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because to leave your land is to lose your land to others like occupying force india is. if Kashmirs don't want indians on their land than it is their right who are indians to occupy their land. whenever a big force occupies other people land they always resort to violence against natives and claim that the natives are terrorist but who land it is.
Pakistani's should be the last people giving lecture on occupation,bro your whole history starts and ends with the invaders.
A sense of belonging does exist. My great grandfather voted for the Muslim League. I was a staunch Indian till the Hadiya incident. Now I know what living under non Muslim rule means. Best wishes.

No, you are lying. When bullets starts flying indiscriminately and tanks starts rolling on streets, people don't care about land. History has shown it numerous times. Self preservation anytime combats over assets.

Let me give you perspective from other side. They think the same about land and occupiers.
All that you said is good and true. But most of my Hindu friends (trust me, I have many) care two hoots about Kashmir. For self preservation Hindus are the ones to leave at the first sight of trouble. Look at us. We still remain in our ancestral places.
No, you are lying. When bullets starts flying indiscriminately and tanks starts rolling on streets, people don't care about land. History has shown it numerous times. Self preservation anytime combats over assets.

Let me give you perspective from other side. They think the same about land and occupiers.

How do you know i am lying. people do what it take to survive but that don't mean they wont fight back on their land of course women and children most likely to leave but some young fighters will not.

Pakistani's should be the last people giving lecture on occupation,bro your whole history starts and ends with the invaders.

We are talking current day occupation my son the Indian occupation of Kashmiri people, where men get killed and women get dishonored.
Has any of this helped? I have been hearing about this since 1990. It waxes and wanes but Kashmir is India. It has been and it will be.
For Kashmiris the name 'Pakistan' connotes 'freedom'...freedom from oppression and subversive Indian forces.

Freedom fighters who are for an independent Kashmir also uses this 'idea' of Pakistan, for them Pakistan is not a country but the meaning of 'freedom' and most of the people do this to annoy and irritate the occupied forces there...not just for the love of the country Pakistan...sure they love the country.

You are spot on with your assessment.
You are spot on with your assessment.

This looks all so simple...India need to win the hearts and minds of the people of Kashmir, as Pakistan NSA Nasir Janjua has said, referring to Pakistan success in doing the same in Balochistan.

And this can't be done with the current hardliner tactics used by India, it is only emboldening the freedom cause.
It is the vast majority who want freedom, not a small bunch, it is the doctored Indian media under state control who gives this perception about a small group want independent and the trouble makers are from Pakistan.

Look at the independent neutral media houses to get the correct picture in Kashmir, Indian state controlled media will surely gives a lopsided picture, a doctored one...how can you believe the Indian media unless someone has no sense.

Majority in Kashmir Valley want independence: poll

NEW DELHI (Reuters) - Nearly 90 percent of people living in Indian Kashmir’s summer capital want their troubled and divided state to become an independent country, according to a poll in an Indian newspaper on Monday.

Says you, there are no substantiated proof that every other Kashmiri wants freedom from India. You like to think that way. Which is not our issue.

The independent neutral media source you claim surveyed less than 300 people out of 70 Lakh. Without an actual plebiscite, the exact number of peoples cannot be known. And we are not going to do that, provided both disputed regions have it.

The thread is about Kashmir freedom...add to this many other voices of freedom in India, the suppressed and downtrodden majority versus the casteist ruling elites.

India is now the only country in the world which runs an apartheid system of caste and creed. Why are you defending this apartheid system where humanity is divided between low caste and high caste, where human beings are not born equal, where marginalized Dalits and oppressed Muslims(about 70% of Muslim population in India lives in Ghettos) trying to make a living in constant fear of being lynched for the smallest of mistake, like eating or possessing beef.

There is nothing to defend...you just can't defend a caste based apartheid system, entrenched in India and where there is no escaping, thrown away from world over. And if you defend it you become the part of this system.

Dalits, Adivasis, Muslims worst off, says Indian Exclusion Report

The Adivasis live in regions which follow tribal traditions. They may not prefer modern day facilities and are mostly confined to forest or close to forest regions in groups. The government usually don't disturb them with much rather than a very few medical checkups. Similarly, the Dalits and Muslims who live in Rural Regions. They are not doing bad not just because of the government but the inability of people to assimilate into. They are not forced to live there. It's hard for the government to do everything for free. With time situation improves.

Speaking of caste-based system, what do you mean by the apartheid system? Do you have any idea on what are those? Read and understand the difference.

Isn't it incredible that what you call a small bunch of trouble makers can shut down and paralyse the whole valley at will not to mention how the tens of thousand Indian security forces are finding it difficult to control that tiny minority.....if that what you are lead to believe than it's ideally serving your Netas purpose.
It is isn't hard. How many it took to put your country on hold by a few Rizvis. Was there millions of them? It's not really hard since they are sure they will be back home with may be scratched. Not in body bags.
Says you, there are no substantiated proof that every other Kashmiri wants freedom from India. You like to think that way. Which is not our issue.

The independent neutral media source you claim surveyed less than 300 people out of 70 Lakh. Without an actual plebiscite, the exact number of peoples cannot be known. And we are not going to do that, provided both disputed regions have it.

Not my words, this is an Indian media group survey quoted by Reuters intl'. Not possible to do a survey of 7 million people, surveys are always done this way, picking at random from different strata of people, this is not done in one area to give it more credibility.

I can cite dozen more references of Independent media about 90% of Kashmiris want independence from India. And why do you think they don't want freedom looking at the brutal killings and subjugation on mass scale, if there is small group of people why 7 lacs occupation army in the area...no need for such huge presence if there is just a bunch of people with separatist mind and militancy...this is senseless.
nWe are talking current day occupation my son the Indian occupation of Kashmiri people, where men get killed and women get dishonored.
Don't worry uncle ji,if you don't want to talk about the past,in few years Kashmir issue will also be past ,hope that helps to forget kashmir
Not my words, this is an Indian media group survey quoted by Reuters intl'. Not possible to do a survey of 7 million people, surveys are always done this way, picking at random from different strata of people, this is not done in one area to give it more credibility.

I can cite dozen more references of Independent media about 90% of Kashmiris want independence from India. And why do you think they don't want freedom looking at the brutal killings and subjugation on mass scale, if there is small group of people why 7 lacs occupation army in the area...no need for such huge presence if there is just a bunch of people with separatist mind and militancy...this is senseless.
Sure, I didn't say it's your words. I just quoted the news. Such surveys are superficial. And good for rating. And there is no 7 Lakh Indian army personnel in Kashmir. It's across the Entire state and Indian army do not deal with the protest. Only when there is a terror operation we use special ops. Also, we don't use our Airforce assets on them either unlike some countries.

And honestly, if you are certain then why don't you ask them to come to Pakistan, after all, people are important than land right?
The Adivasis live in regions which follow tribal traditions. They may not prefer modern day facilities and are mostly confined to forest or close to forest regions in groups. The government usually don't disturb them with much rather than a very few medical checkups. Similarly, the Dalits and Muslims who live in Rural Regions. They are not doing bad not just because of the government but the inability of people to assimilate into. They are not forced to live there. It's hard for the government to do everything for free. With time situation improves.

Speaking of caste-based system, what do you mean by the apartheid system? Do you have any idea on what are those? Read and understand the difference.

This is not about Dalits, Muslims, SC/ST, OBC or any high caste Brahmins and others, no one is against these people here, no one holds animosity and hatred for common Indian people and masses who are themselves caught in the unending vicious cycle of the apartheid system(not using the word caste and religion). Need to turn this vicious cycle into a virtuous cycle....

It is for the people to knew their human rights, obligations and duties and if they deemed they along with others are subjugated, oppressed and disenfranchised due to a 'System' they are caught in, they are duty bound to rise against it and raise their voices, make their voices heard. I am all for equality and pluralism....

Sure, I didn't say it's your words. I just quoted the news. Such surveys are superficial. And good for rating. And there is no 7 Lakh Indian army personnel in Kashmir. It's across the Entire state and Indian army do not deal with the protest. Only when there is a terror operation we use special ops. Also, we don't use our Airforce assets on them either unlike some countries.

So how many of them are in Kashmir and concentrated in the Kashmir valley...rest of the Kashmir, Ladakh is sparingly populated. 7 lacs is the most often quoted figures in all media, including neutral media.


And honestly, if you are certain then why don't you ask them to come to Pakistan, after all, people are important than land right?

This is senseless, they are the sons of the soil...territories belong to the people who lives there for thousand of years.
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This is not about Dalits , Muslims, SC/ST, OBC or any high caste Brahmins and others, no one is against these people here, no one holds animosity and hatred for common Indian people and masses who are themselves caught in the unending vicious cycle of the apartheid system(not using the word caste and religion). Need to turn this vicious cycle into a virtuous cycle....

It is for the people to knew their human rights, obligations and duties and if the deemed they along with others are subjugated, oppressed and disenfranchised due to a 'System' they are caught in, they are duty bound to rise against it and raise their voices, make their voices heard. I am all for equality and pluralism....
India has and is giving equal opportunity to every person. We have thousands of example. But I still don't understand why you are comparing a state-sponsored system with that of the caste system which is in the people minds clearly showing your lack of understanding of either of the systems.

Speaking of human rights, I think it's safe to say, we have better human rights than most of the South Asians and better rule of law. And if you were really for equality and pluralism, you should seriously introspect the situation in your country which you already know and I don't need to list here.
Don't worry uncle ji,if you don't want to talk about the past,in few years Kashmir issue will also be past ,hope that helps to forget kashmir

my son Indian are not people you can discuss matters and come to a solution because of uncivilized behavior wont allow it.

just like below video shows welcome to kashmir paradise and shining india.

This looks all so simple...India need to win the hearts and minds of the people of Kashmir, as Pakistan NSA Nasir Janjua has said, referring to Pakistan success in doing the same in Balochistan.

And this can't be done with the current hardliner tactics used by India, it is only emboldening the freedom cause.
Or we can change thr demographics of kashmir in our favor.

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