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West could cut U.S. dollar access for Russian companies, UK's Johnson says


Nov 4, 2011
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West could cut U.S. dollar access for Russian companies, UK's Johnson says​

By Guy Faulconbridge
and Kate Holton
February 20, 2022

  • U.S., UK could cut companies out of dollar trade
  • Johnson questions if Putin is thinking 'logically'
  • UK is centre of global foreign exchange trade
  • Many Russian exports are priced in U.S. dollars
LONDON, Feb 20 (Reuters) - The United States and Britain would cut off Russian companies' access to U.S. dollars and British pounds if the Kremlin orders an invasion of Ukraine, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson said on Sunday.

The United States and Britain have repeatedly cautioned that Russia is about to invade Ukraine, a step Washington and London say would trigger the biggest conflict since the end of World War Two. Russia denies it plans to annex Ukraine.

Johnson said that Western sanctions on Russia in the event of an invasion would go much further than he has previously suggested in public.

"We are even, with our American friends, going to stop them trading in pounds and dollars," Johnson told the BBC. "That will hit very, very hard."

Johnson, though, questioned if the threat of sanctions would be enough to deter Russian President Vladimir Putin because the Kremlin chief might not be thinking logically.

"We have to accept at the moment that Vladimir Putin is possibly thinking illogically about this and doesn't see the disaster ahead," Johnson said.

Britain, home to the centre of global foreign exchange trading, has previously threatened to block Russian companies from raising capital in London and to expose what Johnson calls the "Russian doll" of property and company ownership.

Britain has not spelled out who would fall under the sanctions, but has pledged that there would be nowhere for Russian oligarchs to hide. Johnson has said targets could include Russian banks. read more

Russia denies it plans to annex another part of Ukraine, after it took Crimea in 2014. Putin says the West is sowing hysteria in a crude attempt to lure Russia into war after ignoring the Kremlin's concerns about NATO enlargement after the Cold War.

Russia, according to Western estimates, has more than 150,000 troops on the Ukrainian border.

Such assessments by U.S. and British spies cannot be trusted as they made so many grave mistakes in the run up to the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq, Russia's first deputy permanent representative to the United Nations, Dmitry Polyanskiy, said. read more


Given Russia's position as one of the world's top exporters of oil, gas and metals - which are largely priced and settled in U.S. dollars - blocking Russian companies from access to dollar markets could have a stinging impact.

Putin has repeatedly called for reducing reliance on the U.S. dollar trade and recent major energy contracts with China have been priced in euros.

Russia's largest oil company Rosneft (ROSN.MM) fully switched the currency of its contracts to euros from U.S. dollars to shield its transactions from U.S. sanctions, CEO Igor Sechin said in 2019.

London is by far the biggest centre for global foreign exchange, accounting for more than 43% of the total turnover, according to the Bank for International Settlement. The dollar is the most traded currency, followed by the euro, yen and British pound.

Hundreds of billions of dollars have flowed into London and Britain's overseas territories from Russia since the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991, and London has become the Western city of choice for the super-wealthy of Russia and other former Soviet republics.

Western intelligence services believe Putin may order an unconventional attack on Ukraine which might require the West to make a swift judgement call on the imposition of sanctions, a senior Western official said on Friday.

The Americans wouldn't mind having the Russian's invade Ukraine - they are looking to put sanctions on Russia that will make what they did to Iran a cakewalk and then sponsor a freedom/liberation movement.
The Americans wouldn't mind having the Russian's invade Ukraine - they are looking to put sanctions on Russia that will make what they did to Iran a cakewalk and then sponsor a freedom/liberation movement.

Sanctions will not impact Russia.

Russia is resource rich. It has Oil, Gas, Gold, Precious Stones, Aluminum etc.

There will always be enough countries to do barter trade for precious Russian resources.

West is betting on crippling Russia in Ukraine like they did with Soviets in Afghanistan.

West has mastered the art of insurgencies and revolutions.
Before no country was in a position to challenge dollar, but now the situation changed.
So you really believe everyone wants to replace the dollar with the yuan?

The only reason anyone in their right mind would want the yuan is if they didn't have access to the dollar, not because yuan is considered better and safer than the dollar. At the same time, the Americans are not daft enough to go around denying everyone access to the dollar.

Adopting yuan for anything is like a last resort, out of desperation.
If this was feasible, Russia would've done so long ago.
It is feasible but your whole economy will revolve around China. Russia try not to put all egg into one basket but current situation dont allow that.

China has so far accept minimal ruble as payment. Priority of cross trade with Russia will still be RMB/Yuan.
So you really believe everyone wants to replace the dollar with the yuan?

The only reason anyone in their right mind would want the yuan is if they didn't have access to the dollar, not because yuan is considered better and safer than the dollar. At the same time, the Americans are not daft enough to go around denying everyone access to the dollar.

Adopting yuan for anything is like a last resort, out of desperation.
it's just started, we'll see in a decade time, US inflation goes up like crazy and they keep printing money, how long do you think they can go on like this?
it's just started, we'll see in a decade time, US inflation goes up like crazy and they keep printing money, how long do you think they can go on like this?
There is this yet to come.


The U.S Dollar is headed for an irreversible decline. China dominates the global economy and it cannot be threatened with sanctions. China has Russia as it's reliable and allied energy supplier. So the petrodollar will be seen swimming in sewage. Trying to attack Russia, with the pathetic and delusional thinking that Russia is weaker of the two (China & Russia), will end up in a horrifying shock to the West.

Russia today is invulnerable to Western sanctions. Russia today has a powerful ally in China. Russia today has military technology which is steadily incrsasing Russia's lead over the West.

The real loser in a Western aggression toward Russia will be Europe. Where France. Germany, Italy, Poland and others will be decimated economically and will be enslaved to Anglo Axis energy supplies.
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