terrorists attacked and claimed thousands of innocent lives on 9/11 and soon after confessed to, and claimed responsibility for planning those attacks. Here is a video in which al-Qaeda along with Osama bin laden claim responsibility for planning those attacks:

YouTube - Bin Laden "Confession" Video

In addition to this video, which conspiracy theories at the time claimed was an actor instead of the real bin Laden, several other videos of the hijackers reading their wills before the attacks were released by the terrorist organization on subsequent anniversaries of the attacks:

YouTube - Videotape of 9-11 Hijacker Reveals al-Qaida Propaganda Efforts

YouTube - 9/11Osama Bin Laden 2007 - Part ONE

The US went to Afghanistan to eliminate the terror network responsible for 9/11, and to help bring peace and stability to all Afghans. Dear forum readers, the Taliban inflicted untold damage upon the nation of Afghanistan under their dark regime. The Taliban regime not only kept Afghans brutally repressed, but, with great force and purpose, they kept progress and prosperity at bay. Thousands were massacred, women were forced from the country's schools and jobs, and many were left to beg on the streets for food. Did not the Taliban rule by fear? The rebuilding of Afghanistan is a global commitment, and NATOs International Security Assistance Force coalition in Afghanistan continues to grow; now numbering 49 contributing nations. The people of Afghanistan have begun experiencing the kind of freedom simply unimaginable during Taliban rule, and that can be credited to the efforts of Afghan, US and NATO forces. This alignment of our international effort was on full display at the NATO summit in Lisbon where the coalition committed to a long-term partnership with Afghanistan while laying out a plan for the Afghan government to take responsibility for its own security,

U.S. Central Command | Gates: Afghanistan Progress Exceeds Expectations

Our staged drawdown from Iraq is a perfect example of how our future plans in Afghanistan will unfold. The national security continues to be the top priority and our troops are fulfilling the commitment of fighting the enemy that continues to threaten the safety of our citizens. The hard work of Afghan, US and NATO forces contributes mightily to the safety of our nation and the prevention of terrorist attacks since 9/11. The sacrifice of our soldiers ensures the freedom in which US citizens continue to strive and enjoy democracy. They will continue to serve in Afghanistan until the Afghan forces in accordance with Afghan government can assume security responsibility by the end of 2014.

CDR Speaks,

DET, United States Central Command

U.S. Central Command

What a bunch of bulls.
I admire your passion for your country, but let's not play religion with this issues. Let's be able to differentiate whats right and whats wrong, instead of blindly believing everything your govt does. The war on Afganistan was pretty inevitable and they paid a huge price for it and you can't really deny that. but its time to pull out the troops. What about Iraq? They attacked because they were suspicious that they might have weapons of mass destruction and where are this weapons of mass destruction your media speaks of? and I have met many Iraqi people who believed the situation in Iraq was not half as bad as it is now.
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