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Western backed terrorists kill top Sunni cleric in Syria

Syrian Lion

Feb 6, 2012
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Syrian Arab Republic
Syrian Arab Republic
Scholar al-Bouti, 42 Prayers Martyred in a Terrorist Explosion in al-Iman Mosque in Damascus

Great Scholar, Dr. Mohammad Said Ramadan a-Bouti was martyred on Thursday after a suicide terrorist blew himself up at al-Iman Mosque in Damascus while the late martyr was giving a religious lesson.

The terrorist act claimed the lives of scores of prayers, while tens others were injured.

An official source told SANA that the suicide terrorist intended to blow himself up among the students who were listening to a religious lesson, leading to the martyrdom and injuries of scores of people and causing big material losses.

A source at the Health Ministry stated that the death toll of the terrorist act rose to 42, while 84 others were injured.

The wounded prayers were admitted to a number of Damascus hospitals.

SANA learned that among the martyrs was the grandson of the late Scholar.

Martyr scholar al-Bouti was born in 1929. He accomplished his Sharia Baccalaureate certificate at the Islamic Tawjih Institute in Damascus.

In 1953, he joined al-Sharea Academy at al-Azhar University and acquired the global certificate in 1955, then he got a diploma in education in the same year.

He was appointed as a teacher in Al-Sharea Academy at Damascus university in 1960, then he was delegated to al-Azhar university to get the doctorate in the Islamic Sharea Originals and got it in 1965.

In 1965, he was nominated as a professor in al-Sharea Academy at Damascus University in 1965, then a dean and chairman of the religions sector at the University.

In 2012 he was nominated as President of the Levant Scholars' Union.

Member of the Higher Council of Oxford Academy.

He wrote more than 40 books in the sciences of Sharea, literature, philosophy, society and civilization.

Ministry of Awkaf announces the death of Scholar al-Bouti

Ministry of Awkaf ( Religious Endowments ), Syria scholars, intellectuals, teachers and the Levant Scholars' Union announced the death of scholar al-Bouti who was martyred while giving a religious lesson in al-Iman mosque.

"The malicious hands of traitors killed the great Scholar because he was the voice of Syria, the right of Syria and the image of Syria.. they targeted his body, but they didn't target his mentality or spirit," Minister of Awkaf Mohammad Abdul-Satar al-Sayyed said in a statement.

Syrian government.. The coward act would not pass without punishment

The Syrian government said that the coward and malicious act which targeted Scholar al-Bouti will not pass without punishment, adding "those who perpetrated the act are sinners until the day of Resurrection.. the teachings of Late scholar, his sciences and morals will remain as a torch for the honest souls which rejected humiliation."

Al-Baath Party Condemns the heinous Crime

Regional leadership of al-Baath Arab Socialist Party condemned the brutal crime in al-Iman mosque in Damascus which claimed the lives of the great scholar and the prayers.

"This massacre adds to the crimes perpetrated by the mercenary terrorists against the Syrians.. they target everything including the mosques and houses of worship," the leadership said in statement.

Archbishop al-Khouri.. al-Bouti remain the word of right

Archbishop Luka al-Khouri, the general vicar of the patriarchate of Antioch and all the East said that the late scholar al-Bouti will remain the word of right that we have learned from.. his teachings will remain remembered in the brains of all Syrians.

"We all pray for the rest of our martyr whom we respect..," Archbishop Khouri said in a speech to the Syrian TV.

pictures : Syrian Arab news agency - SANA - Syria : Syria news ::


A blast ripped through a mosque in the Syrian capital, killing a prominent pro-government Sunni cleric Sheikh Mohammed Said Ramadan al-Bouti. At least 42 people have died and 84 more were wounded in the attack.

“Senior cleric Dr Mohammed Saeed Ramadan al-Bouti was martyred in a terrorist suicide attack at the Iman Mosque in Mazraa in Damascus," Syrian State TV said.

Sirens could be heard echoing through the capital as the scene of the blast was cordoned off by the military. TV footage revealed a chaotic scene of eviscerated bodies with severed limbs strewn across the blood-stained floor of the mosque.

RT Arabic’s correspondent Kamel Saqv, who is in Damascus, said that elementary courses on Islam were being conducted at the time of the attack. Many of the dead are believed to be students, he said.

An official source told Syrian State TV that the assailant intended to blow himself up while the students were listening to prayer.

Local residents contacted by Reuters said they initially believed the explosion was caused when a mortar shell hit a nearby political office.

The British-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said that rebel fighters were battling with government forces in the area and that mortars had been fired.

Bouti, 83, was President of the Association of Islamic Scholars of Syria and a staunch supporter of President Bashar Assad. Bouti had once characterized the Syrian opposition as 'scum', and had also called on Syrians to join the military and help the government defeat the rebel fighters in the two-year-long conflict.

Syrian TV had broadcast his sermons live every week from mosques around Damascus and he also hosted his own religious TV program. His death has been viewed as a serious blow to the government, which is fighting a primarily Sunni-led insurgency.

“The mainstream media will have difficulty” in reporting about this attack, because this was a pro-Assad Sunni cleric, believes, RT Contributor Afshin Rattansi.

“How is it that the Anglo-French-backed, or what should we call them, rebels – insurgents or are they terrorists – are going around killing Sunni clerics in a mosque in Damascus. Perhaps, the [mainstream media] will not be reporting about it at all because it’s so against their idea of sectarianizing Syria between Shia’s and Sunnis,” he observed.

Rattansi also expressed hope that in the context of today’s bombing, “the whole idea of a NATO-backed instability creation in Syria, and three million displaced people in Syria, people within the State Department in Washington will realize that funding must stop for these insurgent groups.”

Top pro-Assad Sunni cleric killed as suicide bombing hits Damascus mosque ? RT News
Probably he did not agree with or approved the actions of Fasadi Syrian Army.
This FSA crap is just turning into another puritan Taliban like violence wave.

Who the hell blows a suicide bomb in a mosque? Isnt suicide haram? Mosque is a sacred santury where even enemy has to be excused because spilling blood at places of worship taints them.
Probably he did not agree with or approved the actions of Fasadi Syrian Army.
This FSA crap is just turning into another puritan Taliban like violence wave.

Who the hell blows a suicide bomb in a mosque? Isnt suicide haram? Mosque is a sacred santury where even enemy has to be excused because spilling blood at places of worship taints them.

F$A terrorists don't even know Allah, they kill innocents and blow up mosques and churches

one of his Speeches...
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that is "freedom" fighters of the west and their puppets of GCC and others...

well the Bahraini government and Assad also didn't spare some holy places of worship either

people go to these places to wash themselves of sin, to fear and to communicate with God

how dare these people bring explosives into a Mosque? That's what the tehreek e taleban do.
well the Bahraini government and Assad also didn't spare some holy places of worship either

people go to these places to wash themselves of sin, to fear and to communicate with God

how dare these people bring explosives into a Mosque? That's what the tehreek e taleban do.
can you tell me when did the Syrian government destroy a mosque? I can show you many videos of F$A terrorists blowing up mosques, and there is even a staged act by the F$A to blame the government...

in this video you can see the guy waiting for the explosion to happen, and then the explosion happens from the inside of the mosque

there are many more on youtube search FSA destroy mosques.

F$A terrorists use mosques as camps, and they use is a base to fire at civilians and Syrian army..
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i dont have the facts but whoever is doing these things and whoever is responsible for dividing Syria on ethnic or sectarian lines -- may they rot in the swamps of hell
sectarian conflict did not even exist in Syria before, till western/gcc democracy came to Syria...

we Syrians believe as the religion is something personal, but the country is for all... just like my signature says...
My second uncle is a doctor (now retired) and he's based in Damascus. He visits Pakistan regularly but he is permanently there (even today).

I was there and last saw him in 1997 for a brief family visit. It's been a while. What drew me to Syria was the kind people and the cuisine (especially the mezze).

It actually pains me to see what's been happening not just in Syria but in much of the Muslim world. Seems we are descending further into a fitna and hopefully it would be a reversible one. Syria is troubling b/c its effects are spreading like cancer - not just to Lebanon but to other countries. Very dirty games are being played in Syria; but at the same time Assad should have reviewed the signals lingering in the air following this so-called "Arab Spring" --which doesnt seem to be going on as democratic path as it was originally thought.

Syria (Al-Sham) is an ancient country. I hope all the ancient artifacts are protected and that the fighting becomes limited to just certain areas and it doesnt spread. If Syria goes to the dogs and extremists take over - then the West/GCC bloc will have made a mistake that will cost millions more lives.

2 years later and the conflict is going nowhere. Why won't Syrians wake up and realize that they are brothers and shouldnt be killing eachother --especially at a time when your real enemies are those that occupy Golan

Sticks and Stones May Break Our Bones, but Fitna Really Hurts Us

p.s. sectarian conflict didnt exist but clearly this Allawi-Sunni rivarly exists now and the government should be working to create a finer sectarian balance in government

otherwise officers defect and join the rebel ranks
“He was the most important Sunni clerical supporter of the Assad regime,” said Joshua M. Landis, the director of the Center for Middle East Studies at the University of Oklahoma and the author of the Syria Comment blog, which has tracked the conflict’s progression from a peaceful political uprising to a sectarian-tinged civil war. “It is a great blow to the regime and the remaining Sunni supporters of the president.”
RIP To this Paid poor Mullah ... I hope his all remaining assets and wealth would given back to Al-Assad . Corpse Goes in Grave and Money goes back to the master . What a useless soul .
2 years later and the conflict is going nowhere. Why won't Syrians wake up and realize that they are brothers and shouldnt be killing eachother --especially at a time when your real enemies are those that occupy Golan

Because these are not Syrians who are fighting but rather forgien terrorist. There have been numerous headlines about the training of FSA in Syria..This defied logic because military conscription is mandatory in Syria therefore most of the able bodied men are already trained to fight. So why do they need training again?

True Assad is a dog as well but the revolution must be fought at the ballet not on the streets with hired guns.
My second uncle is a doctor (now retired) and he's based in Damascus. He visits Pakistan regularly but he is permanently there (even today).

I was there and last saw him in 1997 for a brief family visit. It's been a while. What drew me to Syria was the kind people and the cuisine (especially the mezze).

It actually pains me to see what's been happening not just in Syria but in much of the Muslim world. Seems we are descending further into a fitna and hopefully it would be a reversible one. Syria is troubling b/c its effects are spreading like cancer - not just to Lebanon but to other countries. Very dirty games are being played in Syria; but at the same time Assad should have reviewed the signals lingering in the air following this so-called "Arab Spring" --which doesnt seem to be going on as democratic path as it was originally thought.

Syria (Al-Sham) is an ancient country. I hope all the ancient artifacts are protected and that the fighting becomes limited to just certain areas and it doesnt spread. If Syria goes to the dogs and extremists take over - then the West/GCC bloc will have made a mistake that will cost millions more lives.

2 years later and the conflict is going nowhere. Why won't Syrians wake up and realize that they are brothers and shouldnt be killing eachother --especially at a time when your real enemies are those that occupy Golan

Sticks and Stones May Break Our Bones, but Fitna Really Hurts Us

p.s. sectarian conflict didnt exist but clearly this Allawi-Sunni rivarly exists now and the government should be working to create a finer sectarian balance in government

otherwise officers defect and join the rebel ranks
sadly, those terrorists didn't leave a school, hospital and museums , the terrorists have destroyed many ancient sites...

now about the sectarian balance in government, two of the vice president are Sunnis, the Syrian Parliament is 90% Sunnis, cabinet are mostly Sunnis, people think that in Syria Sunnis have no right, which in wrong, every Syrian have equal rights and benefits...
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