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We'll Join Taliban,if not supported: Militia

Ikhwanul Muslim was a terrorist group created by India in country of Kashmir to kill Kashmiris and blame it on Kashmiri freedom fighters and thus malign the struggle so please spare us of your misplaced comparison

Sorry, you are ill informed. IUM was a pro independence Kashmiri militant group which existed with groups like JKLF and al Badr once upon a time. They were opposed to the pro Pak groups like the HM and Harkat ul ansar. Inter - tanzeem fights and encounters were common till they were dissolved in all but the name like the JKLF. Anyway do what you will.
Sorry, you are ill informed. IUM was a pro independence Kashmiri militant group which existed with groups like JKLF and al Badr once upon a time. They were opposed to the pro Pak groups like the HM and Harkat ul ansar. Inter - tanzeem fights and encounters were common till they were dissolved in all but the name like JKLF.

IoM was penetrated by Indian agents and they had then killed many civilian Kashmiris in Indian Occupied Kashmir on behest of occupier forces of India just to malign Kashmiri original freedom fighters. and i am much informed then you i know very well how Advani and Mufti saeed had worked against HM and all big commanders were killed and the same chief of HM Mr Salahuddin (whom you indins blame more than often) had facilitated weakening HM. He had joined hands with Mufti saeed and advani who were friends.

all these traitors will face the consequences one day for betraying Kashmiris and their country Kashmir

Everyone is a traitor for someone. Like these militia people being killed in bomb blasts are traitors in the eyes of Talibans. You can't advocate violence in other countries and demand sympathy for your own cause.

Extremism will never solve anything.:tdown:
Its responsibility of the elected govt not army.

as far as resources are concerned they use their own weapons and ammunition, now do you think ammunition is coming free? they are poor people spending from their own pockets so govt should pay for it otherwise its easy for them not to lend any support and not even report presence of any terrorist there which is going to mess up everything

Jana bibi I completely agree with ur sentiments. I would like to add only one thing and that is that there are no punjabi or other kind of tallies they are all the same and are all enemies of common Pakistanis and the state of Pakistan. Yesterdays massacre at the funeral was as sad as was the massacre i'n pindi the day before. It is the stupid gov of ours which is too busy with their corruption and i'n the process ignoring the plight of common Pakistani people.
Everyone is a traitor for someone. Like these militia people being killed in bomb blasts are traitors in the eyes of Talibans. You can't advocate violence in other countries and demand sympathy for your own cause.

Extremism will never solve anything.:tdown:

So u are sympathizing with the cause of the talibans. Stop with this typical bs of urs. The malitia are common Pakistanis who are fighting against the traitors who are trying to destroy Pakistan and killing Pakistanis.
IoM was penetrated by Indian agents and they had then killed many civilian Kashmiris in Indian Occupied Kashmir on behest of occupier forces of India just to malign Kashmiri original freedom fighters. and i am much informed then you i know very well how Advani and Mufti saeed had worked against HM and all big commanders were killed and the same chief of HM Mr Salahuddin (whom you indins blame more than often) had facilitated weakening HM. He had joined hands with Mufti saeed and advani who were friends.

all these traitors will face the consequences one day for betraying Kashmiris and their country Kashmir

Wow, Well those 'civilians' were pro Pak and anti indepence over ground workers of the JI commonly known as Jamaatis. they were killed by the IUM because they regularly provided logistics including shelter and intelligence to the 'Mehmans' or guests and got the local militants killed. BTW, you sound like a regular propaganda machine on over drive. But you missed out on words like imperialistic and Zionist. But all this is off topic really. Thanks for the healthy though short debate, enjoyed it.
So u are sympathizing with the cause of the talibans. Stop with this typical bs of urs. The malitia are common Pakistanis who are fighting against the traitors who are trying to destroy Pakistan and killing Pakistanis.

No am not sympathizing with the Talibans. No sane person would. I was replying to Janas comment about,"traitors having to pay the price" . Its one mans traitor other mans chum debate all over again.

Point being stop advocating violence and extremism of any kind. And I have never interacted with you before so I don't know how you know about my typical bs.:no:

Everyone is a traitor for someone. Like these militia people being killed in bomb blasts are traitors in the eyes of Talibans. You can't advocate violence in other countries and demand sympathy for your own cause.

Extremism will never solve anything.:tdown:

Sorry there is no legitimacy for any individual terrorist group to call anyone traitor. The term traitor can be only applied by the legitimate government against those conspiring against the State/country.
People FATA is the Texas of Pakistan. These people love their guns and its customary that every man carries a weapon. There are over 1 Million armed civilians in FATA, not terrorists just armed. A very small percentage of the total population is inclined towards extremism but everyone takes the heat. They can not sit it out because they are in the middle of the conflict. Their relatives and neighbors die whenever there is collateral damage. I just can not see how can just sit it out when people you know are being needlessly murdered and tormented.
This is what PTI advocates and says that most of the people are on the side of the government and do not condone extremism. They just join the Taliban because they feel that by doing so, they and their loved ones are better protected. All we need to do is help and support these militias and the Taliban will be a part of history before you know it. The terrorists can not operate and succeed without the support of the locals. Get those locals on your side and you win the war. Mind you these locals have been on your side for the better part of the history of Pakistan because we never had the need to deploy regular army in our frontier region before the WoT began.
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