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What are the Top 10 reforms needed to save Pakistan?

1. Stop being anti-india
2. Leave the kashmir issue for at least 10-20 yrs
3. Focus on development
4. Give higher benefits to researchers and scholars unlike India
5. Dont mix buisness and emotional profile
6. And as a muslim i m telling you stop acting like you are the only voice of Muslims all over the world
Though its about pak
i just wanted to do cheklist where india stand on same list as both started journey together,
just trying to analyse what both nation can learn togher from each other

1) Judicial reform, ECP, ET (Laws to prevent corrupt politicians hijacking judicial system, bribing judges)
india have independant judicary system.. govt somtime even parliamnt cant incluene it .beyond certain level ..
now judiciary trying to make more trasnperancy in judges appointment
now judicary debared politician from elction who get 2 yr or more jail. exa CM Jayalaliyta to name a few

2) Strong Legal System [need more high courts and judges to handling overwhelming number of cases pending in high court] *related to #1
here india lack too... huge backlong in lower court
HC and SC are better but still not up to mark
started small court to handle issue at lcoal lev

3) Electoral Reforms (*related to #1 and #2)
slow ..but steady ..election commsion of india did good job but still lots to be done
now musucle power / booth capturing/ moeny power / liqure chked almost to negligible level
wrt. paid news/ black money / still issue

4) Strong Anti-Corruption Policies (banned politicians from politics found guilty of Corruption)
did .. and yeilding result.. exa. lalu yadav.. jayalalita to name few cases who cant go to election now

5) Pakistan needs a "Patriot Act" as a law passed by the government - Strong Anti Terrorist ACT.
have POTA and MACOCA..
had TADA but repelaed..

Any group, individual, politicians and political party promoting agenda of Enemy of the state or agenda of foreign country/s should be arrested and tried by special court (Example, GEO, PMLN, MQM, TuQ, etc).
6) Strong Political Reform Policies
*reducing government overhead
not done .. its up to govt how to use money
*decentralization of Power to province and district level.
did many yrs ago .. as it was M.Gandhi aim to develope village ..73rdamend did tight to pancyat in vilage and 74 amededm of constituion given to right to muncipalitirs level in urban level
panchayat system working pan india level with some g8 suces and some fault too
adivasis .. tribal given special right

*After implementation of #1, #3 and #4, Pakistan should transfer the power to people by having General Election, Provincial election, District election, Tehsil Election and union council Election.
7) Strong Democratic Political system (related to the #5)
can you explain what it would be ?

This is again related to above reforms. Reforms within party and political parties need to adopt democratic system of selecting candidates. NO more family politician and family government.
here is a example of undemocratic system


8) Strong Economic Reform Policies
can you explain what it would be ?
india did some like removing leakage from public distruion sytem .. removin unprodutive subsidies..
removing fuel subsidy .. target beneficairy with bank account and Unique id schme

9)*Strong Privatization Policies
partly privatise or say small disinvesmt of PSU but retain managt control.
10) Strong Central Government
have it..design in constituion of india and implmented too
*Strong National Defense Policies
can you explain what it would be ?
*Strong Foreign Policies
can you explain what it would be ?

Pakistan lack in strong foreign policies. We are stuck between Afghanistan and India.
Pakistan need to develop relationship with Russia and Ex-Soviet nations.

*Strong Standard Education Polices.
some insution are best in world .. most are avg to belwo avg of world level
*Strong Universal Healthcare Policies
have avg govt system
*Strong Social Justice Policies
can you explain what it would be ?
*Labour Reforms Policies
done way back
Pakistan need the Khilafat-e-Rashida model immediately. This Anglo-Sexyn laws are pathetic for Pakistan.

I also think that Sharia should be applied in entire Pakistan. Thats the best system, you know.

So here are my 2 suggestions for Pakistanis.
1. I want Sharia Laws.
2. I dont want Sharia Laws and I wanna die.

BTW, Pakistan already has Sharia Court......and people will never accept Tablian Style government.

1. Stop being anti-india
2. Leave the kashmir issue for at least 10-20 yrs
3. Focus on development
4. Give higher benefits to researchers and scholars unlike India
5. Dont mix buisness and emotional profile
6. And as a muslim i m telling you stop acting like you are the only voice of Muslims all over the world

I don't want this thread to become India vs Pakistan. That's one of the reason i didn't mention Kashmir.
Extremism is in the fabric of our society. That is the be all and end all. Until that changes, nothing done at higher levels will make the ultimate difference.
Spot on! But what are you as a Pakistani doing about it? What is the government doing about it? It's no point just cribbing and looking at the problem from a distance. You need action to sort it out!
This is all part of reform. I have already written detail about extremist groups. None of these above groups should be allowed in Pakistan, majority of these are supported by foreign countries.
So you mean there is no internal support for these groups? LOL :D
BTW, Pakistan already has Sharia Court......and people will never accept Tablian Style government.

I don't want this thread to become India vs Pakistan. That's one of the reason i didn't mention Kashmir.
Though its about pak
i just wanted to do checklist where india stand on same list as both started journey together,
just trying to analyse what both nation can learn tougher from each other
1. Stop being anti-india
2. Leave the kashmir issue for at least 10-20 yrs
3. Focus on development
4. Give higher benefits to researchers and scholars unlike India
5. Dont mix buisness and emotional profile
6. And as a muslim i m telling you stop acting like you are the only voice of Muslims all over the world

Even Though I don't want to discussion Pakistan's foreign relation with India. I think we must send a clear message to India that don't think that Pakistan can't defend itself. We are only weak due to corrupt system, otherwise Pakistan has more resources and brains than paper tiger Indians.

Here are your answers
1) Stop being anti-india ->Pakistan has never play double role like India is playing.
2. Leave the kashmir issue for at least 10-20 yrs -> Kashmir is a heart of Pakistan, there will be no compromise on Kashmir. [This will come under strong foreign policy and strong defense policies]
3. Focus on development -> There can be NO development without reforms.
4. Give higher benefits to researchers and scholars unlike India -> There is no research and development in Pakistan due to corruption
5. Dont mix buisness and emotional profile -> not sure what do you mean here
6. And as a muslim i m telling you stop acting like you are the only voice of Muslims all over the world -> Yes, Pakistan is the only Muslim nation with Mighty Army and Nuclear power.
Even Though I don't want to discussion Pakistan's foreign relation with India. I think we must send a clear message to India that don't think that Pakistan can't defend itself. We are only weak due to corrupt system, otherwise Pakistan has more resources and brains than paper tiger Indians.

Here are your answers
1) Stop being anti-india ->Pakistan has never play double role like India is playing.
2. Leave the kashmir issue for at least 10-20 yrs -> Kashmir is a heart of Pakistan, there will be no compromise on Kashmir. [This will come under strong foreign policy and strong defense policies]
3. Focus on development -> There can be NO development without reforms.
4. Give higher benefits to researchers and scholars unlike India -> There is no research and development in Pakistan due to corruption
5. Dont mix buisness and emotional profile -> not sure what do you mean here
6. And as a muslim i m telling you stop acting like you are the only voice of Muslims all over the world -> Yes, Pakistan is the only Muslim nation with Mighty Army and Nuclear power.
Pakistan has more resources and brains than paper tiger Indians.
when you say There is no research and development in Pakistan due to corruption ?
can you explain how ?
Yes, Pakistan is the only Muslim nation with Mighty Army and Nuclear power
Pakistan has more resources and brains than paper tiger Indians.
when you say There is no research and development in Pakistan due to corruption ?
can you explain how ?
Yes, Pakistan is the only Muslim nation with Mighty Army and Nuclear power

Cream of corp is leaving the country for better future in the west (Europe, North America, Turkey) and east (Singapore, Hong Kong, Korea) and other going ME and African countries like Kenya, South Africa.

What more do i need to explain,.....There is no research and development in Pakistan due to corruption, even the defense projects [JF-17, AAM, SAMS, Sub, Frigates, Corvettes boats] are delayed 5-10 years due to corruption.
2. Leave the kashmir issue for at least 10-20 yrs -> Kashmir is a heart of Pakistan, there will be no compromise on Kashmir. [This will come under strong foreign policy and strong defense policies]

If you keep Kashmir as focal point then following side effect will cropped up which is happening now-

1. Army and defence will remain as main establishment instead of democratic establishments like parliament, judiciary etc You with for strong democratic reform can never be achieved
2. Defence budget will go up continuously and military lords will lead more lavish life
3. extremism and Terrorism will increase in both side
4. Focus on reform and developments will go to back burner.
Reforms means destabilizing current equilibrium. Its not easy rather painstaking path. You have to sacrifice many current habits.
One of that sacrifice, in my thinking is moving Kashmir issue from focal point. I know, it is not easy to get rid of a 70 years old habit.
Cream of corp is leaving the country for better future in the west (Europe, North America, Turkey) and east (Singapore, Hong Kong, Korea) and other going ME and African countries like Kenya, South Africa.

What more do i need to explain,.....There is no research and development in Pakistan due to corruption, even the defense projects [JF-17, AAM, SAMS, Sub, Frigates, Corvettes boats] are delayed 5-10 years due to corruption.
As its off topic .. so will not ans further after this post
Cream corp leaving is not good sign..
brain drain is big problem for india for decades ..
the coal in india become diamond in west ..
if start giving NRIs who did WOW job in west .. is countless. from Bose of Eienstine - of God particle to Bose corp from kalpana chwla to indira noyi .. from amartya sen to Dean of harward busine school
so chilll
you raise good question.. i just tried to compare ..
you cant learn till you dont set standards or comparision to scale out yourself
Spot on! But what are you as a Pakistani doing about it? What is the government doing about it? It's no point just cribbing and looking at the problem from a distance. You need action to sort it out!

Nothing at all good sir. Even I am too lazy to do anything, I also hate confrontation and politics. And when you ask radicals and people with backward mindsets to maybe consider changing their ways, they will almost certainly bite you and the confrontation that I don't like becomes inevitable.

However, in keeping with my philosophy, be the change you wan't to see, I pray to God to make me the kind of man he wants me to be, the biggest difference I as an individual can make to the world around me starts and ends with the better of my own self.
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