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What are the 10 most serious problems faced by Pakistan?

Look, if I'm an educated man, I'd want to live among educated people, not jahils. Most Pakistanis are jahils.
Brain drain doesn't mean it's going to keep on happening forever. If tomorrow the literacy were to dramatically increase, it would have visible (read: very good) effects on society. For one, we'd have better leaders because a) they'd be educated (not holding fake degrees) and b) an educated awam would obviously chose better leaders for themselves. Fewer educated people would leave the country, the economy would better, more jobs, and the list can go on.

Please never underestimate the importance of education.
Well said, most problems stem from lack of education :):yahoo:
1. intolerance
2. low literacy ratio
3. afghan refugees
4. so called too much smart peoples. ( Pakistani version of liberal )
5. corruption
6. ppp
7. brain drain
8. unstable relation with eastern neighbor.
9. bad governance
10. favoritism.
Many problems we share with pak curiously.Imo-[in no order]

2.Religious intolerance and extremism.
3.Multiple armed insurgencies causing financial and social damage.
4.High corruption/economic inequality
5.Dynastic politics
7.Geopolitical disputes requiring maintainence of oversized armed forces.
8.Too many conspiracy theories.
9.Population explosion
10.Energy crisis.
11.Lack of foreign capital investment.

For India i think -

1.Replace feudalism with quota/caste/religion votebank politics
2.High corruption/economic inequality
3.Bureaucratic red tape-administrative inefficiency.
4.Dynastic politics
5.Population explosion
7.Geopolitical disputes requiring maintainence of oversized armed forces.
8.Energy crisis,lack of indigeneous oil reserves.
9.Brain drain.
The Biggest problem we are facing is that " after 66 years of independence we still don't know what is our Real problem " ..
here is 10 what I think ,,

1. A Nation with no pride and dead souls .
2. lack of Education
3. Corruption
4. Religious Extremism
5. Religious and Political Parties
6. In justice
7. CIA, RAW , MI6 and MOSSAD
8. Electricity
9. Terrorism ( that because of point 4,5 & 7 )
10. Last but not the least ..Media
Law and order plus implementation through courts
Food Security and Supply
Water Management plus Electricity
Capitalisation plus mafias
Politicians , we need Leaders who can do it.
This question is only for Pakistani friends so that I can get an inside view about the problems in Pakistan and compare it with the problems faced by India. Thanks
Security:(Border, Urban and Rural)
Islamic Education
Free Health Care
1.lack of merit. Quota system, nepotism, incompetence. Shit in shit out.
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