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Western Sanctions See Russia Looking to China for Military, Aerospace Components

Arzamas 16

Mar 30, 2012
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Russian Federation
Russian Federation
MOSCOW, August 6 (RIA Novosti) - Russian aerospace and military-industrial enterprises will purchase electronic components worth several billion dollars from China, Izvestia reported Wednesday, referencing a source close to Roscosmos, Russia’s Federal Space Agency.

We do work with the China Aerospace Science and Industry Corporation (CASIC) … Its institutions have already offered us a few dozen items, representing a direct alternative to, or slight modifications of the elements we will no longer be able to acquire because of the sanctions introduced by the United States,” Izvestia reported.

The newspaper also noted that the Russian aerospace and military industries do not use components produced in China at the moment.

“Over the next two, two-and-a-half years, until Russian manufacturers put the necessary space and military electronic components into production, plans call for the purchase of such items from China amounting to several billion dollars” Izvestia reported, quoting a source, close to Roscosmos.

Citing the source, the newspaper added that that 18 representatives of 12 CASIC institutions engaged in the development and production of electronic components will visit Moscow to take part in a special workshop for Russian manufacturers in August. A parallel workshop will be held in St. Petersburg.

“Establishing large-scale cooperation with Chinese manufacturers could become the first step toward forming a technology alliance involving BRICS member states,” Izvestia reported, quoting Andrei Ionin, chief analyst at GLONASS Union.

On August 1, The European Union and the United States imposed a new set of economic sanctions against Russia, linking it to the ongoing conflict in Ukraine. The sanctions are designed to limit access to European capital markets for a number of Russian banks. Earlier, Washington had slapped sanctions on several Russian defense industry and energy companies.

Western Sanctions See Russia Looking to China for Military, Aerospace Components | Military & Intelligence | RIA Novosti
China's joint operations command center 'already operational'

China has established a central joint operations command center that controls country's army, navy and air force, according to a report in the Kanwa Defense Review, the military magazine of Canada-based news organization Kanwa Information Center.

Though China's Ministry of National Defense only confirmed plans to set up a joint operations command center at the beginning of the year, the upcoming September issue of the Kanwa Defense Review claims that such a center is already in operation.

The Central Military Commission Joint Operations Command Center is based at the Xishan Command Center of the Ministry of State Security and the General Staff Department in Beijing, the report said, adding that Chinese president, Communist Party chief and military commission chairman Xi Jinping has already visited the center on multiple occasions.

The 24-hour department is similar to the Pentagon, with offices that extend 100 meters down into the ground, and can act as the country's central command center at times of war, the report said.

Xi has personally been overseeing battle operational plans at the command center since Mission Action 2013, a large-scale amphibious and cross military region exercise that kicked off last September, the report added.

The Ministry of National Defense has not yet confirmed the reports claims, though a ministry spokesperson said on July 31 that it was still in the phase of "actively exploring" a joint operations command center.

Andrei Chang, also known as Pinkov, the chief editor of Kanwa Defense Review, says Xi has demonstrated his love for the military over the last couple of years through solidifying his control and initiating major reforms that have already exceeded those implemented over the last 20 years by his predecessors Jiang Zemin and Hu Jintao.

Xi has also developed a sub-unit within the PLA Air Force that utilizes a system merging aviation, aerospace and information technology, Pinkov said, adding that this unit has already reached the test service stage for the Dongfeng-41 intercontinental ballistic missile, which has a range capable of covering the United States in its entirety.

China's joint operations command center 'already operational'|Politics|News|WantChinaTimes.com
@Chinese-Dragon I am still confused..................are these sanctions b'coz of the aircraft incident? How many nations have sanctioned Russia as of now? & can world really afford SANCTIONS on Russia?
@Chinese-Dragon I am still confused..................are these sanctions b'coz of the aircraft incident? How many nations have sanctioned Russia as of now? & can world really afford SANCTIONS on Russia?

The West is sanctioning Russia because they "believe" that Russia is supporting the separatists in Eastern Ukraine, and they are still sore over the loss of Crimea.

And sure, any country can sanction any other country, but at a time when the entire world's economic growth is doing poorly, that's just going to hurt everyone and benefit no one.

The whole point of international trade, is that "everyone benefits". Sanctions are the complete opposite, no one benefits, everyone loses.
The Russian should hit back at the west. They still control the gas supplier to west and space carrier for ISS.

I Stil remember how naive the American think when they disallow Russian glonass tracking station to be station on America soil while they expect the Russian to extend their lease of GPS tracking station on Russian land. The Russian tells them they will not extend the lease and they need to leave by this year.

The America and west still have that kind of superiority mentality and Will always look at others as inferior. Their time is already up.

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