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'We're going to slaughter you': The children of Syria's IS camp

These women should be first made infertile and thrown in jail for life. Their kids should be taken and put in rehabs. These are sick people who only see violence.
These children are victims and should be taken away from these horrible women. They attack camp whenever they get a chance, I don't know how the Kurds are being so patient with the people who would kill them if they had the chance. My views towards Kurds have definitely become more positive, they have fought and bled to destroy IS, yes they had air support from US but most of the ground troops were made of Kurdish fighters. I think its time Kurds make their own country at least in Iraq and Northern Syria where they can live with freedom and without the constant threat of IS and other Arab/Turkish armies threatening to kill them.
'We're going to slaughter you': The children of Syria's IS camp

Seem like a lot of places can be called camps, how many people know those camps?

This is how they brain washed Afghanistan's new generation in past 15 years.
Can't imagine kids this young have their minds filled with hate and desire for killing, what kind of a life they are going to lead after they grow up?

I am trying to figure that out, any place in the world they would cause trouble and conflict. So send them back to Saudi Arabia where radicalism is tolerated and promoted.

The point is to keep attacking the Middle East until they are pushovers for the Greater Isreal Project. Iran is modern but not radical, and is no pushover. Iran and Turkey need to be the guides to faith, family and country. Iraq needs Iran. Syria needs Iran and Russia. Egypt is a CIA asset. Saudi Arabia is a Washington puppet. Jordan is Washington ally. Gulf states are Washington allies. Qatar is reliant on Iranian freedom from the West for their security.

It is imperative that Syria and Iraq are rebuilt and made strong again, so radicalism does not rise up and so there is peace in the Middle East. The Genocidal West bring death.

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