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What about the two Air Force pilots who died yesterday?

Rest in Peace to the pilots, for they died nobly in the line of duty.

But why not also remember those killed on the ground? Were they any less of husbands, fathers or sons than these brave warriors?

Because the former tried their best to ensure that the latter unsuspecting category lost the least.
Because the former tried their best to ensure that the latter unsuspecting category lost the least.

That is only an assumption on our part without the investigation being complete, but we can overlook that for now. All casualties are equally regrettable in my view. The photos of those killed on the ground along with their details are just as haloed as these brave warriors who lost their lives in this incident.

Of course we will hampered by the tradition of not releasing properly conducted accident reports, but it would be important to see what roles poor maintenance and/or poor training/actions in the face of emergent pressure might have played in this crash, not only on the airbase, but in the areas around it too. I would wait to see what information in this regard is released, if at all or ever.
That is only an assumption on our part without the investigation being complete, but we can overlook that for now. All casualties are equally regrettable in my view. The photos of those killed on the ground along with their details are just as haloed as these brave warriors who lost their lives in this incident.

Of course we will hampered by the tradition of not releasing properly conducted accident reports, but it would be important to see what roles poor maintenance and/or poor training/actions in the face of emergent pressure might have played in this crash, not only on the airbase, but in the areas around it too. I would wait to see what information in this regard is released, if at all or ever.

Reports are done properly. That is still something not tainted yet. The issue here baba ji is the issue of the mentality of the local folks. I have a strong suspicion about bird strike as the aircraft was on finals. And my earlier post reflect on this issue.
Reports are done properly. That is still something not tainted yet. The issue here baba ji is the issue of the mentality of the local folks. I have a strong suspicion about bird strike as the aircraft was on finals. And my earlier post reflect on this issue.

A birdstrike is a plausible cause, but it should also be survivable with proper deployment of ejection seats. That is what they are there for. I wonder how long the accident report will take?
"Ours is not to reason why, ours but to do and die".
Fighter Pilots don't drive people out of the country Man they are flying fighter jets
What a bloody shame! It's the same story everywhere. No one cares a fuk about faujis. The media is dependent on TRP ratings for their survival. Altaf's news therefore is a priority. The lives of men who give their today for the country's tomorrow be damned. It's not newsworthy.

Here a widow of a soldier who was martyred in the 1965 war, has yet to get her family pension! These bastard politicians and bureaucrats care two hoots. And so does the media.
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What a bloody shame! It's the same story everywhere. No one cares a fuk about faujis. The media is dependent on TRP ratings for their survival. Altaf's news therefore is a priority. The lives of men who give their today for the country's tomorrow be damned. It's not newsworthy.

Here a widow of a soldier who was martyred in the 1965 war, has yet to get her family pension! These bastard politicians and bureaucrats care two hoots. And so does the media.
Same story all around the world.
Something bugs me is that F7s are doing pretty well but mirages are going down regularly.
European Engineering seems to be better then chinese but here it is completelt opposite.
Both Mirages and F7s were procured in 80s.
Altough F7s were new and Mirages were acquired overhauled.
But even Sabres warent that pathetic in terms of crash ratio.

I am impressed by chinese F7s i say considering the Crash Ratio of Mig21 of neibouring India also termed as Flying Coffins.
Pakistan is the only country still operating Miraage IIIs...an aircraft of the 70's!!!

We need to speed up the process of JF-17 induction...

Can't lose our precious, hard-trained fighter pilots...
Pakistan is a nation of heroes. But the worst part is that we are losing these heroes very fast. :(
Pakistan is the only country still operating Miraage IIIs...an aircraft of the 70's!!!

We need to speed up the process of JF-17 induction...

Can't lose our precious, hard-trained fighter pilots...

And most unfortunately, it seems that the production of JF-17 has been on halt for the past 2 years or so.
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