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West, Israel against Muslim military organization: Iran MP


Apr 11, 2011
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West, Israel against Muslim military organization: Iran MP


Leaders of Muslim countries pose during the official photo taking session of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation summit in Mecca, Saudi Arabia, on August 14, 2012

Iranian lawmaker Esmail Kowsari says the US and Israel are trying to scare Muslim countries of accepting Tehran’s proposal to establish an Islamic military organization.

“The Iranophobia is promoted by the global arrogance and Zionists and now that establishing a military organization consisting of Muslim countries has been proposed, they are trying to scare Muslim leaders of forming an alliance with Iran,” he said Sunday.

Member of Iran Majlis National Security and Foreign Policy Committee added that various groups of countries have forged different alliances with each other such as the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), the Central Treaty Organization (CENTO) and the Central-Eastern European Treaty Organization (CEETO).

“Iran’s proposal for the establishment of a joint military organization consisting of Muslim countries will turn Muslim nations into a single force,” Kowsari said.

He added that the international community must realize that Muslim nations have binding and strong agreements with one other, and the establishment of a joint Muslim military organization will facilitate unity of the Muslim world.

On January 26, 2013, Iranian Defense Minister Brigadier General Ahmad Vahidi said the Islamic Republic has called for the establishment of a joint military organization among Muslim states to defend the rights of the oppressed people.

Iran first called for the establishment of a defense treaty among Muslim countries in August 2012.


West, Israel against Muslim military organization: Iran MP
Poor mullahs, they are so desperate in their attempts to distract people from the slaughter in Syria.
Poor mullahs, they are so desperate in their attempts to distract people from the slaughter in Syria.

That may well be - but Mr. Kowsari has a point, joint military treaty organization consisting of Muslim nations is the strong desire of majorities in Muslim majority countries, and clearly US and Israel would to want that to ever happen.
That may well be - but Mr. Kowsari has a point, joint military treaty organization consisting of Muslim nations is the strong desire of majorities in Muslim majority countries, and clearly US and Israel would to want that to ever happen.
Even if its created, what it will do beside the bla bla bla?
Even if its created, what it will do beside the bla bla bla?

And therefore just be grateful that it has not been created -- but one day...some day, you know the rest
logically, the statement looks true.
This org may prove to be a great blow to Israel, west will do anything to not let this happen.
This org may prove to be a great blow to Israel, west will do anything to not let this happen.

That's disappointing - the focus on Israel, overlooks the fact that Israel is as much effected as Muslim majority countries - It is more important for the West, than for Israel, that Muslims continue to be disunited, that they continue to see their self interest not in unity but it's opposite -- Israel, like Pakistan, is a creation of hatred - 2000 years in Europe, is not enough time to make them Europeans, saave??
West, Israel against Muslim military organization: Iran MP


Leaders of Muslim countries pose during the official photo taking session of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation summit in Mecca, Saudi Arabia, on August 14, 2012

Iranian lawmaker Esmail Kowsari says the US and Israel are trying to scare Muslim countries of accepting Tehran’s proposal to establish an Islamic military organization.

“The Iranophobia is promoted by the global arrogance and Zionists and now that establishing a military organization consisting of Muslim countries has been proposed, they are trying to scare Muslim leaders of forming an alliance with Iran,” he said Sunday.

Member of Iran Majlis National Security and Foreign Policy Committee added that various groups of countries have forged different alliances with each other such as the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), the Central Treaty Organization (CENTO) and the Central-Eastern European Treaty Organization (CEETO).

“Iran’s proposal for the establishment of a joint military organization consisting of Muslim countries will turn Muslim nations into a single force,” Kowsari said.

He added that the international community must realize that Muslim nations have binding and strong agreements with one other, and the establishment of a joint Muslim military organization will facilitate unity of the Muslim world.

On January 26, 2013, Iranian Defense Minister Brigadier General Ahmad Vahidi said the Islamic Republic has called for the establishment of a joint military organization among Muslim states to defend the rights of the oppressed people.

Iran first called for the establishment of a defense treaty among Muslim countries in August 2012.


West, Israel against Muslim military organization: Iran MP

a big problem is that most of these "muslim" rulers are illegal "kings, dictator presidents or illegitimately "elected" presidents [chosen by rigged polls etc]" not to mention corrupt and dishonest....
And therefore just be grateful that it has not been created -- but one day...some day, you know the rest
Muslims should be grateful that it is not created, because their tax money was going to be wasted.
We're Muslims we don't pay taxes - that's for Westernized, liberal fascists and non-Muslims
Its not the west dear... its the muslim world itself. I understand Iran's desperation and reasons but lets start from the first building block. Even OIC has no teeth and no power in reality. Lets start from an Islamic UN or peace keeping group modelled on UN.
As long as sectarian concerns are a priority for Muslim majorities, and as long as they do more trade with the West than do with each other, this kind of thing just isn not going to happen -- and if I may add, as long as they do not have diplomatic relations with Israel, this kind of thing will remain pie n the sky, Israel, isolated and alone and as nothing but the object of hostility, has little option but to continue to be work horse for the West. It's not carrot, but it can't be all stick either
Hell even im against that defence treaty.
There is no muslim world,only muslim countries which are divided in many fractions.
There are the sunni,shia ,sufi,kharijite and kalam which are again divided in multple movements.
How can u unite all of these movements?
There are the arabs Iranians turks who cant work with each other.
There can only be a treaty between some muslim countries.
All together will never happen!
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