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What ancient India really discovered and invented!

Knowing nothing is better than believing in something unverifiable and false. ;)

Oh yes!
The age of universe is unverified, the function of our brain is unverified, not much is known about the true "conscious" either. The scientists of the 19th century who believed they had verified things were proven wrong by the scientists of 20th century...and the list goes on.
So there you go!!!
"You know nothing Jon snow". :P

GoT reference :tup:
Me thinks...
GoT is inspired by Mahabharta. :P
Btw I am huge fan of GoT. :)
Oh yes!
The age of universe is unverified, the function of our brain is unverified, not much is known about the true "conscious" either. The scientists of the 19th century who believed they had verified things were proven wrong by the scientists of 20th century...and the list goes on.
So there you go!!!
"You know nothing Jon snow". :P

If you take into account the chaotic inflation theory, the age of the universe is approximate and unverified among the most scientific community. They settle for different values all the time. And there had been many incidents where they had to reconsider their calculation methods.

The function of the brain is obviously unverified, they settle for reference values. The same stimulus generates different brain waves in different person.
I believe in some discoveries and inventions in medicines, architecture, mathematics. But most of their claims are false.

Pretty much all claims made ,even seemingly outlier ones, in Mathematics field are true. Hindu India (I mean pre-Islamic India + Kerala school of Mathematics during Islamic times) was best in Mathematics in whole of the world, even as late as 18th century.Right wingers do make false claims, but most of them are of " Aeroplanes existed in ancient India" type, not infield of Mathematics and Medicine where they are correct most of the time.

Number system is a well known example. Algebra is something which is less known to lay people, but anyone who know even little of history knows that concepts of Algebra was developed by Brahmagupta. These both are attributed by Europeans to Arabs as Europe from 400-1200 AD was in dark ages with civilization level even lower than that of Sub-Saharan Africa with most of Europeans not even knowing that world existed beyond that of their immediate neighbours ,and since they come to know these things from Arabs ,who come to know of these from Indians, they attributed it to Arabs.

The less known is Calculus. Elements of Calculus ,like Rolle's Theorem, have been developed by Indian mathematicians of late Vedic/BCE period, but Indian Mathematicians of Kerala School (Since Northern mathematical schools were extinguished by marauding Muslims) had developed Differentiation and Integration (crown Jewels of Calculus) before it was developed in England.

This link would be helpful, if you want to gain basic knowledge about Indian maths: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Indian_mathematicians . It has names of prominent Indian mathematicians and you could read about works of each of them.

India mathematical contribution are less known to lay people as today's world is dominated by west (a phenomenon that is just 400 Year old); and narrative of India and China (Paper, Printing, Gunpowder, Compass, and whole lot of assorted things were invented in China) being better than West for most of History does not fit racial superiority narrative of Europeans/Whites. It is less known to Indians themselves as ruling class of ours is Angolophone and has an instinctive despisement of anything which weakens their comfortable zone of inferiority complex. If you remember: When Harshvardan claimed that Pythagoras theorem (as in proper theorem, not triplets) was invented by Indians (This is a correct claim), whole of anglophone twitter raged against him, and even Shashi Tharoor has to come out and defend him on that. Nehruvian Congress (Congress post 1952 when Nehru has concentrated power and eliminated all opposition inside the party) was a anglophone party to boot, and whatever intellectual honesty that was left in Indian education system was destroyed by Communists ,led by Mushirul Hassan, who after getting control of HRD ministry in bargain of supporting Indira embarked on a mission to uproot all schools of History except Marxist school, and to clean up history of anything which remotely showed Hindus in good light.
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I understand the geometry part and cosmology to some extent also....but Relativity or calculating Earth's age or speed of light seems a bit far fetched for people of that time.

They knew the planets, constellations and their exact positions for sure, they also knew the orbits of Sun, Moon and other planets and could calculate the future cosmic events like eclipses and different 'sankranti' (Sun's transmigration from one constellation to another) dates etc. They probably knew the distances between the Sun and planets, especially earth.

Now I am assuming that they did a back calculation for exactly when the Sun is rising at one point to the time when it's light is reaching to that point to calculate the speed of light? I am not an expert in vedas and ancient scientific work, but this could be one method? I think in ancient times (5000-10000 years ago) people were as intelligent as they are today, and they knew a lot more than we think they knew, the science and every other knowledge as we know today is a cumulative effort of human civilization since ancient times.
They knew the planets, constellations and their exact positions for sure, they also knew the orbits of Sun, Moon and other planets and could calculate the future cosmic events like eclipses and different 'sankranti' (Sun's transmigration from one constellation to another) dates etc. They probably knew the distances between the Sun and planets, especially earth.

Now I am assuming that they did a back calculation for exactly when the Sun is rising at one point to the time when it's light is reaching to that point to calculate the speed of light? I am not an expert in vedas and ancient scientific work, but this could be one method? I think in ancient times (5000-10000 years ago) people were as intelligent as they are today, and they knew a lot more than we think they knew, the science and every other knowledge as we know today is a cumulative effort of human civilization since ancient times.

People in Ancient times ,after 10000BCE when evolution stopped for Humans, were as intelligent as Humans of today.

We need to appreciate that developing concepts is much more difficult than developing their application. The concept of numbers/number system, Grammar, script, and language sophisticated enough to convey complex ideas is much more difficult to develop than even most sophisticated theory of Physics, as these things have to be developed from scratch without any existing concept, while even most sophisticated theories are based on work of people who come before them.

It would be near impossible ,even in today's world, to find a person of intelligence caliber of Panini, whose Asthadhyayi is so so perfect that it form basis of comparative philology even today. Nothing more was needed for development of philology.
If you take into account the chaotic inflation theory, the age of the universe is approximate and unverified among the most scientific community. They settle for different values all the time. And there had been many incidents where they had to reconsider their calculation methods.

The function of the brain is obviously unverified, they settle for reference values. The same stimulus generates different brain waves in different person.
we agree on something.
The gist of it is, that even now the scientists have not come to a conclusion as to what is the right age of the universe, while our puranas claim that universe, like other living beings, has a life cycle of its own; it undergoes self destruction only to start the process of its formation once again. Do you agree on this?
You have forgotten to mention the following,

1. Algebra
2. Worlds first vaccination (Small Pox)
3. Best Mortar of that age.
4. Ice Manufacturing

Another one
'Cosmetic Surgery' developed by Susruta.

On topic :Well there is no surprise in her .India at that time was most advanced and rich in this world .Radical innovations happens only if you have resources ,committed scientists and enthusiastic Kings/Leaders .
Our Indian Civilization developed because we had all kind of top circumstances at that time .
Several Kings and leaders spanning from Kanyakumari to Kashmir whole heartedly supported their people effort.

Of Course thousand years of invasions by the desert illterates and ice mens from West reduced our resources .
But you can destroy ones physical assets and resources but never can the soul ,gene or brain .
Today World is totally amazed because of our advancement in Space and nuclear .
Well you dont have to .We Indians carry that same gene .You cant stole our genes.
Another one
'Cosmetic Surgery' developed by Susruta.

On topic :Well there is no surprise in her .India at that time was most advanced and rich in this world .Radical innovations happens only if you have resources ,committed scientists and enthusiastic Kings/Leaders .
Our Indian Civilization developed because we had all kind of top circumstances at that time .
Several Kings and leaders spanning from Kanyakumari to Kashmir whole heartedly supported their people effort.

Of Course thousand years of invasions by the desert illterates and ice mens from West reduced our resources .
But you can destroy ones physical assets and resources but never can the soul ,gene or brain .
Today World is totally amazed because of our advancement in Space and nuclear .
Well you dont have to .We Indians carry that same gene .You cant stole our genes.

True, surgery in ancient India. Over all medical advancement existed.

It has less to do with genes and more to do with living in a land with abundant natural resources. This also results in lesser conflicts and the extended peace provides societies and civilizations to evolve.

This provides people to advance their intelligence by sharing knowledge and exchanging ideas.

The Advancement and progress had much to do with our ancient civilization and when that civilization was attacked, the knowledge disappeared. Theory of genetic superiority is faulty. Food, culture, environment, heritage, resources etc. determine intelligence.

People in Ancient times ,after 10000BCE when evolution stopped for Humans, were as intelligent as Humans of today.

We need to appreciate that developing concepts is much more difficult than developing their application. The concept of numbers/number system, Grammar, script, and language sophisticated enough to convey complex ideas is much more difficult to develop than even most sophisticated theory of Physics, as these things have to be developed from scratch without any existing concept, while even most sophisticated theories are based on work of people who come before them.

It would be near impossible ,even in today's world, to find a person of intelligence caliber of Panini, whose Asthadhyayi is so so perfect that it form basis of comparative philology even today. Nothing more was needed for development of philology.

Crediting Panini for the entire Asthadhyayi is like crediting Ambedkar with the entire Indian Constitution.
True, surgery in ancient India. Over all medical advancement existed.

It has less to do with genes and more to do with living in a land with abundant natural resources. This also results in lesser conflicts and the extended peace provides societies and civilizations to evolve.

This provides people to advance their intelligence by sharing knowledge and exchanging ideas.

The Advancement and progress had much to do with our ancient civilization and when that civilization was attacked, the knowledge disappeared. Theory of genetic superiority is faulty. Food, culture, environment, heritage, resources etc. determine intelligence.

Crediting Panini for the entire Asthadhyayi is like crediting Ambedkar with the entire Indian Constitution.

Not Superiority .But that gene have this unending quest for the knowledge .It was always in our blood .Indians were always hungry about all knowledge about all kind of stuffs .Be it Mathematics , Astronomy ,political science ,or even professional robbery .We didnt spared a single subject .And like you said thanks to the Kings /Rulers at that time .They always supported them with resources

Invasion happened in other civilizations also .But even though we suffered a lot , we took baby steps in Space tech ,nuclear tech without any credible fund .Only Indians can arrange a lab or assembly centre in a cattle shed like our first gen space scientists did in Thumba.We used bullock cart for component transportation when other nations mocked us .
Somewhere in our blood we still hides that gene that looks for knowledge.
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