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West afraid of 'Putin's anti-US alliance'


Apr 8, 2007
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Years ago, Goldman Sachs economist Jim O'neill coined the term BRIC for the four largest emerging countries that were threatening the global economic status quo. Now, The Times' columnist Roger Boyes is implicitlyproposing a new term – RIC, for describing what he calls "Putin's anti-US alliance" because in his view, Russia, India and China are a threat to the existing world order.

Boyes is not the only western opinion maker who is very concerned about thecreation of the new anti-American block. According to RT, even the Bilderberg club is concerned about the possibility that Iran and other countries will be drawnto the new block built by Russia and China, making life difficult for the US and its European vassals. Even experts who believe that a formal alliance is unlikely in the near future, like The Diplomat's Dingding Chen, argue that "the US should be careful not to make another strategic mistake that would only facilitate a formal China-Russia alliance."

There are numerous reasons why a new Asian geopolitical alliance, whether formal or informal, is a good idea for Asian countries, including India and Iran.Banded together with Russia and China, all countries that are threatened by the US' bullying, also known as "US diplomacy," will feel safer and will have more chances to keep the US bombers and US influence away from their borders.Judging by articles in western media, the new American strategy for preventing the formation of a new anti-US alliance can be summed up as "less bullying, more seduction."

Washington's expert community seems to be very concerned about theimplications of India's rapprochement to China and its longstanding good ties with the Kremlin. India's new and hugely popular Prime Minister Narendra Modi has been under US sanctions for years, but at the same time he had always foundattentive interlocutors in Beijing. If Modi stays true to his own mantra "India first," then the obvious route for India is to get closer to Russia and China. Becoming a tool for the US' strategy of "containing China" and "isolating Russia" will bring no benefit to India, while Modi himself will always be viewed as a pariah, unworthy to sit at the same table with the likes of Barack Obama or Francois Hollande.

It is interesting that even smart and well-informed western journalists like The Times' Roger Boyes are advising Washington to "court" the new India and play on the "fact" that Russia is "a junior partner" in its relationship with China. The idea that Washington could try and offer some genuine concessions or a mutually beneficial relationship to New Delhi or Moscow doesn't even cross the mind of the British columnist. Such an attitude is a prime example of what's wrong with the US and the EU's foreign policy.

The West should stop treating the East as a set of colonies that can either be bullied or tricked into submission because otherwise all nightmares thatWashington's decision makers have because of a potential "Putin's anti-US alliance" will become real in the nearest future.

West afraid of 'Putin's anti-US alliance' - News - Reality Check - The Voice of Russia: News, Breaking news, Politics, Economics, Business, Russia, International current events, Expert opinion, podcasts, Video
congrats , you did a good job as a mouthpiece for an article from " the voice of russia"

think tank analyst - - more like "oh look shiny object with anti US header, let me copy /paste":lol:
India's new and hugely popular Prime Minister Narendra Modi has been under US sanctions for years, but at the same time he had always foundattentive interlocutors in Beijing. If Modi stays true to his own mantra "India first," then the obvious route for India is to get closer to Russia and China. Becoming a tool for the US' strategy of "containing China" and "isolating Russia" will bring no benefit to India.

Very true. :cheers:
Where are the people who say India is a servant of America? Where are they people that say India doesn't have an independent foreign policy? Where are you?
Russia only herself can challenge the whole world not only usa, nato or china, so you don't talk tough to us!
congrats , you did a good job as a mouthpiece for an article from " the voice of russia"

think tank analyst - - more like "oh look shiny object with anti US header, let me copy /paste":lol:

1) Obviously, there is far more anti-Russia (anti-China, anti-Iran, basically anti- every country that isn't a Western puppet) propaganda on Western media.

2) Hillary Clinton herself had revealed that Washington was basically terrified of Russia's new Eurasian Union way back in 2011. She explicitly said that Washington would do everything it can to prevent it from happening or slow it down. Ukraine was going to be part of this Eurasian Union, that's why the West created this whole mess. It's extremely obvious to everybody that you have zero knowledge on international relations.
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1) Obviously, there is far more anti-Russia (anti-China, anti-Iran, basically anti- every country that isn't a Western puppet) propaganda on Western media.

2) Hillary Clinton herself had revealed that Washington was basically terrified of Russia's new Eurasian Union way back in 2011. She explicitly said that Washington would do everything it can to prevent it from happening or slow it down. Ukraine was going to be part of this Eurasian Union, that's why the West created this whole mess. It's extremely obvious to everybody that you have zero knowledge on international relations.

Why? I mean I can understand why a India-China-Russia alliance would be undesirable for USA, but why terrified?

Besides the obvious, that USA/China/India have more problems between themselves than they have with Washington, India doesn't have any areas where it's interests collide with the USA (but they have a lot with Pakistan, China long term ally), Russia is in a lot of troubles with Ukraine/E Europe/Caucasus and China would rather like to work with the USA then against it.

So why "terrified"?
^ why would China want to work with USA when we are getting ready for a nuclear strike against her?
Very true. :cheers:
Expect western nations and their media to open their hearts and go gaga over how close India and west are as democracies in coming days.This sort of flattery won't work with Modi.He will choose what's best for India.:D i guess Like i said before Usa fears the RIC club and looking at things now,the winds are definitely flowing in favor of RIC club :P
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We are nor against anyone. Not even Pakistan. As long as we are left in our own state ands at peace we don't want hostile relations with anyone.

But that doesn't mean that we won't look at or national interests when pushed around.

That's all. @MBIMunshi tell me, what gives you the inkling that our new regime is anti US? We just don't like some of their actions and their meddlesome nature.

If they can iron out some issues we are at peace with the Americans.

Not approving something is not equal to hating them you know.
Washington's expert community seems to be very concerned about theimplications of India's rapprochement to China and its longstanding good ties with the Kremlin. India's new and hugely popular Prime Minister Narendra Modi has been under US sanctions for years, but at the same time he had always foundattentive interlocutors in Beijing. If Modi stays true to his own mantra "India first," then the obvious route for India is to get closer to Russia and China. Becoming a tool for the US' strategy of "containing China" and "isolating Russia" will bring no benefit to India, while Modi himself will always be viewed as a pariah, unworthy to sit at the same table with the likes of Barack Obama or Francois Hollande.

It is interesting that even smart and well-informed western journalists like The Times' Roger Boyes are advising Washington to "court" the new India and play on the "fact" that Russia is "a junior partner" in its relationship with China. The idea that Washington could try and offer some genuine concessions or a mutually beneficial relationship to New Delhi or Moscow doesn't even cross the mind of the British columnist. Such an attitude is a prime example of what's wrong with the US and the EU's foreign policy

West afraid of 'Putin's anti-US alliance' - News - Reality Check - The Voice of Russia: News, Breaking news, Politics, Economics, Business, Russia, International current events, Expert opinion, podcasts, Video

they are reading too much. India will not be Anti- anyone as long as there is mutual benefits, we need business with US, hell we do more business with US than we do with russia. We might not agree with everything that US does but thats their stand, if we don't like it we make our opposition felt.
That is really hypocritical.

You think russia does not afraid u.s.-led anti-russia alliance???

"Never impose on others what you would not choose for yourself."

Years ago, Goldman Sachs economist Jim O'neill coined the term BRIC for the four largest emerging countries that were threatening the global economic status quo. Now, The Times' columnist Roger Boyes is implicitlyproposing a new term – RIC, for describing what he calls "Putin's anti-US alliance" because in his view, Russia, India and China are a threat to the existing world order.

Boyes is not the only western opinion maker who is very concerned about thecreation of the new anti-American block. According to RT, even the Bilderberg club is concerned about the possibility that Iran and other countries will be drawnto the new block built by Russia and China, making life difficult for the US and its European vassals. Even experts who believe that a formal alliance is unlikely in the near future, like The Diplomat's Dingding Chen, argue that "the US should be careful not to make another strategic mistake that would only facilitate a formal China-Russia alliance."

There are numerous reasons why a new Asian geopolitical alliance, whether formal or informal, is a good idea for Asian countries, including India and Iran.Banded together with Russia and China, all countries that are threatened by the US' bullying, also known as "US diplomacy," will feel safer and will have more chances to keep the US bombers and US influence away from their borders.Judging by articles in western media, the new American strategy for preventing the formation of a new anti-US alliance can be summed up as "less bullying, more seduction."

Washington's expert community seems to be very concerned about theimplications of India's rapprochement to China and its longstanding good ties with the Kremlin. India's new and hugely popular Prime Minister Narendra Modi has been under US sanctions for years, but at the same time he had always foundattentive interlocutors in Beijing. If Modi stays true to his own mantra "India first," then the obvious route for India is to get closer to Russia and China. Becoming a tool for the US' strategy of "containing China" and "isolating Russia" will bring no benefit to India, while Modi himself will always be viewed as a pariah, unworthy to sit at the same table with the likes of Barack Obama or Francois Hollande.

It is interesting that even smart and well-informed western journalists like The Times' Roger Boyes are advising Washington to "court" the new India and play on the "fact" that Russia is "a junior partner" in its relationship with China. The idea that Washington could try and offer some genuine concessions or a mutually beneficial relationship to New Delhi or Moscow doesn't even cross the mind of the British columnist. Such an attitude is a prime example of what's wrong with the US and the EU's foreign policy.

The West should stop treating the East as a set of colonies that can either be bullied or tricked into submission because otherwise all nightmares thatWashington's decision makers have because of a potential "Putin's anti-US alliance" will become real in the nearest future.

West afraid of 'Putin's anti-US alliance' - News - Reality Check - The Voice of Russia: News, Breaking news, Politics, Economics, Business, Russia, International current events, Expert opinion, podcasts, Video
That is really hypocritical.

You think russia does not afraid u.s.-led anti-russia alliance???

"Never impose on others what you would not choose for yourself."
Usa was always the good guy and the russians always the bad guys, see their movies. :D

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