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West gives award to people who Insult our religion

Does this guy deserves the award?

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I don't have to prove it wrong. he attended a holocuast denial summit in Tehran. Biased sources are never accpeted in serious debate.
So? Denying the holocaust is not part of freedom of speech?
So? Denying the holocaust is not part of freedom of speech?

He is denying the truth, simple, I guess for him Aushwitz did not exist and it is a western propaganda. Somebody show him Schindler's list.
I don't have to prove it wrong. he attended a holocuast denial summit in Tehran. Biased sources are never accpeted in serious debate.
ok leave him only google usa war crime,you can find that usa and nazi not have to much diffrence
He is denying the truth, simple, I guess for him Aushwitz did not exist and it is a western propaganda. Somebody show him Schindler's list.
And the truth is what the Israelis say? Let their be an investigation. Let not jail the researchers of Europe who wanted to prove their no-holocaust theory right... And let the public decide what is truth and what is fiction.

Now when one side jails people for asking this question I say they have something to hide.

By that logic D. Duke deserves an award too. At least the editor didn't face off any state action against him. These holocaust deniers have the western governments jailing them!

No serious scholar denies the holocaust the records are overwhelming. Holocuast deniers in Europe are ussaly race bigots breaking anti-semitism laws. In the US they could publish, and many do. But no matter what they say, the facts speak for themselves. I have listened to a Holocaust survivor. Are you saying this 80 year old woman who travels the globe (is not an Israeli, but American) speaking out agaisnt hate is a part of a zionist conspiracy? She lived it from the day the Nazi's rolled into Lithuania, to the end of the 3rd Reich when she was finally liberated by American troops.

Where did all the record, news reels, photos, hair, shoes etc etc ad nasuem come from? more importantly based on things like birth certificates, synagoue rolls, life insuracen policies and bank accoutns wher edid Europes jews go? Were they abducted by Aliens? The reason they say six million is becuase there are six million unaccounted for, yet we know they existed where did they go?


if you really think the USA and Nazi Germany have things in common then you don't understand America at all and are so farout in left feild that i don't think you can be reached.
For all those arguments they provide counter arguments. Let them debate.

I see a lot of character assassination in your words, makes me think you're afraid of something. If they are wrong then they WILL be proven wrong right? Why jail em for sending them there? The US allows it but it usually is followed by a lot of character assassination since their support from Europe just isn't there.

One meeting in Tehran and so many people were irked and shaken up. If it happened all over the globe, I bet we'd have a debate on our hands.

if you really think the USA and Nazi Germany have things in common then you don't understand America at all and are so farout in left feild that i don't think you can be reached.
yes i can not understand usa,because even nazi not arrive this hight of killing which usa did after ww2 ........VICTIMS OF UNITED STATES INVASIONS


Invade: enter forcefully as an enemy; go into with hostile intent; enter to take possession ; conquer; enter and affect injuriously or destructively; infringement by intrusion; offensive; penetrate; spread into or over; attack; subvert. U.S. invasions are typically facilitated by secrecy, deceit, and lying by presidents and their subordinates in order to deny the public the truth and gain their support for acts that violate international laws and the U.S. Constitution and that kill innocent people.

"...a few million people have died in the American holocaust and many more millions have been condemned to lives of misery and torture as a result of US interventions extending from China and Greece in the 1940s to Afghanistan and Iraq in the 1990s." William Blum, Killing Hope (p. 1).

"Since its violent beginning, the United States has launched a constant stream of military battles. Nine major wars and more than 200 armed invasions have occurred since 1776. From 1977 to 1993, the United States sent armed troops to carry out 32 invasions abroad."

Blase Bonpane describes the US as a serial killer supported by 250 million enablers.
No one should believe any U.S. government statement regarding foreign interventions; not arbitrarily, not a-priori, but post-priori, based upon repeated discoveries of secrecy and chicanery by the president and his officials, that enabled them to lead its large population, generally indifferent to and ignorant of foreign affairs, into wars regardless of their violations of international laws and the Constitution. Nor can the U.S. press be trusted to discover the truth early on when it matters, before the invasion has begun or in its early stages--or even years later! Nor can we count on our two main political parties to act as watchdogs. For example, the U.S. war in eastern Laos escalated through four Republican and Democratic adminstrations, including arming 30,000 Hmong and hiring 20,000 Thai troops, running an airline for the war, and devastating the Plain of Jars with 1.5 million tons of bombs, more than in World War II..

Our knowledge of U.S. international depredations is now extensive, thanks to the research of William Blum, John Quigley, Noam Chomsky, and a host of other scholars. With the knowledge of their books, we can better appreciate the gross warping of values and reality in the annual military budgets--for FY 2001 over $300 billion. Empire and the war system are not the exclusive domain of Democrats or Republicans, and now both would extend U.S. power into outer space. Every citizen should read these books and then confront their representatives until the U.S. war system is abandoned and the money is spent to help people.

William Blum, Killing Hope: U.S. Military and CIA Interventions Since World War II and Rogue State: A Guide to the World's Only Superpower (bblum6@aol.com).
Killing Hope (revised and expanded The CIA: A Forgotten History) gives a history of rabid US anti-communism and the MIIC--the military-industrial-intelligence (CIA)-complex--constructed for the Cold (Hot) War, with its war economy and war foreign policy perpetuted constantly frightening the public with manufactured stories of threats from abroad, particularly of a communist conspiracy. The book also offers helpful lists of US armed interventions abroad from 1798 to 1945 and US assassination plots 1949-1991. The result in the 21st century? The extreme militarization of the US.
Rogue State tests the US by the same stadards US leaders use to judge other countries. The result is a bill of wrongs, an encyclopedia of terrorism, malfeasance, and mendacity hypocritically carried out in the name of democracy. Blum suggests that the leaders of the US have a lust for hegemony over the rest of the world, divorced form moral considerations. The first part explains why the US is attacked by terrorists (it is the chief terrorist nation). Part II focuses on US weapons of mass destruction--bombs, chemical, and biological. And the last section samples aspects of Us global interventions (perverting elections, subverting the UN, clandestine eavesdropping on the world, kidnapping, looting, drug running, etc.).

John Quigley, The Ruses for War: American Interventionism Since World War II: Why did the U.S. invade the Dominican Republic, Libya, Nicaragua, Guatemala, Grenada, Panama, Iraq, etc.? An introduction to the coverups, distortions, and manipulation of the media by our country's leaders to gain public support for nefarious, bullying, imperial purposes. "In instance after instance, the American public gave tacit consent to military action, the reasons for which it did not understand because it accepted the White House's skewed presentation of the facts" (15).

Chomsky, Noam. Turning the Tide: U.S. Intervention in Central America and the Struggle for Peace. South End, 1985.

Noam Chomsky. The Culture of Terrorism. South End, 1988
In contrast to Roosevelt's Four Freedoms announced during WWII--the freedoms of speech, of worship, from want, and from fear--,the US National Security State seeks the Fifth Freedom.The U.S. international security policy, rooted in the structure of power in the domestic society, pursues the freedom to rob, to exploit and dominate, to undertake any course of action to ensure the preservation of US privilege.
____. Necessary Illustions: Thought Control in Democratic Societies. South End, 1989. Applies the Chomsky/Herman propaganda model toUS media coverage of US actions around the world, to show how democracy is limited.
____. World Orders Old and New. Columbia UP, 1994.
A critique of US foreign policies and actions, and the complict media.

The Invasions
This website is entitled "Victims," because, in contrast to its main scources, individual human beings killed by U.S. armed forces will be named and the circumstances of their dying given--a Memorial Wall for Victims of US Interventions.

Pre-World War II: taking the continent from the native Americans, War with Mexico land grab, Spanish-American War extending empire from Cuba to the Philippines, 1918-1919 intervention in Russia for the Czar.

Conquering the Continent, Indian Genocide
Andrist, Ralph. The Long Death: The Last Days of the Plains Indians. Oklahoma UP, 2001. Dispossession of the Plains Indians during the half century after 1840.

Basu, Ritta. "It's Time to Say We're Sorry." Northwest Arkansas Times (Sept. 17, 2000) F4. On the apology by the assist. secretary of the U.S. Bureau of Indian Affairs for the harm the agency has inflicted on Native Americans. Basu calls upon the President to apologize.
Brown, Dee. Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee.

Hiroshima and Nagasaki
Hibakusha (he-bach-shah) refers both to those who were killed by and those who survived the atomic bombings. We might say that all of the "explosion-affected persons" from all US invasions are hibakusha.

Walker, J. Samuel. Prompt and Utter Destruction: Truman and the Use of Atomic bombs Against Japan. U of NC P, 1997. Rev. Peace and Change (Jan. 2000).

(The lists can be only symbolic, so numerous are the victims).

China 1945 to 1960s

The Cold War, 1947 to 1989
The U.S. in 1947 created its National Security State: changed the name of the War Department to the Defense Department, created the CIA, initiated the containment policy against the Soviet Union, and so on. Bill Moyers observes in his PBS program, "The Secret Government": "it's stunning how easily the Cold War enticed us into surrendering popular control of government to the national security state."

China 1945 to 1960s
US opposition to communist forces in China began immediately after the Japanese surrender. US Marines blocked communist capture of Peking, and US tranport planes dropped anti-communist Geneeralissimo Chiang Kai-shek's troops into Shanghai to prevent a victory by Mao Tse-tung's forces there. And all over China, the 100,000 US troops directly engaged in fighting supported the extension of Chiang's Nationalist government. By 1949 the US had given Chiang $3 billion to build 39 army divisions. But despite all this help, Chiang's genocidal tyranny lost to Mao, and the Nationalists moved to Taiwan and Burma. US support continued for frequent interventions into China with CIA officers flying in commandos and saboteurs during the 1950s and 60s. The US also raised Tibetan refugees as saboteurs, in violation of its Charter. And evidence exists that the US used germ and insect warfare against China during these years.

Italy 1947-48

Greece 1947 to 1950s

Philippines 1940s and 1950s

Korea 1945-1953
After World War II, Korea was arbitrarily divided into North and South by the U.S. and the Soviet Union along the 38th parallel. One Korea eventually was the aim. All along the 38th parallel witnessed intermittent hostilities, increasing during 1949 and early 1950 into a virtual civil war. South Korea's Syngman Rhee attacked North Korea on June 23, 1950, and quickly captured Haeju, but the Truman administration, declaring North Korea the aggressor, pushed a resolution through the Security Council naming North Korea the aggressor, which Truman then used to send troops, without asking Congress for a declaration of war and in violation of the Constitution. The Korean War was not an international war (and therefore not covered by the UN Charter) but a civil war intervened in by U.S. leaders out of fanatical anti-communist, Sovietphobic prejudice. Every related agency of the government was engaged to convince the public that the war originated in the Kremlin by the "international communist conspiracy," despite the absence of evidence. The government drummed up fear, loathing, and patriotic righteousness, until the public caught the fever, until 75% supported sending troops. The Cold War and permanent militarization shifted into high gear now, with Truman ordering the 7th Fleet to defend Formosa and increasing aid to the French colonialists in Indochina, leading to the U.S. phase of the Vietnam War (Quigley, Chs. 3, 4, 5).

Albania 1949-1953

Eastern Europe 1948-1956

Germany 1950s

Iran 1953

In 1979, a group of Iranians took the U.S. Embassy staff hostage. Pres. Carter in final desperation during his second campaign for the presidency, sent a rescue mission to Tehran, but it was aborted before reaching the prisoners.Why did the Iranians take the hostages? Most Iranians disliked the U.S. for its interventions in Iran's politics. In 1953 The CIA under its chief operative in Iran, Kermit Roosevelt, engineered a coup that deposed prime minister Mohammed Mossadegh and gave control to the Shah. Mossadegh had nationalized a British oil company, and Pres. Eisenhower said Iran was not offering enough compansation, and because--the usual Cold War rationalization for intervention--that Iran might fall to the Soviet side. A grateful Shah gave U.S. oil companies part of the British monopoly, and the U.S. built up a bloody secret police for the Shah, called ?? In 1980 Iran asked the U.S. to apologise for its misdeeds in exchange for the hostages, but Pres. Carter refused, despite the publication in 1979 of Roosevelt's book giving an account of the coup.(Quigley, Chap. 19)..

Guatemala 1953-1954

In 1950, following his election as president, Jacobo Arbenz nationalized uncultivated land belonging to the U.S.-owned United Fruit Company. He offered to pay the assessed value, but the Eisenhower administration accused him of being a communist, and the CIA and the United States Information Service initiated a global smear campaign against him. Eisenhower then ordered the CIA to overthrow Arbenz, which occured in 1954, and UFC's land was returned. From that time forward, Guatemala has suffered under a sequence of brutal dictators and paramilitary groups. As in all of these invasions, the public was deceived by the government. (Quigley Ch. 6).

Costa Rica mid-1950s, 1970-71

Syria 1956-1957

Middle East 1957-1958

Indonesia 1957-1958 (see 1965)

After failing to overthrow President Sukarno, who was considered too sympathetic to communists, by trying to buy the election in 1955, the CIA backed rebellious officers in trying to overthrow Sukarno violently, supplying planes and pilots. The insurrection failed. (Quigley Ch. 7)

British Guiana 1953-1964

Soviet Union 1940 to 1960s

Italy 1950s to 1970s

Vietnam 1950-1973
In 1950, the Truman administration began paying the French to fight the Vietnamese insurgency. After the French were defeated in 1954, under an agreement in Geneva, Vietnam was separated temporarily at the 17th parallel (not an international boundary), with the leftists mainly in the north and the pro-French or neutralists mainly in the south; the agreement stipulated national elections in 1956 to pick a single government. Fearing Ho Chi Minh in the north would win, the U.S. backed the south in reneging. By 1963 under Pres. Kennedy the U.S. had military advisors in South Vietnam, and in 1964 Pres. Johnson decided on a major escalation. In order to convince Congress, the Johnson Administration chose a false report of a North Vietnamese attack on one of our ships as the occasion to panic Congress into war--called the Tonkin Gulf Resolution. So (willingly?) deceived and so anti-communist, all 416 members of the House voted for the Resolution, and all but two Senators. The public was again infected by the war fever, and the war escalated. From this deceptive beginning, the U.S. intervention in a civil war became massive both in lying and killing: some two million Vietnamese were killed and over 50,000 U.S. troops. (Quigley Ch. 11).

Many war crimes were committed by the US during the Vietnam War, including illegal chemical warfare. Between 1962 and 1971 the US sprayed 19 milliion gallons of herbicide on Vietnam, including 12 million gallons of Agent Orange containing dioxin, which impairs the central nervous system and the immune system, is a carcinogin, and causes diabetes, chronic bronchitis, irregular heartbeat, thyroid disorders, lower IQ in children, birth defects, cerebral palsy, cleft palate, cataracts, club feet, and deformities. Well known is the at least 2 million Vietnamese killed during the war; much less known is the approximately 1 million Vietnamese victims of Agent Orange. In addition to spraying much of the country with the murderous Agent Orange, on more than twenty occasions US Special Forces used the nerve gas sarin on both combatants and civilians (the same gas used by the cult leader in the tokyo subway in 1995, and by Saddam Hussein against the Kurds in the eighties). For this and many more reasons, Henry Kissinger should be tried for war crimes.

The artist Chris Burden created "Viet Nam Rollidex" to symbolize the two million Vietnamese killed during the U. S. intervention in Vietnam. Designed to suggest the Rollidex swinging file system, the huge metal plates (pages) contain names taken from a Vietnamese telephone directory, perhaps to suggest the random slaughter of civilians by Agent Orange, napalm, bombs from B-52s, and machine-gunning villagers.

Phan Thi Kim Phu is the Vietnamese woman who as a 9-year old was photographed fleeing naked and screaming from a 1972 napalm attack. The photo won a Pulitzer Prize for the photographer, Nick Ut. In 2000 Kim Phuc, now 37 and living in Canada, said she wants the picture to be used as a protest against wars.

Hoan Quang Sy, age 11, lost his left hand blown off by a land mind left over from the Vietnam War, as Pres. Clinton discovered when he reached out to shake hands with him during his visit to Vietnam in November 2000. Clinton also met twin brothers Nguyen Duc Hoa, who was severely burned about the face, and Nguyen Duc Huynh, who lost a hand and an eye, both age 12, also victims of land mines. The unexploded leftovers of the war still wound or kill about 2,000 Vietnamese a year. Clinton called land mines "'the curse of innocent children all of the world.'" Yet at that time the US had not signed the treaty outlawing land mines and it had stockpiles of the mines estimated at 11 million. If Pres. Bill Clinton is typical, US leaders learned little from the war. Shortly before he left office, with the most pathetically cliched euphemisms he justified Pres. Johnson's escalation of the war, with the 30,000 US soldiers and perhaps one million Vietnamese killed during Johnson's presidency: "These decisions are hard....when you decide to employ force, there will always be unintended consequences." Clinton would not apologize to the Vietnamese nor admit that the 58,000 US soldiers lost their lives in vain, though he did not offer an explanation of what they accomplished, except for this astonishing evasion: "'People fight honorably for what they believe in and they lose their lives." Terence Hunt, "Clinton Sympathizes with LBJ." The Morning News (11-15-00) 1D.

Cambodia 1969 to 1973

From 1969 to 1975, under Pres. Nixon the USAF dropped half a million tons of bombs on neutral Cambodia, as in most of these invasions, in secret (1969-70) and in violation of the U.S. Constitution and international law. As usual the press failed its watchdog role and the public was duped (secrecy against US public and democracy). When finally questioned by Congress, Pentagon officials lied, and evidence was not immediately available because the Air Force had falsified its reports. In 1970 Nixon ordered an equally illegal ground invasion of Cambodia. In defense of these invasions, the Nixon admin. declared they were fighting aggression by the North Vietnamese Some 2 million Cambodians (out of a total pop. of 6 million) had been uprooted., and immense civilian casualties had resulted. These war crimes by the Nixon admin. brought one good though weak result: the War Powers Act, requiring the President to notify Congress if he sends troops abroad for combat and establishing a procedure for Congress to stop the operation if it disagrees. An unexpected additional disaster of the bombings and ground invasion was the strengthening of the Khmer Rouge rebellion against the central government, which fell to the Khmer in 1975, when began another blood bath of genocidal proportions. A footnote to US violations of Cambodia was the mini-invasion of Cambodia by the Ford admin. ostensibly to rescue a detained US vessel and crew, but actually to demonstrate that the US was still tough despite its loss in Vietnam. (Quigley, Chap. 16).

Lebanon 1957-58
Under cover of its anti-communist crusade, the Eisenhower Adminstration sent 10,000 Marines and airborne units into Lebanon, backed up by the 35,000-man Sixth Fleet. In fact, the force was designed primarily to defend the pro-western president Chamoun against his Arab-oriented rivals, and secondarily in case a similar nationalist threat might emerge in Iraq and Jordan, whose King Hussein was subsidized by the CIA. That is, Eisenhower and his Secretary of State John Foster Dulles had expanded U.S. interventionist aims from opposing communism to opposing Arab nationalism. The U.S. also falsely claimed that the rebellion in Lebanon was fostered by outside aggressors, and that U.S. troops were necessary to rescue U.S. citizens. From the time of this intervention, Lebanon has suffered from almost constant conflict and destruction. (Quigley Ch.8).

Laos 1957-1973

As in Vietnam, the political left in Laos, the Pathet Lao, was the main force against French colonialism. After the French withdrawal, Laos had a neutralist government and the left opposition. The Eisenhower administration, blinded by its Cold War mentality, and perceiving the communist conspiracy from the Soviet Union and China, and Laos as another domino, strove to exclude the Pathet Lao from the government of Laos. The U.S. funded the entire Laotian army, bought politicians, and gave aid to rural areas where the Lao was strong. When the Pathet Lao won the elections and the army would not fight them, Eisenhower ordered the CIA to organize its own army among the Hmong (Meo), who had been on the side of France. To induce the Hmong to fight again, the CIA provided money, guns, and rice--and transportation for their opium trade. Presidents. Kennedy, Johnson, and Nixon continued the operations: at one point Kennedy almost invaded the country, and Johnson and Nixon bombed the Plain of Jars in eastern Laos (a neutral country), sometimes up to 800 sorties a day, turning the agricultural area into a moonscape. Of course, all of these activities were kept secret from the public (running a secret war on opium profits!) and lies were as numerous as the bombs. Again the press failed in its investigative, watchdog "fourth estate" responsibility, and did not report the secret war and U.S. opium trade until 1970, but still Nixon lied. The bombings did not end until 1973, by which time the USAF had dropped 1.5 million tons of bombs on Laos, more tonnage than during World War II. Soon the Lao gained control of the government, the people preferring, as in Viet Nam, an indigenous left to control imposed by the West.

Cuba 1957 to present
The CIA under Pres. Eisenhower began training Cuban exiles for the invasion of Cuba in 1957 at a base in Guatemala. The invasion occurred in 1961 under Pres. Kennedy, but the expected popular uprising against Pres. Castro did not occur, and the assault was repelled. As usual, secrecy and lying by both presidents shrouded the invasion. The failure only inflamed the CIA to continue its attacks through fomented internal dissension in Cuba, attempts to assassinate Pres. Castro, and raiding parties from Florida to sabotage industries ("Operation Mongoose"), all in violation of the U.N. Charter, international laws, and the U.S. Constitution. The consequences of the U.S. depredations against Cuba were horrendous. The Soviet Unionn responded by giving Cuba missiles with nuclear warheads, to deter further attacks, which led to a U.S. quarantine of Soviet ships and almost to nuclear holocaust. The public, unaware of its presidents' culpabilities, gullibly accepted its government's clamorous denunciations of

Soviet aggression ninety miles off our coast. Another consequence was the permanent militarization of Cuba in fear of Yankee invasion, including increased suppression of dissent. Successive hypocritical U.S. administrations, backed up by the influential Cuban exile population in Miami, have covered over U.S. wrongs against Cuba by castigating Castro for violating human rights. (Quigley Ch.9).

Haiti 1959-1963

Guatemala 1960 to 1980s

The president, Miguel Ydigoras Fuentes permitted the CIA to established in Guatemaa its chief base for te preparation of the invasion of Cuba. Because of this, a rebellion arose. President Eisenhower, in order to protect the secret base, sent the U.S. Navy to Guatemala, claiming falsely it was to prevent communist intervention in Guatemala. U.S.A.F. pilots who were training the Cuban exiles at the CIA base were used to strafe rebel headquarters, which contributed to their defeat. (Quigley p. 91).

Peru 1960-1965

France/Algeria 1960s

Equador 1960-1963

The Congo 1960-1978

After The Congo won independence from Belgium, Patrice Lumumba became Prime Minister. Perceiving Lumumba as pro-Soviet, the CIA persuaded the head of the army, Mobutu, to overthrow Lumumba (ending parliamentary rule), and when that was accomplished the CIA set out to assassinate Lumumba by poison or to abduct him from the UN soldiers guarding him. Lumumba was eventually captured by agents of the new government and the CIA and was murdered. These CIA outrages were denied by the U.S. government, and so false was the US in its Cold War fanaticism that it joined a UN resolution calling Lumumba's murder a crime. The CIA kept its paramilitary operation alive in the Congo until 1967. (Quigley, Chap. 13)

During a civil war in which insurgents had taken international hostages, the U.S. flew Belgian paratroopers into the heart of rebel territory, ostensibly to rescue the hostages, actually to uphold the pro-Western central government, which the U.S. had supported significantly to keep it in the Western camp. The Organization of African Unity (OAU) condemned the landing. The U.S. also helped create a mercenary brigade to spearhead the government's operations against the rebels. (Quigley Ch. 12).

U.S. involvement in the Congo began in 1963 when the Johnson administration's CIA created a paramilitary army of mercenaries to assist the pro-Western Congo central government's army against rebels, including the use of Cuban exile pilots, to keep the Congo in the Western camp (one more example of the Cold War). In 1964 Johnson sent over 100 military personnel, helicopters, and other planes to help the central government. And the U.S. and Belgium helped the central government recruit a mercenary force.--the Fifth Brigade--which became the spearhead of the government's army. When U.S. planes transported Belgian soldiers into the country to rescue Western hostages captured by the rebels, the intervention was denounced by the Organization of African Unity, which was mediating the conflict and which charged that the U.S. and Belgium by taking sides were disrupting peace negotiations. The OAU (and the UN Security Council earlier) asked the central government to disband the mercenaries, but it refused. (Quigley, chap. 12).

The U.S. intervened in the Congo (now Zaire) again in 1978 at the outbreak of a rebellion against Mobutu's government by the Lunda of Shaba province. The Carter admin. gave air support to Belgian and French troops sent in ostensibly to protect Western workers and in Cold War mode to drive out invaders sponsored by Soviet-bloc countries. As in 1964 the intervention defeated the rebellion and shored up again Mobutu's goveernment. Four U.S. administrations had supported the pro-Western Mobutu, whose corrupt rule motivated the rebellion, as part of the US Cold War against the Soviet Union in Africa, despite the lack of evidence of Soviet involvement, which the Carter admin. exaggerated (as did all U.S. administrations) in order to maintain public support.

Dominican Republic 1963-1966

In 1963 the elected president of the DR, Juan Bosch, was overthrown by the military. In 1965 Bosch's supporters revolted and began to win, at which point Pres. Johnson sent in 23,000 troops to quell the rebels. Yet again the U.S. had sided with dictators because its fanatical anticommunist, Sovietphobic leaders viewed them as more friendly and more anti-Soviet/communist than the elected leader (Bosch was no communist). Johnson administration lies were particularly egregious during this invasion, ranging from the old "saving American lives" con to the astonishing fabrication that Dominicans beheaded by the Bosch forces littered the streets. (Quigley, Chap. 14). Lies by Johnson, Dean Rusk, and other government leaders about a communist takeover were prolific, despite the lack of evidence. Again using anticommunism as its justification, the U.S. bully overthrew another popular government in favor of a dictatorship. (Quigley, Chap. 15).

Brazil 1961-1964

Indonesia 1965

When military officers forced Sukarno out of office and decided to murder communist activists, the CIA provided the rebels with the names and locations of 5000 local Communist Party officials. When "one of the largest political bloodlettings in history" was completed, several hundred thousand communists had been butchered.

East Timor 1965

Ghana 1966

Uruguay 1964-1970

Chile 1964-1973

After the bloody 1973 coup, an execution detachment known as the Caravan of Death toured the country dragging political prisoners from jails and killing them. The murderers were under the direct command of Gen. Sergio Arellano, who was the direct representative of Gen. Augusto Pinochet, the coup leader.

Greece 1964-1974

Bolivia 1964-1975

Iraq 1972-1975

Angola 1975 to 1980s

In 1975 Angola became a Cold War battlefield, with the Soviet Union supporting one faction and the US others. Secretary of State Henry Kissinger and the CIA set up an elaborate, secret support system for the two parties it supported (FNLA and UNITA), including a propaganda campaign and the hiring of mercenary soldiers to help the two groups. Again a fascist CIA was used to subvert democracy, for Congress and the public were not informed of these activities. When it was, the operations unravelled. Kissinger's lies to Congress and the press have not yet been fully tabulated. For example, the USSR and Cuba were supported the other faction, but only in response to US initiatives, in contrast to Kissinger's claims. (Quigley, Chap. 17)

Jamaica 1976-1980

Seychelles 1979-1981

Grenada 1979-1984

Quigley takes three chapters to tell the story of the US invasion of Grenada, so unjusttified was the invasion and so tortured the lies. In 1981, because Grenada was friendly with Cuba, Pres. Reagan had the Pentagon run a training exercise off the coase of Puerto Rico that was preparation for the later invasion. In 1983 Reagan ordered the invasion, giving the public many reasons, all false: that the Soviet/Cuba bloc was building an airport on the island for military invasions of the Caribbean, that several hundred US medical students were in danger, etc. Most media accepted the administration's deceptions as true. (Quigley, Chaps.23-25).

Some Grendadian soldiers, a few US military, seventeen patients at a mental hospital apparently accidentally bombed, 24 Cuban workers, and various civilians were killed.

Lebanon 1982
Pres. Reagan returned the Marines to Beirut into the same situation as in the 1958 intervention: a civil war between the pro-Western government and Muslim-based Arab nationalists. The intervention was precipitated by the Israel's invasion of Lebanon intended to expel the PLO. The U.S. joined Israel in supporting the Christian rightist Phalange party, although Reagan publicly declared neutrality. In September Phalange soldiers killed Palestinian civilians in refugee camps indiscriminately. On Oct. 19, 1983, a Shia Muslim blew up himself and a Marine barracks killing 241 Marines. The Reagan Administration and the U.S. press deplore the bombing as terrorism, but the to the Shias the Marines were the Phalange/Israel-backing enemy. Subsequently, Reagan ordered the the USS New Jersey to shell Syrian positions, which killed civilains, further angering the Arabs. Reagan withdrew the Marines in 1984. Throughout those two years, the Reagan administration conned the U.S. public with his neutrality line, a deception leading to terrible consequences for the Lebanese and the U.S. Marines. (Quigley Chap. 22).

Morocco 1983

Suriname 1982-1984

Libya 1981-1989

For years the CIA had encouraged Libyan exile groups to overthrow or assassinate Col. Moammar Qaddafi, Libya's ruler. Beginning at least in 1981, the US had engaged in a disinformation campaign against Gaddafi. William Casey, a major CIA deceptionist, fabricated claims that Gaddafi was organizing assassination teams, and that one was already in the US. In 1985 the Reagan admin. asked Egypt to invade Libya, but Pres. Mubarak declined. In Jan. 1986 the US imposed economic sanctions on the Libya, alleging on the basis of almost no evidence that Libya was behind recent shootings at the Rome and Vienna airports.

In 1986 33 US bombers hit Tripoli, the capital of Libya, killing 37 people and wounding 93, mainly noncombatants, including Gaddafi's child. The Reagan admin. claimed it had targeted terrorist facilities, but bombing at night, at high speed, in congested urban areas, by inexperienced pilots made civilian casualties inevitable. The real purpose of the raid was to assassinate Col. Gaddafi. The Reagan admin. justified the attacks by citing Libya's alleged bombing of a West German nightclub where a US soldier was killed, for which there was very little evidence. A majority of the UN Security Council voted censure, but it was vetoed by the US, France, and Britain; the UN General Assembly condemned the raid. (Quigley, chap. 26)

Nicaragua 1981-1990

When Marines left Nicaragua in 1933, after pacifying a rebellion aagainst them and the U.S. companies they were there to protect, the U.S. organized a National Guard headed by Anastasio Somoza Garcia, who ruled with an iron hand. In the 1970s his son Anastasio Somoza Debayle inherited the dictatorship. In 1979 the Sandinista party overthrew him. Many of the National Guards fled to Honduras, where they began raids on Nicaragua. A committee of businessmen opponents of the Sandinistas were established in Miami as leaders by the CIA as a cover, while the CIA organized the ex-Guard into an invasion force, all under Pres. Reagan's orders. This force became known as the "Contras." The CIA trained the ex-Guard in the U.S., paid their salaries, planned the missions, even produced a pamphlet on how to assassinate local officials. That is, as part of U.S. fanatical anti-communistic Cold War, secretly the Reagan Admin.started an illegal war (in violation of the U.S. Constitution and international treaties) to overthrow a sovereign nation by using mercenaries and terrorists paid for and trained by CIA terrorists. The truth was exposed in 1982, but CIA Director and, of course, master deceiver William Casey lied to Congress that the Contras were only trying to stop arms shipments from Nicaragua to El Salvador. Congress tried to stop the invasion, but in the fall of 1983 and winter of 1984 the military operations escalated--bombing economic installations, raiding the coast, blowing up oil depots, undersea mines at ports (ten ships from around the world hit and sailors killed or injured). Asked about the mining, the Reagan Admin. denied responsibility. The Nicaraguan government sued the U.S. in the International Court of Justice and won, the Court calling U.S. attacks acts of international aggression. But the Reagan Admin. dismissed the Court's conclusion. Finally, Congress cut off funds, but the Reagan Admin. found legal and illegal private funds, including CIA drug-running. Then Reagan persuaded Congress again to fund the Contras. All along the passive to supine public at large allowed Reagan to have his monstrous way, until finally the impoverished and life-endangered people of Nicaragua voted the Sandinistas out. Reagan and the Contras had won. Quigley Chap. 20.

Panama 1989-1990

In 1903 the US fomented a rebellion in Colombia in its Panamanian provice in order to build a canal (Colombia had rejected the plan), sending warships to ensure victory. The new country gave the US sovereign control over a ten-mile wide zone across the country. During the 1980s the leader of Panama, General Noriega, was a close ally with the US--a CIA informant, a supporter of the US war against the insurgency in El Salvador and the US/Contras war against Nicaragua, and he cooperated with the Drug Enforcement Admin. But by 1986 Noriega was less and less willing to help the US overthrow the Nicaraguan government and threatened to reveal CIA drug smuggling. The US then indicted him for cocaine smuggling and began economic sanctions against the country. During the 1989 elections, Noriega's opponent won, but because the US had given him $10 million, Noriega declared the election void. The US next in 1989 conducted military maneuvers in Panama. A coup was attempted but it failed.

The United States invaded Panama on Dec. 20, 1989 with 24,000 troops to kidnap Noriega. US planes leveled several city blocks of housing nearby Panamanian Defense Forces headquarters. The barrios of San Miguelito and El Chorillo were leveled by the attack and some two thousand Panamanians were killed (Red Cross estimate) and thousands hospitalized. The exact number was never known because the US sealed off the barrios and buried the victims in mass graves. Some unarmed Panamanians were executed by US soldiers, and no soldier was ever indicted. Damage from the bombings and subsequent lootings was estimated at $1 billion. (Quigley, Chap. 28)

The Bush admin. deceived the public with both familiar and bizarre disinformation. The invasion was necessary to protect US citizens; Panama had declared war and was according to Secretary of State James Baker preparing a commando attack on US citizens; it was necessary to save Panamanian democracy; the US needed to arrest Noriega as a drug trafficker. All explanations were either false or disingenuous. The Organization of American States deplored the invasion 20 to 1 (the US the 1); the UN Security Council majority condemned it but was vetoed by the US, Britain, and France; and the UN General Assembly denounced it 75 to 20(Quigley Chap. 29).

A survivor, Rita Padilla, who was paralyzed during the 1989 invasion, was carried to the presidential palace in Panama City in 1999 to meet with President Mireya Moscoso. Panamanians injured in the invasion took part in protest marches as the 10-year anniversary of the invasion neared. (Arkansas Democrat-Gazette (Nov. 13, 1999) 6A). Some commentators connect the survivors of the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki--the hibakusha--with all the survivors of what Blase Bonpane refers to as the U. S. holocaust of invasions and bombings.

Bulgaria 1990

Liberia 1990

In the middle of a civil war, the US sent six battleships with 2,100 Marines to--you guessed it--protect US citizens. The force stayed 7 months. The real purpose was to protect our military installations there vital to US global domination and worth hundreds of millions of dollars.

Iraq 1990-to present (see: separate web site file on Iraq)

From 1990 to the year 2000 the sanctions against Iraq claimed the lives of 1.7 million Iraqis, most of them children, and caused the mortality rate to double. The sanctions were adopted on August 6, 1990, exactly 45 years after the U.S. dropped an atomic bomb on Hiroshima, quickly killing some 100,000 people. The sanctions have killed over 10 times that many humans. Despite U.S. leaders' rhetoric deploring weapons of mass destruction, the sanctions are such a weapon.
Furthermore, during the 45 days of the 1991 Gulf War, more bombs fell on Iraq than were dropped in total during the entire 45 months of World War II. During the nine-month period between December 20, 1998 and the end of September 1999, U.S. and British pilots flew 12,157 combat sorties, dropping 20 million pounds of explosive. Much of this ordnance was coated with depleted uranium, which becomes a toxic, radioactive dust in exploding.

February 13, 2001 was the tenth anniversary of the bombing of the Al-Amiriya Shelter by US aircraft in which several hundred women and children died

Mariam Hamza, who is ill with leukemia, is well known throughout the Middle East as a symbol of all Iraqi children suffering under the UN sanctions on Iraq. Because parts were not available for the equipmnet used for her treatment, she became blind. Opponents of the sanctions have brought her to Britain and to the US for treatments.

The Peace Pledge to stop the "war on terrorism" from spreading to Iraq (February 2002):
I support peace for Iraq. I grant permission to use my name and city publicly as an opponent of the ongoing economic and bombing war on Iraq, and of any escalation of that war. I will communicate by support for peace to my elected officials and consider other actions to work for peace with Iraq and other nations. (To sign the pledge, visit www.peaceresponse.org/pledge/index.shtml).

Afghanistan 1979-1992

El Salvador 1980-1994

The armed rebellion by the landless, malnouirshed poor against the small number of powerful families who owned the large plantations broke out in 1980. The peasants had revolted earlier in 1932, only to be slaughtered by the oligarchy's army. In 1980, the army met civil protests --marches and strikes--with jailings, killings, kidnappings, assasinations, and disappearances. Finally, the opposition started a civil war. One of the leaders had been a vice-presidential candidate from the military stole an election. To help suppress the insurgency, the Carter Administration began giving aid to the landowners' government. The next U.S. president, Ronald Reagan, increased military aid, including actively involved military advisors. The Reagan Admin. justified its support of the oligarchy in standard Cold War fashion by denying there was a civil war and claiming outside interference, publishing a "white paper" to substantiate its case, like the Vietnam white paper of 1965.. The paper was soon exposed as a collection of lies and half-truths, so fraudulent in fact that the U.S. Ambassador to El Salvador, Robert White, protested, and the CIA official responsible for analyzing data on El Salvador, David MacMichael, resigned. Congress finally required certification that El Salvador was improving its human rights record before authorizing more money, but each time the Reagan Admin. lied and the aid continued. In 1983 the government's air force began indiscriminate, saturation bombing of peasant areas, but Congress continued funding. Thousands of combatants and civilians were killed. U.S. aid and Reagan Admin. lying clearly kept the landowners in power and the war going. (Quigley Chap.21).

Dear Barbara, This is a major, major vindication after so many years. You may have watched "Justice for Generals" a few months ago on PBS, in which a similar case to try the Salvadoran Generals for the deaths of the four U.S. churchwomen was lost. It was so difficult for Francisco and me to watch that documentary, knowing that our many many friends and relatives suffered a similar fate (or worse) during those horrible years. At last some justice is being done in the case of these three victims of torture. Barbara Acosta ---------- Two Salvadoran generals liable in torture case The Associated Press State & Local Wire July 23, 2002, Tuesday, BC cycle By JILL BARTON, Associated Press Writer WEST PALM BEACH, Fla. Two generals were found liable Tuesday of ignoring acts of brutality and massacres on civilians by their soldiers 20 years ago in El Salvador. A jury ordered Gens. Carlos Eugenio Vides Casanova and Jose Guillermo Garcia to pay $54.6 million in reparations to three torture victims. The 10-member jury heard four weeks of testimony and deliberated 20 hours before reaching a decision. The generals, who are retired and now live in the United States, were sued by a church worker, doctor and professor who later fled their country in fear after they were tortured by Salvadoran soldiers during that country's civil war. Two of the victims, Carlos Mauricio and Neris Gonzalez, were in court Tuesday and wept as the verdict was read. Defense attorney Kurt Klaus said he will advise the generals to appeal because they are unable to pay the verdict. The victims, who also live in the United States, sued the generals under the 1991 Torture Victim Protection Act that allows U.S. courts to assess damages against perpetrators of human rights abuses committed abroad. The jury was asked to determine whether the generals knew their troops were torturing and murdering civilians but failed to stop it. "This reign of terror involved tens of thousands of deaths and torture," attorney James Green said in his closing argument. "You have a historic opportunity and a historic obligation to set the record straight and to tell these generals what they did was wrong." Klaus described the men as champions of democracy, like great American presidents John Adams and Thomas Jefferson, and said they helped reform their country's corrupt banking system and its agriculture-based economy. "There's no doubt that what happened in El Salvador was horrible, that what happened to these people was horrible. It was a horrible war, a dirty war," Klaus said, referring to the three plaintiffs. "But I don't think the parties that are responsible for what happened to these people are here." On Friday, the jury asked U.S. District Judge Daniel Hurley if the identity of the men who tortured the victims needed to be known. Hurley said the question suggested "some serious confusion" among the jury. The torture victims included a doctor, Juan Romagoza Arce, who was beaten, raped and shot while being interrogated over 22 days. Shriveled to 80 pounds when he was released, Romagoza's fingers were ruined after being bound by wire cables. He said Vides visited him on one occasion when he was chained to the floor. Gonzalez, a church worker who helped peasants learn to count to 100, was eight months pregnant when she was abducted. Beaten and raped repeatedly, she was piled in a truck with dead bodies and let go. Her son was born but died two months later from injuries. Mauricio was strung up by his arms, starved and beaten during eight days of torture. Vides, 64, and Garcia, 68, were cleared in a similar case 20 months ago in another federal trial. A jury found the two men had no control over the rogue soldiers who raped and murdered four American Catholic missionaries in a remote area of El Salvador two decades before. The two men moved to South Florida in 1989. THIS AP REPORT DOES NOT REVEAL THAT THE GENERALS WERE TRAINED AT THE US SCHOOL OF AMERICAS, FORT BENNING, GA.

Haiti 1986-1994

Philippines 1989

During the Spanish American War we succeeded Spain as the ruler of the Philippines, which was followed by an insurgency bloodily suppressed by the US (several hundred thousand casualties). We then turned the Philippines into a colony, until in 1946 we withdrew, but keeping two military bases: Clark Air Force Base and Subic Naval Base.

In contrast to all the other entries in this catalog (the US using armed force to remove a government it disliked), in 1989 the US used armed force in the Philippines to keep the government in power. When Pres. Corazon Aquino was threatened by an army coup, Pres. Bush ordered jet fighters at Clark Air Force Base to shoot down any rebel planes in the air. The coup was defeated. Pres. Bush stated that the US intervened to protect an elected government and to protect US citizens. The second reason was completely false. US real aims were to protect US interests by protecting Aquino, to advance the war against the Philippine leftist insurgency, and to protect our two air military bases by engaging Aquino's gratitude. (Quigley, Chap.27)

Kosovo 1998-1999

One of the indirect disasters of the attack on Yugoslavia was the subversion of international law. Prof. Mandel and other lawyers filed a complaint in 1999 to the International Criminal Tribunal arguing that NATO had no legal right to bomb Yugoslavia and its province Kosovo. In many other ways too NATO violated international laws. It bombed targets that were off limits; it used banned weapons; it destroyed public services--electric power system, drinking water supply, food supply, transportation facilities, living quarters, hospitals, schools, monasteries, museums--; by bombing chemical factories and tanks it poisoned the Danube River and other drinking water sources; in countless ways it damaged the environment; it killed several thousand civilians and wounded some 6000 more.
Noam Chomsky, The New Militlary Humanism: Lessons from Kosovo. Common Courage, 1999. The new military "humanitarianism" is founded upon a policy in which victims of human rights violations are either "worthy" or "unworthy."

Turkey's Oppression of the Kurds 1992 to present

At least nine times since 1992 Turkish forces have invaded northern Iraq to attack Kurdish rebels. These attacks in clear violation of international law are carried out with U.S. approval and U. S. F-16s and helicopters. Focus: a heavily armed army repeatedly crossed an international border to attack another country's population. Yet the U.S. press barely took notice. A recent invasion in April 2000 involved more than 5,000 Turkish troops backed by jets and helicopter gun ships. The special ironical outrage: Turkey was protected by U.S. and British planes because northern Iraq is a no-fly zone set up to protect Kurds from being attacked--by Baghdad but not by Ankara! General observation: U.S. respect for territorial sovereignty is quite selective. (In January 2001 Turkey again attacked, this time with 10,000 troops.)

Israel and Palestine (2nd Intifada) 2000

Israel, supported by the U.S., routinely uses arbitrary arrest, home demolition, torture, and heavy weapons to suppress the Palestinian population, whose land has been occupied by Israel for 34 years. Against international law, the Israeli government has encouraged its citizens to move into Palestinian areas. While the names of the few Israeli soldiers and settlers killed in the conflict are well-publicized, the names of the much more numerous dead Palestinians (16 to 1) are rarely reported, since the U.S. media reflect their government's bias. Israel's actions have been condemned by Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch.

According to the Palestinian Red Crescent Society, a total of 126 Palestinians were killed and 5499 injured in the West Bank and Gaza from Sept. 28 to Oct. 27, 2000.

Ahmad Mohammad Qassem, 15 years old from Tulkarem, shot and killed by live ammunition.

Tull, Muhanned. "A Palestinian's View." Arkansas Democrat-Gazette (10-20-00).

Afghanistan October 2001-

140 civilians were killed or wonded during a US-led operation in southern Afghanistan on July 2, 2002. Bombs hit 4 villages, but the hardest hit was the village of Kakrak, where a wedding party was being held. President Bush extended condolences and Secretary Rumsfeld expressed regret. Four wounded children under age 5 were flown to a hospital at the Kandahar air base. One Afghan official said the casualties could be as hight as 200. Malika, 7, was one of the children wounded. Carlotta Gall with Eric Schmitt, "Schocked Afghans Criticize U.S. Strike; Toll Is Some 40 Dead and 100 Wounded." The New York Times (July 3, 2002) A3.

A note on monetary restitution for victims and their families.
A U.S. court awarded more than $213 million plus interest to eight U.S. families for the alleged abuse of a family member by foreign agents. What U.S. leaders deny is their own vulnerability to similar lawsuits from victims of U.S. abuse all over the world. Miller, Bill. "Terrorism Victims to Get $213 Million." Arkansas Democrat-Gazette (10-23-00) 4A.

(Although this website presents only post-World War II invasions, these references cover the history of U. S. imperialism from the nineteenth century to the present. Please send additions to jbennet@mail.uark.edu).
Alan-Leach, Richard. "Agent Orange." Z Magazine (Nov. 2000) 43-47.
Arevalo, Juan. Anti-Kommunism in Latin America: An X-Ray of the Process Leading to a New Colonialism. New York: Stuart, 1963.
Arnove, Anthony, ed. Iraq Under Siege: The Deadly Impact of Sanctions and War. Cambridge: South End; London: Pluto, 2000.
Barber, Willard, and C. Neale Ronning. Internal Security and Military Power: Counterinsurgency and Civic Action in Latin America. Columbus: Ohio SUP, 1966.
Beres, Louis. America outside the World: the Collapse of U.S. Foreign Policy. Lexington, MA: Lexington/Heath, 1987.
Berman, Karl. Under the Big Stick: Nicaragua and the U. S. Since 1848. Boston: South End, 1986.
Bird, Kai, and Lawrence Lifschultz, eds. Hiroshima's Shadow: Writings on the Denial of History and the Smithsonian Controversy. 1998.
Blasier, Cole. The Hovering Giant: U.S. Responses to Revolutionary Change in Latin America 1910-1985. Rev. ed. Pittsburgh: U of Pittsburgh P, 1985.
Blum, William. Killing Hope: U.S. Military and CIA Interventions Since World War II. Monroe, ME: Common Courage, 1995.
____. Rogue State: A Guide to the World's Only Superpower. Monroe, ME: Common Courage, 2000.
Bonner, Raymond. Weakness and Deceit: U.S. Policy and El Salvador. New York: Times Books, 1984.
Bonpane, Blase. "Just How Many Wars should the American Peoples Forget?" ZNet Commentary.
Brodhead, Frank, and Edward Herman. Demonstration Elections: U.S.-Staged Elections in the Dominican Republic, Vietnam, and El Salvador. Boston: South End, 1984.
Buckley, Kevin. Panama: The Whole Story. New York: Simon and Shuster, 1991.
Burbach, Roger, and Patricia Flynn, eds. The Politics of Intervention: The United States in Central America. New York: Monthly Review, 1984.
Chomsky, Noam. The Culture of Terrorism. Boston: South End, 1988.
____. On Power and Ideology. South End, 1987.
____. Rogue States: The Rule of Force in World Affairs. South End, 2000.
____. Towards a New Cold War: Essays on the Current Crisis and How We Got There. New York: Pantheon, 1982.
____. Turning the Tide: U.S. Intervention in Central America and the Struggle for Peace. Boston: South End, 1985.
____. The Washington Connection and Third World Fascism, with Edward Herman. Vol. I of The Political Economy of Human Rights. South End, 1979.
Corradi, Juan, Patricia Fagen, and Manuel Garreton, eds. Fear at the Edge: State Terror and Resistance in Latin America. Berkeley: U of California P, 1992.
Cudahy, John. Archangel: The American War with Russia. 1924.
Dunkerley, James. The Pacification of Central America 1981-1992. London: Verso, 1994.
El Salvador's Decade of Terror: Human Rights Since the Assassination of Archbishop Romeero. New Haven, CT: Human Rights Watch/Yale UP, 1991.
Faber, Daniel. Environment Under Fire: Imperialism and the Ecological Crisis in Central America. New York: Monthly Review, 1993.
Farmer, Paul. The Uses of Haiti. Monroe, ME: Common Courage, 1994.
Fernandez, Ronald. Prisoners of Colonialism: The Struggle for Justice in Puerto Rico. Monroe, ME: Common Courage, 1994.
Freed, Donald, with Fred Landis. Death in Washington: The Murder of Orlando Letelier. Westport, CT: Lawrence Hill, 1980.
Freeland, Richard. The Truman Doctrine and the Origins of McCarthyism. New York: Knopf, 1972.
Galeano, Eduardo. The Open Veins of Latin America: Five Centures of the Pillage of a Continent. New York: Monthly Review, 1973.
Gettleman, Marvin, et al., eds. El Salvador: Central America in the New Cold War. New York: Grove, 1981.
Gleijeses, Piero. The Dominican Crisis: The 1965 Constitutionalist Revolt and American Intervention. 1978.
Goulden, Joseph. Truth Is the First Casualty: The Gulf of Tonkin Affair-Iillusion and Reality. 1969.
Hallock, Daniel. Hell, Healing, and Resistance: Veterans Speak. Plough, 1998.
Handy, Jim. Gift of the Devil: A History of Guatemala. Boston: South End, 1984.
Herman, Edward. The Real Terror Network: Terrorism in Fact and Propaganda. Boston: South End, 1982.
Handy, Jim. Gift of the Devil: A History of Guatemala. 1984.
Herman, Edward, and Gerry O'Sullivan. The "Terrorism" Industry: The Experts and Institutions that Shape Our View of Terror. New York: Pantheon, 1989.
Hersey, John. Hiroshima.
Hiroshima: Why the Bomb Was Dropped. ABC Video Documentary. Dir. Peter Jennings. 60 min.
Hiroshima and Nagasaki: The Physical, Medical, and Social Effects of the Atomic Bombings.
Honey, Martha. Hostile Acts: U.S. Policy in costa Rica in the 1980s. Gainesville: UP of Florida, 1994.
Immerman, Richard. The CIA in Guatemala: The Foreign Policy of Intervention. Austin: U of Texas P, 1982.
Independent Commission of Inquiry on the U.S. Invasion of Panama. The U.S. Invasion of Panama: The Truth Behind Operation "Just Cause." 1990.
Jacobs, Andy, Jr. The 1600 Killers. Indiana: Alistair, 1999.
Joel, Judith, and Gerald Erickson, eds. Anti-Communism: The Politics of Manipulation. Minneapolis: MEP, 1987.
Kalb, Madeleine. The Congo Cables. 1982.
Klare, Michael, Cynthia Aronson, et al. Supplying Repression: U.S. Support for Authoritarian Regimes Abroad. Washington, DC: Institute for Policy Studies, 1977 (rev. 1981).
Kornbluh, Peter. Nicaragua, The Price of Intervention: Reagan's War Against the Sandinistas. Washington, DC: Institute for Policy Studies, 1987.
Kwitny, Jonathan. Endless Enemies: The Making of an Unfriendly World. New York: Congdon & Weed, 1984.
LaFeber, Walter. Inevitable Revolutions: The U.S. in Central America. New York: Norton, 1984.
Laffin, John. The War of Desperation: Lebanon1982-85. 1985.
Landau, Saul. The Dangerous Doctrine: National Security and U.S. Foreign Policy. Washington, DC: Institute for Public Policy, 1986.
____. The Guerrilla Wars of Central America: Nicaragua, El Salvador, and Guatemala. New York: St. Martin's, 1994.
Langguth, A. J. Hidden Terrors: Truth about U.S. Police in Latin America. Toronto: Pantheon, 1978.
Langley, Lester, and Thomas Schoonover. The Banana Men: American Mercenaries and Entrepreneurs in Central America, 1880-1930. Lexington: Kentucky UP, 1994.
Lapham, Lewis. "The American Rome: On the Theory of Virtuous Empire." Harper's (August 2001) 31-38.
Leggett, John, et al. Allende, His Exit, and Our "Times". New Brunswick, NJ: New Brunswick Cooperative, 1978.
Lens, Sidney. The Futile Crusade: Anti-Communism as American Credo. Chicago: Quadrangle, 1964.
Lernoux, Penny. Cry of the People: United States Involvement in the Rise of Fascism, Torture, and Murder, and the Persecution of the Catholic Church in Latin America. Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 1980.
Linner, Rachelle. City of Silence: Listening to Hiroshima. 1995.
Lowenthal, Abraham. The Dominican Intervention. 1972.
MacDonald, J. Fred. Television and the Red Menace: The Video Road to Vietnam. New York: Praeger, 1985.
Martin, David, and John Walcott. Best Laid Plans: The Inside Story of America's War Against Terrorism. 1988.
McClintock, Michael. The American Conn ection: State Terror and Popular Resistance in El Salvador. Vol. I. London: Zed, 1985.
Mertus, Julie. War's Offensive on Women: The Humanitarian Challenge in bosnia, Kosovo, and Afghanistan. Kumarian, 2000.
Mesler, Bill. "The Nerve Gas Club." The Nation (June 29, 1998).
Moyers, Bill. "The Secret Government: The Constitution in Crisis." Alvin Perlmutter, Inc., and Public Affairs Television, Inc., 1987. Funded by the Corporation for Public Broadcasting.
Nelson-Pallmeyer, Jack. School of Assassins. New York: Orbis, 1997. Rev. James Quesada, Peace and Change (Jan. 2000) 134-36.
Nunca Mas: The Report of the Argentine National Commission on the Disappeared. New York: Farrar, Straus & Giroux, 1986.
O'Shaughnessy, Hugh. Grenada: An Eyewitness Account of the U.S. Invasion and the Caribbean History That Provoked It. New York: Dodd, 1984.
O'Toole, G.J.A. The Spanish War: An American Epic--1898. 1984.
Painter, James. Guatemala: False Hope, False Freedom. London: Catholic Institute for International Relations, 1988.
Palmer, David. The Shining Path of Peru. London: Hurst, 1992.
Trent, Barbara, Director. The Panama Deception (film)., Empowerment Project, 1992.
Parenti, Michael. The Anti-Communist Impulse. New York: Random House, 1967.
Paterson, Thomas. Meeting the Communist Threat: Truman to Reagan. New York: OxfordUP, 1988.
The Pentagon Papers As Published by the "New York Times." 1971.
A People's History of the CIA: The Subversion of Democracy from Australia to Zaire. Press for Conversion #43 (December 2000). Special number. Coalition to Oppose the Arms Trade, Ottawa, ON.
Perera, Victor. Unfinished Conquest: The Guatemalan Tragedy. Berkeley: U of California P, 1993.
Persky, Stan. America, the Last Domino: U.S. Foreign Policy in Central America Under Reagan. Vancouver: New Star, 1984.
Phillips, David A. The Night Watch. 1977.
Porpora, Douglas. How Holocausts Happen: The United States in Central America. Philadelphia: Temple UP, 1990.
Prados, John. Presidents' Secret Wars: CIA and Pentagon Covert Operations Since World War II. 1986.
Prouty, Col. L. Fletcher. The Secret Team: The CIA and Its Allies in Control of the United States and the World. 1973.
Quigley, John. The Ruses for War: American Interventionism Since World War II. Buffalo: Prometheus, 1992.
Randal, Jonathan. The Tragedy of Lebanon: Christian Warlords, Israeli Adventurers, and American Bunglers. 1983.
Robinson, William, and Kent Norsworthy. David and Goliath: The U.S. War Against Nicaragua. New York: Monthly Review, 1987.
Schroeder, John. Mr. Polk's War: American Opposition and Dissent, 1846-1848. 1973.
Schlesinger, Stephen, and Stephen Kinzer. Bitter Fruit: The Untold Story of the American Coup in Guatemala. New York: Doubleday, 1982.
Schoultz, Lars. Human Rights and United States Policy Toward Latin America. Princeton, NJ: Princeton UP, 1987.
Shawcross, William. Deliver Us from Evil. Simon and Schuster, Defends humanitiarian intervention.
____. Sideshow. The Cambodian genocide by the Kmer Rouge resulted from the U.S. intervention and bombings.
State of War: Political Violence and Counterinsurgency in Colombia. New York: Human Rights Watch, 1993.
Stockwell, John. In Search of Enemies: a CIA Story. 1978.
Swomley, John. "The Ultimate Rogue Nation." The Humanist (Jan./Feb. 2001) 8-10.
Szulc, Tad. Dominican Diary. 1965.
Tarasov, Konstantin, and Vyacheslav Zubenko. The CIA in Latin America. Moscow: Progress, 1984.
Topologies of Trauma. Other P, 2002.
Walker, J. Samuel. Prompt and Utter Destruction: Truman and the Use of Atomic Bombs Against Japan. U North Carolina P, 1997. Rev. E. Timothy Smith, Peace and Change 25.1 (January 2000) 129-131.
Walker, Thomas, ed. Reagan versus the Sandinistas: The Undeclared War on Nicaragua. 1987.
Welch, Richard, Jr. Response to Revolution: The United States and the Cuban Revolution, 1959-1961. Chapel Hill: U of North Carolina P, 1985.
White, Richard. The Morass: United States Intervention in Central America. New York: Harper, 1984.
Wise, David. The Politics of Lying
Woodward, Bob. Veil: The Secret Wars of the CIA 1981-1987. 1987.

Most people in the U.S. are concerned for the state of the world, but they tend to restrict that concern to their family and their friends. Dale Kline has wondered if there existed a "concern-for-others" hormone, which many people seem to lack.t He cites a "60 Minutes" interview of a hit man for the Mafia, who said he had no remorse for his victims because he "didn't know hem." He had a concern for family and friends, but no one else. Kline also cites Stanton Samenow's book, Inside the Criminal Mind, which describes the criminal as a person who treats other people as pawns to be pushed around at their will. Such a definition fits our warmaking presidents and congresspeople. The peace movement must learn how to engage larger numbers of people (at least those who are not working two or three jobs and have no leisu re for citizen participation) in a concern for all the people in the world in order to elect non-criminal leaders.

Blah blah blah, some of those claims are so assine its not even funny. China from 45-60? Which China? ohh wait would you still call it a crime if the US had supported Mao who eventually killed upwards of 60 million with his failed ideas?

Cambodia, if North Vietnam hadn't invaded would the US have bene there? I doubt it.

Germany, Greece, Italy etc you mean fighting communisms attmepted take over of democracies was wrong?

Afghanistan 79-92 wait weren't we supporting the locals attmepts to oust forgien invaders and install thier own form of goverment?

You basically lsited every war the US has bene in since 1848 and twisted the facts or ignored them to fit your twisted view. The US isn't perfect and our biggest mistakes occured becuase we learned the wrong lessons from WW2.

Speaking of WW2 its funny you mentioned the A-bomb, God forbid the US had been froced to invade and exterminate the Japanese race. Instead we traded a quarter million lives for tens of millions and in so doing save the core of an ancient culture and a proud people from suicidal self destruction.

As for the native American's ya they got the shaft just as bad as the shaft they inflicted on the tribes there before them. Read Lewis and Clark and the tribes they recount, then comapre that to the list of the post Civil war plains tribes, most were wiped out by Natives in the massive migration that occured between 1810 and 1860. A Migration south by tribes in Canada who had no hostile contact with the whiteman.

Almost all your examples are completely skewed and off base.



you might need to read this link.
ICC complaint over UK-US state terrorism & war crimes
Dr Gideon Polya [e-mail | URL]
Fri 23 Dec 2005
Formal complaint sent to the International Criminal Court charging Coalition state terrorism & war crimes in Occupied Iraq & Afghanistan

According to the latest UNICEF report (2005), in 2004 the under-5 infant mortality was 122,000 in Occupied Iraq, 359,000 in Occupied Afghanistan and 1,000 in the occupying country Australia (noting that in 2004 the populations of these countries were 28.1 million, 28.6 million and 19.9 million, respectively) (http://www.unicef.org/infobycountry/index.html).

About 1,300 under-5 year old infants will die in Occupied Iraq and Afghanistan on Christmas Day alone and 0.5 million will die in the coming year due to non-provision by the US-led Coalition of life-preserving requisites demanded by the Geneva Conventions (http://www.unhchr.ch/html/menu3/b/92.htm).

A detailed, formal complaint has been sent to the International Criminal Court charging the Coalition with war crimes in Occupied Iraq and Afghanistan (see Countercurrents, 21 December 2005) (http://www.countercurrents.org/us-polya211205.htm):

19 December 2005

Office of the Prosecutor,
International Criminal Court,
The Hague, The Netherlands

Dear Mr Moreno-Ocampo, Mr Brammertz and Mrs Bensouda,

On 14 October 2004 I made a formal complaint against the Australian Government and its Coalition allies over war crimes in Iraq, specifically illegal invasion and subsequent horrendous civilian mortality in contravention of international law (for details of this complaint and a prior complaint sent to the 2 dozen top law officers of Australia see: http://www.newscentralasia.com/modules.php?name=News&file=article&sid=1019).

Since that complaint was made, it can be estimated from the latest UNICEF reports (see: http://www.unicef.org/infobycountry/index.html) that a further 560,000 under-5 year old infants have died in US Coalition-occupied Iraq and Afghanistan in gross contravention of the Geneva Conventions for the protection of civilians in time of war (1949).

I am accordingly renewing and extending my formal complaint of egregious war crimes against the US-led Coalition leaders responsible for (1) the irresponsible and illegal invasions and occupations of Iraq and Afghanistan; (2) deliberate conduct of military operations to minimize politically-sensitive invading military deaths at the expense of the lives of utterly innocent civilians; (3) subsequent horrendous civilian mortality in these occupied countries in gross contravention of the Geneva Conventions (1949); and (4) collateral damage involving mass mortality elsewhere in the world as a consequence of Coalition actions in Iraq and Afghanistan.

I have amplified these charges briefly below.

(1). Irresponsible and illegal invasions.

The invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan were manifestly irresponsible (as borne out by the immense mortality estimates given below) and illegal in lacking sanction from the United Nations. Indeed, by way of example, the Secretary General of the United Nations, Mr Kofi Anan, has repeatedly indicated the illegality and un-wisdom of the invasion of Iraq and the late Holy Father of the Catholic Church, Pope John Paul II, a major source of moral wisdom for humanity, also opposed the invasion of Iraq. Further, the obvious must be stated, namely that ordinary, decent people universally regard hatred, violence, war and both non-state terrorism and state terrorism as utterly abhorrent.

(2). Criminal application of high technology war yielding huge “enemy civilian death”/US military death ratios.

In World War 2 the Axis civilian deaths totalled 5.1 million as compared to Allied civilian losses in Europe and Asia totalling 54 million; US, British Empire, Axis and Soviet military losses totalled 0.29 million, 0.45 million, 5.9 million and 13.6 million, respectively. Accordingly the "enemy civilian"/"military death" "kill ratios" were 0.4 (for the Soviet forces), 9.2 (Axis), 11.3 (the British Empire) and 17.6 (the US). Implicit in the 1944 Italian Ardeatine Caves Massacre of 335 civilians ordered by Hitler in revenge for 33 German military deaths was a Nazi German attitude that regarded an "enemy civilian death"/"German soldier death" "kill ratio" (or "death ratio") of 10 as quite appropriate.

It has been possible to assess "civilian deaths" in various post-war conflicts using UN Population Division demographic data from 1950 onwards. Using this data it is possible to calculate "avoidable mortality" ("excess mortality"), which is the difference between the ACTUAL deaths in a country in a given period and the deaths EXPECTED for a peaceful, decently-run country with the same demographics (see: http://globalavoidablemortality.blogspot.com/).

The following "enemy civilian avoidable mortality"/"US combat death" "kill ratios" (in parentheses) have been calculated for the Korean War (1950-1953) (23.8), the Indo-China War (1957-1975) (276.5), the Gulf War & Sanctions War (1990-2003) (12,259), the Afghanistan War (2001-2005) (15,716) and the Iraq War (2003-2005) (323.9). The actual calculations involving the ratios of "avoidable (excess) deaths" (for the Asian country concerned over the relevant period) to "US combat deaths" (for the relevant conflict) are reproduced below (actual mortality figures are rounded off for clarity):

0.8 million Korean excess deaths/33,651 US combat deaths = 23.8

13.1 million excess Cambodian, Laotian & Vietnamese excess deaths/47,378 US combat deaths = 276.5

1.8 million Iraqi excess deaths (1990-2003)/147 US combat deaths = 12,259

1.6 million Afghan excess deaths (2001-2005)/102 US combat deaths = 15,716

0.5 million Iraqi excess deaths (2003-2005)/1,513 US combat deaths = 323.9

The above figures show that in the post-war era the US (and its allies) have grossly violated the Geneva Conventions in these Asian wars and have done so in vast excess over the "enemy civilian"/"German soldier" "kill ratio" of 10 in the Ardeatine Caves atrocity – and most clearly in the Iraq and Afghanistan Wars. The reason for these horrendous US "kill ratios" is that high technology US warfare preserves politically-sensitive US military lives at the expense of enemy civilian lives through high technology killing from afar (e.g. more bombs were dropped on Laos by the US than on all of Europe in all of World War 2); “better training” of its soldiers to overcome the natural revulsion from killing; and through improved medical technology to save the lives of wounded US soldiers. Over half of the civilian victims of these conflicts have been innocent infants under the age of 5. Thus the under-5 infant mortality in these conflicts was 0.3 million (Korea, 1950-1953); 5.6 million (Indo-China, 1957-1975); 1.3 million (Iraq, 1990-2003); 1.4 million (Afghanistan, 2001-2005); and 0.3 million (Iraq, 2003-2005). US state terrorism has indeed exacted a horrendous civilian death toll in US Asian wars (for further details see Senate Inquiry submission #112: http://www.aph.gov.au/senate/committee/legcon_ctte/terrorism/index.htm).

(3). Horrendous civilian avoidable mortality (excess mortality) in contravention of the Geneva Conventions.

The Geneva Conventions (1949) are quite explicit about the responsibility of the invader and occupier to do everything in their power to preserve the life of subject civilians (see: http://www.unhchr.ch/html/menu3/b/92.htm ). However the annual per capita medical expenditure in Occupied Iraq and Afghanistan is less than 1% of that in metropolitan USA and thus the horrendous death toll in post-invasion Iraq and Afghanistan constitutes passive genocide and a war crime (see: http://www.abc.net.au/rn/science/ockham/stories/s1445960.htm).

In general, whether a person dies violently (e.g. from bombs or bullets) or non-violently (e.g. from deprivation- or malnourishment-related causes) the end result is the same and the culpability the same. Further, the Ruler is responsible for the Ruled. Thus the Geneva Conventions (1949) demand that the foreign occupier of a country acts “to the fullest extent of the means available to it” to preserve the health and life of subject civilians (see Articles 55 and 56: http://www.unhchr.ch/html/menu3/b/92.htm):

“Article 55. To the fullest extent of the means available to it, the Occupying Power has the duty of ensuring the food and medical supplies of the population; it should, in particular, bring in the necessary foodstuffs, medical stores and other articles if the resources of the occupied territory are inadequate …

Article 56. To the fullest extent of the means available to it, the Occupying Power has the duty of ensuring and maintaining, with the cooperation of the national and local authorities, the medical and hospital establishments and services, public health and hygiene in the occupied territory, with particular reference to the adoption and application of the prophylactic and preventive measures necessary to combat the spread of contagious diseases and epidemics. Medical personnel of all categories shall be allowed to carry out their duties …”

The US-led Coalition governments have manifestly failed in their obligations under the Geneva Conventions. The latest UNICEF estimates of post-invasion under-5 infant deaths (12 December 2005; see: http://www.unicef.org/infobycountry/index.html) are quite shocking: in 2004 the under-5 infant mortality was 122,000 in Occupied Iraq, 359,000 in Occupied Afghanistan and 1,000 in the occupying country Australia (noting that in 2004 the populations of these countries were 28.1 million, 28.6 million and 19.9 million, respectively). These data indicate an Iraqi post-invasion under-5 infant mortality of over 0.3 million, about 122,000 such deaths per year or 334 daily (i.e. exceeding the death toll from the horrendous and evil 9/11 atrocities every 9 days). About 90% of these infant deaths have been avoidable.

The post-invasion avoidable mortality (excess mortality) in the Occupied Palestinian, Iraqi and Afghan Territories now totals about 0.3, 0.5 and 1.6 million, respectively, while the corresponding post-invasion under-5 infant mortality now totals 0.2, 0.3 and 1.4 million, respectively (see Senate Inquiry submission #112: http://www.aph.gov.au/senate/committee/legcon_ctte/terrorism/index.htm). Most of these deaths were non-violent – thus Iraq Body Count (see: http://www.iraqbodycount.org/) currently estimates that 27,000-31,000 Iraqis have been killed violently post-invasion (out of an estimated total of 0.5 million post-invasion avoidable deaths). UK-US state terrorism – described by Blair and Bush supporters as “democratic imperialism” but by others as “democratic tyranny” or “democratic Nazism” - has had a horrendous human cost, with under-5 infant mortality now totalling about 0.5 million each year in the Occupied Iraqi and Afghan Territories.

(4). Collateral global mass mortality as a consequence of the Iraq and Afghanistan invasions and occupations.

One major consequence of the US Coalition invasion and occupation of Iraq has been an increase in the price of oil. It has been estimated that about 55,000 people die avoidably throughout the world each day (about 36,000 being under-5 year old infants) through deprivation- and malnourishment-related causes. I have not been able to quantitatively assess the inevitably increased avoidable mortality component from increased poverty due to elevated oil prices. However global mortality due to criminal distribution, sale and consumption of opiates can be assessed from UN figures.

Since 2001 there have been about 0.4 million global drug deaths linked to US Coalition re-establishment of globally-dominant Afghan opium production (largely destroyed by the Taliban in 2000-2001 but 76% and 86% of global production in 2002 and 2004, respectively, after US Coalition invasion and conquest). About 2,000 of these 0.4 million post-2001, US Coalition-complicit, opioid-related deaths have been Australian, 3,000 Canadian, 3,200 British and 50,000 American (for detailed documentation see:"afghan+opium"&hl=en and also see Senate Inquiry submission #112: http://www.aph.gov.au/senate/committee/legcon_ctte/terrorism/index.htm).

Comments and conclusions

The above data clearly indicate that the members of the US-led Coalition are complicit in passive genocide, mass murder and egregious war crimes in Iraq and Afghanistan. Accordingly, the US-led Coalition leaders should be indicted before the International Criminal Court – arraigned, tried and punished. Peace is the only way but we are inescapably obliged to inform others about man-made mass mortality of fellow human beings - silence kills and silence is complicity. We cannot walk by on the other side. As Edmund Burke famously stated: “All that is necessary for evil to succeed is that good men do nothing.”

The World Tribunal on Iraq, headed as spokesperson by the brilliant humanitarian writer Arundhati Roy, has charged the UK-US-led Coalition with war crimes over Iraq (see: http://www.worldtribunal.org/main/?b=91). Indeed, as you are aware, in October 2004, after writing to the 2 dozen top Law Officers of Australia, I wrote to the Chief Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court requesting that the Australian Government and its Coalition allies be charged with war crimes over the illegal invasion of Iraq and the horrendous post-invasion mass mortality (see: http://www.newscentralasia.com/modules.php?name=News&file=article&sid=1019).

More recently, the 2005 Nobel Laureate for Literature, British playwright Harold Pinter, in his Nobel Prize acceptance speech entitled “Art, Truth and Politics” (delivered by videotape on 8 December 2005; see: http://www.countercurrents.org/arts-pinter081205.htm) accused US President George Bush and UK Prime Minister Tony Blair of war crimes in Iraq. After detailing the huge human cost of decades of violent US interventions in Central and South America, Harold Pinter described the invasion of Iraq as “an act of blatant state terrorism” and called for the arraignment of Bush and Blair before the International Criminal Court, declaring: “How many people do you have to kill before you qualify as a mass murderer and a war criminal? One hundred thousand? More than enough, I would have thought.”

I have written this careful analysis with some trepidation and after considerable, wide-ranging, legal consultation because draconian new “sedition laws” recently passed in Australia could, potentially, severely punish humanitarian critics of Coalition war policies, notwithstanding “good faith commentary” exceptions. It is accordingly necessary for me to explicitly state that this has been written in the public interest and in the interests of humanity by an anti-war, humanist, senior scientist who utterly abhors bigotry, racism, lying, violence, war and terrorism.

The 2005 Nobel Laureate for Literature, Harold Pinter, in his Nobel Prize acceptance address (8 December 2005; see http://www.countercurrents.org/arts-pinter081205.htm) movingly stated our obligation to define the truth of our world: “ I believe that despite the enormous odds which exist, unflinching, unswerving, fierce intellectual determination, as citizens, to define the real truth of our lives and our societies is a crucial obligation which devolves upon us all. It is in fact mandatory. If such a determination is not embodied in our political vision we have no hope of restoring what is so nearly lost to us – the dignity of man.”

The 1957 Nobel Laureate for Literature, Albert Camus, in a 1946 essay entitled “Neither Victims nor Executioners”, clearly stated a fundamental moral imperative for decent citizens of the world: “Over the expanse of five continents throughout the coming years an endless struggle is going to be pursued between violence and friendly persuasion, a struggle in which, granted, the former has a thousand times the chances of success than that of the latter. But I have always held that, if he who bases his hopes on human nature is a fool, he who gives up in the face of circumstances is a coward. And henceforth, the only honourable course will be to stake everything on a formidable gamble: that words are more powerful than munitions.”

I have recently completed the first draft of a large book on global avoidable mortality from which some of the above data is drawn (for some other key data see: http://globalavoidablemortality.blogspot.com/) and I have written a large number of articles around the world on this matter (see: http://members.optusnet.com.au/~gpolya/links.html). I would be extremely happy to provide expert assistance pro bono publico to the International Criminal Court in relation to this matter.

As we approach the festivities of Christmas Day 2005, we must appreciate from the latest UNICEF data that about 2,640 infants in US Coalition-occupied Iraq and Afghanistan will die over the 2-day period of Christmas Day-Boxing Day - nearly the same number of innocent victims as died in the World Trade Centre atrocity on 9/11 – and about 0.5 million more will die in the year to come. An estimated 560,000 under-5 year old infants have died in the US-occupied Iraqi and Afghan Territories in the 14 months since I made my previous complaint to the International Criminal Court.

I beg the International Criminal Court to indict the Coalition governments involved in massive war crimes in their invasion and occupation of Iraq and Afghanistan. In doing so the International Criminal Court will deliver justice and force an early end to the egregious Coalition passive genocide in these horrendously abused countries.

Yours sincerely,

Dr Gideon Polya

Melbourne, Australia

e-mail: gpolya@optusnet.com.au

website: http://members.optusnet.com.au/~gpolya/links.html

Credentials: Dr Gideon Polya published some 130 works in a 4 decade scientific career, most recently a huge pharmacological reference text "Biochemical Targets of Plant Bioactive Compounds" (Taylor & Francis, New York & London, 2003), and is currently editing a completed book on global avoidable mortality (numerous articles on this matter can be found by a simple Google search for "Gideon Polya" and on his website: http://members.optusnet.com.au/~gpolya/links.html
Again blah blah blah.

1- Those needless civillian deaths are beign caused primarily by our enemies. Even the Lancet report and UN figures show the deaths do to coalition action are an insignifigant minority comapred to the sectarian killings. The deaths in Korea and Vietnam etc were also not exclusively the US's fault. In Korea in particular it was the communist that had the death sqauds and purges.

Also Ira qis a sovergien country and has been for a couple of years. In accordance with the Geneva Conventions and the UN, the occupying powers returned sobergienty to the people.

The US has also spent billions and continues to spend on reconstruction only to see insurgents come in behind them and undue all the work particaulary with water, power, and oil.

BTW the US/UK/Aus were no longer "occupying powers" when the complaint was filed.
OK Mr.ALAMGIR what right do you have to criticize us civilized western people when you people do crime against humanity like producing children with out caring about their future ? getting a woman married to the HOLY QURAN ??? following medieval & by the way those are some really evil practice's like HONOR KILLINGS?????? trading females for settling family disputes ??? :sniper: :sniper: shame on those families i insult them upfront & challenge them one on one yeah might is right liked it buddy! :GUNS: you people deserves to be shot. I fully support the west i love Islam no doubt about it & i am a Muslim but the mentality of some Muslims not Islam mind you don't even think of making it a religious issue i am talking about a race not & i repeat not about Islam got it. because ISLAM & Muslims are two different things altogether. So the Muslim world needs to be disciplined for believing in such utter nonsense as one Muslim equals to ten Hindu soldiers what a rubbish , garbage & nonsense thing to even think or mention about . now back to making you sick people smelling your,s own armpits what do you say while having feudal land owner doing "ZULM" (oppressions) on the poor people when the feudal land owner's tied some respective ladies to their vehicles striping them naked and making them walk across the village ??? ( the ladies are usually the relatives of those who are unfortunate peasants or less strong individual's from the feudal land owners & has a dispute with the feudal land owner's this is what the feudal land owners do to the poor victims I ASK WHERE IS THE MULLAH,S FATWAS REGARDING SUCH CRUELTY OF THE FEUDAL LAND OWNERS WHAT ARE THEY DOING TO STOP THEM "KAHAN GAYA TERA FATWA TOILET MEIN??? ISLIYE ALLAH NE TUM LOGO KO SIRF RUSWA KIYA HAI) & I ask that ugly looking fat pig rascal hypocrite by the name of maulana masood azhar where does your jihad and lecture goes where in the toilet??? regarding these issues "JAWAB" DO? the feudal land owner needs to be waged jihad on before any of the political issues like the Kashmir, Palestine , Chechen etc issues IRAQ is not Islam its about oil so is Afghanistan is that clear such indisciplined folks i have yet to meet such batameez mentality like these once coming to the west staying there working there enjoying all the facilities & then on top of that saying things like the western People are born with out wedlock if anybody invites you all you people make them feel like garbage when you all start talking about how you people only eat HALAL foods and the westerns eat garbage doesn't clean themselves after doing toilet you people are plain & simple "UNGRATEFUL LEECH" HOW DARE YOU INSULT US THAT WAY "AGAR ITNIHI GAIRAT HAI TO APNE MULK PAR RAHO YAHAN PE WEST MEIN KYUN ATE HON BESHARAM ! THOSE WHO THINK LIKE YOU ALL SHOULD BE THROWN OUT OF CANADA RIGHT IN THE ATLANTIC OCEAN when you people has the highest amount Of inequality's among your own people & using mullah power to direct it to-wards a so called jihad having absolutely some rubbish mentality like the talibans instead of a proper solutions to guide them to the path of success by doing justice in your own society instead you send them for jihad you insult jihad & and you give ISLAM a bad name it is you people who are the real enemies of ISLAM & thats why ALLAH is punishing you folks which you folks right fully deserve really you people do utter nonsense things indeed & you people are TOTALLY WRONG & you people need to disciplined & be rest assured we the west are doing an excellent job on that front. :United_States: :police: :army:
OK Mr.ALAMGIR what right do you have to criticize us civilized western people when you people do crime against humanity like producing children with out caring about their future ? getting a woman married to the HOLY QURAN ??? following medieval & by the way those are some really evil practice's like HONOR KILLINGS?????? trading females for settling family disputes ??? :sniper: :sniper: shame on those families i insult them upfront & challenge them one on one yeah might is right liked it buddy! :GUNS: you people deserves to be shot. I fully support the west i love Islam no doubt about it & i am a Muslim but the mentality of some Muslims not Islam mind you don't even think of making it a religious issue i am talking about a race not & i repeat not about Islam got it. because ISLAM & Muslims are two different things altogether. So the Muslim world needs to be disciplined for believing in such utter nonsense as one Muslim equals to ten Hindu soldiers what a rubbish , garbage & nonsense thing to even think or mention about . now back to making you sick people smelling your,s own armpits what do you say while having feudal land owner doing "ZULM" (oppressions) on the poor people when the feudal land owner's tied some respective ladies to their vehicles striping them naked and making them walk across the village ??? ( the ladies are usually the relatives of those who are unfortunate peasants or less strong individual's from the feudal land owners & has a dispute with the feudal land owner's this is what the feudal land owners do to the poor victims I ASK WHERE IS THE MULLAH,S FATWAS REGARDING SUCH CRUELTY OF THE FEUDAL LAND OWNERS WHAT ARE THEY DOING TO STOP THEM "KAHAN GAYA TERA FATWA TOILET MEIN??? ISLIYE ALLAH NE TUM LOGO KO SIRF RUSWA KIYA HAI) & I ask that ugly looking fat pig rascal hypocrite by the name of maulana masood azhar where does your jihad and lecture goes where in the toilet??? regarding these issues "JAWAB" DO? the feudal land owner needs to be waged jihad on before any of the political issues like the Kashmir, Palestine , Chechen etc issues IRAQ is not Islam its about oil so is Afghanistan is that clear such indisciplined folks i have yet to meet such batameez mentality like these once coming to the west staying there working there enjoying all the facilities & then on top of that saying things like the western People are born with out wedlock if anybody invites you all you people make them feel like garbage when you all start talking about how you people only eat HALAL foods and the westerns eat garbage doesn't clean themselves after doing toilet you people are plain & simple "UNGRATEFUL LEECH" HOW DARE YOU INSULT US THAT WAY "AGAR ITNIHI GAIRAT HAI TO APNE MULK PAR RAHO YAHAN PE WEST MEIN KYUN ATE HON BESHARAM ! THOSE WHO THINK LIKE YOU ALL SHOULD BE THROWN OUT OF CANADA RIGHT IN THE ATLANTIC OCEAN when you people has the highest amount Of inequality's among your own people & using mullah power to direct it to-wards a so called jihad having absolutely some rubbish mentality like the talibans instead of a proper solutions to guide them to the path of success by doing justice in your own society instead you send them for jihad you insult jihad & and you give ISLAM a bad name it is you people who are the real enemies of ISLAM & thats why ALLAH is punishing you folks which you folks right fully deserve really you people do utter nonsense things indeed & you people are TOTALLY WRONG & you people need to disciplined & be rest assured we the west are doing an excellent job on that front. :United_States: :police: :army:
not bark like a bloody dog, i know what happen in your civilized world where you and other like you are treated third class citizen and they treet with women read it...Violence Against Women in the United States
MURDER. Every day four women die in this country as a result of domestic violence, the euphemism for murders and assaults by husbands and boyfriends. That's approximately 1,400 women a year, according to the FBI. The number of women who have been murdered by their intimate partners is greater than the number of soldiers killed in the Vietnam War.

BATTERING. Although only 572,000 reports of assault by intimates are officially reported to federal officials each year, the most conservative estimates indicate two to four million women of all races and classes are battered each year. At least 170,000 of those violent incidents are serious enough to require hospitalization, emergency room care or a doctor's attention.

SEXUAL ASSAULT. Every year approximately 132,000 women report that they have been victims of rape or attempted rape, and more than half of them knew their attackers. It's estimated that two to six times that many women are raped, but do not report it. Every year 1.2 million women are forcibly raped by their current or former male partners, some more than once.

THE TARGETS. Women are 10 times more likely than men to be victimized by an intimate. Young women, women who are separated, divorced or single, low- income women and African-American women are disproportionately victims of assault and rape. Domestic violence rates are five times higher among families below poverty levels, and severe spouse abuse is twice as likely to be committed by unemployed men as by those working full time. Violent attacks on lesbians and gay men have become two to three times more common than they were prior to 1988.

IMPACT ON CHILDREN. Violent juvenile offenders are four times more likely to have grown up in homes where they saw violence. Children who have witnessed violence at home are also five times more likely to commit or suffer violence when they become adults.

IMPACT ON HEALTH AND SOCIAL SERVICES. Women who are battered have more than twice the health care needs and costs than those who are never battered. Approximately 17 percent of pregnant women report having been battered, and the results include miscarriages, stillbirths and a two to four times greater likelihood of bearing a low birth weight baby. Abused women are disproportionately represented among the homeless and suicide victims. Victims of domestic violence are being denied insurance in some states because they are considered to have a "pre-existing condition."

LEGISLATION. In 1994, the National Organization for Women, the NOW Legal Defense and Education Fund, and other organizations finally secured passage of the Violence Against Women Act, which provides a recordbreaking $1.8 billion to address issues of violence against women.



"Violence Against Women: A National Crime Victimization Survey Report", U.S. Department of Justice, Washington, D.C., January 1994.
"The National Women's Study," Crime Victims Research and Treatment Center, Medical University of South Carolina, Charleston, SC, 1992.
"Five Issues In American Health," American Medical Association, Chicago, 1991.
Bullock, Linda F. and Judith McFarlane, "The Birth Weight/Battering Connection," Journal of American Nursing, September 1989.
McFarlane, Judith, et. al., "Assessing for Abuse During Pregnancy," Journal of the American Medical Association, June 17, 1992.
Federal Bureau of Investigation statistics, 1992.
Sheehan, Myra A. "An Interstate Compact on Domestic Violence: What are the Advantages?" Juvenile and Family Justice Today, 1993.
Sherman, Lawrence W. et al. Domestic Violence: Experiments and Dilemmas, 1990.
A study of five cities -- New York, Chicago, San Francisco, Boston and Minneapolis -- by the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force, published in 1992.
you and other like you can be call as dhobi ka ***** nah ghar ka nah gat ka
Those sure seem like big numbers but are they?

Murder 1400/150,000,000 .0000093% chance per year of being a domestic homicide victim ove rher 80 year average lifespan she has a .00074% chance of being a victim. Thats 3 times less than the chance of being struck by lightning per year (1 in 700,000)

Battery (4 million estimate) .026% chance per year of being battered, and 2.08% chance over her lifespan

Sexual Assault (1.2 million figure+ 6 times reported figure "792,000" rounded up to an even 2 million) .0133 Chance per year of being a sexual assault victim and 1.064% chance over the course of her lifespan.

total chance of being a victim per year= .0393% Per lifespan= 3.144%

now where are some figures for any country with Islamic based laws so we can fairly compare incident rates and life span.

What I can easily find on an Ilsamic country (I use Pakistan becuse this is the cites primary focus) when compared to the US https://www.cia.gov/cia/publications/factbook/geos/pk.html

Life span 64 years (80 years)
Children 4 (2.1)
Literacy[b/] 35.2% (99%)
income (PPP) $1300 half of a mans "$2600" (21,750 half of a mans)
Chance of losing a child 12.3 times more likely to a Pakistani woman than an American woman.

:rofl: You stoop to such a low level cause you can't argue back against what he posted, like how zraver is doing.

lol, he didn't say anything wrong and neither have I found anything offensive, except you talking without logic.

And I read your long post which just talks non-sense and garbage.
now where are some figures for any country with Islamic based laws so we can fairly compare incident rates and life span.

What I can easily find on an Ilsamic country (I use Pakistan becuse this is the cites primary focus) when compared to the US https://www.cia.gov/cia/publications/factbook/geos/pk.html

Life span 64 years (80 years)
Children 4 (2.1)
Literacy[b/] 35.2% (99%)
income (PPP) $1300 half of a mans "$2600" (21,750 half of a mans)
Chance of losing a child 12.3 times more likely to a Pakistani woman than an American woman.

Buddy, how does this relate to what the other dude is talking about, this is talking about life span, literacy, etc.

But I thought the subject was on violence, like sexual abuse and battery!
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