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So how many of them are in Kashmir and concentrated in the Kashmir valley...rest of the Kashmir, Ladakh is sparingly populated. 7 lacs is the most often quoted figures in all media, including neutral media.

If 7Lakh people are cramped up into a small Kashmir region, then there will be military around every corner. And like I said, the army does not involve in crowd control operations. It is done by the Kashmir police and reserve police.
This is senseless, they are the sons of the soil...territories belong to the people who lives there for thousand of years.
What happened to the sons of the soil in the Shakshadam valley who lived there for thousands of years. Heh!
All that you said is good and true. But most of my Hindu friends (trust me, I have many) care two hoots about Kashmir. For self preservation Hindus are the ones to leave at the first sight of trouble. Look at us. We still remain in our ancestral places.

That's because you haven't experienced atrocities of the scale of Hindus.

How do you know i am lying. people do what it take to survive but that don't mean they wont fight back on their land of course women and children most likely to leave but some young fighters will not.

Yes but did women, children and elders left Kashmir? Eliminating fighters and skirmish on LoC is child's play for Indian army. Fighting stone pelters hiding behind girls and kids is real pain. Kashmiris and Pakistanis were so desperate that they even tried to bank on arrest of Salman Khan. It gives you clear indication that they cannot overpower Indian state and thus will resort to Palestinians techniques of putting 5 year old in front of pallets and military bunkers.

Indian air force saved thousands of Muslims in wartorn Yemen, many of them foreigners, elders, women and babies. That's called escaping a war zone.
That's because you haven't experienced atrocities of the scale of Hindus.

Yes but did women, children and elders left Kashmir? Eliminating fighters and skirmish on LoC is child's play for Indian army. Fighting stone pelters hiding behind girls and kids is real pain. Kashmiris and Pakistanis were so desperate that they even tried to bank on arrest of Salman Khan. It gives you clear indication that they cannot overpower Indian state and thus will resort to Palestinians techniques of putting 5 year old in front of pallets and military bunkers.

Indian air force saved thousands of Muslims in wartorn Yemen, many of them foreigners, elders, women and babies. That's called escaping a war zone.

Stop your cheap Indian propaganda on here please stop insulting our intelligence.
it was Indian super army that was tying up Kashmirs on front of trucks to parade them and humiliate them. Child play for Indian army like fake surgical strike.
The only thing Indian army is good for is beating unarmed civilians and raping young girls.

Stop your cheap Indian propaganda on here please stop insulting our intelligence.
it was Indian super army that was tying up Kashmirs on front of trucks to parade them and humiliate them. Child play for Indian army like fake surgical strike.
The only thing Indian army is good for is beating unarmed civilians and raping young girls.

This looks all so simple...India need to win the hearts and minds of the people of Kashmir, as Pakistan NSA Nasir Janjua has said, referring to Pakistan success in doing the same in Balochistan.

And this can't be done with the current hardliner tactics used by India, it is only emboldening the freedom cause.

He is duffer and should be fired from post and tried in military court if he has committed that treason. How can you compare Balochistan a legal territory of Pakistan with IOK an occupied territory by Indians.
This looks all so simple...India need to win the hearts and minds of the people of Kashmir, as Pakistan NSA Nasir Janjua has said, referring to Pakistan success in doing the same in Balochistan.

And this can't be done with the current hardliner tactics used by India, it is only emboldening the freedom cause.

Peace is a hard earned subject in the world we leave in...If peace can be achieved by accepting wishes of all the people...the world will be a chaos....
Kashmir valley is not happy with India.....i think this is nothing new for us...Does that mean India will allow the session of Kashmir valley....Of course no...In our part of the world, human life is not respected....Pak army bombed and made operation in your tribal area...Does any one raised any question about the winning of heart and mind of innocent people who are bombed to death in your part of the world????

So all these things are matter of perception of respective nations....Kashmir valley painted the India as "Indian dogs go back"....But they did not understand....these same dogs can bite very hard to them...This is a sad reality of Kashmir issue...Kashmir valley lost sympathy for majority of Indian when they butchered Kashmir pandits in valley..
No, you are lying. When bullets starts flying indiscriminately and tanks starts rolling on streets, people don't care about land. History has shown it numerous times. Self preservation anytime combats over assets.

When tanks start rolling, when bullets starts flying, when jets start bombing, when gunship helicopter rain fire the people still care about the land.

Remember Gaza??

Learn from history!

No army in the world requires 700000 troops to manage 7 million people. The idea behind large number of troops is to use minimum force. The number of troops can be reduced to 20,000 easily with use of Helicopter Gunships and Tanks. Your point of 0.7 million troops in Kashmir is totally inverse to force we want to use in Kashmir.

Yes, they require 700000 troops to occupy a land and oppress its people.

Using Tanks and helicopters in valley is very difficult and very expensive.

Says you, there are no substantiated proof that every other Kashmiri wants freedom from India. You like to think that way. Which is not our issue.


  • Kashmiris don't chant pr-freedom and pro-Pakistani slogan after hummah prayers.
  • They don't create diversion to help the cornered fighters escape.
  • They don't wrap fighter in Pakistani flag.
  • They don't attend funeral of shaheed fighters in large numbers.
Yeah! They do probably love hindia.
Question: Is Kashmir going chip away from India sooner?

Answer: Yes, I guess so!!
Pak army bombed and made operation in your tribal area...Does any one raised any question about the winning of heart and mind of innocent people who are bombed to death in your part of the world????

Pak army first win the hearts and mind of the people.
Then shifted them to another location.
Destroyed the terrorists.
Built infrastructure in tribal areas.
Shifted the population back to their homes.

That's why Pak Army is most loved institution in Pakistan.:pakistan:
Pak army first win the hearts and mind of the people.
Then shifted them to another location.
Destroyed the terrorists.
Built infrastructure in tribal areas.
Shifted the population back to their homes.

That's why Pak Army is most loved institution in Pakistan.:pakistan:

Every country has an army yet we do not see shukria banners over there..its a matter of propoganda..Army has never let civilian government develop..rather the infested the civilian bearucacy with corrupt goons products right out of GHQ. Nawaz sharif for right wing, bhutto for left wing, mullahs for religious wings, MQM for Karachi, etc.
Pak army first win the hearts and mind of the people.
Then shifted them to another location.
Destroyed the terrorists.
Built infrastructure in tribal areas.
Shifted the population back to their homes.

That's why Pak Army is most loved institution in Pakistan.:pakistan:

Trust me..this is the exact same thing that is being told by Indian army about Kashmir too..

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