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West gives award to people who Insult our religion

Does this guy deserves the award?

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Feb 12, 2006
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Danish impious cartoon editor wins free press prize

COPENHAGEN (updated on: March 19, 2007, 20:19 PST): The Danish newspaper editor who chose to publish controversial cartoons of the Prophet Mohammed in 2005 was on Monday awarded a free press prize for his "determination and courage".

The Danish-based Free Press Society awarded Flemming Rose the inaugural international Sappho Prize, which comes with 20,000 kroner (3,568 dollars, 2,685 euros).

The publication of the 12 cartoons in the daily Jyllands-Posten in September 2005 prompted an international storm.

Lars Hedegaard of the Free Press Society said the prize honoured a "journalist who combines excellence in his work with courage and a refusal to compromise."

Hedegaard compared the pressure placed on Rose and his newspaper to apologise for publishing the cartoons to those voices calling for the appeasement of Nazi Germany at the dawn of World War II.

"Decisive to our decision was Rose's courage to print the cartoons and to stand his ground under the worst storm any journalist has ever endured," Hedegaard said.

Rose declined to comment on the award but told AFP he was "thankful" for the recognition of his work.

Sappho is an ancient Greek poet from the island of Lesbos.

Hedegaard said her combination of traits that included being European, a woman, lesbian, as well as having a willingness to write her mind and a sense of political incorrectness, made her the best symbol for freedom of the press in an age when European values were threatened.

Norwegian human rights activist Hege Storhaug will present Rose with the award on behalf of the Freedom of the Press Association at a public ceremony on March 27.

Copyright AFP (Agence France-Presse), 2007
its very bad on one hand they are against passing comments on others religion and on one hand they are doing it....awesome

Who said West is not against Making comments against religion,
Lack of education, selfish and corrupt leadership and all other institutions, thinking to save thier ASSes rather then thinking about thier respective nations, these are the ingredients of a muslim country or UMMAH if there is one :) i doubt.
Things will never improve if we keep going on the same track........ NEVER


its not Lake of education, but LACK of Education
Though I would say the cartoonist did it in bad taste and dont agree with the content one bit, but at the same time i guess the editor did his part, under immense pressure from people, nations, politicians, terrorist, he stuck to his freedom of expression. It can be wrong, but it is still his choice. I would give an award for that, just for the sheer number of death threats coming, this guy stood his ground.
Hmmm so did Bin Laden did "his part" under immense pressure, threats from so many nations, politicians and armies... No awards for him!

His part sucked. Anyone can play a part.
Lack of education, selfish and corrupt leadership and all other institutions, thinking to save their Asses rather then thinking about their respective nations, these are the ingredients of a Muslim country or UMMAH if there is one :) i doubt.
Things will never improve if we keep going on the same track........ NEVER


Mansoor you are on the right track.


iam not to sure if you have ever left India or not.but try writing any thing against the Jews in west and watch what happens to freedom of speech.
(double standard you bet ya).but i do no you live in India.get of your high horse you telling me if some one was to publish some thing against Hindu religion in any state of the world Hindus will sit back and laugh it off.
Cheetah I have seen a fair amount of the world and lived outside a long time,

Laughing it off No, I would though maybe
But issuing Death Threats and riots NO, you can take the example of fashion designers using pictures of Hindu gods on slippers, garmets, underwear etc
Though I would say the cartoonist did it in bad taste and dont agree with the content one bit, but at the same time i guess the editor did his part, under immense pressure from people, nations, politicians, terrorist, he stuck to his freedom of expression. It can be wrong, but it is still his choice. I would give an award for that, just for the sheer number of death threats coming, this guy stood his ground.

The same cartoonist and the related news paper had earlier agreed not to publish cartoons regarding Jesus and Moses since it might ' hurt' the feelings of christinas and jews. IIRC Rahman posted an article on that issue somewhere.

Imho the cartoonist deliberatly wanted to provoke muslims and get international attention.
Well it worked out well for him as it seems.
Mission Accomplished!
OBL can be compared to some human being, awwww

OBL is a bipedal primate belonging to the mammalian species, Homo sapiens in the family of Hominidae; therefore he's human. :angel:
Hey maybe the guy can compensate for the Danish jobs that were lost because of "bravery":lol: I think the best way to make people understand is to hurt them where it hurts most....their pockets.....;)

P.s. Adux since you voted for him maybe you will support people who insult your faith on this site......after all they are just being "brave"

Oh and I have traveled the world too and I have seen plenty of complaints re the use of Hindu iconography....

Or Maybe I just voted YES just to see, how they would react to me, maybe they would prove the cartoonist right, which is not case here as you can see.

I do read a lot of Arab newspapers, and they are no better than the danish ones. I did not vote for the cartoonist, but the Editor; he is the one who is getting award.
I am not here to throw my resume, my respnse was to his question, so ease off.
I am sure we did not create the whole ruckus that happened after this incident.
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