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What are the Top 10 reforms needed to save Pakistan?

What are the Top 10 reforms needed to save Pakistan? how to implement these?

Here is my list.

1) Judicial reform, ECP, ET (Laws to prevent corrupt politicians hijacking judicial system, bribing judges)
2) Strong Legal System [need more high courts and judges to handling overwhelming number of cases pending in high court] *related to #1
3) Electoral Reforms (*related to #1 and #2)
4) Strong Anti-Corruption Policies (banned politicians from politics found guilty of Corruption)
5) Pakistan needs a "Patriot Act" as a law passed by the government - Strong Anti Terrorist ACT.
Any group, individual, politicians and political party promoting agenda of Enemy of the state or agenda of foreign country/s should be arrested and tried by special court (Example, GEO, PMLN, MQM, TuQ, etc).
6) Strong Political Reform Policies
*reducing government overhead
*decentralization of Power to province and district level.
*After implementation of #1, #3 and #4, Pakistan should transfer the power to people by having General Election, Provincial election, District election, Tehsil Election and union council Election.
7) Strong Democratic Political system (related to the #5)
8) Strong Economic Reform Policies
9)*Strong Privatization Policies
10) Strong Central Government
*Strong National Defense Policies
*Strong Foreign Policies
*Strong Standard Education Polices.
*Strong Universal Healthcare Policies
*Strong Social Justice Policies
*Labour Reforms Policies

Get rid of Dynastic politics.
and Land reforms.

just keep electing your leaders.. everything will automatically be on track... no matter how bad your current leaders are.
And pay your taxes.

lol..just like you guys ended up electing a terrorist named Modi.
Those points are too vague.

It's easy to say you wan't these reforms, but there will be no clean sweep where some magician on a unicorn swoops down from the skies to save us. Each reform, for each reason, using whatever means/methodology to achieve said reform is a battle within itself.

I have an excellent reform:

1) Change the way Pakistanis as a people think.


What about the rest of the angels in politics?

^ Bolded part. Who went out and voted PMLn? Certainly PMLn didn't come up with 12 million fake votes in entirely. Certainly MQM doesn't threaten thousands of people with death if they don't attend Altaf bhai's show or to vote for MQM.

We're ourselves to blame. No one else. We're the corrupt.
you're talking as if slums, poverty, hunger and corruption are not part of Pakistan, all these exist in both countries.. take a chill pill, you watch our Bollywood movies, and we watch your Pakistani tv serials..
both are in the same boat, as to my opinion why India is on it's journey to be a world player, leaving Pakistan behind, is the sole difference of extremism being woven into the fabric of your country, whereas it occupies a far smaller footprint in India..
sure we have our Indian Taliban, in the form of some Hinduvta idiots and deobandi madrasa morons, but they occupy much less space, and our national media is always tearing into them, as their favorite punching bags..
When you can change the mindset of extremism that is woven into the fabric, then Pakistan would find it's true place in the world.. till then no top ten list is going to work..
please don't think this is India vs Pakistan, but think logically that extremism is inversely proportional to development.. for that don't consider India per se, but look at the developed countries of the west, see how developed they are vs their level of extremism, and you'll get your answer..
All the best!

Very well said...Although there are tons of other issues, extremism is the biggest hindrance for Pak.
What are the Top 10 reforms needed to save Pakistan? how to implement these?

Here is my list.

1) Judicial reform, ECP, ET (Laws to prevent corrupt politicians hijacking judicial system, bribing judges)
2) Strong Legal System [need more high courts and judges to handling overwhelming number of cases pending in high court] *related to #1
3) Electoral Reforms (*related to #1 and #2)
4) Strong Anti-Corruption Policies (banned politicians from politics found guilty of Corruption)
5) Pakistan needs a "Patriot Act" as a law passed by the government - Strong Anti Terrorist ACT.
Any group, individual, politicians and political party promoting agenda of Enemy of the state or agenda of foreign country/s should be arrested and tried by special court (Example, GEO, PMLN, MQM, TuQ, etc).
6) Strong Political Reform Policies
*reducing government overhead
*decentralization of Power to province and district level.
*After implementation of #1, #3 and #4, Pakistan should transfer the power to people by having General Election, Provincial election, District election, Tehsil Election and union council Election.
7) Strong Democratic Political system (related to the #5)
8) Strong Economic Reform Policies
9)*Strong Privatization Policies
10) Strong Central Government
*Strong National Defense Policies
*Strong Foreign Policies
*Strong Standard Education Polices.
*Strong Universal Healthcare Policies
*Strong Social Justice Policies
*Labour Reforms Policies
Though its about pak
i just wanted to do cheklist where india stand on same list as both started journey together,
just trying to analyse what both nation can learn togher from each other

1) Judicial reform, ECP, ET (Laws to prevent corrupt politicians hijacking judicial system, bribing judges)
india have independant judicary system.. govt somtime even parliamnt cant incluene it .beyond certain level ..
now judiciary trying to make more trasnperancy in judges appointment
now judicary debared politician from elction who get 2 yr or more jail. exa CM Jayalaliyta to name a few

2) Strong Legal System [need more high courts and judges to handling overwhelming number of cases pending in high court] *related to #1
here india lack too... huge backlong in lower court
HC and SC are better but still not up to mark
started small court to handle issue at lcoal lev

3) Electoral Reforms (*related to #1 and #2)
slow ..but steady ..election commsion of india did good job but still lots to be done
now musucle power / booth capturing/ moeny power / liqure chked almost to negligible level
wrt. paid news/ black money / still issue

4) Strong Anti-Corruption Policies (banned politicians from politics found guilty of Corruption)
did .. and yeilding result.. exa. lalu yadav.. jayalalita to name few cases who cant go to election now

5) Pakistan needs a "Patriot Act" as a law passed by the government - Strong Anti Terrorist ACT.
have POTA and MACOCA..
had TADA but repelaed..

Any group, individual, politicians and political party promoting agenda of Enemy of the state or agenda of foreign country/s should be arrested and tried by special court (Example, GEO, PMLN, MQM, TuQ, etc).
6) Strong Political Reform Policies
*reducing government overhead
not done .. its up to govt how to use money
*decentralization of Power to province and district level.
did many yrs ago .. as it was M.Gandhi aim to develope village ..73rdamend did tight to pancyat in vilage and 74 amededm of constituion given to right to muncipalitirs level in urban level
panchayat system working pan india level with some g8 suces and some fault too
adivasis .. tribal given special right

*After implementation of #1, #3 and #4, Pakistan should transfer the power to people by having General Election, Provincial election, District election, Tehsil Election and union council Election.
7) Strong Democratic Political system (related to the #5)
can you explain what it would be ?
8) Strong Economic Reform Policies
can you explain what it would be ?
india did some like removing leakage from public distruion sytem .. removin unprodutive subsidies..
removing fuel subsidy .. target beneficairy with bank account and Unique id schme

9)*Strong Privatization Policies
partly privatise or say small disinvesmt of PSU but retain managt control.
10) Strong Central Government
have it..design in constituion of india and implmented too
*Strong National Defense Policies
can you explain what it would be ?
*Strong Foreign Policies
can you explain what it would be ?
*Strong Standard Education Polices.
some insution are best in world .. most are avg to belwo avg of world level
*Strong Universal Healthcare Policies
have avg govt system
*Strong Social Justice Policies
can you explain what it would be ?
*Labour Reforms Policies
done way back
Pakistan need the Khilafat-e-Rashida model immediately. This Anglo-Sexyn laws are pathetic for Pakistan.

I also think that Sharia should be applied in entire Pakistan. Thats the best system, you know.

So here are my 2 suggestions for Pakistanis.
1. I want Sharia Laws.
2. I dont want Sharia Laws and I wanna die.
Call it a reform or necessity, but improved relations with India can certainly help pakistan as it can open opportunities for business sectors of both countries.
you're talking as if slums, poverty, hunger and corruption are not part of Pakistan, all these exist in both countries.. take a chill pill, you watch our Bollywood movies, and we watch your Pakistani tv serials..

both are in the same boat, as to my opinion why India is on it's journey to be a world player, leaving Pakistan behind, is the sole difference of extremism being woven into the fabric of your country, whereas it occupies a far smaller footprint in India..

sure we have our Indian Taliban, in the form of some Hinduvta idiots and deobandi madrasa morons, but they occupy much less space, and our national media is always tearing into them, as their favorite punching bags..

When you can change the mindset of extremism that is woven into the fabric, then Pakistan would find it's true place in the world.. till then no top ten list is going to work..

please don't think this is India vs Pakistan, but think logically that extremism is inversely proportional to development.. for that don't consider India per se, but look at the developed countries of the west, see how developed they are vs their level of extremism, and you'll get your answer..

All the best!
Congrats , you are well on your way to being a think tank :D
You pass level one
What I think that before any other reform Pakistan need following changes-
1. Get rid of landlords
2. Get rid of Military lords
3. Get rid of religious and extremist lords
4. Make a habit of paying tax at all level.
5. Remove negative thoughts from academic curriculum and replace it with positives.

Once you implement the above things Pakistan will be ready for reforms. If you do not do these, beneficiaries of current system will do everything to fail any reform initiatives.
What I think that before any other reform Pakistan need following changes-
1. Get rid of landlords
2. Get rid of Military lords
3. Get rid of religious and extremist lords
4. Make a habit of paying tax at all level.
5. Remove negative thoughts from academic curriculum and replace it with positives.

Once you implement the above things Pakistan will be ready for reforms. If you do not do these, beneficiaries of current system will do everything to fail any reform initiatives.

First thing Nehru the Great did was land reforms in India. This made India free from the feudal lords. Pakistan is still pretty much feudal:
Feudalism in Pakistan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
just keep electing your leaders.. everything will automatically be on track... no matter how bad your current leaders are.
And pay your taxes.

Agreed. Its a gradual process that takes time. Nobody has a magic wand which ends corruption or tax evasion suddenly.
Any group, individual, politicians and political party promoting agenda of Enemy of the state or agenda of foreign country/s should be arrested and tried by special court (Example, GEO, PMLN, MQM, TuQ, etc).

What about the Taliban, Al Qaeda, Laskar e jhangvi, jaish e Muhammad etc? Pals of yours?
- Educate yourself by not twisting the history and facts.
- Separate State from religion. Religion and administration are two different stuff.
- Keep electing and have faith in democracy. Things will sort out by itself.
- Stop going by the conspiracy theories and
- On top of all, stop blaming anything wrong happening in your country to others. Take it as a lesson and experience and then learn from it.
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