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Western Darling India: A True Reality Check!

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Sep 7, 2008
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Western Darling India: A True Reality Check!

Saqib M.Khan
London, U.K.
UQAAB commentator

Many Westerners ask Pakistanis, why Pakistan became a separate nation. Pakistani Muslims and Christians follow the modern Abrahamic Faiths. The practice of Hinduism, a conglomerate of animistic cults in India, which were bundled together by the British colonials and named "Hinduism; is an anathema in the modern world of basic hygience. The Western world is still pretty naive about the anti-female practices in India (several million female fetuses were aborted in India, due to the modern invention of sonogram. The male child is coveted. Eventhe most vehement pro-abortion activists with balk at such female genocide) This article succintly describes some of these abhorent practices.

India is the most iniquitous society on the earth and and suffers from intolterable religious, dogmatic prejudices and hatred imaginable. India is riddled with various North/ South/East/West divisions and separatist movements but they are not called”Hindu Terrorists”. What happened im Mumbai on 26 November 2008 was stomach churning atrocity that needs to be condoned as every act of horrendous terrorism in Pakistan must be condoned by the world. But, the Mumbai tragedy could have been avoided and contained if the Indian intelligence Serviced did not wear blinkers and ear-plugs and pretended their innocence. Also the brutality that killed over 2,500 Muslims in Gujarat will always be a heinous blow to Indian’s glossy claim to be a democracy, a secular state and a tolerant society with an inherently abhorrent caste system that would shame any human being with little intelligence. The trouble with the Hindu Saffron clad fundamentalists and fanatics that even a cow on a Indian road is killed in aan accident, they immediately blame the Muslims and their warmongering politicians want to start a war with Pakistan. Yet, these evil Indian politicians of hate prosper in their murderous political intentions. Bal Thackeray is one of those political thugs who believe that “if you are not a Hindu in India, you are not an Indian”. The Bharatiya Janata Party which controlled Gujarat as well as the national government at the time, and other known sahibs of politics, were implicated in turning a blind eye to mass murder of innocent Muslim men, women and children. The police force under the BJP was heavily implicated in the violence, which to a large extent was pre-planned. Everyone seems to be singing Bollywood songs these days but it is imperative to mention that Mumbai has become one of the biggest sin capitals of the world where the sun sets at midday and nights are for lewd debauchery and sex (The picture below was the least pornographic we could find)


Shiva Lingam, Shiva's Phallus worship in India. (Reference:2006 Amma Sri Karunamayi - The Significance of Kartika Masa)

in every available corner. Indian caste system is embedded in the Hindu religion and the most essential part of its theology. The untouchable Hindus are shunned by majority and not allowed to eat with non-untouchables, sit on the same table, sit together on a sofa next and attend the same church or religious ceremonies with a higher caste Hindu? The fact of the matter is that that the Hindu caste system is not a division of labour as claimed to distinguish the untouchables but it is in fact the stigma and label of birth as preached by the Hindu religion. An untouchable was born an untouchable since the inception of Hindu ethos over thousands of years ago and remains so even today. Heshe is not treated as an equal in the Hindu society because for thousands of years, they have been carrying the certificate (classification of birth) "untouchable". India cannot claim to be a secular state and a democracy when over 50% of its masses are treated as untouchables and shunned by the few higher-caste Hindus as outcasts and the lowest of Indian society. The caste system still prevails in India, though on January 26, 1950, the constitution of India abolished it, which left many innocent Shudras ruthlessly abused and massacred by upper-caste people like Brahmins. Shudra according to Vedas is classified as the lowest of the four castes. The ideal society prescribed by the Vedas is known by the name Chaturvarna and must satisfy three conditions and must be composed of four classes, Brahmins, Kshatriyas, Vaishyas and Shudras.. The interrelations of these classes must be regulated by the principle of graded inequality. In other words, all these classes are not to be on equal level but to be one above the other, in point of status, rights and privileges. The Brahmins were placed at the top; the Kshatriyas were placed below the Brahmins but above the Vaishyas; the Vaishyas were placed below the Kshatriyas but above the Shudras and the Shudras were placed the lowest of all. Brahmin was born from Hindu god Vishnu’s head; Kshatriya from his chest; Vaishyas from his thigh and Shudras from his foot and introduced the caste system, which is considered to be the most iniquitous. The Shudra were born to do menial jobs for all the three superior classes. A Shudra enjoyed no rights or privileges. He was not permitted to perform any religious, sacrifices , read or learn the Vedas or recite the mantras. A Shudra could marry only another Shudra. He was not allowed to enter temples and could only serve the upper three castes as a slave, barber, blacksmith or cobbler. A Shudra was forbidden to walk side by with a Brahim or hear him recite religious sermons and if found of the guilt of the crime; the Shudra was punished by pouring molten iron in his ears. Indian culture is still riddled with the most socially iniquitous, prejudiced, discriminating society that defiles human conscious, logic and wisdom. The majority of these horribly under- privileged poor live in grinding poverty and earn as little as 80 US cents a day doing every menial job available when they migrate to towns and cities looking for work, and have to live in the worst slumps seen in the world. This poverty trap will never be broken in India as long as its poor are treated as untouchables and sub-humans. Economists blame this demographic division because 49% of Indian untouchable children are malnourished, as evident from their skinny limbs, pale faces, empty stares and the plight of the miserable environment in which they live and grow. As the Indian rich grow fatter and fatter at the expense of the poor, it is alarming many pundits that this inequality and disparity could easily backfire and jeopardize the Indian claim to be the largest democracy. IBne-Butata, the famous Arab historian came to the conclusion after his long stay in India in the 11th century that Hindu mythology and theology at the one hand transcends to heaven but at the same time falls into cowdung with its frivolous and obnoxious rituals of cows, rats, snakes, monkeys, elephants, tigers and over two million man-made gods, bathing in cow’s urine and massaging with it's cowdung for spititual purification.




A cow is considered most sacred for Hindus. In the form of Gomata or mother cow, gives multiple benefit to the society. Even its urine is consumed in small quantities, to purify one's body. Some of the researchers even found that it is a preventive medicine for many ill health's. And particularly it even cures kidney ailments. According to a report appeared in the Indian Express of Mumbai edition (read the following news clipping published on the January 14, 2000), states that Gomutra (gomutram) or the Cow's Urine highly beneficial in the treatment of Asthma, headache and tooth problems too.

The Brahmins used to consume Panchacavya (panchakavyam) (i.e. a mixture of five items, namely Cow dung, Cow's Urine, Cow's milk, Curd and Ghee made of Cow's milk) during thread wearing ceremony and also whenever they perform any orthodox rituals. This is done to purify one's body from any sins and make him fit for the rituals. Even today it is widely accepted and performed. (Reference: Srivaishnavam Essence, Relevance, Hinduism In a Nutshell)

a friend of mine told me about a site, which gives me in great detail about the origins and truths (supposed truths, Lets leave a smudge of doubt, as the site's motive was to demonize the religion) behind Islam. But I am not cheap enough to villify a religion and God which a big group of innocent people worship(which does not include small exceptions like you-know-who). So I dont post those links in the forums. Anyways, your argument would be that this is just an information message.. Trust me, even that site has only information.. Anyways, its your funeral! Keep up the good work :smitten:
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Ali, Lets NOT judge people as per their religion or make fun of their beliefs….:disagree:

There are many things and practices in Islam that other religions and cultures don’t approve of, and I am sure that we all will be pretty pissed if those are made fun of…

Religion is a sensitive issue for everyone; please refrain from using it as scoring points against each other…
Western Darling India: A True Reality Check!

Saqib M.Khan
London, U.K.
UQAAB commentator


What an idiotic article and the poster and his thankers are equally idiotic.

All religions INCLUDING ISLAM cause the most harm in the world.

The writer live in UK an tries to tell us we are fools.

Ha Ha.

The writer, the posters and the thankers should do a check on honor killing and female infanticide and woman human rights in both India and Pakistan and they will see that both countries are joined in the hips.

Where did that thing about "To you your religion and to me mine" go?

Is that only on paper to be quoted when convenient to show how tolerant you are or is it something to be practiced!

X-Man is right. Religion is a sensitive subject and every religion has it's warts. Search the internet and see the kind of stuff against every religion including your own.

Let us practice tolerance of the other's religions. If you want the world to respect your religion (or at least not ridicule it), start doing the same to their's.

Anything else will not work. I guarantee you that.
a friend of mine told me about a site, which gives me in great detail about the origins and truths (supposed truths, Lets leave a smudge of doubt, as the site's motive was to demonize the religion) behind Islam. But I am not cheap enough to villify a religion and God which a big group of innocent people worship

No one is making any fun. Jus pointing out some brutal facts.

Ali, Lets NOT judge people as per their religion or make fun of their beliefs….:disagree:

There are many things and practices in Islam that other religions and cultures don’t approve of, and I am sure that we all will be pretty pissed if those are made fun of…

Religion is a sensitive issue for everyone; please refrain from using it as scoring points against each other…

Again, no one is making fun. Other cultures and religions might not apporve anything from islam or christianity. But with hinduism, there are some things which human nature can't approve of, irrespective of any religion. Its called humanity. Religion is not a sensitive issue for anyone, when muslims are being judge'd as 'terrorists' all over.

Where did that thing about "To you your religion and to me mine" go?

Is that only on paper to be quoted when convenient to show how tolerant you are or is it something to be practiced!

Let us practice tolerance of the other's religions. If you want the world to respect your religion (or at least not ridicule it), start doing the same to their's.

Asking me to support brutal and inhumane caste system, urine self-therapy etc in the name of religious tolerance? Sorry this aint a religous issue, dont try to make it one.

No one is making any fun. Jus pointing out some brutal facts.

Again, no one is making fun. Other cultures and religions might not apporve anything from islam or christianity. But with hinduism, there are some things which human nature can't approve of, irrespective of any religion. Its called humanity. Religion is not a sensitive issue for anyone, when muslims are being judge'd as 'terrorists' all over.


Does Islam,


Honor Killing ?
Child Marriages ?
Forced Marriages ?
Beheading People ?
Shia Sunni riots ?

No I don't think so but I can show you many muslims and religious muslim leaders who say so ?

Does that makes Islam idiotic in your eyes ?

I don't know what Islam is but if the majority of my muslim friends tell me its nice and gives them peace I have no reason to dis-believe them.

I think you must give the same latitude to all religions.

Stupid as expected.

All of the above things have nothing to do with 'islam'.

I don't know what Islam is but if the majority of my muslim friends tell me its nice and gives them peace I have no reason to dis-believe them.

You need to learn about anything before you manage to speak about it. And as i said earlier, you cant ask me to support savage caste system and other inhumane things in the name of religious tolerance.

Best Regards
Stupid as expected.

All of the above things have nothing to do with 'islam'.

You need to learn about anything before you manage to speak about it. And as i said earlier, you cant ask me to support savage caste system and other inhumane things in the name of religious tolerance.

Best Regards

So None of the things I mentioned happen in Pakistan ?

Do some google and come back.

So None of the things I mentioned happen in Pakistan ?

Do some google and come back.


A user can thank a poster for ANY "INFORMATION" present over the boards. Same bullshit's been spreading around the globe about Islam. ALOT of which are taken out of context and tagged with 1.5 BILLION muslims all over the world.

Don't be such an ignorant prick.
A user can thank a poster for ANY "INFORMATION" present over the boards. Same bullshit's been spreading around the globe about Islam. ALOT of which are taken out of context and tagged with 1.5 BILLION muslims all over the world.

Don't be such an ignorant prick.

You are the one who is ignorant.

Islam is as good or bad as Hinduism, Christianity etc are and the sooner you recognise it the wiser you will be.

The best countries in the world keep religion in the 4 walls of their houses and thats what u too should do.

As far as the ignorant prick comments of yours, well it shows the limited capacity of debate your education or Islam has bestowed you with.

No one is making any fun. Jus pointing out some brutal facts.

Again, no one is making fun. Other cultures and religions might not apporve anything from islam or christianity. But with hinduism, there are some things which human nature can't approve of, irrespective of any religion. Its called humanity. Religion is not a sensitive issue for anyone, when muslims are being judge'd as 'terrorists' all over.

Asking me to support brutal and inhumane caste system, urine self-therapy etc in the name of religious tolerance? Sorry this aint a religous issue, dont try to make it one.

First of all your support or not doesn't matter. It is a matter of respecting others for what they are and not try to be judgmental.

I am sure that is much beyond your capacity and faculties. You are a creature of hate.

Human nature can not support the concept of Jajiya too. Condemning 85 % of humanity is also something against the human nature. The tremendous bloodshed and rapine and destroying other's places of worship and taking pride in that! Does human nature and humanity support that?

Urine therapy: Shall I tell you of the Hadhiths where the prophet himself advocates drinking Camel urine? I am yet to see any Indian doing that. There may be a very small fringe but they are just that.
This is a stupid subject to discuss with
You have to respect others if you want to be respected.Shame on you Ali.I am sure you wont be happy if someone post something about Islam...
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