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West can learn to cope with extremism from others

Believe in whatever you want to believe in but try to commit foreign policy suicide and see for yourself the outcome. Have your gov't come out and say stupid shit publically because this is just a paper but what I mean is gov't officials coming out with garbage publically and see for yourself the reaction. The US didn't try block you entirely they put tariffs on some goods and it was not significiant and they did it moderately.

But this would not be trade war but a blockage more like.
LoL , I m waiting, at least for now China is the only country keeps growing when the west is crashing.
You suddenly jump out and make a long comments here. Did you read the article before post? The article have very good points.

I have read the article it was not a bad read and he didn't say over the top stuff but still it was indirectly calling for totalitarism

LoL , I m waiting, at least for now China is the only country keeps growing when the west is crashing.

Well for now your are growing that is true but if you commit major foreign policy suicide it would be reverse and If china gets cash stripped it's not gonna be good due to the population size and the rapid growth will slow
I have read the article it was not a bad read and he didn't say over the top stuff but still it was indirectly calling for totalitarism

Well for now your are growing that is true but if you commit major foreign policy suicide it would be reverse and If china gets cash stripped it's not gonna be good due to the population size and the rapid growth will slow

What have you learned from the article?
Well for now your are growing that is true but if you commit major foreign policy suicide it would be reverse and If china gets cash stripped it's not gonna be good due to the population size and the rapid growth will slow
We are not strangers to foreign "China crashing" predictions, keep predicting, lol.
We are not strangers to foreign "China crashing" predictions, keep predicting, lol.

I am not predicting stuff this is a simple fact. If your gov't commits foreign policy sucide it will get cash stripped and blockage this is a certainity. Tread carefully
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It was provocative. I was not real much of a china hater but I am about to cross that line

You learned nothing obviously. You lack the humble attitude. Anyway, this is your problem, so you meet the dilemma at this time. France claims it won't surrender. But what's France solution?
You learned nothing obviously. You lack the humble attitude. Anyway, this is your problem, so you meet the dilemma at this time. France claims it won't surrender. But what's France solution?

Everyone has there choice and no I didn't like the article at all it has nothing to do with any solutions but rather china trying to gain some sympathy from where there is none to gain any. It was a pointless article from a solution point of view. It was provocative imho.

the muslim world hosts the most chinese diaspora in the world where millions of chinese living in Malaysia, Indonesia, UAE, Brunei, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Maldives, Egypt and Kuwait. In total they could reach 15mio no one has ever taken there rights, faith or identity. They are granted cultural freedom, religious freedom and economical freedom where majority of them have been there for generations like 3-4 generations. If anyone attempts on peoples privacy it's totalitarisme. That is what the CCP stands for unfortunately. Even the jews of Israel don't do totalitarisme which is invading peoples private lives and choices
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100 thousands of Chechen civilians died in the 2nd Chechen war, and this is not the ending.

Chechen war is huge but Russia can tame the rebellion by using the present policy. First war is even won by Chechen. Just imagine Russia can lost from Chechen, a very small nation.
Everyone has there choice and no I didn't like the article at all it has nothing to do with any solutions but rather china trying to gain some sympathy from where there is none to gain any. It was a pointless article from a solution point of view. It was provocative imho.

the muslim world hosts the most chinese diaspora in the world where millions of chinese living in Malaysia, Indonesia, UAE, Brunei, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Maldives, Egypt and Kuwait. In total they could reach 15mio no one has ever taken there rights, faith or identity. They are granted cultural freedom, religious freedom and economical freedom where majority of them have been there for generations like 3-4 generations. If anyone attempts on peoples privacy it's totalitarisme. That is what the CCP stands for unfortunately. Even the jews of Israel don't do totalitarisme which is invading peoples private lives and choices

No, you didn't get the points. Let me make it more clear.

"Since the financial crisis, the gap between the rich and the poor in France has widened, with many social issues deepening. Religious and racial conflicts are intertwined with social problems. For example, one may find it difficult to get a job in France if he professes to be a Muslim."

From this section, you can learn: governement can help muslim migrates to find jobs or create more job chance for them. Jobless poor persons are problem for any country.

"Although France has always wanted to maintain a more open and inclusive environment, it faces a conundrum: How to sustain cultural diversity and classical secular values at the same time? This is a serious paradox. France has not found a good way to guarantee the coexistence of multiple religions and secular values."
From this section, you can learn respect other's values or mutual respect. You can't insult their religious prophet.

"All governments are faced with challenges to eliminate extremism. Every country needs to manage daunting hurdles to counter corresponding religious terrorism. At this moment, France is launching a de-radicalization campaign. If it works well, other countries can learn from France's experience. Hopefully, they will not make similar mistakes should any arise."
From this section, you can learn the world is observing how France do this time. Don't make the brainless comments next time.

"In terms of de-radicalization, the West can also learn lessons from others. First of all, the West cannot look at this issue through tinted lenses or with double standards. When Western countries suffer terrorist attacks or are plagued by religious extremism, China has always shown sympathy or support. But when China encounters similar problems, the West uses a double standard to judge China. This is unfair and immoral. "
From this section, you can learn that don't ingore blindly others' efforts and advices.
Chechen war is huge but Russia can tame the rebellion by using the present policy. First war is even won by Chechen. Just imagine Russia can lost from Chechen, a very small nation.
Stop misleading readers. Russia lost first chechen war not becos chechen are capable but becos of incapable leader like Yeltsin and Russia armed forces just suffer the after effect of soviet union collapse. Putin order a massive bombardment that literally destroy the whole chechen city. There is no way the rebels can win.

Everyone has there choice and no I didn't like the article at all it has nothing to do with any solutions but rather china trying to gain some sympathy from where there is none to gain any. It was a pointless article from a solution point of view. It was provocative imho.

the muslim world hosts the most chinese diaspora in the world where millions of chinese living in Malaysia, Indonesia, UAE, Brunei, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Maldives, Egypt and Kuwait. In total they could reach 15mio no one has ever taken there rights, faith or identity. They are granted cultural freedom, religious freedom and economical freedom where majority of them have been there for generations like 3-4 generations. If anyone attempts on peoples privacy it's totalitarisme. That is what the CCP stands for unfortunately. Even the jews of Israel don't do totalitarisme which is invading peoples private lives and choices

First , China doesn't persecute and kill Muslims , you are barking up the wrong tree. second, India does persecute and kill Muslims in tens of thousands if not millions, do you see any Muslim countries are boycotting India? Many of them are close Indian buddies, it was China who brings up Kashmir issues again and again to UN, not your Muslim brothers, wake up!
Modern Sunni extremism started out as Anglo Jewish project against the Hashimite anti Balfour stance.

In comparison, Modern Shia being an enemy of Jews are far more moderate.

Modern Ahmadya is totally non violence.
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Absence of influence of Anglo Jews, Sunni are very tolerant. For example the Sunni of Syrian were instrumental in murdering all the Jihadhist, even that mean putting the Alawite elites on power.

Aleppo a Sunni city even celebrate Christmas shortly after kicking out USA Turk back jihadhist.

Unfortunately, many Sunni were under the propaganda, distributed by the Saudi/Egypt trained clerics. These countries were client states of USA.

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Malay extremism is due to loser and inferiority complex.

US and Jews killed millions of Muslims.

Chinese in has not harm Malay.

Yet Malay hate Chinese more than hate US.

Terrorism in Muslim society can only be defeated by knowledge of Islam. All terrorist dont have good Islamic understanding. China case is different, Uigyur issue is more about their dream to make an independent country than about radikal Islam. Wanting to be independent is something entirely different from being a radical Islam. China should learn from Russia on how they tackle Chechen rebellion which is by giving full autonomi and let them practice Islam as much as they want.

Indonesian visited Chechnya

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