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'We're going to slaughter you': The children of Syria's IS camp


Nov 4, 2011
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'We're going to slaughter you': The children of Syria's IS camp

Seem like a lot of places can be called camps, how many people know those camps?

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Can't imagine kids this young have their minds filled with hate and desire for killing, what kind of a life they are going to lead after they grow up?

Give them guns and they will kill. That boy must have been what, 10 years old ?? His words go against the modern Western theory that anyone under the age of 18 is an uncorrupted innocent angel.
They are brainwashed. Take them out of that environment and give them proper care and education.

Many terrorist organization used children for their terror activities... The Cambodian Kama Rouge the Rwandan Hutus and Tutsis did the same.

Rehabilitation can be done if done at a young age.
It's a cult everyone with some brain cells knows this. This is why I support reeducation camps in China and whole Asia should follow China to remove this cult from their countries. China is right to call it a mental illness.

One with glasses over the Niqab tho.. :woot::rofl:
It's a cult everyone with some brain cells knows this. This is why I support reeducation camps in China and whole Asia should follow China to remove this cult from their countries. China is right to call it a mental illness.

The believers of all religions need to take a chill pill.
Absolutely. I will not rest until the whole world believes in our sacred coconut god

But how ?? Do you have a secret army of coco-nuts ?? I mean something like the villains from a James Bond film ??
Just Google to see pictures of people before US invasion of Afghanistan, Iraq and Syria to see whether it is Islamic extremism or CIA project to wage more wars.

Yes, the government of Afghanistan in the 80's was a Progressive one before USA government decided to create al-Qaeda to destroy that country.

Iraq, Syria, Libya and Venezuela also were Progressive societies before the USA government again decided to interfere which then created failed states.

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