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West can learn to cope with extremism from others

Terrorism in Muslim society can only be defeated by knowledge of Islam. All terrorist dont have good Islamic understanding. China case is different, Uigyur issue is more about their dream to make an independent country than about radikal Islam. Wanting to be independent is something entirely different from being a radical Islam. China should learn from Russia on how they tackle Chechen rebellion which is by giving full autonomi and let them practice Islam as much as they want.

Indonesian visited Chechnya

100 thousands of Chechen civilians died in the 2nd Chechen war, and this is not the ending.
So Gao jian, a scholar, can represent China.

Good answer, Gao Jian should not represent China. But i have heard Globaltimes is the newspaper of Chinese state and what this newspaper writes is the official chinese version. 57 Islamic countries / 28% world population will boycot French products and its god oppertunity for others to step inn and substitute the french products.

Terrorism in Muslim society can only be defeated by knowledge of Islam. All terrorist dont have good Islamic understanding. China case is different, Uigyur issue is more about their dream to make an independent country than about radikal Islam. Wanting to be independent is something entirely different from being a radical Islam. China should learn from Russia on how they tackle Chechen rebellion which is by giving full autonomi and let them practice Islam as much as they want.

Indonesian visited Chechnya

Hindu,muslim,christian,any community that's too deep in religious opium and will stay backward,with their mind flying in infinity ,focused on invisible gods instead of fellow humans in need. Resources are best spend on human development,science,tech instead of sermons to please invisible entities.Respecting religious feeedom is one thing but human development must never be compromised ,including freedom for woman,and children must be free from extreme religious radicalizion ,of whatever religion it may be.
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The extremism was always fueled by the western imperialism for their own geopolitical gain.

Next time, stop playing with fire that may burn yourselves badly!
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Good answer, Gao Jian should not represent China. But i have heard Globaltimes is the newspaper of Chinese state and what this newspaper writes is the official chinese version. 57 Islamic countries / 28% world population will boycot French products and its god oppertunity for others to step inn and substitute the french products.

Globaltimes is a state funded newspaper.
The chinese are keep commiting foreign policy suicide. They are being blasted everyday by the US and nobody likes them but no they have the audacity to add injury to the wound and gather more haters to themselves. Well done China!

As I have said previously China is a totalitarian regime and perhaps the biggest threat to humanity. The Ibrahimic faiths have lived together for centuries Christians, Muslims, Jews etc etc since they are from the middle of the world geographically and know each other. We don't overstep the boundaries but China is a Totalitarian regime and unacceptable for world dominance in my honest opinion. If China doesn't watch it's tone it would be trade blocked entirely from muslim countries don't get involved in what is not your fight
Come on, try to block us like US did, lol.. China is the only country keeps growing, US now is going for a free fall.
Come on, try to block us like US did, lol.. China is the only country keeps growing, US now is going for a free fall.

US is just one country believe me you would feel this one. It would be multiple major markets off the table on one day. this would create famine for you
Do you really believe anyone will believe you , lol..

Believe in whatever you want to believe in but try to commit foreign policy suicide and see for yourself the outcome. Have your gov't come out and say stupid shit publically because this is just a paper but what I mean is gov't officials coming out with garbage publically and see for yourself the reaction. The US didn't try block you entirely they put tariffs on some goods and it was not significiant and they did it moderately.

But this would not be trade war but a blockage more like.
US is just one country believe me you would feel this one. It would be multiple major markets off the table on one day. this would create famine for you

You suddenly jump out and make a long comments here. Did you read the article before post? The article have very good points.

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